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57 Cards in this Set

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When was the church at the highest power?
During Pope Innocent III
What did Pope Innocent III say about being Pope?
"between God and man, lower than God but higher than men, who judges all and is judged by no one."
Who was the head of the 4th Laterin Council?
Pope Innocent III
What triggers the Crusades?
The Seljuk Turks invading the Byzantine empire, and extended their power over the Holy Land which prevented Christians from traveling to it.
What did Pope Urban II say about the Crusades?
If you're doing something in the name of God, all sins will be forgiven
What are the three impacts the Crusades had on the people?
-European economies expand= luxuries from Byzantine empire, trade, large fleets, money economy which undermines serfdom
-Effects monarchs and church= increases power of monarchs, and brings papal power to greatest height
-Wider worldveiw=realization that other ppl are out there, the world is bigger. Marco Polo helped this
Who was Christine de Pisan?
She was a writer who examined women's education, "The City of Ladies", she thinks that women are just as capable as men
What other incidents happened in the 14th century besides the plague?
Great schism, Babylonian Captivity.
Why did the people think it had something to do with religion?
B/c the French kinds fought w/ papacy, and one captured a Pope, and another Pope was elected in Rome, so they thought it was the "wrath of God"
Who was the "Father of Humanism"?
What are two reasons why the Renaissance started in Italy?
-Renaissance thinkers had a new interest in ancient Rome, it was a logical place for it to start
-Italy's location encouraged trade with markets on the east
Who was the Medici family?
They were rich patrons, they had a lot of art
Give an example of how humanism impacted literacy and art works?
Donatello's David
Who was Brunelleschi?
Created a majestic dome for a cathedral in Florence
Where did the Northern Renaissance begin?
Why can't you call the Protestant Reformation a revolution?
B/c a revolution is much more radical than a reformation, and the Episcopal church (for ex.) still has most of the same prayers and cerimonies as the Catholic chruch.
Name some church abuses...
-Caught up in worldly affairs
-Fought long term wars
-Plotted against monarchs
-Fought to expand it's own interest
-Popes led lavish lives
What is Salvation in Catholicism?
It's achieved through faith and good works
What is Salvation in Lutheranism?
Achieved through good works
What is Salvation in Calvinism?
God alone predetermines who will be saved
What are the Sacraments in Catholicism?
Priests preform 7 sacraments or rituals
What are the Sacraments in Lutheranism?
Accepts some of the sacraments, but reject others b/c rituals cannot erase sin, only God can
What are the Sacraments in Calvinism?
Accepts some of the,, rejects others b/c rituals cannot erase sin, only God can
Who is the Head of Church in Catholicism?
Who is the Head of Church in Lutheranism?
Elected councils
Who is the Head of Church in Calvinism?
Council of elders
What is the Importance of the Bible in Catholicism?
Bible is one source of truth; Church tradition is another
What is the Importance of the Bible in Lutheranism?
Bible is alone source of truth
What is the Importance of the Bible in Calvinism?
Bible is alone source of truth
How is Belief Revealed in Catholicism?
Priests interpret the Bible and Church teachings for the people
How is Belief Revealed in Lutheranism?
People read and interpret the Bible for themselves
How is Belief Revealed in Calvinism?
People read and interpret the Bible for themselves
What two types of people were there according to Calvinists?
Sinners and Saints
What's the difference between why Calvin and Luther broke from the Church and why Henry VIII broke from it?
Calvin and Luther were for religious reasons, Henry VIII was political
What was the "Index of Forbidden Books"?
A list of works considered to immoral or irreligious for Catholics to read.
"Witches" were usually...
Both Catholics and Protestants began to...
Persecute Jews
What was Copernicus' book called?
"On Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres"
Why was the fact that the Earth moved so argued?
B/c the Bible said the Earth stood still, but science disagreed
Who created the scientific method?
Francis Bacon
What book did Newton write, and when was it written?
"Mathematical Princibles", 1687
What is the period between 500-1000 called?
The Dark Ages
Why is it called this?
B/c literacy, gov., education decreased
What is the period between 1000-1350(1500) called?
The Middle Ages
WHy is it called this?
B/c literacy increases, immergence of universities, and nation-states
Who was St. Augustine?
He was a Christian writer who wrote "Confessions" (a biography) and "The City of God" (a religious work). Believed the world unfolds according to God's plan, predestination. God was all-powerful and all-knowing. Women were the problem
Who was St. Thomas Aquines?
Wrote "Summa Theologica", rejects predestination, man has freewill.
What were Aqunies steps to get to heaven?
1. Believe in God
2. Practice good works
What are "good works"?
-Right action
-Participation in the sacramental system
What is the 4th Lateran Council?
Named the 7 sacraments
Why did this result in church growth?
B/c you had to go to church to get the sacraments, to get to salvation
How did the church split?
A bishop in Rome thought he should be head bishop, but others disagree. Church splits into Roman Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox
What are the reasons for the Crusades?
1. Rescue holy land
2. Concerned about the fuedal wars, he wanted Christians to stop fighting each other
3. Imperialism (more land)
What were the effects of the Crusades?
1. Opened up cultural exchange, brought back spices, rugs, ect.
2. Serfs were freed, being payed wages
3. Growth of trade and economy
Who was Dante?
From Italian peninsula, wrote "The Divine Comedy"=3 parts (Inferno, purgatorio, and paradise). Wrote in Tuscan dialect that becomes basics of Italian
Who was Chaucer?
Englishman who wrote "Cantabury Tales" in middle english. 33 pilgrims each tells a tale. Stepping stone to modern english
What were the causes of Renaissance?
1. Disintegration of Medieval Society
-Economy (trade increasing, feudal wasn't working)
-Imergence of middle class
2. Cultural shift
-Philosophy-scholasticism no longer worked b/c of growing interest in natural sciences
-Asceticism no long appealed
-Architecture shift to classical