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129 Cards in this Set

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What is the name of the peninsula associated with the ancient Greek culture?
The Peloponnesian Peninsula
What is the sea around which the the Greek civilization developed?
The Aegean Sea
What is the largest island near the Greek mainland?
What was one of the agricultural products of Greece?
most common: Grapes (wine) Olives (olive oil) however other answers may apply
Which Greek city-state had a culture associated with militarism?
Because Greece was not particularly well suited to agriculture, what did it's economy become dependent on?
Sea trade
What is the name one of the Greek philosophers?
Aristotle (one of many answers)
What is one area of science the early Greeks excelled in?
Astronomy (one of many answers)
What was the unique concept of government which was invented by the Athenians?
What city was conquered by the Greeks that helped make it possible for the Persians to eventually invade Greece?
Why did the Greeks want to destroy Troy?
Troy was demanding a high tax for the Greeks to pass through the Dardanelles strait. (NOT because of Helen)
Who was the Greek that conquered much of the known world, creating one of the largest empires of the ancient world?
Alexander the Great
What was the name of the culture that Alexander the Great spread to his conquered lands?
(true or false) When Alexander the Great conquered lands, he completely changed the local form government.
Who was the blind poet who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey?
what do B.C and it's newer, more politically correct acronym, B.C.E stand for?
B.C = Before Christ. B.C.E.= Before Common Era
What do the acronyms A.D and C.E. mean?
A.D.= Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord, Latin) C.E. = Common Era
(true or false) The Ancient Greeks knew long before the European enlightenment and Scientific Revolution that the earth was round, and its circumference.
(true or false) The ancient Greeks were accomplished mechanical engineers
Who was the "father of history"?
Who was the most powerful and famous king of the dark ages?
(true or false) Government in the barbarian kingdoms of the middle ages were characterized by family ties and loyalty to one's lord
The religious conversion of what king formed a special partnership between the Frankish kingdom and the Roman Catholic church?
What were some of the contributions of Monasteries in the middle ages?
operating schools, copying ancient books, serving as examples of well run communities... etc.
What were some of Charlemagne's accomplishments?
he strengthened the Roman Catholic Church, he conquered the Saxons, and encouraged education in his kingdom
Who were the principal advisers to the pope?
The Cardinals
What is the name associated with the land controlled by an arch bishop?
Arch Diocese
What was the feudal system based on?
the use of land
What was the basic social and economic unit during early feudal times?
the manor
(true or false) political and military power under feudalism became less associated with private possessions and personal loyalty
(true or false) manors depended on trade for most goods
FALSE- manors were self sufficient
what was the name for people who were bound to live and work on the land belonging to a king, church, or vassal?
A serf
What was the name given to land that was held by a royal vassal from the king?
A fief
(true or false) during medieval times, the size of towns and cities grew
What was the medieval method for determining innocence or guilt?
trial by combat or ordeal
(true or false) Castles did not come until much later in Medieval times
(true or false) most members or the royal family or nobility were able to read and write
Who was the Catholic Priest who was very distressed about the abuses committed by some of the members of the catholic church?
Martin Luther
In what country did Martin Luther begin work on reforming the catholic church?
(true or false) Martin Luther's original plan was to split from the catholic church and form a new religion?
What invention helped the spread of ideas during the mid 1400's?
the printing press
What was the religious revolution that took place during the 1500's called?
The reformation
(true or false) one of Martin Luther's beliefs was that simply having faith in God would get you to heaven
(true or false) One of the religious ideas of the reformation was that you did not need a priest to interpret the bible for you
(true or false) Martin Luther believed in resorting to violence if needed.
(true or false) Calvinism taught that there was no shame in being wealthy if you worked hard to attain it.
(true or false) Unlike Luther, Calvin believed that the church, not the state, was supreme.
What was an activity that Calvinists frowned upon?
Dancing (other answers also apply)
Which English king broke with the catholic church, confiscated all church lands and wealth, destroyed the monasteries in England, and put himself at the head of the church.
King Henry VIII (the 8th)
Why did King Henry VIII break away from the pope?
He wanted his marriage to be annulled and the pope refused
Which English Queen tried to please both the Catholics and the protestants by combining them into one church?
Elizabeth I (the 1st)
What was the name of the religious order that tried to bring the protestants back into the catholic church?
The Jesuits
What was the name given to the list of books that were forbidden to "good Christians"?
The Index
(true or false) the catholic church was successful in stamping out Protestantism
Who was the scholar that first argued that the earth revolves around the sun?
Who was the first scientist to provide some detailed mathematical explanation of the orbits of the planets around the sun?
What was the new invention to measure air pressure called?
A Barometer
Islam originated in what modern day country?
Saudi Arabia
Where is the principal religious center of Islam located?
What is the Islamic bible called?
The koran
What is the main similarity between the christian and Islamic holy books (bible and Koran) ?
They both were written down years later, instead of when it happened.
what is the principal holy shrine of Islam
the kaaba
(true or false) Islamic Governments of the middle east practice the separation of church and state
Who founded Islam?
At one time, the Muslims successfully invaded and controlled almost all of what modern western European country?
Nomadic desert tribes of the middle east are often referred to as....
(true or false) The Islamic religion spread very quickly after it's founder established the faith.
(true or false) the Arabic peoples have not always worshiped only one supreme god
What is the Islamic place of worship called?
A mosque
What area of mathematics is said to be invented by the Muslims?
What was new about the Arabic numeral system?
it started with 0 instead of 1
The Muslims invented the astrolabe. What was it, and why was it important to them?
the astrolabe is similar to a compass, but also different because it marks the sky. It was important because it helped the Muslims find they could find the direction of Mecca
What is the principal language of the middle east?
What are the five pillars of Islam?
