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107 Cards in this Set

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Rules discoverable by reason
Natural law
English thinker, wrote "Leviathan", people are naturally evil/cruel
Thomas Hobbes
An agreement by which ppl gave up their freedom for an organized society
Social contract
English thinker, optimistic view of ppl, natrual rights (life, liberty, property). "Two Treatises of Government"
John Locke
Rights humans are born w/
Natural rights
"Philosophes", believed reason could lead to reform in government
"The Spirit of Laws", criticized absolute monarchy, checks and balences, the three branches
Outspoken b/c he spoke his mind, wit
28-volume set of books, "Encyclopedia"
Believed humans were basically good, "The Social Contract", only some controls were neccesary
Policy allowing businesses to operate w/ little or no government interference.
Laissz faire
"The Wealth of Nations", free market
Adam Smith
Restricting access to ideas and information
Informal social gatherings at which writers, artists, philosophers and others exchanged ideas
Style that was ornate, huge, colorful, and exciting
Style that was lighter, elegant, charming
Absolute rulers who used their power to bring about political and social change
Enlightened despots
Reduced use of torture, free press, religious tolerance. Liked power, King of Prussia
Frederick the Great
Empress of Russia, no torture, religious tolerance, criticized serfdom
Catherine the Great
Traveled in disguise among his students of problems, free press, religious tolerance, abolished serfdom
Joseph II
Old order
Ancien regime
Three social classes
Upper middle class
When a government spends more than it takes in
Deficit spending
Weak/indecisive ruler, appointed Necker
Louis XVI
Financial expert, wanted to reduce extra spending, reform gov., abolish tariffs, tax first and second estates
Jacques Necker
Lesgislative body w/ representatives of 3 estates
Grim medieval fortress used as prison for political and others
Dissenting groups of people
Aristocractic "hero of 2 worlds", middle-class liked him, headed national guard
Marquis de Lafayette
Journalist, equal rights for women, "Declaration of the Rights of WOmen and the Female Citizen".
Olympe de Gouges
Queen, extravagant life irritated, didn't want a reform.
Marie Antoinette
Nobles, clergy, and others who fled France
Working class, "without breeches"
Gov. ruled by elected officials, not monarchs
Revolutionary political club, middle-class lawyers/intellectuals
The right to vote
Lead Committy of Public Safety, dedication to revolution, radical "the incorruptible"
Sept. 1793-July1794, trials killed 17,000
Reign of Terror
Falling blade, cut off head
Popular military hero, lots of battles won, rules France
Strong feeling of pride in one's country
Port city
Popular vote by balot
Code of laws, equality of all citizens, religious tolerance, o feudalism
Napoleonic Code
Incorperated into an empire
Closed European ports to British goods, but really helped the British
Continental System
Hit-and-run raids
Guerilla warfare
Russians retreated, burning crops and villages and hurt French army
Scorched earth policy
Stepped down from power
Diplomats sat down to restore stability in Europe
Congress of Vienna
Restoring hereditory monarchs that had been unseated
System, powers met to discuss peace problems in Europe (compare to UN)
Concert of Europe
Monarch clashed w/ parlimont over $ and foreign policy
James I
Protestants who differed w/ the church of England
Inherited throne, wanted to behave like an absolute monarch. Imprisoned w/ trial, used lots o' $, signed "Petition of RIght"
Charles I
Sought to purify church, simpler services, more democratic
Leader of Roundheads, Puritan, "New Model Army", made officials off skill not class
Oliver Cromwell
Several acts passed by Parliament, superiority of Parliament over monarchy
English Bill of RIghts
A constitution/legislative body limits monarch
Constitutional government
Gov. where a few ppl have power
Drug that prevents pain during surgery
Process of taking over and consolidation land farmers shared by peasants
Scottish engineer, improved Newcomen's steam engine
James Watt
Separate iron from it's ore
Money used to invest in enterprises
Business organization in an area as shipping, mining, railroads, or factories
Ppl who manage and assume the financial risks of starting businesses
Cottage industry, which raw cotton was distributed to peasant families who spun it into thread and then into cloth
Invented cotton gin
Eli Whitney
Private roads built by entrepreneurs, charged a fee to use it
Where the world's first major rail line went to and from
Liverpool to Manchester
Movement of ppl to cities
Multistory buildings divided into apartments
Workers organization
Labor unions
British economists, effects of rise in population, poverty is unavoidable, "An Essay on the Principle of Population"
Thomas Malthus
Advocated utilitarianism, all laws and actions judged by utility
Jeremy Bentham
Idea that the goal of science should be "the greatest happiness for the greatest number"
Ppl as a whole rather than private individuals owning businesses
The farms, factories, railroads, and others that produced food
Means of production
Utopian, model society in New Lanark, refused child labor
Robert Owen
German philosopher, condemned ideas of Utopians as unrealistic, "scientific socialism", wrote "The Communist Manifesto" w/ Engles
Karl Marx
Form of socialism, a violent revolution leads to a classless society where all production owned by community
Working class
Political ideology where there is gradual transition from capitalism to socialism and working class gets to vote
Social demcracy
Who was Steve Biko?
Wanted overthrow apartheid
Who was Marcus Garvey?
Preached a forceful, appealing message of "Africa for Africans" and demanded an end to colonial rule..
Who was W.E.B. DuBois?
African American activist, organized the first Pan-Africanism Congress.
Who was Ataturk?
"Father of the Turks", goals to modernize Turkey along Western lines and to separate religion from gov.
What did Ataturk's gov. do for Turkey?
Built railroads, set up factories, and hired westerners to advise him
What was the Indian National Congress party?
Pressed for self-rule within the British empire
Who was Theodor Herzl?
Responded to growing anti-Semitism in Europe by founding the modern Zionist movement, wanted to rebuild a Jewish state in Palestine
Who was Gandhi?
Preached ahimsa, he believed in the power of love, lead boycott of British goods
What is stream of consciousness?
Technique, a writer appears to present a character's random thoughts and feelings without imposing any logic or order
What is Einstein's Theory of Relativity?
Argued that measurements of space and time are not absolute but are determined by the relative position of the observer, raised questions about Newtonian science
Who was Sigmund Freud?
Suggested that the subconscious mind drives much of human behavior
What title did Mussolini take?
II Duce
Who did Mussolini get support from, and for what in return?
Pope Pius XI, in return for recognizing Vatican City as independent state
What is Fascism?
-Political system that became popular in Europe
-State is more important than the people
-Strongly nationalistic
-War should be glorified
-Strict obedience to state
-Always imployed Propoganda
Who was another Fascist?
Francisco Franco (Spain)
When Lenin died, what did he not do?
Name an heir
Russia is ________
Italy is __________
Communist, Fascist
What was Stalin's Five Year Plan?
Russia began to industrialize under it, a five year plan to success in Russia
What did Stalin also bring under gov. control?
When some peasants didn't want to give up their land, what did they do?
They resisted by killing farm animals, destroying tools, and burning land
Stalin decided to do what to the Kulaks?
"Liquidate them" (kill them) and sent to labor camps
Between 1936 and 1938 what did Stalin do?
Staged a series of "show trials". Former Communist leaders confessed to all kinds of crimes after officials tortured them. Many of the purged party members weren't tried and were sent straight to the Gulag.