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51 Cards in this Set

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to humble; to disgrace

My intention was not to abase the comedian.

Synonyms: demean; humiliate
to reduce in amount, degree or severity

As the hurricane's force abated, the winds dropped and the sea became calm.

Synonyms: ebb; lapse; let up; moderate; relent; slacken; subside; wane
to give up a position, right or power

With the angry mob clamoring outside the palace, the king abdicated his throne and fled.

Synonyms: cede; quot; relinquish; resign; yield
deviating from what is normal or expected

Since he had been a steady, cheerful worker for many years, his fellow postal workers did not expect his aberrant burst of rage.

Synonyms: abnormal; anomalous; deviant; divergent; errant; irregular
temporary suppression or suspension

The baseball game was held in abeyance while it continued to rain.

Synonyms: deferral; delay; dormancy; postponement; remission
to reject; to abandon formally

The spy abjured his allegiance to the United States when he defected to Russia.

Synonyms: forswear; recall; recant; retract; take back
to leave secretly

The patron absconded from the restaurant without paying his bill by sneaking out the back door.

Synonyms: decamp; escape; flee
to choose not to do something

Before the medical procedure, you must abstain from eating.

Synonyms: forbear; refrain; withhold
moderate in appetite

Because Alyce is a vegetarian, she was able to eat only an abstemious meal at the Texas Steakhouse.

Synonyms: abstinent; continent; self-restraining; sober; temperate
an extremely deep hole

The submarine dove into the abyss to chart the previously unseen depths.

Synonyms: chasm; void
a gradual growth in size; an increase in amount

The committee's strong fund-raising efforts resulted in an accretion in scholarship money.

Synonyms: accumulation; buildup
sour in taste or manner

The acidulous taste of the spoiled milk made the young boy's lips pucker.

Synonyms: acerbic; acetous; biting; piquant; pungent; tart
the highest point; the summit; the highest level or degree attainable

Just when he reached the acme of his power, the dictator was overthrown.

Synonyms: apex; peak; summit
to make impure

The restaurateur made his ketchup last longer by adulterating it with water.

Synonyms: debase; doctor; load
to speak in favor of

The vegetarian advocated a diet containing no meat.

Synonyms: back; champion; support
a nest built high in the air; an elevated, often secluded, dwelling

Perched high among the trees, the eagle's aerie was filled with eggs.

Synonyms: perch; stronghold
concerning the appreciation of beauty

The aesthetic movement regarded the pursuit of beauty as the only true purpose of art.

Synonyms: artistic; tasteful
phony; artificial

The affected hairdresser sprouted French phrases, though she had never been to France.

Synonyms: insincere; pretentious; put-on
to increase in power, influence, and reputation

The supervisor sought to aggrandize himself by claiming that the achievements of his staff were actually his own.

Synonyms: amplify; apotheosize; augment; dignify; elevate; enlarge; ennoble; exalt; glorify; magnify; swell; uplift
speed or quickness

The restaurant won a reputation for fine service since the wait staff responded to their clients' requests with alacrity.

Synonyms: celerity; dispatch; haste; swiftness
to make more bearable

Taking aspirin helps to alleviate a headache.

Synonyms: allay; assuage; comfort; ease; lessen; lighten; mitigate; palliate; relieve
to combine; to mix together

Giant Industries amalgamated with Mega Products to form Giant-Mega Products Incorporated.

Synonyms: admix; blend; coalesce; combine; commingle; commix; compound; fuse; intermingle; intermix; merge; mingle; mix; unite
doubtful or uncertain; can be interpreted several ways

The directions he gave were so ambiguous that we disagreed on which way to turn.

Synonyms: cloudy; doubtful; dubious; equivocal; indeterminate; nebulous; obscure; unclear; vague
to make better; to improve

The doctor was able to ameliorate the patient;s suffering using painkillers.

Synonyms: amend; better; improve; pacify; upgrade
to diminish by installment payments

While college students are notorious for accumulating credit card debt, they are not as well known for amortizing it.

Synonyms: decrease; reduce
an ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits

Though she claimed it was not because of superstition, Vivian always wore an amulet around her neck.

Synonyms: fetish; talisman
Something out of place in time

The play was set in the 19th century, but was ruined by anachronisms, like the lead actor's digital watch.

Synonyms: archaism; incongruity
a lessening of pain without loss of consciousness

After having her appendix removed, Tatiana welcomed the analgesia that the painkillers provided.
similar or alike in some way; equivalent

His mother argued that not going to college was analogous to throwing his life away.

