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48 Cards in this Set

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The Middle Ages
All technology disappears
(sanitation, plumbing, etc)
Middle Ages Themes
3 Surviving Orders
1. Clergy
2. Nobility
3. Everyone Else
Those who prayed
-Roman catholic church was absolute
-bishope of Rome was Pope
Those who fight
-local territorial leaders
-eventually conquer more & more people
-origins of nations like Birtain & France
Everyone Else
Those who worked
-tied down to one job/territory
-join church in order to rise out of being commoner
Major Themes
1. Growth in Authority in Kings
2. Growth in Authority of Common People
Growth in Authority of Kings
-took power by Divine Right: Theology is used to back up authority
-King, Clergy, Nobility, Common People
-Not an "absolute" ruler
Growth in Authority of Common People
-later Middle Ages (1100's)
-invasion from Nors/Vikings which make them look past their cities
-economic opportunity: people being to trade again and we begin to see a middle class emerge
-King of the Frankss
-claimed territory from France to Britain
-Pepit was his father which gave him the Divine Right to rule over the Franks
-begins a great expansion (conquers Denmark, Czech Republic, and Italy)
-Christmas Day 800: Pope Leo III crowns him as Roman Emperor
-Upon his death his attempt of unification collapses except for leadership
-"Father of Modern Europe/ Germany/French"
-Est French Royalty
Norseman Invasion
-Skilled Sailors/ Warriors
-From Scandinavian Countries
-stable population group
-Percieved as "giants" because of military tactics
-looking for farmland

Why did the invade?
-looking for farmland
-political reasons: could choose to conquer
-extinction: would take a village of women away in order to keep their civilization
Europe in 1000CE
1. Anglo Saxons
-have established monarchy in England
2. France
-elected Kings from Nobles
-Would pick the "weakest" noble to be King
3. Germany
4. Remainder was an anarchy
A system to maintain order
-Feudal Lord
-Feudal Contract
Feudal Lord
-came from the Franks
-must offer services to Lord in exchange for protection from Lord
-Often looking for services in warfare
-Benfice: Lord rents out land; eventually changed to a fife; land would be herditary
-people began to give themselves surnames based on their occupations
Feudal Contract
-must pledge loyalty to King once a year
-done in a investuffe ceremony
-escheat: clause that said if you died and had nobody to give fife then it would be given back
Manor System
-"Feudalism for upperclass"
1. Crop Rotation Practiced
2. 1/4 or 1/3 of land would be held for an entire manor
3. Tenants responsible for tending to the Kings land
4. subsitancy level: producing enough money to live but not to flourish

B. Serfs
-hereditary labor class
-not a slave; free to go
Difference Between Feudalism & Manoralism
1. Feudalism
-delt with the military
2. Manoralism
-agriculture & other services (localized)
-same concept but for different people
-british isles had been immune to this
Norman Conquest of England
William Duke of Normandy
"William The Bastard"
-est. himself on coast of Normandy
-astute military commander
-kept close eye on feudal contract
-close eye across english channel
**OCT 6,1066** Battle of Hastings
-second person that has successfully invaded England
-various wars in order to push king out of England/ considers all of England his property

His Property
1. 1/6 of England is his (Royal)
2. 1/2 Given to Fiefs (Nobles)
3. 1/4 Church Properties

-Does a massive inventory of the entire country (Doomsday Book) which has become primary source of Medieval times; purpose was taxation
-Est a massive castle building program to those of who he approves
-Established Latin as official language
-No private wars
-Est. sytem of coinage
-Est council of Nobles: one day becomes the England Parliament (Group of nobleman that are advisors to King)

-takes Legitimate Queen of England & has three sons
1. First son: Normandy
2. Second son: England
3. Third Son (Henry I): Lots of Money ( Left with Everything)
Battle of Hasting
OCT 6, 1066
-Settled conquest of Englad by Normandy (decided in one day)
-12.25.1066 William I becomes King of England ("The Conquerer")
If you are the oldest son you get everything when your parents died
Bayeux Tapestry
Hung in the Walls of Normandy; piece of artwork that explained conquest of England
Henry I
Youngest son of William the Conquerer
1.Rules from 1100-1135
2.Wants to Establish some type of Revenue
-Revenue is generated from taxes
-Taxes based on Doomsday Book
-EXCHEQUER: responsible for the Kings bank account (Chancellor of the exchequer)
-Same system England uses today
3. Scutage (shield cash) way for King ot tax nobles in order to get out of military service: used by every King in england till the end of Feudalism
Henry II
Grandson of Henry I (only had daughters)
-Before his rule their is a 20 year civil war; england is an anarchy during this period
-1100 castles are destroyed
3. Establishes Common Law: the base of Law system in most of the Western Hemisphere
-"trial by law/jury"
-starts Writ of Arrest, Habeus Corpus, Circuit Court
4. Had a "wondering eye" in Marriage
-Eleanor of Aquataine: first wife (allowed out of castle to go to church twice a year)

