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105 Cards in this Set

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Explain how the natural barriers helped the Chinese civilization?

Isolated ancient China

List three geographical features that surround the Chinese civilization:

a. Taklimaken

b. Himalaya mountains

c.Gobi desert

Describe what loess is:

Fertile soil

How long did the ancestors of modern humans live in China?

1.7 million

1st Dynasties

What river did the Chinese begin to settle around.


1st dynasties

What was the 1st Chinese dynasty.


1st dynasties

Explain what was unique about its leader.

Engineer mathmatecian

1st dynasties

What type of projects did the leader begin?

Irrigation projects

1st dynasties

What dynasty lasted from 1700BC-1027BC:

Shang Dynasty

Early cities

What is unique about Anyang?

Mainly built of wood

Use detail to describe the walls built by the shang:

Clay and straw

Why were these walls needed?

For protection

What did the Shang military training consist of?

Professional Warriors and driving and shooting from horse-drawn carriage.

According to the Chinese culture what are the two most important loyalties?

Family and Society

The most important chineese virtue is:

Respect for one's parents

Explain what the Elder mail of the family did.

Controlled family property

Describe the role of women in this culture.

They were expected to obey their fathers, their husbands ,and later their sons.

Between what ages was a girl married.

13 and 16 years old

How could a woman improve her social status?

Bearing sons of her husband family.

Explain the living a deceased family members in the Chinese Society.

Power to bring good fortune or disaster

What did the Chinese Spirits demand?

Attention and respect

Shang Supreme god was?

Shang di

Explain how the Oracle bones were used by the Chinese Kings.

Consult with the Gods

One Chinese character

Idea, not sound

What was the advantage of the Chinese writing?

People in all parts of China could learn the same system of writing.

Explain how these advantages helped the Chinese?

Written language helped unify a large and diverse land.

What were the disadvantage of the Chinese language?

Enormous number of written characters to be memorized.

How many characters did a true scholar have to know?


Who overthrew the Shang?


What did they adopt?

Much of the Shang culture

Describe what the Mandate of Heaven?

just a ruler had a Divine approval

How could a king lose the Mandate of Heaven?

A wicked or foolish

Describe the connection between the Mandate of Heaven in the Chinese government.

Became Central to the Chinese view of government

Explain how the Zhou control their vast Empire.

They gave control over different regions.

Describe this governing system used by the Zhou.

Feudalism is a political system

What were the some of the improvements made by the Zhou.

Built roads ,canals to supply them. Coined money

What were the blast furnace used for?

Allow them to produce cast iron

Explain how are and was used to benefit zhou the farmers.

Ability to grow more food helped zhou Farmers support thriving cities

How long did the zhou rule for?

1027 to 256 b.c

How did the zhou Empire become weak?

Nomads from the north and west sacked the city of Hao.

What collapsed as a result of War?

Traditional Values collapsed

What replaced these values?

Love of order


respect of authority


Fertile soil that is blown by the winds from the desert to the West.

Oracle bone

The way the Shang Kings consulted with their gods.

Mandate of Heaven

A just ruler had divine approval of the heavens.

Dynastic Circle

The pattern of rise,decline,and replacement of dynasties.


Is a political system in which nobles,or lords are granted the use of lands that legally belong to the king.


Buddhism was developed in India by a man called Siddhartha gotama, who lived about two thousand five hundred years ago. He became known as the Buddha, which means the enlightened one,because of his wisdom. 500 million Buddhists in the world, mainly in the countries to the east of India.

A time of change

This was a particular serious problem for the Hindus because of their belief in rebirth, which meant suffering not just one life but in many.

Born a prince

Siddhartha was probably born in about 563 BC. Young Prince that would be a great emperor provided he was prevented from seeking the four sights: a sick man,an old man,a dead man and a monk. He would take up the life of a wandering holy man.

The search

Even the most powerful ruler cannot Escape The Suffering caused by illness,old age and death. He saw the fourth site, the monk as a sign that he should leave the palace and search for an answer to the problem of suffering. He became a Wandering holy man. The search led siddartha from one extreme to another. He started with the some holy man, but this did not lead him to an answer. He Then followed a strict fast for 6 years. This left him exhausted and near death. He then realized that the problem of suffering would not be solved by going 2 extremes.

Middle way

Neither indulging in luxury,norcausing undue hardship to his body.


Mayday's in deep meditation. He saw the meaning of all things unfold: he was enlightened.


Buddha attained Nirvana. This is freedom for the cycle of rebirth, and so freedom from suffering.

The three Universal truths

1. Everything in life is impermaneny and constantly changing.

2.People desire and become attached to things that cannot last.

