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146 Cards in this Set

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What helps during World War One into a global war


Ethnic tensions in Yugoslavia resulted in what?

Ethnic cleansing

What did the artists of the Renaissance focus on

Humanist Concern

Why is Albert Durer often compared to Leonardo da Vinci

He was basically the German Leonardo da Vinci

Why did Martin Luther criticized the Roman Catholic Church

He would criticize the Catholic Church because of the corruption from Tetzel to the church

What did Copernicus propose about the universe

Helio Centric

Why did the Renaissance occur in northern Europe later than it did in Italy

They had less exposure to trading and new ideas.

What was an effect of the printing revolution in 1500s

They provided newspapers and alerted everyone about their surrounds.

What did Martin Luther believe

That the bible was the only thing that can relieve sin.

Salvation was achieved through faith alone

How did Henry VIII react when the pope refused to annul his marriage

He decided to try to tear the church apart and take the Pope out.

What scientist stressed the use of experiment and observation in seeking knowledge

Becon and Descarts

In the 1600 the Portuguese lost control of trade in the Indian Ocean in what country

The Dutch

How did Prince Henry change the course of Portugal history

Encouraged exploration, set up school for sailing, and navigation.

Geographically describe Southern Asia

Peninsula in between China and India with 20000 islands.

What country controlled Vietnam


What was the result of Japan's rule under the Tokugawa shoguns

Japanese Feudalism.

What was a Native American influence on European colonists

Farming and Hunting.

By the 1500 the most important element of African trade with Europeans was what

Gold and Slaves

Many of the new kingdoms that developed in West Africa in the early modern age were influenced by what

Calvinist Reforms.

Who began a vast Global exchange that included people, plants, technology, and culture

Christopher Columbus

Describe the economic policy of mercantilism

Strengthening their national economies.

The Treaty of Paris of 1763 resulted in what

It ended the French/Indian War.

What did Europeans learn from Native Americans

Learned how to grow corn, beans, squash, and tomatoes, and they also learned how to hunt and trap forest animals.

Why did Europeans Traders send Africans to the Americas

So they can trade them for profit.

Who is the best known for his portraits in Spanish Nobles during Spain's golden century

Diego Velazquez

By the Edict of Nantes in 1598 Henry the 4th of France granted religious toleration to what groups


What resulted from the Thirty Years War

The division of Germany and Netherlands and Switzerland becoming Independent states.

During the 1700 what countries battled for control of the German states

Prussia and Austria

Peter the Great forced Russians to accept social reforms that would make their culture more like that of what group

Western Europe

As a result of Peter the Great's war against Sweden, Russia gained what

Access of the Baltic Sea

Who mocked the traditions of Spain's feudal past in his novel Don Quixote

Miguel de Cervantes

in the late 1500 France was torn apart by religious war between Catholic and what group


French styles of art, culture, manners, and Customs became the standard of European taste as a result of the reign of a monarch

Louis XIV

The Stewart kings' claims to absolute power were challenged by what group


what country was divided into many small states as a result of the Thirty Years War


Peter the Great fought the ottoman Turks for what purpose

Land along the Baltic

What happened to Poland in 1796 because of action by Russia, Austria, and Prussia

It lost land mass.

Montesquieu believed the purpose of the separation of powers was to do what

Protect the liberties of the people.

What happened to the European peasant during the Enlightenment

It had little effects on their lives.

What helped Britain become a global power in 1700

Strong Navy

What groups had the right to vote in Britain in 1700

Male Property Owners

Trade within the colonies of the British Empire was controlled by what group

By the government of Britain

The statement "no taxation without representation" was partly influenced by the thinking of whom

John Locke

Thinkers during the Age of Reason challenge the established social order by doing what

By calling for government for reason.

Getting controlled by logic.

Why did Joseph II adopt Enlightenment ideas

He wanted to help his peasants.

The Tory party in Britain was made up primarily of what groups

Wealthy landowners

What was a new feature of English government in the late 1700

Cabinets and the advisors.

American resentment of British rule increased after 1763 why

Taxation without representation

The Declaration of Independence clearly reflects the ideas of what person

The Declaration of Independence closely reflects the Enlightenment ideas of John Locke. The main author was Thomas Jefferson, with a lot of help from Benjamin Franklin.

The bourgeoisie belonged to what estate

3rd Estate

What did the constitution of 1791 do

It limited the Monarch’s powers.

During the reign of terror, Robespierre tried to do what

He tried to run away with his family, get rid of all opposition

What areas did Napoleon Annex to France

Germany, Netherland, Belgium

What was the chief goal of the Congress of Vienna

To end war forever

Why did the Congress of Vienna redraw the boundaries of some European countries

Because they achieved their goal immediately.

France economy was mainly supported by what is estate

Third Estate

Why did French Nobles resistance Necker's Financial reforms

They did not want to pay taxes

How did the Napoleonic Code reflect Enlightenment principles

Everyone equaled under the law even the nobility.

