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A reads text to speech;

45 Cards in this Set

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A personal opinion or prejudice.

Author's Bias

An author's personal opinion or prejudice for or against something that influences what he or she writes.


A story's moral or lesson about life.

Works Cited

A formal listing, alphetical by author's last name, giving full publication information for all primary and secondary sources used in a particular document: also called a bibliography

An exaggeration used for emphasis or to make a point ( Example: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse! )

Phrases that are used in a figurative way instead of a literal way within a culture ( Example: It's raining cats and dogs. )


Language that appeals to one of your 5 senses.

A comparison of two unlike things without using "like" or "as" ( Example: Her smile is a sunshine. )


The use of words to imitate sound effects. ( Example: Buzz )


A figure a speech that places two opposites words together ( Example: Jumbo Shrimp, Freezer Burn )


Giving human traits to objects or animals ( Example: The tree danced in the wind. )

Compare two unlike things using the words "like" or "as" ( Example: He runs like a deer. )

The repetition of the beginning consonant sounds ( Example: Barry Bonds bought a bulldog. )

The repetition of vowels sounds ( Example: Men sell wedding bells. )

Using an object to represent something else ( Example: A white dove stands for peace. )

The substitution of a softer expression for a harsh and blunt one ( Example: We say " to pass away" instead of "die." )

Extends Metaphor

A metaphor that is carried throughout a text.

Verbal Irony
The use of language that expresses the opposite of what a character or narrator really means; similar to sarcasm.
Situational Irony

When the expected result of a situation is different from the actual result
Dramatic Irony

When the audience has information that a character does not, and this lack this lack of knowledge affects the character's actions
Context Clues

The words or sentences wound a word that helps a reader understand that word's meaning.
The implied meaning of a word ( Example: He has a green thumb -- means he can grow anything. )

The dictionary definition of a word ( Example: He had on a green shirt - means a color )

Point Of View

The perspective from which a text is told

First Person

A story told by a character using the pronouns "I" and "we"

Third Person Limited

A story told by a third person narrator who is all knowing when it comes to the thoughts and feelings of the characters
Third Person Omniscient

A story told by a third person narrator who is all knowing when it comes to the thoughts and feelings of the characters

The time, place, and weather conditions in which the action in a text takes place

The sequence of events or actions that presents and resolves a conflict in a literary work
Rising In Action
The central part of a story during which problems arise, Leading up to the climax


The turning point, when you know how the conflict will be solved

Falling Action
The part of the story which follows the climax or tuning point; contains the action or dialogue necessary to lead the story to its' end

The satisfying end of a play or story -- After the problem is solved

An "ing" verb used as a noun

A verb ( including "ing" verbs ) used as an adjective
"To" and verb used as a noun, adjective, ,or adverb
Active voice

The subject performs the action ( example: The dog bit the boy's leg.
Passive Voice
The subject receives the action ( example: The boy's leg was bitten by the dog. )
Indicative Mood

States a fact or opinion. Most sentences are in the indicative mood. ( Example: Tom's energy did not last
Imperative Mood

Gives a command or request. ( Example: Stop Her! )
Interrogative Mood
Asks a question ( Example: Does a boy get a change to paint a fence every day? )
Subjunctive Mood

Expresses a recommendation , a requirement, or a wish. ( Example: I recommend that all students be required to read this story. )

Conditional Mood

Makes a statement about what might happen if something else happens. ( Example: If u do not study, you could fail the test. )
Show something was left out or omitted from a quote. ( Example: "She has her mother's eyes ... and always dresses like her mom ..." said Bob. )
Indicates on abrupt break in thought. ( Example: I was thinking of my mother -- who arrives tomorrow -- just as you walked in. )