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97 Cards in this Set

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What is the meaning of the word 'Mesopotamia'?
"land between rivers"
What feature of geography favored the first civilizations?
rivers and water valleys
What geographicalfeature of the ancient Near East had regular accessto water for irrigation systems?
Fertile Crescent
Who created the first civilizationof Mesopotamia?
What leader of the Akkadians established one of the first empires by overrunning the city-states of Sumer?
Hammurabi is best remembered in the history of world civilizations for what accomplishment?
Law Codes
What is one of the earliest and most famouspieces of Mesopotamian literature, the story of a legendary king?
Epic of Gilamesh
The history of the hebrews can be found in which book?
Hebrew Bible
Isreal reached the height of its power under which king?
What Persian emperor might be considered one of the greatest conquerors by creating a state that extended from Asian Minor to Western India?
What Persian religious teacher emphasized the ethical importance of people choosing right over wrong?
What mountains in the north divided India from the rest of Asia?
Himalayan and Karakoram Mountains
What weather feature has the greatest influence on Indian climate and agriculture?
Harappan Civilization developed in India along what river?
Indus River
What Indian prince abbandoned his home and family and introduced the idea of the Middle Path?
Siddhartha Gautama
Who was the founder of the first empire that controlled much of India after the death of Alexander the Great?
Chandragupta Maurya
How did the conversion of Buddhism of the Emperor Ashoka change his rule?
Made him a nicer person, created rest stops for tired travelers, etc.
What are the names of Indias great historical epics?
Mahabharata and Ramayana
What geographical features surrounding China led to its generalisolation from the rest of the world?
Deserts and Mountains
(Gobi desert)
Confucius encouraged his disciples not to speculate too much on religious questions but to focus instead on what aspects?
ovdeving affairs of own world -> duty and humanity
What Zhou dynasty belief gave the emperor the right to rule over China and the people the right to overthrow a ruler?
Mandate of Heaven
Mencius, the follower of Confucius, offered what advice to win the empire?
be a good and compassionate ruler
What rivers supported civilization in China?
Yangize River and the Yellow River
What did the Shang rulers place in their royal tombs?
Golden Vessels
What principle justified the rule of the Zhou dynasty?
Mandate of Heaven
Lagalism called for what measures to see that people behaved correctly?
Strict laws and harsh punishment
Qin Shi Huangdi, the first Chin emperor, placed what in his tomb that was 'ruinously expensive'?
terra-cotta soldiers and horses
Homer gave an account of the Trojan War in what epic poem?
What factor played an important role in shaping Greek history?
sorrounding mountains: caused small communities, expantion with sea, and plenty rivalries
What political institution shaped the development of the Greeks in the 8th Century?
Mycenaean civilization: loose confederacy
Lycurgus was known for creating laws governing society for what Greek people?
What ruler from what country gained control of all of Greece after the Battle of Chaeronea?
Alexander the Great
Where was Rome located in Italy?
On the plain of Latium near Tiger River
What 2 classifications of people in Rome formed the Senate and the Assembly?
Patrictions and Cleavons
What classification of people first dominated the Roman republic?
What general from the Carthage challenged the Romans in the Second Punic War?
What force defeated the Gracchus brothers and theirattempts to reform Rome?
Members of the Senate killed them
What services were provided for the people of imperial Rome?
Public works: colloseum, baths, food, games
Entertainment: gladiator shows
Who was the prominent figure of early Christianity who helped spread the Christian message to wider audiences?
Saint Paul
What master of soldiersdid away with the last emperor of the West Roman Empire?
What was the major gift of Rometo the Mediterranean world and future generations?
System of Laws
What was the major project of Constantine and by what name was it known?
New Rome: Constantinoble, Istanble
Han Wudi was responsible for what development in China?
went against neighbors, expanded Han empire, and secured boundaries.
Where did the Mayans establish their empire?
Yucatan penninsula
What happened to the defeated players of the sacred ball court of the Maya?
they were sacrificed to the gods in post game ceremonies
What scripture is sacred to Islam?
Koran or Qur'an
What shrine in Mecca became the sacred center of Islam?
Whose spiritual visions or inspirations became the foundation of Islam?
What are the meanings of Jihad?
holy war
striving in the way of the lord
What are the 5 pillars of the Islamic faith?
1. belief in Allah and Muhammad as his
2. standard prayer 5 times a day
3. observation of the holy month of Ramadan including fasting from dawn to sunset
4. making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once
5. giving alms or zakat to the poor and unfortunate
What was the role of Islam beyond a set of religious beliefs?
a way of life
What contributed to the rapid expansion of Islam in the early 7th century?
external trade routes, drought, and the desire by Muslim leaders to channel energy
What group split from "Orthodox" Muslims to create a major schism or division in Islam?
