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95 Cards in this Set

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From what direction of the world did the Industrial Revolution progress?
It started in the western part of Europe in England and went further out East.
Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?
England had an advanced economy which provided the market with surplus goods and money.
Also there was a respect for financial success; business was not looked down upon
What was the common thought in Europe before the Industrial Revolution?
Most of Europe thought business was grubby, noblemen had a higher status.
The first son inherited the land, the second son entered the church and the third and forth sons would own a business
What was one impact of the Industrial Revolution?
It expanded trade overseas.
In what areas did industry advance?
ie. kay- flying shuttle, spinning jenny-power loom
Iron Industry- coal and coke (refined coal)
Steam Engine
James Watt
-used in textile mills
stir iron while in molten condition to get more impurities out of it
Early Hindrances to Industrialization:
Bad Transportation
bad roads, last good roads built in Roman Empire
hindrances: Administrative Fragmentation
many divisions in countries, numerous tolls would have to be paid along the way
hindrances: Social traditions were backward
Businesses looked down upon
hindrances: Frequency of War
Everything must go into the war effort
Aspects of change after 1815
Rapid increase in population
Transportation stimulated by Napoleonic Wars
Government became involved in promoting industry
Textile iron and steel
Early in England, moved to U.S. then other parts of Europe
Postal Systems
Telegraph- invented by Morse
(also telephones, undersea cable and typewriter)
What impact did the Industrial Revolution have on population?
It gathered workers to the cities, made them expand at a remarkable rate.
The Life of the Working Class:
Poor Working Conditions
long hours, monotonous taxes, reduces pride in craftsmanship, very few safety precautions
often tended by unmarried women
no compensation
child labor was common
Low Wages
employers paid as little as possible to increase their own profit
there was a surplus of workers
unions were illegal
Poor Living Conditions
Cities grew rapidly with very little planning.
overcrowding, slums and disease was common
What was Hegel's dialectic?
Said that the historical progress takes place by means of opposite ideas
Marx took Hegel's ideas and proposed the clash of economic classes
Surplus (stolen) value
The value of commodity is measured by the labor expended to do it.
workers ought to receive in pay the amount for which the commodity is sold
Concentration of Capital
becoming concentrated in fewer and fewer hands
it will force many at the top to the bottom of the pyramid
Proletariat Revolution
The Proletariat will rise up and overthrow the Bourgeousie
Classless society
No private property
No class struggle
No need for government
Characterized by instinct, emotion, individualism, the wild and unruly, the heart
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
emphasized the "noble savage"
simpler society is better
Friedrich von Schiller
Wrote "William Tell" to emphasize the Swiss struggle for independence from Austria
Who wrote "Faust?"
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Who created a bridge between classical and romantic music, portraying more emotional styles of composition?
Ludwig van Beethoven.
William Wordsworth
A poet who portrayed various aspects of nature in his writing. Famous poem was "The Daffodils."
Cultural manifestations of Romanticism in Literature:`
1. The Love of nature
2. The Irrational
3. The worship of Beauty
4. Fascination with Medieval past
Rebellion against the social order
Colridge was a romanticist who wrote:
"The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner"
A longing for things in the past; the good old days.
Sir Walter Scott wrote:
"Ivanhoe" and "The Lady of the Lake"
Lord Byron contributed to what cause?
He helped the Greeks in their struggle for independence
Cultural manifestations of Romanticism in Paintings:
Delacroix painted...
Constable painted
"Fanatics of Tangier" and "Liberty Leading the People"

landscapes, "The White Horse"
Romantic Architecture
Return to the Gothic style
Religion in the Romantic Era
God was seen not so much as the creator of order but of beauty
A supreme loyalty to ones own country and ones own people

