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128 Cards in this Set

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Where did the Renaissance begin?
Why is it called the Italian Renaissance?
Because Italy had been the center of the Roman empire
What city symbolized the energy and brilliance of the Italian Renaissance?
Who is the artist who painted the Mona Lisa, or The Last Supper?
Leonardo da Vinci
Who decorated the Sistine Chapel in Rome?
At the heart of the Italian Reniassance was an intellectual movement known as...
In what Cities/Regions did the Northern Renaissance begin?
In the prosperous cities of Flanders
Who between 1590 an d1613 wrote 37 plays that are still preformed around thw world?
William Shakespeare
What are some of the plays that Shakespeare wrote?
Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juilet
Who produced Don Quixote?
Miguel de Cervantes
What is Don Quixote about?
A foolish, but idealistic knight
Who translated the bible into the vernacular?
Desiderius Erasmus
What is vernacular?
The everyday language of ordinary people
Who produced a new greek edition of the New Testiment?
Desiderius Erasmus
What is something that Desiderius Eramus produced?
The Praise of Folly
lines of _ extend north and south while lines of _extend from east and west
longitude, latitude
both north america and south americalie in the _ hemisphere
at which point may one find the equator?
0 degrees latitude
what advantaes do robinson projections have over mercator projections?
robinson projections reduce disortion at the poles
which regions holy text is the tripitaka?
in what moderne day country did both buddhism and hinduism begin?
which is the oldest sof the 5 major religions?
christains would most likely believe the writing found in the
new testiment
on which kind of map would one find the number of people living per square mile?
population density map
_map would most likely show mountains, lakes, and rivers
two examples of spanish conquistadors in central and south america were
cortes in mexico and pizzaro in peru
why did the aztecs under moctezuma hesitate to attack thespanish as they laded in mexico?
the aztecs mistook the spanish conquestadors for the god qetzalcoatl
what most closely describes the views of bartolome de las casas?
he wanted to end mistreatment of the indians in south america in favor of african slavery there
in order from most powerful to least powerful in the society of spanish colonies in latin america
peninsulares, creoles, mestizos and mulattoes, indians and africans
why did settlers in new france prefer hunting, trapping and fishing to farming for survival and income?
the weather in new france was to cold to farm constently
how might one describe native americans alliances formed during the french and indian war?
both the french and the british employed indian rule
how did the treaty of paris 1763 affect north america?
the british won the 7 years war and took all lands east of the mississippi river
what is the most common reason that africans on the middle passage died before reaching the americas?
they most often died of disease on ships which were overloaded with africans
how could one describe the efforts of king affonso of kongo and the almamy of futa toro
they tried to end slave trade but they could not stop the europeans
who replased the portuguese as the dominate traders in the indian ocean?
why did europeans bring africans to the americas?
african slaves were an important labor source on plantations in latin america
businessmen in the 1600's reduced the risk of losing their fortunes by investing in business called
joint-stock companies
_were officials appointed by the king of spain to rule his colonies in america as royal gorernors
_were rights given to spanish nobles in the americas which allowed them to demand labor or taxes from the indians in a certain area
_were those living in latin america who were born in spain
_were people of indian and spanishdescents living in the americas
_were american born descendants of spaniards living in the americas
_was the first english settlement in north america. it was founded in present day virginia in 1607
_sought to strenghtem his control over new france by putting new taxes on and sending catholic settlers to the region
louis XIV
_was a fulani scholar who used islamic law to solidify his empire in west africa and protest slave trading
usman dan fodio
_were strict order catholic missionaries from spain who tried to convert natives to catholicism in south america
_were workers who were forced to labor for a labor for a llandlord in order to pay off a debt
the _was caued by the discovery of new gold and silver deposits in the americas and africa and an overall population increase in the world
price revolution
_is the name given to the seven years war as it was known in america
french and indian war
_was the leader of the zulus, a warrior tribe in southern africa who were later natives to catholicism in south america
the_ is an unwritten agreement in which people give up some rights in order to be ruled and protected
social contract
_were economists who wrote about free market capitalism while_ were philosophers who wrote about liberal government and social patterns
physiocrats, philosophes
natural rights are those rights which
belong to all humans at birth
how did the french governmentand the catholic church respond to voltaires books during the 1700s?
they exiled voltaire and banned his books
according to adam smiths idea of a free market, laissez-faire economy the government should
not be involved in the economy at all
which rulers could have been called enlighted despots?
catherine the great and joseph II
what describes the rococo style of art?
it was personal, refined and charming
what would have most likely have occured a salon in 1750?
intellectuals would discuss enlightment ideas
many government and church officials tried to keep enlightment ideas from sreading with heavy use of
in what ways did the enlightened despots improve the lives of the people?
