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40 Cards in this Set

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Homo sapiens also known as "thinking man" developed about ________ years ago in present day ________.


Characteristics of homo sapiens that set it apart from predecessors:

1.Walked upright 2. Larger brain 3. Used tools

Paleolithic Era

The Old Stone Age lasted fromprehistory to about 10,000 BC and Humans lived a hunter-gathererlifestyle.

Neolithic Revolution, also known as the ________ began about ________ BC.

New Stone Age/ 10,000.

When humans learned agriculture. Being able to grow their own foodhelped humans settle into permanent communities. The birth rate also soared &division of labor developed.

Bronze Age lasted from _______ to _______ and was named after __________.

7,000 to 1,500BC / the material humans used to make tools.

The Sumerians

Theearliest recorded human society -developed in Mesopotamia c. 5,000-3,000BC


The Sumerian system of writing, carving symbols into wet clay and letting it harden.

Hammurabi’s Code

The first written law code in humanhistory. The code governed all aspects oflife in Sumerian society.

From about ______ onwards, the Egyptians recognized a central rulerand established a unified state.



Goddess of Truth and Balance.

The Book of the Deadc. 1500BC

An Egyptian religious text containing instructions on how tonavigate the afterlife. It contained spells on how to protect yourself fromattack by animals and angry gods, as well as a series of “negativeconfessions”.


Egyptian Queen who declared herself pharaoh in 1473 BC. She ruled 21 years, established trade with other countries.


A warrior civilization that took over the Sumerians about c. 1500BC. The Hittites were the first people to use iron tools and weapons, ushering in the Iron Age (1200-1000BC) .

Hebrew civilization

The earliest inhabitants of Israel, these Semitic speaking peoplesmigrated to the region c. 1500BC. Many Hebrews were enslaved over time by the Egyptians.


Hebrew leader who led his people out of slavery in Egypt c. 1300BC. During their journey, Moses began converting the Hebrew people tomonotheism.


The most famous king of the Hebrews, ruled 970-935BC. Built the famous Temple in Jerusalem – the holiest site in Judaism.

The Assyrians

Warlike civilizationthat ruled Mesopotamia from c. 900-612BC. Ruthless conquerorsand rulers, the Assyrians’ mistreatment of other tribes led to their downfall.


A Chinese philosophy developedduring the second century BC. Because change is constant,humans should act in harmony with the world and let nature take its course. Nature is self-correcting,everything will find a balance over time.

Shang Dynasty, c. 1700-1050 BC

First recorded dynasty in Chinese history. A bronze age agricultural society, the Shang were a polytheistic people ruled by a semi-divine king. Their society was based on an early form of feudalism.

Mandate of Heaven

The gods allowed a king to rule(gave him a mandate).As long as the king ruled fairly,the gods allowed him to continue in power.If a ruler failed to protect hispeople from invasion, however, the gods would withdraw their mandate.

Confucius, 551-479 BC

Chinese philosopher who lived during the chaos of the Era of the Warring States. He developed a philosophy that stressed a return to traditional values such as virtue (jen). He urged respect for your superiors and emphasized the importance of education for advancement. He argued that leaders should be virtuous and lead by example, not by the use of force

Shi Huang Di ruled 221-210 BC

First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, enacted many reforms such as: Abolishing slavery, Enacting a standard law code, Instituting a standard system of weights and measurements, Standardizing the monetary system, and Constructing roads throughout the empire


Legalismasserts that humans are fundamentally evil and must be watched closely byauthorities. Legalistsbelieved in strict punishments for crimes and censorship. Thisphilosophy led the Chinese over time to develop a highly centralizedgovernment, with multiple levels of bureaucracy to oversee the activities ofcitizens.

The Han Dynasty, 206 BC-220 AD

A period of regeneration andscientific achievement.

Wu Ti, ruled 140-87 BC

Greatest of the Han rulers, known for making Confucianism the state philosophy. He also enlarged the empire through military conquest, China’s current geographic boundaries almost set during this period.

Indus Valley Civilization, 2500-1500 BC

A bronze age, polytheistic society that developed a system of writing.

Aryan civilization,the Vedic Age 1500-600BC

The Aryans, a warlike, iron-agecivilization, migrated into the Indus Valley region c. 1500 BC, conquering the local peoples. They laid the foundation for thefaith of Hinduism. They also introduced the castesystem.


A polytheistic faith that developedover the centuries. Hinduism emphasizes living avirtuous life and treating all living beings with respect. By means of reincarnation, thesoul can be purified and reunited with the Spirit of Brahma.

Caste system

The rigid class system set up inancient India under the Aryans. There was no movement betweencastes, and members of each caste had to follow a specific set of rules.

After several centuries of internal warfare the ________ came to power under _________ (320BC – 185BC). He unites much of the region under his rule

Mauryan Empire / Chandagupta

_______ (Chandragupta’s grandson) was a fierce Mauryan military ruler who converted to Buddhism and spread that philosophy through India and southeast Asia.

Ashoka - 273-233 BC

Buddhism - formed by Siddhartha Gautama

A philosophy founded by Siddhartha Gautama (6th century BC). The Four Noble Truths form the basis of this philosophy, emphasizing that it is our desires that cause suffering. The Buddha rejected the caste system, emphasizing that everyone could achieve enlightenment.

Gupta Empire, 320-600s AD

The Golden Age of Indian history. Many advancements made inmathematics, science and contact with other civilizations.

Medieval India:Waves of Foreign Invasion...

711 – Muslim invaders arrive inthe Indus Valley. 962 – Turkish Muslims pushfurther into western India.

1200s-1400s – Mongol invasionfrom the NorthhAccept-Language.

Mahmud of Ghazni (r. 997-1030)

Ruthless Turkish Muslim ruler who conquered much of north centralIndia, destroying and looting Hindu temples. He also established a royal courtin Ghazni and supported thework of Muslim scientists and artists.


The Persian religion that developedc. 650 BC. Followers believed the world wascontrolled by two warring gods: one of goodness and light, the other of eviland darkness. This faith also introduced the idea of Heaven and Hell.

Cyrusthe Great, c.585-530 BC

Persian king who used zoroastrianism to unite his people and conquer much of the known world.

DariusI, 549-486 BC

A Persian king known for effectively governing his large empire by: dividing it into territories ruled by individual, local governors, building public works such as a postal system & constructing roads, Instituting a common currency, and practicing religious toleration.

By the 7th century BC the Greek polis (city-state) is on the rise. forms include....

Monarchy(rule by one), Oligarchy(rule by a few), Tyranny(rule by a tyrant), Democracy(rule by the people – ‘demos’).

Solon,c. 630-540BC

Greek leader who introduced democracy to Athens. He opened up public office to non-nobles and a bolished slavery as a punishment for debt.