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112 Cards in this Set

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A little ice age occurred in what century?
The little ice age was an example of what nature of climate change?
what was a consequence for the change in temperature?
What percent of population was wiped out?
Earlier in the middle ages, what caused the population to grow?
global warming
in 1330 there were how many paupers in Florence?
The black death was known as the...
great plague
The black death was spread by...?
Rats carried which host?
Yersinia Pestis
The plague caused ....., ....., and ...... upheaval
economic, political, and social
some thought the plague was an...
evil force
Pneumonic plague attacks the...?
inner body
bubonic plague causes?
swelling of lymph nodes
The black plague caused a...... in europe?
economic upheaval
Which form of the plague was the most toxic?
The plague reduced Europe's population by...?
25 -50 %
The plague originated in?
South central china
The great plague was spread through...
The middle east to western Europe
The plague hit Europe in...?
What carried the plague to Italy?
The "Genoese" ghost ship
The black death followed...
trade routes
The plague hit Spain before?
Boccaccio wrote what about what?
Decameron the stories of the plague
who sought forgiveness by mutilating themselves?
Where did some people head to avoid the plague?
the country
Some people resorted to what for relief?
What fraction of the people in the world died?
How were the victims of the plague buried?
dug trenches and buried them
Which pope looked down upon the Flagellants for their actions?
Pope Clement VI
The worst example of anti-semeticism is where?
How did victims of the plague view Jews?
as scapegoats, someone to blame
The plague lead to a dramatic rise in what?
labor prices
The statute of laborers of 1351 stated what?
there were no increase in wages
What was the french peasant revolt called?
The England peasant revolt was also called?
The Wat Tyler Revolt
Who was king of england and Duke of Gascogne at the time of the revolts?
Henry III
During what period did France increase its power?
Capetian Dynasty
In 12328, who became the male relative to the french throne?
Edward III
The capetian dynasty was meant to end and be replaced with what?
The Valoise Dynasty
The rise of the Valoise dynasty brought who to the throne?
Phillip VI
The revolts and change of dynasties in France caused what?
The hundred years war
who were the kings at the time of the hundred years war?
Edward III and Phillip VI
Which people played an important role in the hundred years war?
the peasants
Who invented the longbow?
The english
who was victorious at the battle of Crecy?
How did the english defeat the french at Crecy?
Archery and location (muddy hill)
In what war did the black prince win fame?
What did the English do at the battle of Bretigny?
made a truce
a twenty year truce was negotiated in...?
1500 french nobles died at the battle of?
who was the french heir apparent?
Charles the Dauphin
Who lead the french victory at the battle of Orleans?
a french woman (joan of ark)
who helped the dauphin claim the thrown and become Charles VII?
Joan of Ark
The maid of orleans was charged with what when turned over to the english?
witchcraft and condemned to death
What did the charge on joan of ark state she was?
a heretic
What was first used as a weapon in the hundred years war?
At the end of the hundred years war who was victorious?
After the hundred years war what passed away?
The war made England kings reliant on what?
What happened to the Parliamentary of consent to pass taxes?
what began to draw up petitions Under Edward III?
The House of commons
What broke out after the death of Edward III?
civil war
The english civil war was called?
the war of roses
The war of roses was fought between...?
The Lancasters and Yorks
The war ended with who as king of England?
Henry IV
What was the French tax on land?
what was the French tax on salt?
Who reestablished strong monarchal powers in france?
Charles V
When did the Hohenstauffen dynasty end?
14th century
German monarchy was established how?
election process
The elective process was based on what issued by Charles IV?
the golden bull
which kings were generally week in the 14th century?
What expansion did the pope not approve of and why?
the expansion of the H.R.E into Italy, because it would take away his power
In what century did the larger city-states in Italy expand?
When not in the war, mercenary soldiers were known for what?
The grandi of florence were the cities...?
wealthy merchants were called?
popolo grosso
What were the signoria?
council of elected priors
Where is florence located?
what was the source of political power in Venice?
Great Council
The council of 10 was the what body of venice?
which pope issued the Unam Sanctum Papal Bull?
Boniface VIII
French troops were sent where to bring the pope to France for trial?
The pope on trial in france led to what?
the papacy being moved to Avignon
The event of the papacy being moved to Avignon was called what?
"the Babylonian Captivity"
What led to the decline of the papacy?
The Avignon Papacy
Where did the Romans cheer the movement of papacy out of?
Who succeeded in bringing the papacy back to Rome?
Catherine of Siena
What ended the Great Schism?
the election of Oddone Colonna as Pope (Pope Martin
Many thought the pope was the head of...?
What bok did Marsiglio of Pauda write?
Defender of Peace
What did Marsiglio state about about the church council?
that final authority of spiritual matters should be in a church council
define: counciliarism
to bring reform to the church
who could call for the council to convene?
secular rulers
What HELPED end the great Schism?
Council of Pisa
Who elected Oddone Colonna as the new Pope?
Council of Constance
what created interest in counciliarism?
the great schism
who called for the council of constance to meet in 1414?
Emperor Sigismond
What lost prestige in the way it conducted itself during the black plague?
The Roman church
What rose during the 14th century?
importance of purgatory
Who started the sisters/brothers of common life?
Gerard Goote
What was the Eucharist?
who's work brought the idea of faith and reason being mutually elusive?
Thomas Aquinus
What is the language of the local people?
Who was first to write in Vernacular?
What was the inferno?
Dante's divine Comedy
What was the story of the soul'd progression to salvation?
Dante's divine comedy
who was the first humanist?
who wrote sonnets about his muse, Laura?
who was to become a forerunner of Renaissance Art with his fresco painting?
who designed a clock with the signs of the zodiac?
Giovanni de Dondi
what was the enormous gunpowder cannon used at this time called?
The lion