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283 Cards in this Set

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Period of human achievement prior to writing


Three periods of prehistory

Lower Paleolithic, Upper Paleolithic, Neolithic

2 kinds of anthropological research

Cross cultural, comparative

Methud of study where anthropologist lives among people and participates in daily lives

Participant observation

Discovery of metals, concurrent with establishment of first civilisations

Bronze Age

Came after Bronze Age

Iron Age

4 prerequisites to civilisation

1. Metal tools rather than stone.2. Writing.3. Calendar.4. Territorial state

Site of first known civilisations, near east (Persian Gulf to Sinai Peninsula)

Fertile Crescent

Civilisations centred on rivers

Fluvial Civilisations

2 countries where early civilisations developed along rivers

India, China

Southern half of Mesopotamia


Northern half of Mesopotamia


Warlike and aggressive rulers of Mesopotamia


Society credited with first known epic poem "The Epic of Gilgamesh"


Worship of one God


Another name for Hebrews

Ancient Israelites

How many Gods did Hebrews worship?

One (they were monotheists)

Babylonian leader


Monarchs of Ancient Egypt


Empire centred in now-Turkey, conquered Babylonians


Developed an alphabet and contributed to various religions/philosophies


Largest empire on Nile River


Female heads of Kush state


Sea traders well known for skills in glass, metals and purple dye

The Phoenicians

Bronze Age civilisation in Crete, famous for trade, used symbols to represent syllables in words


Planned early community in India


Ancient Peruvian agricultural society

Norte Chico

Europe's first major civilisation


3 Mycenaean city-states

Sparta, Metropolis, Corinth

Greek responsible for birth of democracy in 510 BCE

Cleisthenes of Athens

Where was theater born?


Greeks who laid foundations of geometry

Pythagoras and Euclid

Greek who calculated value of pi


Prominent war between Greek societies

Peloponnesian War

Persian Wars

War Persians v. Greeks

Macedonian general who conquered Greece, Persia and Egypt, Phoenician cities, and part of India

Alexander the Great

General who took over when Alexander the Great died


Alexander the Great's tutor


Where was the Maurya Empire?


Who bought the subcontinent of India together after Alexander the Great withdrew?


4 Chinese inventions

Paper, printing, paper money, gunpowder

Site of civilisation famous for uniting most of the known European and Middle Eastern world


Cultural aspects of Romans (contrasted with Greeks)

Simple, practical, no nonsense

Eastern portion of Roman empire became known as...


Where was Byzantine Empire close to?

Middle East

Preserved Greek and Roman achievements and known for their exquisite artwork


Roman law collected into clear system by Byzantine

Code of Justinian

Christian nation that incorporated Greek philosophy, language, and literature with Roman govt and law


5 major Germanic tribes across Europe

1. Visigoths.

2. Ostrogoths.

3. Vandals.

4. Saxons.

5. Franks

Nomadic wanders across Arabian peninsula


Centre of Arab religion


Name for flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina


5 basic principles of Islam are called..

Pillars of Islam

What are the 5 pillars of Islam?

1. Faith, 2. Prayer, 3. Charity, 4. Fasting, 5. Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)

Scandanavian seafaring warriors


Vikings who settled in Northern France became...

The Normans

Made a trucevwith Vikings so they ended up controlling much of England

Alfred the Great

What kind of system is feudalism?

Economic and social

How did feudalism begin?

As a way to ensure a king or nobleman could raise an army when needed

Who was at the bottom in feudalism?


Who was at the top in feudalism? (Owned all land)


What was a Lord's sole obligation in feudalism?

Protect serfs so they could continue to work for him

A system of loyalty and protection


Similar to feudalism but consisted of self contained manors



Organisations created by skilled labourers to protect quality, regulate buying/selling

What ended the feudal/manorial system?

Black Death

Where did the crusades encroach on particularly?

