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41 Cards in this Set

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Three branches of gov. according to Montesquieu
Legislative- Congress
Executive- President and Agencies
only one ruler
gets to power by force and skill
Absolute Monarchy
one ruler=king/queen
gets to power by inheritance
Ex- king louis of france
Constitutional Monarchy
many rulers
power by inheritance
ex=queen elizabeth
Direct Democracy
Many people vote to make laws
ex=ancient anthens, greece
Representative Democracy(another word=)
Many people
people vote for rep's who create laws
ex=us and rome
$$= bad because causes greed and war
Direct democ is bad because it allows poor/uneducated to vote, and because it killed socrates
wrote book call the republic
ideal gov= philosopher-king who is educated, unselfish, and serves common interest, intelligent, and only voted in by educated.
Tyrants=greedy and selfish
wrote politics
direct democ bad because allows poor and uneducated to vote
ideal gov= set of laws, serves common interest
Divine Right Theory
King/queen are chosen by god
king/queen= absolute monarch
if you disobey them you disobey god
created to maintain power
Magna Carta
Signed by king john and his barons/nobles
it limited the power of the king
king shares power w/his advisors
1925 advisors/council called:Parliament
The Divine Right Theory is ignored
English gov is now a limited monarchy, works w/consent of people, gurantees rights
advisors to king/queen of england
the scientific revolution
time period 1700s
used reason instead of faith or emotion
used scientific studies & observations to develop "natural laws" which are truths about how the world really works
the enlightenment
time period 1700s
people questions &/or challeneged traditional and religious beliefs
used reason instead of faith or emotion
philosophers like John Locke used reason and ovservation to make truths about how social and political world worked
Locke said absolute gov's were not the best
John Locke
People are born "good"
People deserve unalienable rights or natural rights like liberty(freedom),life/pursuit of happiness, and property.
god gave us them
ideal gov= democ/constitutional monarchy, any gov that protects or does not take away our natural rights, any gov operating on our approval or advis, gov must have a social contract with the people
Social Contrat
involves the gov and the people,
the gov has to protect the people's nat. rights, and the people have to pay taxes, vote, community service, obey laws, draft, and jury duty
Declaration of independence
the english king broke the socail contract by taking away peoples natural rights and Locke inspired the USA to cread the dec of independence and kick out the king
purpose of 3 branches of gov
To prevent 1 leader from having all the power, prevent tyranny.
To create a balance of power.
create a stable and long lasting gov.
Industrial Revolution
Time period when england and america changed from an economy based on farming to one based on industry.
Henry Ford
used machines and assembly line to make cheaper cars and he paid his workers well. Car went from 2000 to 500 and he paid 5 a day
Louis Pasteur
determined bacteria caused disease
Edward Jenner
injected people w/ 1st vaccaination
econ. system which buisness items and decisions are owned and determined by private individuals.
no gov regulation(control)
Adam Smith
founder of capitalism and wrote Wealth of Nations
French word meaning captalism or no gov control
Other names for capit.
Free Market Econ.
Free Enterprise
Workers(proletariat) revolt against buisness owners(bourgeoisie)
workers set up a temp gov(dictarorship of the proletariot)
All people except equality so gov. quits/is no longer needed
Karl marx fouunded
People vote for or ask gov to create classless society
gov takes and keeps ownership of private property
similarites of socialism and communism
created because capitalism=unequal
goal= create classless society
provide neccesities of life for free to everyone
Pay all workers the same
Labor unions
groups of workers who collectively bargain for labor reforms
created in response to bad working conditions/wages of indus. revol.
Quartering Act
Colonists had to provide housing to Redcoats
Stamp Act
Taxes on all paper/printed goods
Phrase that colonists said because they had to pay taxes without people in parliament
No Taxation without representation
First estate
Second estate
third estate
peasants and bourgeoisie
King Louis XVI
Spent too much money on the palace off versailles, war with england, and interest on loans
The estates general
a meeting of representatives from every estate
king organized to raise taxes
each individual doesn't get a vote
each estate gets one vote(vote by order)
the kind gets the result, but doesn't have to follow
Vote by order
each estate gets one vote
3rd estate mistreated because
only ones who had to pay taxes
had less political power
had less privileges
could never become part of a higher estate
Tennis court oath
third estate members take it due to influence from abbe sieyes and form new gov called national assembly and create a new constitution called the declaration of the rights of man
Decleration of the Rights of Man
guran. protection of rights of people
protected people from an abusive gov.
estab. a new gov limited monarchy