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70 Cards in this Set

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Demographic transition model

Transition cycle

Stage 1: high birth and death rates

Stage 2: high birth rates, low death rates

Stage 3: low birth and death rates

Life expectancy

Population pyramids

-Gender and age

-Class, column, and inverted




-Skewed sexes


-Leaders can legally kill citizens w/o interference of other states

-All other states have to recognize


Who Controls the State?
● Extreme left: communism, anarchy
○ Little to no central gov control
○ More people for people
● Extreme right
○ Gov has all power
○ Few people in charge
○ Little to no voice


people, not area ○ Common culture


● Nation and state → nation-state
○ Common culture
○ Own gov and rule
○ Defined political area
○ Sovereignty

Stateless nation

● Palestinians → nation w/o state
○ Chechnya, Kurds, Tibet


● “Ruled by the people”
● Gov serves and protects people
● Direct democracy
○ All laws and people directly voted on by all people ○ Impossible
○ Closest thing → Switzerland
○ Time demanding
○ Switz has presidential council of 7 members
● Representative democracy
○ Vote for people to make decisions
○ Represent state, country, district
● Constitutional monarchy
○ Democracy
○ Tradition of royal family as figureheads
○ Constitution
○ Parliament
○ Prime minister

One-party state

● Illusion of choice
● Elections w/ one on ballot
● China (transition from communism)
● Some of USSR
● Sometimes like dictatorship
● Gov makes laws, but only one viewpoint
● Egypt: President Mubarak
○ 2011 forced out after 30 years ● Some things for the people


● “Ruled by religion”
● Church = state
● Iran → Ayatollah
● Vatican City → Pope, Catholic Church
● Iranian Revolution 1979
● Religious text → state law
● Sharia law → Quran
● Enforce religious law on people
● US uses biblical law sometimes


● Divine power
● Emperors of China
● Shahs - Iran
● Maharajah - India
● Sultan - Ottoman Empire
● Strong attachment to idea
● Catalyst for revolutionary thinking

Military dictatorship

● Take over gov
● Military coup
Catherine Tishelman-Charny
● True power
● Sometimes dictatorship
● Small group of people → junta
● Qaddafi → Libya
○ Arab Spring → killed


small military group of people who take over


● Popular dictator
● Hitler and Mussolini
○ Military rules
● Charismatic
● Mentally mesmerize people
● Blindly allow government to control lives
● Doesn’t really exist today

United Nations

● 1945
● Maintain global peace
● Witness human rights violations
● 193 member nations
○ Representative and vote
● General Assembly → Utopian thinkers
○ US and China ignore
● Sub-agencies
○ World Health Organization
○ Public health
○ United Nation’s Children's Fund
● NOT global gov
● Communication and cooperation


● Private ownership
○ Stuff owned by private individuals
● Popular, resilient, natural
● Take care of self
● Hardcore (Republicans and Libertarians) want free trade, free market, minimal gov intervention
● “Pure” capitalist society → every man for himself
○ Power concentrated for fewer
○ More people poor, uneducated, unemployed
○ NO true/pure capitalism
● Anti-monopoly laws for big business
○ Otherwise unchecked and uncheckable
○ Otherwise too big to fail
● Concentrate wealth into few
○ Smart, work, skill, and/or inheritance

Communism (political)

● Doesn’t really exist now
● Marx and Engels
○ Industrial Rev
○ Monarchs and factory owners rich from capitalism
○ Power for people
● Gov provides for citizens
● Soviet = small group of people in city
● Gov listens to people directly
● No private property → state owns all
● Both political and economic system
● Typically dictator → few people in charge
● Lenin revolution 1917
● Want utopian society
● Communal
● oligarchy/dictator meant to be temporary/transition
● Until “fixed”
● No one ever finished transition
● Stalin, Castro, Mao
● No communist countries now
○ China and Cuba one-party states
○ All have some capitalist economy


● Many shades
● Gov owns and controls some
● Private interests/individuals own some
● Gov provides some services
○ Military
○ Roads
○ Postal system
● Some think also: social security, welfare, unemployment benefits, health care
● Pay with taxes
● Democratic socialism → Western Europe and Latin America
● Socialism → heavy taxes → South America and Europe
● Misused by conservative right in US
● Castro - Cuba → state controls a lot
○ Underground free/black market
○ Not working out
● Saudi ○ ○ ○
● China ○