Palestine and Jerusalem

Who were crusades against (3 religions)

Muslims, Greek Orthodox Christians, Pagan Slavs

Conatantinople was present day...


Centre of Christian Byzantine empire


How many Crusades?


Legacy of crusades

Opened new routes between Europe and East, reinforced authority of Catholic Church/Pope, religious fervor would result in Inquisition in Spain and expulsion of Moors from Europe

Indians who invented decimal system and zero


Long time rulers of India, great believers in science and maths


Leader of the Mongols

Genghis Khan

Famous grandson of Genghis Khan

Kublai Khan

Largest empire the world has ever seen


What did Mongol empire include at its height?

China, Russia, Persia, Central Asia

First Mongol emperor of China who founded Yuan dynasty

Kublai Khan

Strong faith in Japan


Did feudalism last longer in Japan or Europe?



Land controlling lord of Japanese feudalism

Loyal soldiers of Daimyo, strict code of honour


Flourishing cities in Africa

Ghana, Zimbabwe, Mali

Major trading center in Mali


Why was Ottoman empire a success?

Could unite highly varied popupations (religious/ethnic tolerance as basis for a heterogeneous culture)

Chinese dynasties which focussed inwards

Ming and Manchu

Believed in looking at life on Earth and reality rather than heaven


What were the two phases of the reformation?

Protestant reformation and Catholic counter reformation

What was the protestant reformation a response to?

Abuses of power in Catholic church

2 political reasons for protestant reformation

Increase in absolute monarchs who wanted power over church, growth of nationalism

3 economic reasons for protestant reformation

Greed of monarchs wanting church's land/wealth, resentment of papal tax, rise of middle clash

How did Protestant Reformation begin?

In Germany with Martin Luther's revolt against church abuses, spread to Switzerland where Calvin led it

How did Protestant Reformation begin in England?

Henry VIII trying to have marriage to Catherine of Aragon annulled

How did Catholic church respond to Protestant Reformation?

Catholic Counter-Reformation

Results of 2 reformations (4)

1. Establishment of Protestant churches, 2. Religiously/politically divided Europe, 3. Increase in religious wars, 4. Increase in religious persecution

A shift in focus from belief to evidence

Scientific revolution

Who started scientific revolution?

Polish astronomer Copernicus

What controversial book did Copernicus write?

Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres

2 astronomers whose work supported Copernicus' theory that sun not Earth was centre of solar system

Brahe and Kepler

Most famous defender of sun as centre of solar system. Put under house arrest by church


Who did Galileo influence?


A period of self study that focussed on applying reason to problems such as God and nature


Said people were formed by life experiences. Doctrine of empiricism (a theory of experience as truth)


Built on Locke's theory of empiricism. Believed in skepticism


A belief that rejects truth unless one has experienced something first hand


Kant's famous essay

Answering the Question: What is Enlightenment?

Social contract

Belief govt existed because people wanted it to. Govt shouldn't encroach on basic human rights

3 men who believed in the social contract

Rousseau, Locke, Jefferson

A revolution of lower/middle classes against excesses of ruling elite

French Revolution

King of France who was in power when French Revn started

Louis XVI

The royal prison of France destroyed during revn


Who did control pass to in French Revn after King Louis XVI was executed?

Robespierre and the extreme Jacobins

What happened under Robespierre and Jacobins?

Reign of Terror

What happened during Reign of Terror?

Thousands of French nobles/enemies of revn executed

New ruling body after Robespierre was executed

The Directory

Who emerged as dictator after the Directory failed?



Aurocratic rulers of postrevolutionary Russia

Where was the 1905 Revn?


What war aggravated discontent in Russia?

Russo-Japanese War

Peasants demonstrated outside Czar's winter palace to end Russo-Japanese War, but many were shot

Bloody Sunday

Created constitutional monarchy in Russia, extended sime civil rights, gave parliament limited legislative lower

October Manifesto

Who signed October Manifesto?

