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80 Cards in this Set

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How did the reigns of Alexander III and Nicholas II help pave the way for revolution?
they both upheld an autocratic government without reform
What impact did Russia's involvement in World War I have on the Russian government?
It revealed the weaknesses of czarist rule and military leadership.
How did life change for Russians after the success of the Bolshevik revolution?
Russia was organized into several self-governing republics
Why did Chinese peasants align themselves with the Communists rather than the Nationalists?
The Communists divided land among the farmers, while the Nationalists ignored their problems.
What event in 1937 halted the Chinese civil war?
The Japanese launched an all-out invasion of China
What promises were made to the Indian people in exchange for their service under Britain in World War I?
reforms that would eventually lead to self-government
What influences created an environment for nationalism in Southwest Asia?
the control foreign countries had on their economy and trade, this caused a thirst for reformation
What is the most probable link between militarism and imperialism?
As a country gains colonies, its military grows to protect them.
What key factor led to the formation of the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente?
Bismark's fear of France's army and Britain's fear of Germany's empire
What event in Sarajevo ignited the Great War?
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie
What was significant in the Allied victory at the First Battle of the Marne?
It resulted in Germany's having to fight on two fronts
What was trench warfare intended to accomplish?
to protect soldiers from enemy gun fire on the front lines
Which of the following was used to widen the war?
attacks on African colonies
What gamble did Germany make before the United States entered the war?
That their blockade would defeat Britain before U.S. troops arrived
What impact did the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk have on Germany?
It allowed Germany to focus all their efforts on the Western Front
How did the Allies respond to Wilson's vision for peace?
Britain and France showed little sign of agreeing to Wilson's plan
Britain and France were concerned with strengthening their own security
Britain and France wanted to strip Germany of its war-making power
What actions led to the formation of new nations out of the Central Powers?
provisions of peace treaties signed with the Central Powers
Which of the Central Powers had its territory LEAST changed by the war?
Which country was formed out of two Allied nations and part of a Central Power?
Which of the causes of World War I most helped shape postwar borders?
What was the result of Germany's invasion of Poland?
Britain and France declared war on Germany.
How did the Lend-Lease Act benefit the United States?
It enriched the U.S. economy through selling arms to the Allies.
What was the U.S. response to Japanese aggression in Southeast Asia in mid-1941?
cut oil supplies to Japan
How were the Holocaust and Hitler's "Final Solution" related?
Holocaust is the term for the genocide that resulted from the plan called the "Final Solution".
How did civilians join in the war effort?
scrap metal drives
working in war industries
What was the Allies' plan for victory over the Nazis?
The Allies would fight Germany on two fronts to weaken it.
Why were thousands of U.S. citizens put in internment camps during the war?
They were of Japanese descent and falsely labeled as enemies
Why did President Truman agree to use the atomic bomb?
to bring the war to the quickest possible end
Which statement best describes the division of responsibility for beach landings?
The assignment of beachfront was about evenly divided.
From which directions might the Germans advanced to stop the D-Day invasion?
South and southwest
How did Sigmund Freud's ideas weaken faith in reason?
He believed that much of human behavior is irrational.
What impact did radio have after the war?
It allowed families to enjoy broadcasts of news, plays, music, and sports.
Why did coalition governments usually prove unstable?
They were alliances of several parties who disagreed on many policies.
Why did millions of Germans turn against the leaders of the Weimar Republic?
They had signed the Treaty of Versailles
What was the major cause of the collapse of the stock market?
Stocks sold for more than they were worth.
What fear added to the appeal of fascism in Italy and Germany?
a Communist revolution
Why did Hitler target the Jewish population as scapegoats for all of Germany's troubles?
Hatred of Jews, or anti-Semitism, was a key part of Nazi ideology.
The Munich Conference came to symbolize the dangers of what?
What important role did Winston Churchill play during this period?
He warned that the policy of appeasement was a disaster.
In what way was Japan different from its allies Germany and Italy?
It was ruled by militarists who kept the emperor in power.
What influenced the independence movements of colonial countries?