● Russia
○ ○ ○
Arabia and Venezuela
Private business/ownership
State controls oil → provides services to people Poor people support → propaganda
Capitalist reforms, privatization
Gov controls many industries and policies Moving right
Capitalist after collapse of USSR Gov broke → could not provide Retaken oil industry
● Sweden, France, Norway
○ Heavy taxes on luxury goods
○ Raise revenue
○ 2 years paid maternity leave
● US
○ welfare/retirement, public schools
○ Obamacare → heavy state regulation
○ Republicans want free market/trade, privatization
○ Democrats want gov to provide services
Smith: Wealth of the Nation


○ Previously privately owned
○ Soc and econ equality
○ comm/socialist
○ State takes over
○ Suez Canal in Egypt → foreign owned property


○ Sell business to private ownership
○ Collapse of USSR → privatize industries
○ India and China → privatized postal service
○ Outsource management of companies
○ Gov owned institutions → private companies

Primary sector

● Natural resource extraction from Earth
● Agricultural production
● timbering/logging
● Mining
● Fishing
● Low value raw commodities
● Worth little

Secondary sector

● Process primary
● Manipulate, alter, refine
● Modify → worth more money
● Add value
● Process
● Mud → bricks

Tertiary sector

● Service sector
● Further manipulate
● Assembly lines
● Fry burgers
● Surgery
● Sell cars
● Transportation
● Cow → burger → cooked and served at restaurant
● Paid more

Quaternary sector

● Create and manipulate intangibles
● Information
● Computer programming
● Researchers
● Lab technicians
● Astronauts
● Data creation
● Stock market

● Not producing anything
● Manipulate info
● Abstract
● Technologically advanced, rich, stable
● Genetic code, disease cures
● Rich countries stay rich, poor stay poor

Gross domestic product (GDP)

● Goods and services
● Final sale of commodity
○ Last sale counts
● Salaries
● Patterns
● 1. US
● 2. China
● 3. Japan
● 4. Germany
● Top 4 GDP in trillion dollar range
● China surpassed 3 huge economies in 3 years

GDP per capita

● Total GDP divided by population total for state
● GDP could be lower b/c of big pop
● Concentration of wealth in business and sectors
○ GDP could seem big
● Equatorial Guinea
○ People starving to death
○ Dictator thief
○ Few people own all
● Wealth disparity
○ Low pop → high GDP on paper


-buys raw resources cheaply



-has cash to reinvest

-"Team West"


-sub-Saharan Africa

-lack industrial capital, financial means, technology




World-systems theory

● Global connectivity
● Oil → gas → Toyotas
● Service, stocks, currency exchange
● World Systems theory
○ Winners and losers
● We still benefit from colonial/imperial activity → Industrialization

● Redistributes wealth
● Core country buys raw resources cheaply
● Developed → advanced, industrialized
● Developing → raw-exporting, poor
● Rich get richer and poor get poorer
● Core → industrialization and technology
● “Team West” = core
● Core has cash to reinvest
● Poor lack industrial capital, financial means, technolgy
○ Natural resources
○ Workers
● Sub-saharan Africa = Periphery

Developed country

● Rich
● Matured → end of cycle
● Stable
● Industrialized
● Economically developed
● First World

Developing country

● Not necessarily totally poor → GDP and GDP per capita
● Big range of spectrum
● Some close to developed
● Some poor and stagnant
● Transition
● Changing
● Becoming newer, better, richer

First world

○ Capitalist democracies
○ Team West
○ US led

Second world

○ Communist
○ Soviet Bloc
○ Led by USSR

Third world

-Non-Aligned Movement

-Refused to join either side

Non-Aligned Movement


-Cold War

-joined no side

Import substitution

a. Gov works with private industry
b. Higher valued manufactured goods
c. Higher taxes/tariffs on foreign stuff
d. Local goods cheaper and better deal


a. Gov help → efficient → compete with world
b. China
i. Manufactured stuff at cheap prices
ii. Very successful
c. India
i. Service sector
ii. Computer programming
d. Brazil
i. Steel industry
ii. Military computer applications
e. Japan, Taiwan, South Korea → electronics and automobiles
f. Best for cheapest
g. Asian Tigers