Czar Nicholas II

Russia had one attempted revolution in 1910 and another in...


Local councils and govts created to rule Russia after Czar abdicated


What did Lenin's Bolshevik party promise, which won support of peasants and exhausted military?

Peace, Land and Bread

Who supported Lenin and the Bolshvik party in overthrowing govt?

Red Guard

What kind of govt did Lenin install in Russia?


Main cause of WW1


Whose assassination in Sarajevo set about events which culminated in WWI?

Archduke Franz Ferdinand, hier to Austro-Hungarian throne

Which small conflict escalsted into WWI

Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia

Allies in WWI

Britain, France, Russia

Central powers WWI

Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire

Agreement declared Nov 11 1918 ending WWI


Belief that society should control means of production


2 forms of socialism

Communism, democratic socialism

Developed a theory that included need for industrial workers to overthrow capitalism and work towards a society with no govt or class divisions


Aggressive form of nationalism which glorifies state and has single party system with absolute ruler


Pact saying if Soviet Union or Germany went to war, both countries would stay neutral

Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact 1939

Policy where European nations left Hitler alone


German military tactics relying on surprise, speed, power


Vichy Government

French govt body who collaborated with German invaders

Series of raids against Britain by Luftwaffe

Battle of Britain

Largest WWII land battle on Western Front and last major German counteroffensive

Battle of the Bulge

What did WWII strengthen and spread?


Armenian genocide was perpetrated by who?

Young Turks against Armenians

Number of Jews said to have been killed in Holocaust

6 million

Declaration passed by UN in 1948

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Process of organising new nations out of former colonies

Nation building

Soldiers trained in North Vietnam

Viet Cong

Who did US support in Vietnam war?


Country which broke up into Kosovo, Croatia, Bosnia etc


His leadership led to violence a d huge numbers of displaced people in Serbia (a Yugoslavian republic)

Slobodan Milosevic

Rwandan genocide

Murder of ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus by extremist Hutus


Principle of interdependence of all the world's nations. Free trade/Access to ideas

International organisation created by oil exporting countries


Capital of Ancient civilisation of Israel, claimed as a holy city by Muslims, Jews and Christians


Major result of Japan's Meiji restoration

Modern industrial economy

Major result of India's muslim league in 1940

Partition into Muslim Pakistan and secular but Hindu India

Pan Africanism

Solidarity and cooperation among African countries combined with independent foreign policy that avoided entanglement with Cold War

During 8th Century CE which pair of empires competed for control of central Asia?

Abbasid Caliphate and Tang China

When was the greatest period of European expansion into Africa?


Converted to Christianity by missionaries of Byzantine Empire

The emergence of different factions in the Balkan peninsula at the end of the 19th c was a result of

Shifting power as Ottoman empire waned

What effect did the Black Death have on Europe?

Acute labour shortage resulting in higher wages and emancipation of many slaves

What happened after Communist party collapsed in Czechoslovakia?

Rival ethnic states couldn't agree on national borders

Function of monks

Christian missionaries who spread learning

Between 12th and 14th C both England and France....

Established parliaments to help royal authorities rule

One lasting contribution of Roman Empire

System of law

Why did revolutionaries use guillotine?

Believed to kill quickly and humanely

Strategic Defense Initiative's purpose

Strengthen military by developing weapons that would intercept and destroy incoming missiles

How long ago did people arrive in America?

15,000 and 30,000 years ago

President who had known hard times and believed a wealthy nation should try and improve living standards for all?

Lyndon Johnson

To fight depression, Roosevelt believed the first thing to do was to

restore faith in banks

What was the Contract with America?

A legislative agenda promoted by Republican Party in 1994

Carter's main foreign policy theme

Be honest and truthful in foreign relations

Zoot Suit Riots during WW2

Combination of racism against Mexican Americans and the fear of juvenile crime

Progressive era bought in reforms in the areas of economic, political and social welfare, but not


3 innovations retailers introduced in the late 1800s to sell goods to consumers

ads in newspapers, mail order catalogues, chain stores

First writing system, developed by Sumerians


Sumerian epic telling of a flood

Epic of Gilgamesh

Which country is Indus Valley in?


