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37 Cards in this Set

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How are militarism and imperialism linked
imperialism-strong nation dominate weaker nations
militarism-glorifying military, keeping standing army prepared for war.
Use militarism enforced with impearlism
Opium war and boxer rebellion similar
anti-foregin movements in china
how did european colonists cause future conflicts in their colonies
ignored traditions, exploited them from resources
political consequences of impearlism
economic competition, tensions between countries, formed alliances that resulted in ww1
why was ww1 so destructive
trench warfare, neighboring countries, gasoline > machines
characteristcs of totalitarian state
dynamic leader, methods of enforcement, modern technology, dictatorship
how did the great depression create totalitarian states
new leaders stepping up, abandon traditional political parties&ideologies
gavrilo princip
killed archduke
results of apartheid
crime rate rocketed, major construction, and advancements
main purpose of cultural revolution
preserve revolutionary communist values. enforce communism by removing capitalist, traditional and cultural elements from chinese society
why did chinese peasantas align themselves with communists
promised them land
what happened when india was partioned
2 new countries formed
how did the japanese try to build a pacific empire
subjigating china, treatning australia, pearl harbor
mandate system
system established after ww1 to administer former territories of the german and ottoman empires
what caused arab-israeli conflict
wanted oil&accces to waterways, conflicting claims over land
rebuilding jewish state
sino-japanese war and russo-japanese war have in common
japanese attempt at expansion, securing colonies for raw materials
why was war declared after germany invaded poland
UK promised to polands defense
giving in to keep peace
compare fascism and communism
repressive political systems based on the control of a single leader
gandhis role in indias independent movement
recruitung, non cooperation movement
how were japand and england similair during the age of imperialism
insland countriess iwht holds on islands far away
treaty of brest-litovsk
gave german land between prussia ended fighting on eastern fron in ww1
why was the league of nations wesk
did not have US, disention and 2nd ww
how can an economy create revolutons
massive poverty and unemployment, if the people dont agree with govrn
self determination
right to choose own govern
pride and devotion to country
factors that led to the communist revolutions in russia and china
unequal distribution of wealth
results of ww1
europe destroyed, treaty of versailleds, germany pat
reasons fascism rose in germany
disappointed and angry, hitler dissolved parliament, and took power and made germany a fascist state
segregation of nonwhite people in S africa
not communist, state over the individual destructine to basic human rights
what happens when there is rapid industrialization in a deveopling country
urbanization, diffucult work, in poor condiionts
treaty of nanjing
ended first opium war, unequal between china and foregin imperialist powers
how did bolsheviks gain support of peasnats
promised land and used terror
brelin confernece affect africa
carved up africa and set boundaries