Structural adjustments

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

● All but North Korea, Cuba, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Tuvalu, Naura, Andorra
● International Monetary Fund
● Monitor global financial systems
● Stabilize currency exchange rates
● Reduce “boom and bust”

● Loans to debtors
● HQ in Switzerland

World Bank

● Encourage international investment
● Reduce poverty
● High economic development
● Similar to IMF
● HQ in Washington, DC
● Redefines sovereignty issue
● States must prove loans go to proper things → oversight

Manifest destiny

Cultural imperialism

● Subtle, not forced → people just like it
● People adopt culture
● Am. movies, songs, shows
● Successful Am. pop culture
● Some try to limit Am. pop culture
○ France → ban films
○ Middle East → music and porn
○ China → Internet
● Ideological → capitalism and democracy and individual liberties
● Ignore other points of view
● 2011 Arab Revolutions → want Western-style democracies
○ Used US technologies

Treaty of Tordesillas

○ Pop split Sp and Port colonies
○ Catholic
○ Line on map
○ 45 degrees West longitude
○ Early exploration → didn’t know what was there yet
○ Seemed like good deal
○ All Sp but Brazil


Monroe Doctrine

○ If Euro power attacks L.A.
○ Consider it attack on US and fight back


Roosevelt Corollary

○ Teddy → US intervene even if fight within L.A.


Good Neighbor Policy

○ Throw out Roosevelt Corollary
○ Help if leader needs
○ Request of leaders
○ Military dictators
● Subcomandante Marcos led Zapatistas
● Rev movement
● US supported right wing Contras
○ Destabilize country → civil war
○ R. Reagan
Iran-Contra Scandal
● Sandinistas 1979 overthrew Somoza (US ally)
● Contras operated in Honduras
● Contras attacked schools and factories
● 1986 US law prohibiting aid to Contras
Catherine Tishelman-Charny
○ Illegally selling arms to Iran
○ Illegally fund Contras
● Iran vs. Iraq in Iran-Iraq war
● Hezbollah (terrorist group in Iran) had US hostages in Lebanon
● Iran = US enemy
● Plan exposed 1986
● Contra and Sandinistas peace treaty 1980s
● Ortega president again 2008
● Nicaragua
○ Sandinistas = leftist-socialist pol party
○ Overthrew US right-wing dictator 1979
○ Led by Daniel Ortega
Southern Cone

southern South America

● Central America Free Trade Agreement
● Increase free trade
● Goals
○ Privatize public services
○ Eliminate barriers to invest
○ Protect intellectual property rights
○ Eliminate tariffs
● Controversy → America loses jobs to poorer countries b/c of minimum wage
● Dominican Republic - Central America Free Trade Agreement
● 2005
● Increase free trade
● Goals
○ Privatize public services
○ Eliminate barriers to invest
○ Protect intellectual property rights
○ Eliminate tariffs
● Controversy → America loses jobs to poorer countries b/c of minimum wage
● Free Trade Area of Americas
● All of North and South America except Cuba
● End trade barriers
● US wants free trade and intellectual property rights
● Poor want end to agricultural subsidies and more free trade on agricultural goods
● Subsidies give US farmers unfair advantage
● Venezuela → Chavez called it tool of imperialism
● Rich want intellectual property rights → copyright laws
○ Would hurt sci research in Latin America
○ Widen gap between rich and poor
● US likely dominate
● US and Cuba
○ Economic embargo
○ Prohibits communist regime

Communism (Economic)

● Extreme left
● Political and economic system
● All owned, controlled, operated by gov
● State controls all in name of people
● Goods, services, resources, land, factories
● Services → doctors, lawyers, building contractors
○ State redistributes
● Abstract idea → fair economy
● NEVER WORKED → money and power corrupt
● Too many variables
● Command economy in Russia → control and command economy
● Ownership of property is communal
● Concentrated power supposed to be temporary
● Political leaderships “communist” some places
○ Capitalist gov
What is the relationship between the different economic sectors and a state's position within the world economy?
● Demographic and cultural factors
● Developed and developing
● Richer → tertiary
● US → under 2% are farmers → 98% of food
● Cost of labor
● US has labor unions, health benefits, minimum wage
● Outsource → cheap labor in developing countries

