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52 Cards in this Set

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(Gerund Usage tip 1)

I was thinking of working as interpreteer next year

Dica 1

Its mandatory the gerund usage after preposition (by, without, of, to...)

(Gerund Usage tip 2)

We went watching a play in Oswald de Andrade theatre

It's mandatory gerund usage after to go (gone, went, go )

*gerund equals portuguese infinitive verb, sometimes

(Gerund Usage tip 3)

I usually avoid making homework group

I always postpone talking about my fears

He still keeps saying same thing

Would you mind watching this movie with me ?

I really appreciate talking with and eating your food

Some verbs require the gerund usage




Se importar

Apreciar / gostar

(Gerund Usage tip 4)

It's no use/ good going now. The movie must be nearly over

There no point in buying this meat if anyone's gonna eat that, honey. Did you forget that our friends are vegetarians ?

Do you think it's worth watching this TV show ?

I can't help laughing when I remember my sex awkward moments

You wont have a trouble/difficult doing that. Keep up with your good work

It's a waste of time/money watching this movie

Some idioms require the gerund usage

It's no use... Nao adianta

There's no point it... Nao faz sentido em

Its (not )worth... vale (ou nao ) a pena

I can't help... Nao posso deixar de

Have a difficult or trouble... ter dificuldade em

Waste of time or money... perda de tempo ou dinheiro

(Gerund Usage tip 5)

Eating is a pleasure of life...

Studying what you love do is amazing

Gerund in beginning of sentences has a noun/verb role.

Estudar o que gosta é legal

Comer é um prazer

(Article Usage tip 1)

Children like pets

Cats are domestic animals

General nouns and contable plural nouns not require the article

Criancas curtem animais

Gatos sao animais domesticos

Subs generico ? Adeus artigo

Subs especifico ? Oi,artigo. Beleza ?!

(Article Usage tip 2)

Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in 1953.

Brazil is known for corruption and high taxes

Sunday Blood Sunday was a memorable day for irish people

Christmas dinner is important for my stomach

Kindness is a rare virtue

Title with name, places, year/day/month, abstract nouns, sports, sciences, meals, name and possessive pronouns . NOT REQUIRE ARTICLE USE

(Article Usage tip 3)

The children are studying, they like pets

The United States and United kingdom do really good movies and rock bands.

The cat is a domestic animal

Specific nouns or singular countable ones, or two words place, rivers and mountains REQUIRE ARTICLE USAGE

(Article Usage tip 4)

The poor and rich...

The poor guy and beautiful girl.




Phrasal Verb

Keep up with the good work that you're doing

Continue com o bom trabalho que esta fazendo

Phrasal Verb

My mind went blank while I was speaking.

Minha mente dá um branco enquanto eu falo

Common sentence

I have always wanted to grow up in a bilingual family

Eu sempre quis ter crescido em uma família bilíngue

Common sentence (supposed to )

You supposed to help us finding him alive

That's supposed to impress me?

Voce deveria nos ajudar acha lo vivo.

Isso deveria ter me impressionado ?

Common sentences

I brought you clothes (something ) that you forgot in my house

Eu trouxe suas roupas que esqueceu na minha casa

Many people were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and they die cus saw something that shouldn't have

No lugar e na hoa errada

Polite words

I really appreciate it. Thanks .

Eu agradeco por isso

Unpolite and vulgar words

Who cares ?

Screw them ! Go to hell / Go ******* yourself

Quem liga ? Dane se ! Vao para o inferno

Unpolite words

Dawn it ! Dawned phone

Merda ! Maldito celular

Job phrase

In the 80s was common younger girls looking for man with cushy job, money an came from good family. After that, they bought a nice house at the end of cul de sac and they form their nuclear family

Cushy job = well paid and stress free job

At the end of cul de sac = num beco sem saida

Phrasal verb

You went too far and messed up things !

Im here to apologize me for my mistake. I messed up

Vcs foram longe demais e ferraram as coisas.

Eu estou aqui para me desculpar pelo meu erro. Eu ferrei as coisas

Phrasal verb

Don't cover your tracks, pietro. Im going blow over this things wide open

Nao cubra seus rastros, pietro. Eu vou expor tudo isso que voce fez


So sorry . Did I stutter ? I know everything.

Here's what's gonna happen. You gonna let me go

Desculpa. Eu garguejei. Eu sei de tudo. Vamos fazer o seguinte, voces vao me deixar ir

Gap fillers


Other ways to say " I TOO "


(Phone conversation/ polite attending and identification)

-Hello. Accor Hotel. May I help you ? - Yeah, this is Brenda from Desk Supplie Store . May I speak to Mrs. Domingos ?

Alo, Accor Hotel. Como posso ajudar ?

Aqui é a Brenda da Loja de Materias de Escritorio. Poderia falar com a Sra. Domingos?

(Phone conversation/ take a massage)

Sorry, but she's not here right now. (May I take a message ?)