Why did farmers by the Nile band together?

To dig canals to control Nile's annual flooding and water their crops

King under who Babylon became powerful


One of Hammurabi's laws

The strong may not oppress the weak

The French discovery of this led to hieroglyphs being deciphered (pics stand for sounds/letters, not just objects)

Rosetta Stone

First civilisation in Europe

Minoan of Crete

Largest Minoan palace


Civilisation which gave rise to Sanskrit and caste system in India


Who are Semitic people (2 kinds)

Jews and Arabs

Ancient Hebrew manuscripts containing the oldest known texts of Old Testament

Dead Sea Scrolls

First Hebrew according to Bible


Iran is named after these people


The Persian Empire (an Aryan tribe) became dominant under which king?


What city does Homer tell of that was destroyed by Mycenaeans after a ten year siege?


Where were the Mycenaeans from?


What happened to Greece after Mycenaean civilisation ended?

Went into Dark Ages as art of writing was lost before they relearned it from Phoenicians

Centre of Mayan civilisation during classic period

Tikal in Guatemala

Powerful Mayan city in Yucatan Region

Chichen Itza

Famous thinker in Chinese history


First person in China to argue that all men should be educated and that teaching could be a way of life


Taoist belief

The underlying unity of nature makes everything what it is

Believed court officials should not plot for power but study music, poetry, history


What was ancient Greece made of in its early days?


Mound with a temple on in each Greek city state


Invented democracy


How did Siddhartha know to become a holy man?

Saw 4 visions: old man, sick man, corpse, wandering holy man

Developed system of geometry

Greek philosopher Euclid

Homer's 2 famous poems

Illiad and Odyessy

Style created by Greek temples


Invented the alphabet


Who ruled Republican Rome?

Senate. In theory, Rome was governed by the people, but power was in hands of patricians. Plebeians (ordinary people) had little, slaves none.

Two generals who took over Rome and suspended the republic

Pompey and Caesar

4 gospels

Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Under this dynasty, China became as powerful as Roman Empire

Han Dynasty

Open market in Roman Town


Greek cities were built on...

Rigid grids

When the Roman Empire became so large, people spoke of the Roman Peace or...

Pax Romana

Roman ruler who stuttered and was crippled but proved to be wise and humane


Public entertainment in Rome

Ludi (games) like theatre, chariot racing, gladiator fights

Japan's religion "way of the Gods"


First great Indian empire created by Chandragupta


Famous Mauryan elperor (grandsun of Chandragupta)


Promoted 'Universal Law' in India-tolerance, non violence and respect for all


This place was settled late


Who were the first Christians?

Jews in Palestine

Constantine's religion


When the Roman Empire split, it split into East and West. Which cities did they focus on?

West Rome, East Constantinople

First pope

Jesus' apostle St Peter

Main haven for learning in Dark Ages


How did Constaninople fall?

Ransacked by Crusader knights who were short on money

Greatest Byzantine emporer. Changed laws to improve life for women and poor

Justinian I

What was the Silk Road?

A trade route between China and the Mediterranean (Roman Empire)

Similarity between Moguls and Ottomans

Both Muslim but tolerated other religions

Role of Russia in WW1

Weak due to Russian Revolution. Sided with France and GB but weak

Long series of wars in Europe 1618-1648. Initially between Protestant and Catholic states in the fragmenting Holy Roman Empire. Gradually developed into a more general conflict involving most of the great powers of Europe, becoming less about religion and more a continuation of the France–Habsburg rivalry for European political pre-eminence

Thirty Years' War

Treaty which ended Thirty Years War which fixed many European boundaries


Associated with Neolithic age

Domestication of plants

Ended hunting and gathering

Development of agriculture

Tigris-Euphrates Valley was the site of which two ancient civilisations?