1. increasing toleration for different religions
2. increasing education
3. increasing the number of new roads and bridges
what are some examples of baroque or classical musicians/composers during the enlightenment?
mozart, handel,bach
daniel defoe's work, robinson crusoe was one of the first examples of
in a _ a king or queens power is limited by the law
constitutional monarchy
the _ is the leader of the parliament, the cabinet and his political party in britain
prime minister
the_ was a law that created Great Britain by joining england wales and scotland together
act of union
whigs and _ were the 2 major political parties in britain during the late 1700s
the us constitutions ideas of a strong central government run by representatives of the people came from
thomas hobbes and john locke
why did the colonists in america resent the taxes that britain forced them to pay?
they had no representation in parliament
britain passed the navigation acts in order to force a _ economy on the colonists
in the _ colonists dressed like indians and dumped british products off british ships into the boston harbor
boston tea party
in the _ british soldiers fired on unruly colonists likking 5 and causing the colonists to protest british control
boston massacre
_ wrote the declaration of independence using the ideas of john locke
thomas jefferson
what made the french economy worse in the 1780s?
1. deficit spending
2. bad harvests
3. costly wars fought by louis XIV
the to[ 3rd estate made up mainly of merchants and proffesionals was called the
in 1789 the national assembly promised to write a new constitution for france by swearing the
tennis court oath
what vent became a nationalist symbol for france during the french revolution?
storming of the bastille
nobles and clergy who fled france during the french revolution were called
when the poor women of paris marched on the palace of versailles what did they demand from the king?
the jacobinf were a radical political group in the legislative assembly who wanted
to create a french republic with male suffrage
under the national convention_ (the right to vote) was extended to all male citizens
which man led the radical and violent committee of public safety
maximilien robespierre
which device were most people excited during the reign of terroe
the aggressive pride in ones country that arose during the french revolution was
in 1793 king louis XIV and marie antoinette were
in 1795 conservatives who took control of the government set up a
working class people who wanted radical changes in the government and society were called
sans culottes
_ was a famous austrain statesman who led the congress of vienna
clemens von metternich
a _ was a vote of yes or no on issues used often by napoleon (usually a national ballot)
the _ was an unsuccessfl blockade of europe declared by napoleon to try to hurt btirains sea trade
the _was written at napoleons orders so that laws would be the same throughtout the grand empire
napoleonic code
shortly after his defeat in russia 1812-1813 napoleon was forced to _ or give up his power
_was created by napoleon through his military conquest and annexation of other territories in europe
the grande empire
at the _ napoleon was defeated by the british, austrains, and prussians and captures for the second time and final time
battle of waterloo
at the_ admiral nelson defeated the french navy and kept the strait of gibraltar open for britain
battle of trafalgar
the congress of vienna wanted to ceate _ and balance of power by putting absolutist families back on their thrones
both the _ and the _ fought for independence from the ottoman empire in the early 1800s
serbs and greeks
at the _ napoleon was defeated by the british, austrains, and prussians and captures for the second time and final time
battle of waterloo
which nation led louis napoleon (soon to become napoleon III) during its revolution od 1848?
at the_ admiral nelson defeated the french navy and kept the strait of gibraltar open for britain
battle of trafalgar
what country broke free from spain by the 1820s?
the congress of vienna wanted to ceate _ and balance of power by putting absolutist families back on their thrones
_ led to haiti to independence while _ led venezuela in independence in the 1820s
toussaint L'Ouverture, simon bolivar
both the _ and the _ fought for independence from the ottoman empire in the early 1800s
serbs and greeks
Who was the first prime minister of italy?
camillo cavour
which nation led louis napoleon (soon to become napoleon III) during its revolution od 1848?
a person who wants to abolish all government is called a
what country broke free from spain by the 1820s?
garibaldi was the leader of the
red shirts
_ led to haiti to independence while _ led venezuela in independence in the 1820s
toussaint L'Ouverture, simon bolivar
Who was the first prime minister of italy?
camillo cavour
a person who wants to abolish all government is called a
garibaldi was the leader of the
red shirts
what did garibaldi do after conquering the 2 sicilies and the kingdom of naples?
he gave his conquered lands to king victor emmanuel II to unite italy
francis joseph ruled a dual monarchy made up of
austria and hungary
because it could explode into war at any time the balkan penninsula was nicknamed the
balkan power keg
in 1861 alexander II _ the serfs in russia
czar nicholas I proclamed that the 3 pillars of russian absolutism were
orthodoxy, autocracy, and nationalism
jews and other non russians were often victims of _ or government encouraged attacks
after the revolution of 1905 czar nicholas II signed the _ giving some new rights to the people
communist manifesto
bismark fought a war with_ in 1864 in order to sieze the territories of schleswig and holstein
in order to achieve his goals for germany, bismark used a cutthrout political way of thinking called
who was the first kaiser of the second reich
wilhelm I (william I)
napoleons invasion of germany in the early 1800's ....
inspired german nationalism
fearing that bismark was too powerful the new kaiser wilhem II (william II) asked his to
how did the german gov promote economic development?
by supporting research, science and development for manufactured goods
why did bismark lead attacks against socialism and the catholic church?
he feared that workers and catholics would be loyal to socialism and the church over him
why did bismark start new social reforms in germany?
to guide workers away from socialism
the italian nationalist movement was called the