3 There is no internal soul, and what people call the self is simply a collection of changing characteristics.

The Four Noble Truths

1. All life involves suffering.

2. The cause of suffering is desire and attachment.

3. Desire and attachment can be overcome.

4. The way to overcome them is to follow the Eightfold Path.

The Eightfold Path

1.Right viewpoint

2.Right values

3.Right speech

4.Right actions

5.Right livelihood

6.Right effort

7.Right mindfulness

8.Right meditation


Searching within the self during meditation. Concentrating on the idea of impermance and change.

The lotus flower

A common symbol in Buddhism. The mud represents human life;the pure flower symbolizes enlightenment.

The three jewels

Which are called the dhamma,and in the holy order of the sangha. Three jewels because they are so precious. They are sources of help and support to people,and so are also known as the three refuges.

Sacred writings

Important collection of writings is called the Tipitaka (the Three Baskets). This consists of the Buddha's sayings, comments on the sayings, and rules for monks. It was written durning the 1st century BC in Sri Lanka.

The sangha

Sangha is the name given to any comunity of Buddhist monks or nuns. It is custom even today in certain Buddhist countries for boys to spend some time living as monks. This may be for as little as a few days or as long as a few years.

The lotus flower

A common symbol in Buddhism. The mud represents human life; the pure flower symbolizes enlightenment.

The question of God

He did not try to answer the question of whether God exists,or why and how the world was created

The three jewels

Which are called the dhamma,and in the holy order of the sangha. Theses are known as the three jewels because they arenso precious. They are sources of help and support to people, and so are also known as the three refuges.

Sacred writings

One important collection of writing is called the Tipitaka (the Three Baskets). This consists of the Buddha's sayings,comments on the sayings, and rules for monks.

The sangha

Sangha is the name given to any community of Buddhist monks or nuns. Some time living as monks. This may be for as little as a few days or as long as a few years.

The spread of Buddhism

Buddhism spread from its birthplace of Bodh Gaya to many other eastern countries,where it is still practiced today. In India itself, it more or less died out fairly quickly. Some experts think it was reabsorbed into Hinduism, once reforms were made to that religion as a result of Buddhist criticism.

Tharavada Buddhiam

Theravada means teaching of the elders. Theravada Buddhists do not pray to the Buddha. They believe that individuals must make their own way by following the teachings in the Tipitaka.

Mahayana Buddhism

Believe that the Buddha can respond to appeals from people today. Bodhisattvas: people who arw on the brink of enlightenment but who have chosen to stay in the world for that sake of helping others towards the same state. Three of these are Vajrayana,Pure Land and Zen.

Vajrayana Buddhism

The leader of Vajrayana Buddhism, who is called the Dalal Lama, still lives in exile in India.

Pure Land Buddhism

The central figure is a bodhisattva known as Amida Buddha. Anyone calling on his name when they died would be reborn in the Pure Land.

Zen Buddhism

Zen means meditating and Zen Buddhist to try to spend as much time as possible meditating. Zen Buddhist also use riddles, called koans,such as this: what is the sound of one hand clapping? The purpose of koans is to contradict people's usual patterns of logical thinking so that they see beyond preconceived ideas and so attain enlightenment.


Some secret Buddhist buildings are called pagodas. Visitors pay their respects to the Booty by walking around the mound.

Places of pilgrimage

Pilgrimage are those associated with important events in the Budda's life: his birthplace (Lambini Grove ), the place of his enlightenment (Bodh Gaya), the place of his first teaching (Sarnath), and the place of his death (Kusinara).


Wesak is the celebraiton of Buddha's birth and ,in Theravada countries, of his enlightenment and death,too. Offerings are taken to monasteries and there may be a firework display. Celebrations also take place to mark Buddha's first teaching.

Approx.dates of existence of XIA is.

2000 BCE

Important rulers


Type of government or rule.



Flood control,irgation and math

Reason for downfall:


Aprox.date of existence: shang

1532 to 1027

Important rulers

Shang, lad hao wu Dino

Type of government or rule



Written records, War tactics,Warfare tacticals,palaces tomes and bronze.


God shang di

Organization of society:

Class system

Reason of down fall:


Aprox.date of existence:ZHOU

1027 to 256

Important rulers:

Duke of shao

Type of government or rule:



Coinage,road canal, Iron



Organization of society


Reason of downfall


Aprox.dates of existence: Qin

Third century BC

Important rulers

Shi Hangdi

Type of government or rule:


Inventions/ advancements

Building highway and the great wall

Organization of society

Policy called strenghthening

Reason of downfall:

Peasant from the land of Han.

Aprox.dates of existence Han.

400 years A.D

Important rulers


Organization of society



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