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17 Cards in this Set

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When was the scientific Revolution

1500s and 1600s

What did the Scientific Revolution introduce?

The scientific method

When was the vaccine for smallpox created


What is natural law

Rules discovered by reason

The scientific method sparked a another revolution called what? What was it?

A revolution in thinking, The Enlightenment

Argued people are brutish by nature and need to be controlled an absolute monarchy

Thomas Hobbes

Who wrote the Leviathan and when

Thomas Hobbes 1651

Believed people give up their freedom to government on return for an organized society

Thomas Hobbes

Believed people have the rite to life, property and liberty. That people are reasonable and moral

John Locke

Who wrote two treatises of government and when

John Locke 1690

Rejected any absolute monarchy believing the best government had limited power

John Locke

Who proposed the ideas of separations of powers and checks and balances as a way to protect liberty

Baron de Montesquieu

Who wrote the spirit of laws

Baron de Montesquieu 1748

Who exposed abuses of power and defended the principle of freedom of speech


Who wrote the Encyclopedia


Who believed that the good of a the community should be placed above individual interests

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Other thinkers, including who, focused on using natural laws for economic reform

Adam Smith