1. John: King John after Richard
-Weak tries to establish absolutism
-Robin Hood
-1st that must sign Magna Carta(limits the King)

2. Richard(son): becomes king
Magna Carta
many see it as the beginning of change from monarchy to democracy
-limits the King
- Invention of wheel barrow
- increases productivity of one person
-horse shoes, horse drawn plows & collars
Mechanical Science
-switched to Arabic #'s rather than Roman Numerals
-some came up with the concept of zero
Other Technological Advances
1. Beowulf

2. Divine Comedy: descent from heaven to hell and back up again; first time a huge piece of literature not written in Latin but instead Italian
-Beginning of Romantic languages
The Crusades
-First time in history a war between Muslims & Christians
-Christian pilgrims make pilgrimage to places described in bible (Jerusalem final destination)
-Hakim: massive war; completes conquest in Middle East; results in complete ban from Christian & Muslim Pilgrims

First Crusade 1095
-Pope goes to King of England and asks him to repopen the holy land & promises they would go to Heaven
-military pilgrimage to reopen holy land
-all of them are failures (10 in total; and one led by children)

Last Crusade 1270
-Important that they are exposed to culture of the East
-1300s access to Holy Land is reopened
Crusader States
-The states the crusades got at times
1. Israel
2. Tripoli
3. Lebanon
4. Anitoch
-captured and held by christians
Byzantinian Empire
-tension between West & East Christians
-Constaniople briefly sacked by France
Hospitliers & Knight Templer (Hired Knights)
-Were escorters to try to get Crusaders to Holy Land
Bubonic Plague
"Black Death"
1. From 1290 -1300s Population Drops
-lost of life in crusades
-death in 100 yr war
-Massive Crop failure & Drought (famine, "mini ice age, infant mortality at 55%)

2. Two Major Waves
a. 1347 to 1351
b. 1360 to 1390
-Estimated to kill 1/3 to 1/2 of Europes Population
-Comes from trade from Asia or China
-Passes from Rats to fleas to humans

First Strikes Italy
Bubonic Plague Symptoms
-3 to 5 days after being bit you would develop flu like symptoms, then sores would pop up.
-Organ failure and then you would die from suffocation

"Ring around the Rosie"
100 Years War
Outbreak 1337
-Succession crisis between French & English
-France dealing with empty throne after the line of the Catlians
Edward III
100 Years War
-King of England
-Nephew of previously deceased King of France
-Calais: narrowest part at english channel
-Constant fighting in order to gain control of the edge of Normandy
-english still had territorial control of France's country
English Long Bow
100 Years War
-Could shoot about 1000 ft away; took someone with muscle
-english didnt use much armor; french used armor and rode on horseback (disadvantage)
-Chain mall: causes weapons to glance off; very tough & lighter than suit of armor
Joan of Arc
100 Years War
-becomes one of the most efficient generals
-commoner who recieves devine message from god & is given the right by the King for her to be the England General
-turned over and accused for witch craft because they said there was no way a woman could accomplish all that. Burned at stake.
Henry IV (English) & Charles VI (French)
- met in order to end fighting
- Treaty of Troyes: settlement of all peace finally concludes business; The english recognize the French King
-Allows for bloodless dialogue to occur over settling the land
-1453: English are only left with only city of Calait
The Renaissance
1300s - 1500s
-Italy is Birthplace

Artistic/Culture Movement: demphasizes religion & brings secular and more worldly peaces also includes scientific endeavor

Economic/Social & Political: people being to think about capitalism, King becomes more of a partner

In Two Regions
-Holy Roman Empire (Germany): Reformation is born here
Enlightened People
-The Renaissance
Revival of Classical Learning
Thinkers of this Time
The Renaissance
1. Sir Thomas Moore
-Court official for King Henry VIII
-Wrote Utopia ( a persons dominant pursuit in life is education & cultural )

2. The Prince by Michiavelli
-Do the ends justify the means
-strength view pint, very individualistic

3. Leonardo Divinci
-True example of what renaissance man was (Well rounded)


-Houses instead of Castles
-Bridge to Modern Period

Protestant Reformation
-Christianity breaks into a pleathora of denominations
Martin Luther
Protestant Reformation
-Knew about Columbus discovering New World
-lived in Holy Roman Empire
-Catholic Monk serving at University of Wittenburg
-Agitated with the priest and their openness with sex and many ways/ also with indulgences
-Oct 31, 1517: Allow Lew nobleman (secular person) to sell indulgences
-Forms first catholic & christian blend called Lutherism (in or around Germany)
-bought a piece of paper to forgive you for sins; usually money not given to charity
95 Thesis
On door of church; openly questions the supremacy of Pope
-Martin Luther is excommunicated
John Calvin
laywer by trade
-goes back to early blend of Christianity called Predestination
-centers movement at city of Genova
-Calvinism plays a big role in shaping church of england