The spread of democratic ideas
During World War II, the occasional defeat of Europeans by Japanese
The expense of maintaining and governing distant colonies
Which of the following might have relocated after the partition of India?
a Muslim in India
Which of the following was caused by religious conflict?
the civil war in Sri Lanka
What hindered the development of the Philippines after it gained independence?
economic and political dependence on the United States
Which of the following contributed to Singapore's high standard of living?
Singapore was one of the busiest ports in the world
During the late 1900s, how were the Philippines, Myanamar, and Algeria similar?
They all had rulers who refused to accept the results of an election.
Which nation is part of the Central Asian Republics?
In which of the followings ways were the Mau Mau and the PLO similar?
Both fought for the liberation of their respective peoples.
How were the assassinations of Yitzhak Rabin and Anwar Sadat similar?
Each assassin came from the leader's own religion
How did the Declaration of Principles affect Palestinians living in Gaza in 1993?
They were able to elect their own political representatives
Which country would govern a person living in the Sinai in 1980?
What statement did Joseph Stalin make shortly after President Truman's succession?
He said that communism and capitalism could not exist in the same world.
In what way did the existence of two Chinas intensify the Cold War between the United States and the
Soviet Union?
The People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union pledged to defend each other should the need arise.
The United States and the Soviet Union fought to enlarge their spheres of influence in Asia, creating a divided Korea.
The United States actively supported the Republic of China, and the Soviets did the same for the People's Republic of China.
What were the long-term effects of the Cultural Revolution?
widespread chaos that closed down factories and threatened farm production
How did the "Bay of Pigs" failure lead to the Cuban missile crisis?
Khrushchev believed the United States was too weak to oppose Soviet expansion into Cuba.
What was the primary goal for the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan?
to reestablish the Communist regime in Afghanistan
Which country became divided due to Cold War influences?
Which country on the map is the westernmost NATO member?
Which body of water was most likely a site of Cold War tensions?
Black Sea
Which neutral country would most fear being overrun if a shooting war broke out between NATO and
Warsaw Pact countries?
What prompted the generals of Argentina to step down and allow free elections?
the military suffered a humiliating defeat over the Falkland Islands.
Which of the following were obstacles to Latin American nations establishing democratic governments?
powerful militaries
single-crop economies
sharp class divisions
Which of the following factors led to war among Nigerians?
ethnic divisions
Aside from trade restrictions, what was another way that foreign nations opposed South Africa's policy of
exclusion from the Olympic Games
What action did Poland accomplish successfully before any other nation?
remove a Communist regime from office peacefully
What was significant about the outcome of the August coup in the Soviet Union?
The Soviet people lost their fear and defended their freedoms.
What effect did the end of Communist rule have on Yugoslavia?
Without communism as a unifier, ethnic hatred tore the country apart
What was the result of the student protest in Tiananmen Square?
The military arrested, killed, and wounded hundreds of protesters
What did China promise to do when it regained rule of Hong Kong?
respect the economic system and political liberties
What message is the artist conveying by placing communism in a hospital?
that communism is on the decline and in a critical state
This cartoon was published three days after the incident at Tiananmen Square. How did the cartoonist
think that incident would affect China?
It would cause a backlash that would lead to the death of communism there.
Why is a stable economy closely tied to the success of democratic government?
Economic opportunity gives citizens a stake in their country's future
Which two Latin American countries in this chapter are most alike and why?
Brazil and Argentina were both ruled by military dictators before transitioning to democracy.
How did European colonists cause later conflicts in African nations?
They established boundaries that ignored ethnic and cultural divisions.
How was the Soviet Union's foreign policy changed by Mikhail Gorbachev?
Arms control became one of Gorbachev's top priorities
What event caused Germany to rethink its role in international affairs?
reunification of East and West Germany
Which force triggered the events that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union?
How were the breakups of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia different?
Czechoslovakia's breakup was peaceful; Yugoslavia's was violent.
Which event began the process of opening up Chinese-American relations?
Zhou Enlai invited an American table tennis team to tour China.
Why was China's future uncertain after the death of Deng Xiaoping?
Under Deng, China's strong economy produced enormous changes.
Jiang Zemin, Deng's successor, had no military experience.
Hard-line officials favored a shift away from Deng's economic policies.