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54 Cards in this Set

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Does Hinduism have a founder?
How do Hindus view time?
What is the name of Hindus "The One"
Who is the Brahma?
the Creator
Who is the founder of Hinduism?
No founder
How do Hindus view time?
What are Hindus main beliefs?
the One
What is the name of "the One"
Who is Brahma?
the Creator
Who is the Vishnu?
the Preserver
Who is Shiva?
the Destroyer
What are avatars?
incarnations of gods and goddesses
What is Samsara?
What is the atman?
What is the soul (atman) a part of?
What is moksha?
release from samsara (reincarnation)
What is karma?
the law of consequences (caste system)
What does the caste system do?
It determines where you go next in life
What is your dharma?
your duty
what is the human's basic problem?
assumption of individuality; separateness
what is the solution to the basic problem?
yogas and asceticism
who created buddhism?
siddhartha gautama
What was siddhartha gautama's religion?
What was he trying to find in his 6 year search?
the answer to why we suffer
Where was he enlightened? (where did he find the answer)
under the Bodhi tree
what are the 4 noble truths?
there is suffering.
the cause of suffering is desire for what is temporary.
end suffering by ending desire.
end desire by following the eightfold path
What determines whether reincarnation continues?
what is it called when reincarnation ends?
what are the 2 main branches of buddhism
What is the religion that believes in reincarnation and karma? that was created by mahavira
what is ahisma
non-violence toward all living things
what are the two types of monsoons?
wet and dry monsoons
where was the caste system developed from?
the varnas
what are the four classes of varnas
priests, servants, warriors, producers
how was village-based life for traditional indians?
it was self-sufficient
what's a joint family made of?
a husband and wife and their:
unmarried daughters, sons, sons' wives, sons' children
traditional indian women's duty was..
to marry, take care of her husband, and bear sons
what is women's power called?
what is shakti?
the creative energy that only women have
what is purdah?
the strict seclusion often required of higher-caste women
what is sati
women who became virtuous by allowing themselves to burn to death on husbands' funeral fires (cremation)
what are the alternatives for widows?
they could not remarry, often shunned by their families, expected to live with very little materially, expected to spend her life in prayer
what was the time period of pre-colonial period in india
what were the reasons for europeans' original interest in india
christian missionary work and trade
what year did the sepoy rebellion occur?
what were the two main indian religions in the 1800s
hindu and muslim
who were sepoys?
indians who fought in the british army
what were the 2 main causes of the revolt?
1. sepoys were upset about a new law that required them to fight outside of india

2. rumor that sepoys' rifles were greased with beef fat and pork fat
what religion did beef fat insult?
the Hindus
why did beef fat violate hindu beliefs?
to hindus; cows are sacred
what religion did pork fat insult?
why did pork fat violate Muslim beliefs?
muslims don't deal with pigs
what is the theory about the source of the rumor with the sepoys?
that the British started rumor and that it wasn't true
why would the British start the rumor about the sepoys?
They knew Hindus and Muslims would uprise so they would fight and the British would rule