Developed Regions
● Little to no primary sectors
● Few in secondary
● Majority in service (tertiary) sector
● Small but important number in quaternary

Less Developed
● Primary industry based
● Few in manufacturing
● Even less in tertiary
● Pretty much none in quaternary
● Agricultural based societies
● Balance and diversity
● China
○ Competitive edge
○ Confucius
○ Balance of primary, secondary, tertiary
○ Doing very well
● Poor countries → export low value and import high value
Does a low GDP necessarily mean that there is no labor taking place in a state?
Not Included in GDP
● Gov doesn’t know about
● Untaxed
● Illegal
● Housework, child rearing, home labor, food for home consumption, food gather and preparation
● Western-derived
● Western measured
Compare and contrast GDP and per capita GDP. Why might you use either one?
● Goods and services
● Final sale of commodity
○ Last sale counts
● Salaries
● Patterns
● 1. US
● 2. China
● 3. Japan
● 4. Germany
● Top 4 GDP in trillion dollar range
● China surpassed 3 huge economies in 3 years

GDP Per Capita
● Total GDP divided by population total for state
● GDP could be lower b/c of big pop
● Concentration of wealth in business and sectors
○ GDP could seem big
● Equatorial Guinea
○ People starving to death
○ Dictator thief
○ Few people own all
● Wealth disparity
○ Low pop → high GDP on paper
What is the UN Human Development Index, and how does it work?
● Math formula by UN
● Poverty, literacy, education, fertility, etc.
● Developed = North America, Europe, Australia, Japan, China, Central Asia, some of Middle East
What is sovereignty, and why might a state or supranational organization violate the
sovereignty of a state?
● Leaders can legally kill citizens w/o interference of other states
● All other states have to recognize

● Reciprocity: respect ability to mess w/ citizens
● 1999 US led NATO to attack Yugoslavia
● Slobodan Milosevic killed own citizens
○ Possibly ethnic cleansing
● Too much
● Memory of Holocaust
● Instability
● Invasion of Libya 2014
○ Political protest
○ Qaddafi didn’t break old sovereignty rules
● Libyans protested gov
● Qaddafi threatened them
● No exact definition of sovereignty right now
● China and Russia hate US involvement
● After Holocaust → UN law made genocide international crime
Explain how the demographic transition model works. What happens to population
growth in the various stages? How does demographic transition relate to economic
growth and development?
Transition cycle
○ Stage 1: high birth and death rates
○ Stage 2: high birth rates, low death rates
○ Stage 3: low birth and death rates

Stage 1
-infant death
-need kids for labor
-low life expectancy

Stage 2
-Agricultural Revolution
-better technology
-urbanization, specialization
-cultural lag

Stage 3
-Industrial Revolution
-less ppl needed bc of machines
-more costs
-cultural lag over --> less kids

Stage 4
-population stability
-birth rates = death rates
-older people
-US, France, Japan
-immigration and emigration

Stage 5
● Death rates > birth rates
● Population decreasing
● Need immigrants
● Russia, Sweden, Italy (want no kids), Japan (no immigration)
Given a population pyramid, describe its population dynamics (is it growing?
declining?), and identify which stage of demographic transition it’s in and why.

Developed: Stage 4-5

Developing 2-3

No country in Stage 1 now

Why is there a lot of animosity toward the US government in Latin America?
● Monroe Doctrine (1823)
○ If Euro power attacks L.A.
○ Consider it attack on US and fight back
● Any intervention = act of aggression
● Similar to NATO
● US not world power at time
● Not big threat
● Meant nothing at time, means everything now
● Independence movements in S.A.
● Supportive gesture
● Colonial powers out
● Roosevelt Corollary (1904)
○ Teddy → US intervene even if fight within L.A.
● Internal screw ups
● Relations deteriorated
● Good Neighbor Policy (FDR) - 1930s
○ Throw out Roosevelt Corollary
○ Help if leader needs
○ Request of leaders
○ Military dictators
Explain what makes North America is the strongest, richest, and freest region in the
world. What are some upsides and downsides to this?



