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28 Cards in this Set

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1. What 3 countries are involved in the Cuban Missile Crisis?
1. Russia
2. United States
3. Cuba
2. Who was the leader of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Castro (Fidel)
3. Who was the leader of Russia during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Khrushchev (Nikita)
4. Who was the leader of the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Kennedy (John F. – JFK)
5. What did Castro promise to the Cuban people after he took office in Cuba?
• Employment
• Health Programs
• Education
• Honesty in Government
6. What did Castro nationalize in Cuba? (Hint – the answer includes an industry)
• The Oil Industry
• The land –
o That had been owned by American companies &
o Redistributed (gave it back) to the Cuban people.
7. Why did the United States bomb and burn the sugar cane fields?
To destroy the economy of Cuba
8. Why did the United States support an invasion of Cuban exiles at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba?
The United States wanted to overthrow the Cuban government.
9. Why was the invasion unsuccessful?
The invasion was unsuccessful because the United States did not send airplanes to protect the Cuban exiles landing at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba.
10. Why did Castro agree to accept nuclear missiles from Cuba?
Castro was afraid that the United States would invade Cuba and he thought that if there were nuclear weapons in Cuba that the United States would not invade Cuba.
11. Why did the United States have U2 spy planes flying over Cuba?
The U2 spy planes were flying over Cuba to see if there were any missile sites being built by the Russians in Cuba.
12. If Russia launched the nuclear weapons from Cuba this would be called a first strike. What would a first strike destroy in the United States?
A first strike would destroy:
• All the cities in the United States, except Seattle
• All the military bases in the United States that had planes that could bomb other countries.
13. President Kennedy met with his cabinet and they were talking about possibilities to react to the missiles that had been placed in Cuba by the Russians.

What possibilities did President Kennedy and his cabinet discuss?
• Air strike against Cuba
• Bomb the missile sites
• Invade Cuba
• Blockade or Quarantine Cuba
• Diplomatic
14. What did President Kennedy and his cabinet decide to do to react to the missiles being placed in Cuba by Russia?
They decided to Blockade Cuba - was called Quarantine.
15. What did Khrushchev say in the first letter to President Kennedy?
Khrushchev rejected all of Kennedy’s demands.
16. Why did the United States show pictures, at the United Nations, of the missile sites in Cuba?
The United States showed the pictures so that the world leaders would know that there were Russian nuclear weapons sites in Cuba.
17. What did Khrushchev ask the United States to do in this second letter?
Khrushchev said if the United States would promise not to attack Cuba then Russia would remove their technical people from Cuba.
18. What did Khrushchev ask for after his second letter?
Khrushchev asked the United States to remove their nuclear warhead missiles from Turkey
19. How did Robert Kennedy, JFK’s trusted adviser, want the US to answer Russia?
Robert Kennedy said ignore Khrushchev’s second letter and agree to Khrushchev’s request from the first letter.
20. At the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis - what was the final agreement between the United States and Russia?
The United States promised that they would not attack Cuba and Russia promised to remove their missiles from Cuba. The United States would remove their missiles from Turkey at a later date.
21. At the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis - why did the final agreement between the United States and Russia upset Castro?
Castro was upset because he was not involved in making a decision about the final agreement.
22. After the Cuban Missile Crises - why did it look like Kennedy had won and Khrushchev had lost?
Because the world didn’t know that Kennedy had promised to remove the missiles from Turkey.
23. The landing at the Bay of Pigs, in Cuba, in 1961, was a complete failure and an embarrassment to the Kennedy administration?
24. Why did the Platt Amendment anger Cubans?
Because the Platt Amendment gave the United States the right to oversee the Cuban economy.
25. What was the Roosevelt Corollary?
The United States would act as an international police power in Latin America to maintain stability in North and South America.
26. What was operation Mongoose?
A CIA plan to assassinate Fidel Castro.
27. What structure did the Soviet Union build in Berlin?
Why did the Soviet Union build the structure in Berlin?
28. What did United States leaders think Soviet intentions were in installing nuclear weapons in Cuba?
The United States had no idea why the Soviet Union was installing nuclear weapons in Cuba.