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85 Cards in this Set

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Using the sudden, mass attack called the _________, Germany overran much of ________ and ______ ______

blitzkrieg, Europe and North Africa

_______ signed their pact with Nazi Germany on 22 May 1939. However, they did not declare war on _______ and _______ until 10 June 1940.


Britain and France

In spite of great destruction, the _______ dug in and fought on

The RAF hit back hard


The British had a primitive _______ that could warn them of coming _____ _______


air attacks

British were able to crack German secret messages with _______ ________

Enigma machine

________ was stunned at British _______ and called off the attack

Hitler, resistance

Hitler wanted to take ________, the capital and heart of Russia


As winter set in, the Germans (in summer uniforms) made it to the _______ of Moscow

Their fuel and oil ______

_______, ______, _______ were useless



tanks, trucks, weapons

Ignoring _________ winter defeat of 130 years earlier, Hitler foolishly ordered "____ _______"

Napoleon's, no retreat

________ was saved from the Germans in spite of the cost of 500,000 German troops


What prompted Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany?

German invasion of Poland because they had promised to uphold the independence of Poland.

The German blitzkrieg was a military strategy that depended on what advantage?

________ and _________ force

Surprise and overwhelming

What crucial lesson was learned in the Battle of Britain?

That ________ advances could be _______

Hitler's, blocked

After France fell, which country joined forces with Hitler?


After France fell, where did de Gaulle set up a gov't in exile?


Who was Great Britain's prime minister during WWII?

Winston Churchill

How many lives were lost in Hitler's failed attempt to take Moscow?


Hitler's actions set off ___________.

The results of the war still affected _______ and ________ of today's world.

World War II

politics and economics

Surprise and overwhelming force

German blitzkrieg

What were Britain's 3 advantages?



British morale

agreement in which nations promise to not attack one another

nonaggression pact

The _______ _______ signed a nonaggression attack with Germany in 1939. The Germans lied and attacked the Soviet Union in ______.

Soviet Union, WW2

a declaration of principles issued by Churchill and Roosevelt on which the Allied peace plan at the end of WWII was based upon

Atlantic Charter

The Atlantic Charter upheld rights of _____ _____ and choice of _________, and it became the plan for ________ ________.

free trade, government

postwar peace

Carving out an empire, _______ attacked ______ _______ in Hawaii and brought the United States into World War II

Japan, Pearl Harbor

World War II established the role of the United States as a leading player in _________ _______

international affairs

What event occurred on the day that will be described as "a date that will live in infamy?"

Attack on Pearl Harbor

What was significant about the Battle of Midway?

It turned the war in the _______ against the _______

Pacific, Japanese

Who was the commander of the Allied forces in the Pacific?

General McArthur

Who thought that the U. S. naval fleet in Pearl Harbor was “a dagger pointed at our throat” and must be destroyed?


As the Japanese conquered Asian territory, what phrase of four words did they use to make it sound like they were coming as liberators instead of conquerors?

"Asia for the Asians"

The Battle of Guadalcanal lasted 6 months during 1942-1943. Allied troops drove the Japanese off this island. The Japanese referred to this Island as “The “Island of _____” after losing 23,000 men out of 36,000 on the island.


During the ________, Hitler's Nazis killed __________ Jew and __________ other "non-Aryans."


6 million Jew, 5 million non-Aryans

The violence against Jews during the Holocaust led to the founding of ________ after World War II.


As part of their new order for Europe, Nazis proclaimed that _________, or Germanic people were a "________ _______"

They claimed that Jews and other non-Aryan peoples were _________.

Aryans, master race


This racist message would lead eventually to the ________- the mass slaughter of civilians, especially of Jews.


What was Hitler's first "solution" to the "Jewish problem?"


Hitler was not satisfied because there were not enough countries willing to allow the large _________ of Jews to _________

number, emigrate

What was Hitler's final solution?


systematic killing of the non-Aryans


The goal of the Final Solution was to protect the ______ ______ of the German people (Aryans)

racial purity

What were Hitler's subhumans?







Incurably ill


What was Hitler's "Final Stage" of the "Final Solution"?

Mass extermination

How many Jews died in the death camps and in the Nazi massacres?

6 million

Why did the German soldiers and German people go along with the Nazi Party policy of persecution of the Jews?

-The German people were afraid for their _______.

-________ convinced the Germans that the Jews were ________.

-Germany was a repressive ________.


-Propaganda, subhuman


was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian, participant in the German Resistance movement against Nazism.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

What did Hitler call the Germanic people he considered to be the "master race?"


What did Kristallnacht mean?

"Night of the Broken Glass"

segregated Jewish areas sealed off with barbed wire and stone walls

Jewish ghettos in Poland

What is the systematic killing of an entire ethnic group of people?


What was Auschwitz?

Extermination camp

Death camp

Concentration camp

Led by the _____________, _________, and the _________, the Allies scored key victories and won the war.

United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union

The Allies' victory in World War II set up conditions for both the ______ ______ and today's post-______ ______ world.

Cold War

In the North African campaign, who led the British troops?


In the North African campaign, who led the German troops?


In the North African campaign, who led the American troops?


The Russian winter had devastating effects on the German troops. Of the army of 330,000 involved in the Battle of Stalingrad, how many Germans were left to surrender by Feb. 2, 1943?


How many Russian soldiers died in Stalingrad’s defense?

Over 1,000,000

Who was toppled from power in the conquest of Sicily?


How did Mussolini try to escape? What was his fate?

Disguised as a German soldier, shot and hung

During WWII, the United States mobilized for total war. Factories converted their peacetime activities to wartime production. In order to save gasoline and rubber, the speed limit was set to _ miles per hour?


By 1944, how many U.S. workers were working in war industries?


Starting on Feb. 19, 1942, what happened to Japanese-Americans?

Japanese-American _________ and loss of _______: they were falsely labeled as _______ simply because they were of ________ descent.

internment, property

enemies, Japanese

The invasion of _______ was the greatest land sea attack in history. It is frequently referred to by what shorter name?

Normandy, D-day

In December, 1943, who was named as supreme commander of the Allied forces in Europe?


What is the significance of the Battle of the Bulge?

Final German offensive

The kamikaze were ______ ______ whose willingness to die revealed that in Japanese culture, a higher value is placed on ________ ______ than on individual life.

suicide pilots

national honor

The United States dropped an atomic bomb on what 2 Japanese cities?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

What battle was the Final German offensive?

The Battle of the Bulge

What invasion of was the greatest land sea attack in history?

D-Day (Normady)

What were the Japanese suicide pilots called?


The United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and ___________.


To whom did the Japanese surrender to on September 2, 1945?

General McArthur

World War II cost millions of human lives and billions of dollars in damages. It left _______ and _____ in ruins.

Europe and Japan

The _______ _______ survived War War II undamaged, allowing it to become a world leader.

United States

How many total European casualties?


____ of the European casualties were civilians.


What was the purpose of the Nuremberg Trials?

to address the Holocaust

McArthur ---> ___________ and ___________

fairness and demilitarization

Japan's emperor became the __________ _______ at Allies insistence

constitutional monarch

At the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union came out as ________. This would not last as the two allies became the superpowers in the nuclear arms race of the ______ ______.

allies, Cold War

The ___________ Trials were held to address the "crimes against humanity" of the Nazis.

Nuremberg Trials

Why did the Japanese emperor have reduced power after WWII?

The Allies insisted upon it.

How many Europeans died by the end of WWII?


(2/3 were civilians)

the infamous Japanese biological warfare research unit

Unit 731