Early in the industrial revolution, working-class women did what

Worked 12 or more hours a day

What conditions during the Industrial Revolution supported of Karl Marx's ideas

The between the rich and the poor

During the Agricultural Revolution the 1700, how did the wealthy landowners increase food production

Modern equipment and 3 field rotation

Why Britain took the lead in the industrial revolution

Had the money to build from wealthy merchants

Which group benefited the most from the Industrial Revolution

Middle class

The idea that the goal of society should be the "greatest happiness for the greatest number" of its citizens was a philosophy held by what group


By 1900, what countries were the world's leading industrial Nations

United states and Germany

What was a direct result of the discovery that germs caused disease

Longer lives

In the 19th century cities called the poor lived where


What group is the most closely linked to labor reform


Which group grew the fastest during the 18 hundreds

Middle class

What characteristics was the most highly regarded by the middle class during the 1800


Why does Darwin's theory Revolution cause controversy

Because it went against the teachings of the church

An example of a romantic painting might be what

A storm tossed beach, cloudy stormy sky

What countries were the world's industrial leaders in 1900

United states and Germany

What scientist' work contributed directly to increased life expectancy in the late 1800

Joseph Lister

What new features of City Life In the late 1800 had the greatest impact on the poor


The saying "A Woman's Place is in the home" reflected the values of what groups in 1850

The Middle Class.

Otto von Bismarck was responsible for what

Unification of Germany

Who was defeated in the franco-prussian war

France was defeated

What contributed to Germany's gross as an industrial power under Bismarck

Ample iron and coal resources.(natural resources)

What made Italy hard to unite into a single country

The different parts of Italy were controlled by different rulers/regional differences

A major threat to the hapsburg Empire came from what


Why did the revolution of 1805 Breakout

Bloody Sunday

Under Bismarck, Germany took a pioneering role in what kind of reform

Social and Economic

What contributions most to the growth of nationalist movements in the Balkans in the mid 1800

The fall of the Ottoman empire

The revolution of 1905 go to what in Russia

Minor changes

What group held the power in the English parliament in the early 1800

Rich landowners

During the 1800, the Liberal and Conservative parties in Britain both worked to do what

Expand the vote for women

Social reforms passed in Britain in the late 1800 helped what group most

The industrial reforms

The name of Napoleon III's foreign policy was to do what

To balance power

Which group would have most likely supported the Corn Laws in Britain


Napoleon III appealed to the lower classes mainly because he promised what

Financial fixes

What was an effect of the Dreyfus Affair

A call for a Jewish state or country for the Jew

Before the Civil War, what was one of the major issues between the North and the South

If the new states coming into the U.S being slave states or not

How did the Industrial Revolution encourage imperialism

The need for raw materials

What country gained control of much of southern Africa during the 1800


Why did both Britain and Russia want to control Iran


What resulted from the Sepoy Rebellion

Tighter British Control

After 1900, Chinese reformers supported what ideas

Freedom; Independance from Britain

What was used as a justification of imperialism

Social or cultural darwinism

In the Boer War, the British fought descendants of which settlers


Why was Ethiopia able to resist the Europeans

They had a well trained army

Why was Muhammad Ali considered the "father of modern Egypt"

Brought industrialization into Egypt

The Sepoy Rebellion was caused by what

Cultural Insensitivity

What did the Indian National Congress want

They wanted Independance

What caused the taiping Rebellion

Cultural insensitivity

What weapons contributed most to the stalemate on the Western Front during World War 1

Rapid-Fire machine guns

Why was World War 1 more destructive than earlier Wars

More weapons: machine guns, zeppelin, and bombingTotal War, the channeling of a nation’s entire resources into a war effort

What side was the Ottoman Empire on in World War 1

The Axis

What helped the Allies to achieve the Breakthrough they sought in World War 1

Involvement of America

What was the role of women during World War 1

Kept the economy going

What was the purpose of The kellogg-briand Pact

To end war forever

To “renounce war as an instrument a national policy

What was an effect of the Great Depression

Global unemployment

Why were Italians attracted to Fascism in 1920

Promised security during time of uncertainty

Why was the Maginot Line created in France

To keep Germany out of France

After World War 1, the work of many important writers expressed what ideas

Feelings of hopelessness/ loss

What had the greatest impact on women's life after World War 1

Labor saving devices

Why did Italians supported the Fascist party?

Promised Stability during time of uncertainty

What trait was most valued in Fascist Italy?

Blind Loyalty

What was one of Hitler’s goals?

Jew Extermination

What became a dress rehearsal for World War II by demonstrating the destructive power of modern warfare?

Spanish Civil war

What city was the target of a Nazi blitz for two months in 1941?


The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii caused what?

The U.S entering WW2

“D-Day” refers to what?

The invasion of Normandy

Which nation suffered the highest number of casualties in World War II?

Soviet Union

The war in Europe ended with the what event?

Surrender of Germany

The major rivals in the Cold War were what countries?

Us and USSR

After World War II, why did the imperial powers gave up their empires?

They lost desire, they were to damaged

What was one of the biggest factors contributing to political instability in African nations immediately after independence?

Spent all time trying to pay back loans

What is a primary cause of global interdependence?


Most of the nations in the global South are what?

They are poor

What happened to developing countries that borrowed money from the West?

All efforts went on repaying loans

What did modern technology do for the world?

Changed life forever

What played a role in ending European imperialism?

Gave up after WWII

What was an effect of the Cold War?

Increased tension around the world

Most of the world’s wealth is controlled by nations in what part of the world?

Global North

What is the most immediate challenge to many developing nations?

Population explosion

What is an effect of urbanization in the developing world?

Changes in cultures

What played the greatest role in spreading American culture around the globe?


What is an effect of increasing global economic competition on the West?

Growth of the service economy in the US

Why was Germany able to reunite?

Communism collapsed

,Berlin fell

What did most Eastern European nations use to achieve democracy?

Peacefull resolution

The civil war in Yugoslavia was fought between what groups?

Servians, Muslims, and Croatians

What issues threatened to tear France apart after World War II?

Algerian independence

What helped resolve trade conflicts between the United States and Canada?

NAFTA, North American Free Trade Association

One strength of the Soviet economy was what?

Full employment

What helped turn World War One into a global war
