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15 Cards in this Set

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Became the Byzantine emperor after his uncle's demise in 527 and ruled with absolute power until his death in 565
Justinian Code
the Roman civil law codified under Justinian around AD 534
Hagia Sophia
Christian church in Constantinople who's name means "Holy Wisdom" in Greek, rebuilt by order of Justinian

(give example)
leading bishop of the eastern branch of Christianity

(example: Saint John Chrysostom)

(give example)
religious images used by Eastern Christians to aid their devotions

(example: Emperor Leo III banned the use of icons)

(give example)
the act of banishing a member of Christian Church

(example: one pope ordered excommunication of a Byzantine emperor after Emperor Leo III banned the use of icons)
Cyrillic alphabet

(give example)
an alphabet for the writing of Slavic languages invented in the ninth century AD by Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius

(example: Russian)
grandson of Princess Olga who became the ruler of Kiev in 980 and converted himself and all his subjects to Byzantine Christianity
Yaroslav the Wise
son of Vladimir who became the ruler of Kiev in 1019 and skillfully married off his daughters and sisters to the kings and princes of Western Europe which helped him to forge important trading alliances
Alexander Nevsky
the prince and military hero of Novgorod who advised his fellow princes to cooperate with the Mongols
Ivan III
Was the czar for 43 years who intended to make Russia the "Third Rome"

(give example)
Russian emperor (from the Roman title Ceasar)

(example: Ivan III)

(give example)
a prime minister in a Muslim empire

(example: Nizam al-Mulk)
a Turkish group who migrated into the Abbasid Empire and established their own empire a century later
Malik Shah
the most famous Seljuk sultan