Testimony, prayer, charity to the poor, fasting, and pilgrimage to Mecca
Why did the Shiite and Sunni Muslims split?
because of the argument on the caliphate selection.
Shiites thought that Muhammad had pronounced Ali as Caliphate while Sunnies thought that it should be according to a poll conducted by public.
What was the name given to the 200 years of conflict between the Christians and the Muslims?
The Crusades
What city was the principal goal of the Christians in their attempts to recapture the Holy Land?
(true or false) the Christians, while initially successful, eventually lost the crusades
How did parliament try to weaken the English monarchy?
by passing laws to limit the King's power
Who was the only English King to ever be executed?
Charles I
What does it mean to rule by divine right?
When the king is given "the right to rule" by God. The individual believes they are chosen by the heavens to rule
What is royal absolutism?
when a king rules as all powerful and in control of everything, no limitations, the king calls all the shots. King claims to be most powerful person
What were some of the causes of the English civil war?
Charles's attack on the house of commons, his religious policies, and his high taxes.
What did the Habeus Corpus Act do?
gave prisoners the right to be brought before a judge
What were the conditions of the English bill of rights?
no suspending of parliament's laws, no infringing of freedom of speech in Parliament, and no levying taxes without parliament's consent.
What was the main issue that led to the overthrow of James II?
Whether England would remain protestant or become a Catholic nation
In the English civil war, who was the general that led the puritan army to victory?
Oliver Cromwell
what was the strategy in which several countries joined forces to keep one strong country from dominating them?
Balance of Power
where did the huguenot wars take place?
What two religions were involved in the Huguenot wars?
Protestants and Roman Catholics
What was the edict of Nantes?
It was issued by king Henry IV (4th) to protect the protestants from persecution
Which European country fought to gain its independence from Spain in the late 1500's (religious war)
The Netherlands
(true or false) King Louis XIV (14th) of France (the sun king) helped make France powerful, but also bankrupted the French treasury
From what country did the Stuart kings of England originally come?
After the glorious revolution in 1688, what rulers from Holland were asked to rule England?
King William and Queen Mary
Who was the powerful minister to King Louis XIII (13) that helped France greatly increase it's power in Europe in the 1600's?
Cardinal Richelieu
What was odd about France's participation in the 30 years war?
Although France was Roman Catholic, and the Huguenots (protestants) were fighting against the Roman Catholics, Cardinal Richelieu chose to assist the protestants in order to reduce the power of the Hapsburg empire
Under the treaty of Utrecht, the crowns of what two European countries could never be united under one king?
Spain and France
What two religions were involved in the Huguenot wars?
Protestants and Roman Catholics
(true or false) The spainsh believed they were doing the right thing, but really hurt their economy when thy threw the Jews and Muslims out of Spain
What was the edict of Nantes?
It was issued by king Henry IV (4th) to protect the protestants from persecution
Which European country fought to gain its independence from Spain in the late 1500's (religious war)
The Netherlands
(true or false) King Louis XIV (14th) of France (the sun king) helped make France powerful, but also bankrupted the French treasury
From what country did the Stuart kings of England originally come?
After the glorious revolution in 1688, what rulers from Holland were asked to rule England?
King William and Queen Mary
Who was the powerful minister to King Louis XIII (13) that helped France greatly increase it's power in Europe in the 1600's?
Cardinal Richelieu
What was odd about France's participation in the 30 years war?
Although France was Roman Catholic, and the Huguenots (protestants) were fighting against the Roman Catholics, Cardinal Richelieu chose to assist the protestants in order to reduce the power of the Hapsburg empire
Under the treaty of Utrecht, the crowns of what two European countries could never be united under one king?
Spain and France
(true or false) The spainsh believed they were doing the right thing, but really hurt their economy when thy threw the Jews and Muslims out of Spain
as a consequence of the English Bill of Rights, the act of settlement stated that all future ruling British monarchs had to be of what faith?
After the glorious revolution, what country came completely under the control of England?
Who was the first political philosopher of the European Enlightenment to develop the idea that a social contract exists between the citizenry and their government
Thomas Hobbes
Which philosopher believed that (with regards to the issue of law) the powers of government should be separated so that no one part of government becomes too powerful?
Charles Louis, the 2nd Baron do Montesquieu
Which philosopher believed that if the government does not fulfill its responsibilities under the social contract that the citizens have the right to replace the government?
John Locke
By the mid-eighteenth century, which European nation had emerged as the most powerful country in the world?
(true or false) Britain's navy was more important to establishing a world power than its army.
By the Act of Union, Britain had merged with the country of _______ to form the larger country of ___________.
Scotland; Great Britain
Which island did Great Britain try to subdue by sending as many Protestants as possible into this largely Roman Catholic country?
What is the government title that was eventually given to the one person who was seen as the political leader of the British Parliament?
Prime Minister
What is the name given to the group of advisers selected by the aforementioned leader to help him/her run the country?
The cabinet
Who was the king of England, whose assertive personality helped contribute to the North American colonists' decision to try to secure their complete independence from England?
George III
How many colonies were there in North America that took part in the revolution against England?
Who wrote most of the American Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
What date was the declaration of Independence signed?
July 4th, 1776
(true or false) During the American Revolution, the Americans lost more battles than they won.
Which powerful country chose to formally ally itself with the United States (and become the first country to do so.)?
Which battle saw the surrender of another entire British army and which, for all intents and purposes, brought the American war for Independence to a successful conclusion for the colonists?
The Battle of Yorktown
(true or false) The American colonists had many more advantages going for them in fighting this war than they had disadvantages.
What is one of the reasons why people embarked on exploratory journeys during the age of exploration?
to acquire spices from places like India for trade, or to spread Christianity to foreign lands.