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21 Cards in this Set

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George Cuvier

Comparative Anatomy, (With animals and fossils) brought large collections of fossils - first person to believe that change occurs and species disappear after catastrophic events

Thomas Malthus

His An Essay on the Principle of Population (1798) observed that sooner or later population will be checked by famine and disease, leading to what is known as a Malthusian catastrophe.

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach

German physician, naturalist- 5 Races in 1779. Studied humans as natural science through comparative anatomy, compared craniums of races in 1795 theses. Fossils created questions of evolution and helped idea of classification even in humans


Human races came from different origins. As opposed to all races originating from one original race.

Samuel Morton

Wrote Crania Americana, claimed he could define the intellectual ability of a race by the skull capacity. Said white people had the biggest brains, Indians were in the middle, Negroes had the smallest.

Berlin Conference

Regulated Colonization in Africa, many countries took over African Countries. When efforts were launched to colonize Africa→ a vast expansion of European colonies in the heart of Africa. Introduced the idea that Africa could be testing ground for social and scientific inquiries

New Imperialism (Late 1800s-WW2)

Huge expansion by US, Japan, and European Countries up until WW2. Helped shape the political boundaries of Africa and island territories. “What can science give to Africa? what can Africa give to science?”-_______

Possible testing ground “lab” spurred expansion

White Man’s Burden

Written by Rudyard Kipling, saying it’s a burden to civilize minorities.

Hard to say whether satirical or not. discussed white man’s need to civilize non-whites for religious or scientific reasons (Argue it either way for an essay)

Thomas Huxley

disputed Darwin’s findings but was later one of his biggest advocates. “Darwin’s bulldog” LATER COINED TERM- DARWINISM in 1860

Francis Galton

founder of eugenics*- a social philosophy advocating the improvement of human genetic traits through the promotion of higher reproduction of people with desired traits. Important because brought up social concern over moral ramifications of ethics of science and views on races & science.

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach

german physician; comparative anatomist, naturalist; cranial studies; came up with classification of five races

Karl Marx

German philosopher and economist who co-authored the communist manifesto. His beliefs and works led to communism and marxism. He also influenced economic and social policies. Was a large opponent of capitalism

Ecole Polytechnique

French institute of higher learning. Specialized in science and engineering. Fostered academics and intellectual discourse in europe and colonial holdings, & helped expand the prominence of engineers in european armies.


A person who uses scientific methods, mathematics and ingenuity to solve problems. Became indispensable to military. Napoleon brought engineers w/army to Egypt.

Trench Warfare

form of warfare emerging mid-WWI consisting of both sides digging in deep trenches and making reckless charges at the enemy defenses, created lots of stalemate and. resulted in catastrophic loss of lives, also led to piloted flights above battlefields for spotting,

Treaty of Versailles

1919 treaty that was part of the Paris accord which ended WWI. Unique in that it was such a publicized event: thousands of reporters and journalists from many nationalities came to watch. Dictated that the Germans demilitarize and pay for war damages


modern economic and social system based on an industrialized and standardized form of mass production. Named after henry ford.

Mass production

the use of assembly lines to manufacture large quantities of goods in a short amount of time.

Albert Einstein

played a role in a series of developments that ends in the atomic bomb; born in Germany; at age 26 in 1905 he was a patent clerk and he got his doctorate and published research papers

Lise Meitner

female german physicist; tested the possibility of fission; was a former jew who turned protestant, but was still exiled from Germany; She explored fission with Otto Frisch. Didn’t receive credit for coining fission


large scale gov’t projects- would create work and jobs for people, generate electricity; dams were constructed; series of big gov’t projects; May 18, 1933 Congress passed TVA Act; Contributed to the HUGE portion of power needed to build the atomic bomb; economically developed rural areas