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30 Cards in this Set

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The study of the distribution and interaction of physical and human features on the earth.
What is Geography? (p.5)
Means "to describe the earth" in Greek.
An area of the Earth's surface with similar features.
What is Region? (p.7)
How places are "similar or different"
The relationship between humans and their environment.
What is Human-Environment Interaction? (p.8)
"How people relate to the physical world"
The physical features and cultural characteristics of a location.
What is Place? (p.7)
"What is it like?"
How people, goods, and ideas move from one location to another.
What is Movement? (p.9)
Geographers analyse __?___ by 3 types of distance: linear, time, and psychological
Where something is. Described as Absolute using coordinates of latitude & longitude or Relative using references to other places around it.
What is Location? (p.6)
"Where something is"
Half the Earth as divided by the equator or prime meridian.
What is Hemisphere? (p.6)
Northern, Southern, Eastern or Western.
An imaginary line which divides the earth into north and south halves.
What is Equator? (p. 6)
Origin is 0 degrees latitude
An imaginary line dividing the earth east and west.
What is the Prime Meridian?
(p. 6)
Origin is 0 degrees longitude
Grid lines on a map/globe that run east to west & measure distances north & south.
What is Latitude? (p.6)
Also called Parallels.
Grid lines on a map/globe that run north to south around earth & measure distances east and west.
What is Longitude? (p.10)
Also called Meridians.
A three-dimensional representation of earth.
What is a Globe? (p. 10)
spherical symbol of earth with less distortion than maps
A two-dimensional graphic representation of selected parts of earth's surface.
What is a Map? (p. 10)
portable and able to be drawn to scale
A map-maker.
What is a Cartographer? (p.10)
Christopher Colombus's profession.
A representation of man-made and natural features on the earth.
What is a Topographic Map?
Has high and low points representing elevation or depressions by contour lines
A way of drawing the earth's surface that reduces distortion caused by presenting a round earth on flat paper.
What is Map Projection? (p.10)
reduces distortions of distance, shape, direction, or area.
The wearing away of earth's surface by water, wind, ice or gravity.
What is Erosion? (p. 43)
preventable by careful ecological planning
The study of the production and exchange of goods and services among a group of people.
What is Economics? (p. 91)
determines a countries wealth
The interchange of goods and ideas around the world.
What is Trade? (p.
buying and selling commodities for profit
Deposits of oil, coal or natural gas mad over millions of years in earths' crust from decayed organic matter under pressure.
What are Fossil Fuels? (p.
fuel source unable to be reproduced
A series of satellites that orbit >100 miles above earth gathering data from its surface.
What is Landsat? (p.12)
Can scan the entire earth in 16 days over a 115 mile wide area.
Uses a variety of sources to combine information from around the world and stores it in a digital database.
What is Geographic Information Systems (GIS)?
(p. 13)
creates a composite map combining information from satellite images, aerial photos, and maps to help solve problems on earth
A system using 24 satellites called Navstars which beam information to earth used to find exact positions on earth.
What is Global Positioning System ( GPS ) p. 13.
Use to track animals, or by sailors, hikers, explorers, and drivers to find their location on earth.
The condition of the atmosphere at a particular location and time.
What is Weather? p. 50.
varies with atmosphere conditions of water vapor, cloud cover, landforms, bodies of water, elevation & air movement
The typical weather conditions at a particular location over a long period of time.
What is Climate? p. 50.
changes more slowly and determined by location on earth
A person who studies the weather and atmospheric conditions.
What is a meteorologist? p. ?
Uses atmospheric information to predict the weather.
A naturally formed feature on earth's surface.
What is a Landform? p. 33.
Ex. canyon, mountain, plain, et. al.
A flat area of land covered in grass or brush.
What is a Plain?
A prarie.
A high, flat area of land with steep sides.
What is a Plateau?
A bowl-shaped depression in the land or ocean floor.
What is a Basin?
Below sea level. Ex. Death Valley in California.