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23 Cards in this Set

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Louis XVI
-Causes financial crisis: left with debt from previous monarchs, but spends more
-"I want to be loved by my people"
-"Eve of Revolution"
Eve of Revolution
-Keeps large budget secret from people
-Spends MORE before revolution (thinks other countries will give loans if the think France is rich)
-postal workers, other workers not getting paid
Estates General
-Louis XVI
-Meeting to discuss finances (representatives from 3 classes meet at Versailles)
-Nobles, Church, lower class (third estate)
-Leader of revolution
part of nobility, but recognizes third estates democratic power
-changes "third estate" to "national assembly"
Bastille Day
-Mob of peasants storm Paris to destroy something linked to royal power
-King sends "training exercise"
mob attacks building of Bastille-executes soldiers
-King backs off-tells soldiers not to go to Versaille
Declaration of Rights of Man and the Citizen
-GUIDELINES for future Constitution in France (short)
-Renames National assembly to Constitutional assembly
-King is only figurehead
Austria and Prussia vs France?
-Austrians: concerned about marie Antoinette (thinks she might get hurt in revolution)-> france declares war
-Prussia- supports russians-> France declares war
Levee en Masse
-first military draft: town to town
-France raises army of 300,000 (ill-equipped) men
-Want full-scale republic (RADICAL)
-No king!
-Assumes power in revolution using The Committee of Public Safety (protects people from followers of king)
-invented by Jacobin to execute counter-revolutionaries
-king and queen (louis and marie) both guillotined in 1793
Maximilien Robespierre
-"Reign of Terror" against anti-revolutionaries
-bc we are a "republic of Virtue"
-Thermidorean Reaction-executed 1794
James Watt
-steam power allows larger, urban mills to be built
-allows for steam locomotives to haul coal
-George Stephenson: makes more efficient locomotive (30 mph)
Liberal Revolution (Latin America)
-Miguel Hidalgo-priest killed by soldiers in mexico
-Latin America wants Spain out
- Simon Bolivav and Jose de san Martin fight campaigns against spain
-Revolution fails, democracy is not maintained
Pedro I of Brazil
-Frees Brazil from Portugal
-Crown prince of Portugal, but overthrew fathers power in Brazil so that he could rule it->becomes "figurehead"
Utopian Socialism
-started by royals that thought capitalism hurt peasants
-Robert Owen, "New Lanark" (factory owner, but great conditions)
Utopians Socialists (examples)
-Henri de Saint Simon: "from each according to his capacity, to each according to his need"
-Charles Fourier: makes utopian ideas popular (populist)
Karl Marx
-Revolutionary Socialist
-"The Communist Manifesto" (1867)
-uses "straw man" arguing
-says history is driven by struggle of the classes with "means of production"
-wants to get to communism
Fredrick Engels
-basically editor of Marx
-factory owner
-abolition of all government and the organization of society on a voluntary, cooperative basis
-Pierre-Joseph Proudnon and Russian Michael Bakunin: radical anarchists
- kill around 300 political leaders (bourgeoisie)
Baron Montesquieu
-"Spirit of the Laws" (1748)
-introduces justive system-> executer (executive), judges (judiciary), and nobles (legislative)
-critiques absolutism
-comedian, french
-"Candide" (1759): german boy meets famous people like monarchs (makes fun of king)
-critical of absolutism
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-"The Social Contract" (1762)
-inspired by voltaire and montesquieu
-says the wild is better than socitey's social contract
-says power only shifts to other powerful people (no use)
-we are no longer human (parties, away from nature)
Adam Smith
-introduces capitalism (opposite of mercantilism)
-"The Wealth of Nations" (1776)
-Laissez Faire (leave it alone)
-"invisible hand" regulate economy-. a person's greed will make sure needs are met