Synonyms: alike; comparable; corresponding; equivalent; homogeneous; parallel; similar
something that calms or soothes pain

the massage was an anodyne that helped remove the knots from the lawyer's tense shoulders.

Synonyms: narcotic; nepenthe; opiate
deviating from what is normal

Albino animals may display too great an anomaly in their coloring to attract normally colored mates.

Synonyms: aberrancy; aberration; abnormality; deviance; deviation; irregularity; preternaturalness
to annoy or provoke to anger

The child discovered that he could antagonize the cat by pulling its tail.

Synonyms: clash; conflict; incite; irritate; oppose; pester; provoke; vex
extreme dislike

The antipathy between fans of the rival soccer team made the game even more electrifying to watch.

Synonyms: abhorrence; animosity; animus; antagonism; aversion; dislike; enmity; hatred; hostility; loathing; repellence; repugnance; repulsion; revulsion
lack of interest or emotion

The apathy of voters is so great that less than half the people who are eligible to vote actually bother to do so.

Synonyms: coolness; disinterest; disregard; impassivity; indifference; insensibility; lassitude; lethargy; listlessness; phlegm; stolidity; unconcern; unresponsiveness
of questionable authority or authenticity

There is no hard or authoritative evidence to support the apocryphal tales that link the Roswell, New Mexico incident to a downed UFO.

Synonyms: disputed; doubtful; fictitious; fraudulent
one who renounces a religious faith

So that he could divorce his wife, the king scoffed at the church doctrines and declared himself an apostate.

Synonyms: defector; deserter; traitor
approval and praise

The approbation that Jerry Lewis received in France included a medal from the Ministry of Culture.

Synonyms: acclaim; adulation; applause; commendation; compliments; exaltation; extolment; hail; kudos; praise
determined by chance or impulse

When you lack the information to judge what to do next, you will be forced to make an arbitrary decision.

Synonyms: changeable; erratic; indiscriminate; random; wayward
to judge a dispute between two opposing parties

Since the couple could not come to an agreement, a judge was forced to arbitrate their divorce proceedings.

Synonyms: adjudge; adjudicate; determine; intermediate; intervene; judge; moderate; referee; rule
ancient; old-fashioned

Her archaic Commodore computer could not run the latest software.

Synonyms: ancient; antediluvian; antique; bygone; dated; dowdy; fusty; obsolete; old-fashioned; outdated; outmoded; passe; prehistoric; stale; superannuated; superseded; vintage
intense and passionate feeling

Bishop's ardor for landscape was evident when he passionately described the beauty of the scenic Hudson Valley.

Synonyms: devotion; enthusiasm; fervency; fervidity; fervidness; fervor; fire; passion; zeal; zealousness
to claim without justification; to claim for oneself without right

Gretchen watched in astonishment as her boss arrogated the credit for her brilliant work on the project.

Synonyms: appropriate; presume; take
able to speak clearly and expressively

She is extremely articulate when it comes to expressing her pro-labor views; as a result, unions are among her strongest supporters.

Synonyms: eloquent; expressive; fluent; lucid; silver-tongued; smooth-spoken
to attack; to assault

The foreign army will try to assail our bases, but they will not be successful in their attack.

Synonyms: beset; storm; strike
to make something unpleasant less severe

Like many people, Philip Larkin used alcohol to assuage his sens of meaninglessness and despair.

Synonyms: allay; alleviate; appease; comfort; conciliate; ease; lighten; mitigate; mollify; pacify; palliate; placate; propitiate; relieve; soothe; sweeten
to reduce in force or degree; to weaken

The Bill of Rights attenuated the traditional power of government to change laws at will

Synonyms: debilitate; devitalize; dilute; enervate; enfeeble; rarefy; sap; thin; undermine; undo; unnerve; weaken
fearless and daring

The audacious peasant dared to insult the king's mother.

Synonyms: adventuresome; aggressive; assertive; bold; brace; courageous; daring; dauntless; doughty; fearless; gallant; game; heroic; intrepid; mettlesome; plucky; stout; stouthearted; unafraid; undaunted; valiant; valorous; venturesome; venturous
a prophecy; a prediction of events

Troy hoped the rainbow was an augury of good things to come.

Synonyms: auspice; harbinger; omen; portent; presage
dignified; grandiose

The august view of the Grand Teton summit took my breath away.

Synonyms: admirable; awesome; grand; majestic
severe or stern in appearance; undecorated

The lack of decoration makes Zen temples seem austere to the untrained eye.

Synonyms: bleak; dour; grim; hard; harsh; severe
premise; postulate; self-evident truth

Halle lived her life based on the axioms her grandmother had passed on to her.

Synonyms: adage; aphorism; apothegm; maxim; rule