Babylonian and Assyrian

First practiced monotheism


In the Indo-European family of langauges

German, Hindi, Italian, Greek, Russian French (there are hundreds)

In the Uralic family of langauges

Finnish, Estonian

Wars fought between Roman Empire and Carthage

Punci Wars

What was lacking in early medieval civilisation?

Travel and spread of ideas through trade and commerce

Forced to do penance because of his conflict with Pope Gregory VII

Henry IV

Meeting where Trinity was affirmed

Council of Nicea

Meeting which clarified many areas of Catholic doctrine in an attempt to counter Protestant Reformation

Council of Trent

Confirmed humanity of Christ and that Mary was his mother

Council of Chalcedon

Meeting which condemned Martin Luther and his writings

Diet of Worms

Colonial expansion by western powers in late 18th/early 19th c mainly due to...

Industrial revolution (need for natural resources)

Source of conflict between church and state in Middle Ages

Doctrine of Papal Supremacy

Had greatest influence on outcome of WW2 in Europe

Productive capacity of US factories

Mains ource of wealth/power in West Africa 400-1500 CE

trans-Saharan salt and gold trade

Order of agricultural development

Hunt gather- slash burn- plow

Economy of Incas

Command, government directed

Inspired by French Rev'n and Enlightenment to lead liberation of S. America from Spain

Simon Bolivar

In 1900, anti-foreign sentiment in China led to an uprising known as the...

Boxer Rebellion

The collapse of the last Chinese Empire in 1912 was caused by the imperial government’s failure to...

Control foreign influence

Only 2 African countries to retain independence by 1914

Ethiopia and Liberia

What was Great Britain’s stated reason for declaring war on Germany in 1914?

German invasion of Belgium

How did Russia’s participation in World War I affect its empire?
Economic hardships brought on by the war resulted in the downfall of the czar
How did the Cheka (secret police) help Lenin gain control of Russia?
They used terror tactics against the enemies of Bolshevism.
Which nation sought to establish the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere between 1931 and 1945?


Happened in Czechoslovakia
The Arab oil embargo against the United States in 1973 was initiated because of U.S. support for...
Israel in the Yom Kippur War
Which leader’s policies included glasnost and perestroika?
Mikhail Gorbachev
What led to the shift in human societies from hunting and gathering to agriculture beginning circa 8,000 B.C.E. ?

Climate change (end of ice age, spreading of warmth)

What best describes the political organization of Maya civilization circa 300–700 C.E.?
A collection of independent city-states

What contributed to the spread of Islam into East Africa before 1450 C.E.?

Cultural diffusion along Indian Ocean trade routes

What did Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia have in common as monarchs?

Both rulers distrusted the people of the noble class and forced them to live in close proximity to their royal courts.
The growth of sugar plantations in Brazil from 1500 to 1700 created a large demand for labor that was met by...
mass migration of enslaved Africans.

2 causes of Russian defeat in Russo-Japanese war

1. Inadequacy of Trans Siberian railway

2. Industrialised nature of Japan

Why did the European revolutions of 1848 fail in the years immediately following the uprisings?
Military repression and the splitting of labor and the middle class by elites restored authoritarian regimes.
What was the most important contributing factor to the outbreak of the Iranian Revolution in 1979?
The desire to restore Islamic fundamentalist theology as a political force

What was an effect of the collapse of centralized communist governments on Eastern Europe in 1989?

Ethnic conflict as a result of deep historical tensions

Copernicus' universe

heliocentric with central Earth, moon, sun

Why was there increase in pop'n 18th c?

Western hemisphere crops

When did Japan create empire?


Consequence of Bantu migrations

Spread farming/agriculture

Evidence of Bantu migrations


Kepler's laws of planetary motion

elliptical orbits, 3 laws, improved Copernicus' theories

Where was there little diary farming?

East Asia