Started at French Revolution and spread through Napoleon's invasions
Nationalism was manifested in
Struggles for independence
Feelings of superiority over others
Folk literature/music
A reaction against the French Revolution
Who wrote "Reflections on the Revolution in France?"
Edmund Burke
A political and economic philosophy of the Bourgeoisie and other comfortable classes.
Politically, Liberalists advocated what?
A limited government with a parliamentary monarchy, gradual reforms not a violent revolution
Congress of Vienna (Quadruple Alliance, Quintuple when including France)
The conservative forces restored the monarchies the desire for peace, the land owning nobility and the R.C. Church.
Uprisings against Conservatism
Spain and Portugal
1820- French Army
Naples- forced king to accept new constitution
Greece- struggled against the Turks (gained independence in 1829)
The July Revolution in France
Louis XVIII ruled as a parliamentary monarch.
Charles X tried to go back to ruling by divine right; dissolved parliament in 1830
outbreak of violence
Charles was defeated in 3 days , who fled to England
Louis Phillippe
Ruled France from 1830-1848 under a liberal limited monarchy
Catered to the Middle class
often dressed as common middle class
What were some results of the uprising in Belgium?
It got its independence
It was affirmed by the powers of Europe in 1839
It was declared perpetually neutral
What were some results of the uprising in Poland?
Poles were given a constitution of their own by Russian ruler Alexander I
Not good enough so they revolted
Revolts were put down by Nicolas I, lost their constitution
Other uprisings occurred in
Italy, Saxony-none succeeded
Legitimists (french party)
wanted to bring back the Bourbon rulers
wanted more power for the church
wanted a republic, no king, more representatives for lower classes
wanted government ownership of industry
June Days
Days of extreme violence in France in 1848, esp. Paris
Which president of France tried to stay in office for more than four years by staging a coux in 1851?
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
An appeal of support to the people. (Offered by Louis Napoleon)
Louis Napoleon changed his name to ___________ when?
Became Napoleon III when the French Republic ceased to exist, went back to monarchy
Frankfurt Assembly
Drew up constitution for a unified Germany
Decided on a monarchy
Took German states of Austria
Offered crown to King of Prussia who refused
Giuseppe Mazzini
romantic idealist who wanted a democratic republic
Giesuppe Garabaldi
soldier, joined Mazzini
Garabaldi and Mazzini were involved in doing what?
They tried to establish a democratic republic by chasing the Pope out of Rome
Pope Pius (Pio Nono)
brought about reforms in papal states
brought wrath against 2 Giuseppes
Louis Napoleon brought the Pope back
Name the man who established unity in Italy and the kingdom he came from.
Count Camillo di Cavour
Kingdom of Sardinia
The last city obtained in unification for Italy was:
Rome 1870
What state in Germany was key during the unification process?
Who helped establish the unity of Germany?
Otto von Bismarck, chancellor under William I
Bismarck believed in
Prussian supremacy in Germany
German supremacy in Europe
Blood and Iron
military might
Bismarck did not hesitate to use it
Austro-Prussian (Seven Weeks) War
Prussia won
- went to war with Austria to decide what to do with conquered lands (Denmark)
Franco-Prussian War 1870-71
Bismark consulted Napoleon III on war for Austria
who promised to stay out of war for a compensation
Napoleon III never got compensation
Battle of Sedan
French lost a large army
Napoleon forced to surrender and taken prisoner
Paris besieged
France lost Alsace and Lorraine
William I
became Kaiser
Crowned in Versailles
Germany unified in 1871
Halting reforms of Alexander I
Educated in enlightenment ideals
tried reforms in education, govt. and social welfare
hesitant because he wanted to keep nobles' support
spent a lot of time fighting Napoleon
What are some reactionist outcomes of the Decembrist Revolt under Nicolas I?
He resolved nothing like it would happen again, put it down
Screened foreign visitors
Screened publications, music
Monitored education
Exiled 170,000 people to Siberia
Decreed that art that was not Russian should be removed from Cathrine the great's palace
What happened when Alexander II brought about extensive reforms?
he was known as "The Czar that freed the serfs"
Serfs were not happy because the lands were bad and they were taxed heavily
Representation didn't mean much because Czars officials could intervene
Alexander II was assassinated by a terrorist
What kinds of changes were made in Parliament in the mid-19th century?
Reform Bill of 1832 (1st one)
the right to vote
Reform Bill of 1832
Brought about right to vote
Did not include farm workers
Middle class had rights
Chartism 1838-48
A movement that called for democratic reforms
A people's charter was drawn up, wanted Parliament to accept but was turned down
Abolition of Slavery 1833
Slave trade abolished in 1818
Corn Laws
dealing with selling of grain
Tariffs on imported grain protected interests of farmers
Began to import grain supply
Supported free trade- industry rather than agriculture
What reforms were made under Queen Victoria?
Moral dignity returned to British Monarchy
She had the longest reign of any monarch
Her morals were upheld by most citizens
William E. Gladstone
A liberal (not like liberals today), Prime Minister four times
Epitome of Victorian age
Was Born-again
Benjamin Disraeli
a Conservative (for the interests of the throne more than people), of Jewish descent, although politics were conservative, his lifestyle was flamboyant
Favored by the Queen
2nd Reform Bill of 1867
Right to vote for city workers
1884 Farm workers
Women given right in 1919
Parliament Act 1911
House of Lords increasingly out of touch with reality
They were appointed not voted in
Their power of absolute veto was taken away
Government of Ireland Bill
Ireland did not have its own govt.
Had to send Anglican reps to Parliament
N. Ireland did not want home rule because they would be a minority
1914- N. Ireland remained under British rule
S. Ireland became its own country
Reforms of early 20th century
Education system improved
Accident compensation for workers
Legality of labor unions
Labour Party 1900
A socialist party not radical revisionists, worked peacefully
Government in Germany
Two House legislature
i.Upper House = Bundesrat
ii.Lower House = Reichstag (Equivalent to British House of Commons)
Not a Constitutional Monarchy but an Absolutist Monarchy
Kaiser and Chancellor worked together
Could override the Two Houses Both the Kaiser and the Chancellor came from Prussia
-Prussia had the upper hand
-Other states were worse off when they joined the union
Bismarck was the real power who ran the government
The Black Menace
Roman Catholic Church (dressed in black)
Catholic Center Party
Bismarck launched a program against Catholics
i. Kulturkampf (Struggle for civilization)
Passed a lot of repressive legislation against the clergy
-Expelled the Jesuits
-Did not accomplish anything but made the party stronger

Gave up and began to court the favor of the Catholic Center Party
The Red Menace
The Radical Socialists
Marxist Party
Believed in Revolution
Formed in 1875
Bismarck saw them as a genuine threat
Legislation was passed to outlaw the party
Had many measures passed to aid the working class (1880s)
-Germany became a Welfare State
-Came with a price (higher taxes, lack of liberty, etc.)
Cecil Rhodes
British, made a fortune on gold in Transvaal
Paul Kruger
Dutch president of Transvaal
Tried to keep out foreigners
Rhodes became president of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)