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49 Cards in this Set

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Phillip II
King of Spain, El Escorial, Was really catholic and liked to think of himself as defender of the faith. Fought against Protestants and attacked ottoman empire. Catholic Phil.
French Protestants
Henry of Navarre (henry the fourth)
Hugenot king of bourbon dynasty in France. He was catholic and people opposed him because of this-- so he became protestant because he was a politique
(Henry of Navarre the Negotiator). Wrote the edict of nantes
Cardinal Rich
was elected kind after king Louis the THIRTEENTH not fourteenth discovered he was a crappy ruler so he had cardinal rich take over.Got france involved in thirty years war and told hugenots they weren't allowed to have walls.
Louis XIV (Sun King)
angry at nobility, weakened their power. tried to make france great but then he got caught up in wars and basically bankrupt his entire country. Revoked edict of nantes.. He didn't like the protestants. Really liked the arts.
Cardinal Mazarin
Advisor to LOuis the FOURTEENTH and ruled while Louis was too little to rule. regent or whatever, Hated by nobles, taxed people a lot, ended 30 years war.
Jean Baptiste Colbert
basically just financial minister to Louis the fourteenth and he wanted to make france self-sufficient. he believed in merchantalism
Ferdinand II
King Of Bohemia, head of Hapsburg family and future HRE. Protestants in Bohemia didn't like him bc he was catholic and a foreigner. he closed some protestant churches and the people revolted against him and he crushed the revolt. Protestant German princes took this as an excuse to question Ferdinand and it led to the thirty years war.
Christian IV
King of Denmark
Gustavus Adolphus
Think of the guy from dinner for schmucks.. He was sort of a King of Sweden and the name sounds Swedish and he got his finger chopped off (gustavus died in battle but for all we know he could have had his finger chopped off you know yolo).
And Adolphus drove the Hapsburgs out of north Germany which was the first Hapsburg failure in the 30 years war.
Catholic Rich Ruling Family of HRE. Enemies of France
Rich ruling family of PRUSSIA
Freddy G
part of hohenzollerns, went to war with Maria T, ruler of Prussia, wanted Silesia...
Maria T
ruler of Austria.. War of Austrian Succession, was a strong ruler even though ppl thought shed be bad cause she's a chick
Ivan the terrible
killed his son.. bad guy
Family that ruled over Russia for 300 years
peter the great
traveled west to make Russia more european
James I
Bible written after.. struggled with money.. offended Puritan members of parliament . refused to make puritan reforms.
Charles I
son of James, always needed money, dissolved parliament when they wouldn't give it to him. forced to sign petition of right
or Royalists, Charles Lovers (rode on horses
Charles haters... had funny hair cuts
Oliver Cromwell
Puritan general that took over after Charles. abolished monarchy.
wanted to make the Anglican church less catholic
Charles II
merry monarch, restoration king, brought back the monarchy
kicked out by daughter and son-in-law because he appointed a bunch of catholics and that made the protestants mad
William and mary of orange
recognized parliament as partner in governing. established a constitutional monarchy.
divine right
belief that the right to rule comes from God
person that puts country before themselves
be self sufficient and get money
peter the great did it for Russia, influenced by western customs, economy
el escorial
palace of Phillip II
Union of Utrecht
when Netherlands broke away from Spain
Edict of Nantes
ended religious wars in france, henry said lets get along. legalized protestants
edict of fontainbleau
revoked edict of nantes, Sun king did this
palace of lous the fourteenth
seven years of rebellion by French nobles, ended bc of internal conflict and tired of fighting. these rebellions were against Mazarin
league of augsburg
anti-france alliance
war of Spanish succession
keep spain and france separated,
treaty of utrecht
Spain and France aren't allowed to band together or unite or anything like that
peace of augsburg
legalized Lutheranism, allows german princes to choose own religion
defenestration of prague
random cath ppl thrown out window into manure
edict of restitution
ferdinands attempt to restore religious and territorial settlement
Peace of Westphalia
treat to end 30 yr war
Pragmatic Sanction
edict by HRE Charles VI declaring tha his faughter gets right to rule
War of Austrian SUccession
freddy wanted SIlesia
Seven year war
Maria T alliance with France. Made GB mad because GB hates France. So GB joins Prussia. Freddy G attacked Saxony, another one of Maria T's allies. resulted in France losing colonies in America and west indies so british is basically controlling all of that
English civil war
basically all about whether you like Charles or hate him
period of Charles II rule when he restored monarchy
Glorious Revolution
bloodless overthrow of King James II