What accounts for the prosperity of the Abbasid caliphate, and early Islam in general?
trade, conquest, and taking trade routes in the open frontier
The Berbers were responsible for what kind of trade in what region?
Traded agriculture, manufactured goods, and gold in North Africa near the Sahara
The Epic of Son-Jara (Sundiata) celebrated what accomplishment of Sun-Jara?
founding the Mali empire
Mansa Musa became well known throughout the rest of the world for what accomplishments?
his pilgrimage to Mecca, well known for how much he gave/spent
The Swahili Coast became prosperous as a result of what activity?
What was the effect of Islamic expansion on African Society?
Arabic language, new and broader religions, and influenced government.
What is Great Zimbabwe and why is it important?
Capital, Stone city in Southern Africa, was super powerful. And now shows how it use to be
What era in Indian history is known for being a "Golden Age" and why?
Gupta Dynasty: major trade routes and general prosperity
The Kushan Kingdom became a transfer point for trade on what major trade route?
Silk Road
Mahmud of Ghazni was responsible for the expansion of Islam into what region?
upper Indus river valley and as far south
Who was the Mongol leader who was elected as Genghis Khan?
The Mongols were known for what kind of treatment of the local population?
Brutal: they killed people and dogs, stole valuables, and took women
How did the Mongols conquest affect trade?
Increased trade, especially on the Silk Road. Kept tolerant economic policies
Marco Polo is responsible for our accounts of what empire?
Wan Dynasty (China)
What items were the most attractive trade items in the Europe-Asia trade under the Mongols?
Silk and Spice
What nation contributed most to Japanese political and religious culture?
What was the function of the samurai in Japan?
to protect the security and property of their patron
Between 800 and 1500, which class of people in Japan took responsibility for military as well as administrative functions?
In the Early Middle Ages in Europe, monasticism supported civilization in what ways?
Monks = heros
Monks made schools, hospitals, hospitality, and passed on the legacy of the ancient world
In what ways did Charlemagne contribute to his being considered the "father of Europe"?
crowned emperor by the Pope and brought together the Roman, Christian, and Germanic people. and also had a very large empire.
What developments in the 9th and 10th centuries disintegrated political order in Europe?
Invasion by Vikings and Magians
What group formed the backbone of the European nobility and had the greatest social prestige?
What terms are associated with feudalism in Europe?
vassals, lords, theif
What were the obligations of serfs in the European Middle Ages?
stay at the lands, provide labor services, pay rents, and be subject to the lords jurisdiction
What economic system made it possible for feudal knights in Europe to have time needed to carry out their military duties?
Feudalism/Feudal system
What is heresy?
beliefs contrary to official church doctorine
The Western Christian holy "ware of the cross" to recapture the Holy Land is known by what name?
The Crusades had what effect on economic growth in Europe?
established set taxation and created lending places. It enhanced the revival of trade
Magna Carta had what effect on the power of the English king?
limited the monarchs power
The English King Henry II had what impact on law in his kingdom?
expanded power of king, created a body of common law, increased the number of criminal cases to be tried, and expanded the power of royal courts
What does a knight receive in exchange for agreeing to be a vassal to his lord?
fief: a piece of land
Why did European knights and kings take part in the Crusades?
stop infidels, take back the holy land, economic advantages, and to die a martyr
Where did Scandinavian Vikings establish the first Rus (Russian) state?
kiev (present day Ukrain)
Why did the Rus leader Vladimir accept Christianity and what form of Christianity was it?
Orthodox or Byzantine Christianity and because he married the Byzantine emperors sister
What accomplishment of the Emperor Justinian proved to be "fleeting"?
Conquest of Western empire: because it didn't last long
What were the cultural and political features of the European Renaissance?
Revived culture, arts, language etc.
Based on trade and around city-states
The appearance of rival popes in Rome and Avignon was called by what name?
Great Schism
What did the Flagellants do and why did they do it?
go town to town flogging each other with whips to gain gods forgiveness
The Black Death spread through Europe by what carrier and what means?
Black rats with fleas who carried the disease
The European Renaissance originated in what cities of what country?
Italy: Milan, Florence, Venice, Papal, and Naples
Who took control of the merchant power in Florence to enable his family to dominated politics in that city for generations?
Minichie Family
Who were the 3 "artistic giants" of the Italian Renaissance?
Leonardo do Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo
What group was responsible for reviving the study of the classic literature of ancient Greece and Rome?
Petrarch-> Humanists
The Great Schism had what effect on the power of the Christian church in the West?
divided the church between France and England alies
thus weakened the power of the church