● US richest country
● Canada → high GDP, GDP per capita, HDI
● G-7, G-8, G-20

● 2nd and 4th largest by size
● Land and space
● Natural resources
● Food → gain, grapes, chicken, corn
● Water
● Coal, oil, tobacco, lumber, cooper, steel, gold, fertile crop lands

● Econ pressure or illegal bribery
○ Huge corps get their way


● US = single strongest military in world
● Tech → most weapons per capita
● Handguns, shotguns, missiles, tanks, warships
● Most aircraft carriers in world
● Annually spend ¾ trillion dollars



-individual liberties

-not as much intolerance of differences

-platform for success



● Favor own people and companies
● Take care of own → multinational companies → self interests
● Unprecedented power players
● Screw other people and govs
● Ignore others’ environmental regulations or bend rules
● Lopsided trade balance
● Take advantage of others
● Animosity

Selective Self-Serving Self-Righteousness
● Doesn’t practice what they preach
● Unrestricted international exchange of goods
● US wants free trade w/ Americas (FTAA)
● Lawsuits
● Cheat on free trade
● Support agricultural subsidies
○ Cheap imports
○ Tariffs on goods
○ Political lobby groups
● Global warming → don’t reduce CO2 emissions
● Highest user of resources per capita → food, oil, plastic


● Threat of US imperialism
● Fear, unstoppable
● Capacity to do it
● Cannot check power of US
● Iraq War → invaded anyway (UN said no)

-doesn't play well with others



-cultural imperialism



-unchecked power doesn't care

-export freedom by force

-hubris and hypocrisy

Explain one instance in which the United States intervened in Latin American a airs.
What happened, who were the main players, and what were their interactions?
Plan Colombia
● US plan
● Controversial
● Coca used by indigenous people
○ Health reasons
○ Make living
● US use aerial fumigation and deadly fungi
○ Health problems
● Civil war in Colombia
● US help fight Marxist rebel group FARC
● Introduced by Colombia in 1998
○ Meant to help economy
○ US revised
● Focus became military aid to fight rebels
○ Eliminate drug trafficking
● Strengthen right-wing paramilitary groups
○ Commit atrocities against peasants
● US tax dollars
● Coca production increased
What common traits do Latin American countries tend to share?
Common Culture
● Spanish and some Portuguese
● Colonial endeavors (1492)
● Big naval powers
● Sp and Port → Brazil
● Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
○ Pop split Sp and Port colonies
○ Catholic
○ Line on map
○ 45 degrees West longitude
○ Early exploration → didn’t know what was there yet
○ Seemed like good deal
○ All Sp but Brazil
● Sp Empire → Western North America
○ Arizona, California, Washington, Utah, New Mexico, Texas, Florida → Spanish speaking
● Latin American Catholicism
○ Rites and rituals
○ Big parties
○ Carnivals
○ Mixed with indigenous, local, and African cultures
Why are so many governments in Latin America leftward-leaning?
● Socialism b/c of wealth disparity, landlessness, poverty
● Venezuela → social reforms
○ Chavez
● Pres. Morales (Bolivia)
● Pres. Correa (Ecuador)
● Obama very popular in L.A.
○ Better relations with Cuba
○ Shook hands with Chavez
● Argentina, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Haiti, Peru
● Liberal on social and cultural issues
● Remedy wealth disparity
● Most people poor → asking for revolution
○ Mexican Rev
○ Communist Rev
○ Bolivarian Rev
○ 2011 Arab Revs
● Want equality and improve infrastructure
○ Primary goal of leftists
● Goals: human rights, invest in education and health care, equal access to land
● US historic involvement
● Harder for extreme right and military dictators to take over
● Most successful = moderate center-left
Why is China's influence growing in Latin America?

-sick of US intervention

-want better trade deals w/ no strings attached

Who is FARC, what are their geographical and historical origins, and what do they
have to do with drugs?

-paramilitary (not Colombia's)

-want to end capitalism


-overthrow gov

-want Marxist regime

-traffic drugs

-kidnap and kill