Okay, do you know when she'll be back ?

She should be here later on this afternoon. Maybe about 5:30. May I take a message ?

Desculpa, ela nao esta aqui no escritorio. (Quer deixar recado ?)

Voce sabe quando ele retornará ?

Ela deve retornar pela tarde. Talvez as 5:30. Gostaria de deixar um recado ?

(Phone conversation/ suggesting a email or fax on the better time)

Yes, she sending me a brochure detail, there wasn't any after sales information.

-Sorry, would like me to fax/email that to you?

Yeah. Could you trying send this info around 3 ?

Cus our fax is being repaired and won't be working until around 2:30. Hum, That should give a time to look over the info before I call to Mrs Domingos around 5.

(Phone conversation/ asking infos for a message )

Sure, could I have your name, phone number and email / fax number ?

Yeah. This is Lais Matos , my phone number is 96095 0824. And email is brendalaismc@gmail.com.

Ok. Mrs. Matos. Is your name spelled M A T O S ?

No. It is Mattos with two t's. M A T T O S.

Ok, Mrs Mattos. And your phone number is 96095 0824 and your email is Brendalaismc@gmail.com, is that correct?

Yeah, It is

I'll be sure to send you the email/fax this evening.

(About phone calls )

I phoned him yesterday.

So, he didn't answer the call, maybe his phone was off the hook .

Well, I left a massage in the his answering machine,

but the call was cutted off when I was doing that, and then I hang up. Danw it !

Eu liguei

Nao atendeu

Fora do gancho

Deixei uma messagem na secretaria eletronica

Ligacao foi cortada

Eu desliguei

(Phone conversations / how to connect the call to other people )

Hello. May I help you ?

Yeah, Brenda speaking/ this is Brenda. May I speak to Lincoln?

Wait a sec, please. I'll put you through to his line/secretary.

All right.

Sorry, but his line is busy. Would you like leave a message/

call back later

or hold on ?

Oh, no.

May I take a message? /

May I call back later. ?/

I'll hold on, thanks.

Can I have your name and your phone number, please. / Ok, have a good day /

All right, wait a minute, please.

#1 to apoligize a person you love

You're so beautiful.

Thanks for being here.

We've been through so much together, and I fell you down so many time. And here you're.

I knew it. One day with you and she ran away. It's not coincidence.

Look/what the way you're talking with me daughter.

Olha o jeito que vc fala com a minha filha

Você quer que eu te acompanhe?

Eu sei que estamos em momentos diferentes, mas posso ser útil.

- Sim, eu adoraria

Do you want me to come along?

I know we've been on opposing teams for a while but I could be helpful.

I'd appreciate that.

Ela merecer saber a verdade, ela é capaz de suportar o tranco

She knows the truth, she can handle this

Vanessa, sei que temos sido amigos desde de crianças, ambos gostamos de Tarantino e meu pai sentiu sua falta, mas que fiquei bem claro e nao haja desentendimentos, nossa amizade acabou.

Vanessa, I know we've been friends since we were little and we both like pierogies, and my dad misses you but just to be clear, so there's no misunderstanding down the road we are not friends anymore.

Como receber alguem em sua casa e oferecer algo para comer

-Hey, long time no see

-I was on the neighborhood, I thought I'd drop by (visit )

-Oh, come in. Take a seat. Would like anything to drink ? I have sprite and orange juice!

-Sprite would be fine

Como perguntar sobre a como anda a faculdade, curso e pretensao profissional.

How have u been ?

Not bad/Im doing ok. But the school has been really hectic these days, I've no had time to relax haha.

By the way, what's your major anyway ( se nao souber o curso ) / what do u want do once u graduate?

I haven't decided for sure, but Id like work as x on x or in this area. / I was majoring X but i realize I might have hard time finding a work using the language/ skill. So I've chaged the major to X, landing a job (cushy job ) on X industry shouldn't as difficult

Como perguntar se o colega tem trabalha e estuda ?

Do have a part job to support yourself through the school ? / Are you working on your way through the school ?

Yeah, work x times a week at X near to x. / No, fortunately for me, I received a four year academic scholarship (bolsa de estudos) that pay all tuitions (tuixions ) and books

Como perguntar sobre qual é o cargo que a pessoa ocupa e como vai ?

So, what u do there ?

Im a cook

How do u like your job ?

It's ok, the other workers are friendly and the pay isn't bad

Don't take some medicine with booze

... com bebida alcoolica

He looks kind of spaced out !

Where did he tuck the Prozac or Valium ?

Spaced out * chapado ( to have dulled down senses due to drinking or using drugs.)

To tuck * tucked * guardar

Prozac * an anti depression medication. The side effects is suicide, anxiety...

Valium * an medicine for pain that make you feel happy and calm. But, you can lose the sense of time, 4 days 'll go by so fast and you'll think its been one big day.

I couldn't calm down, I've just kicked out from the college

Eu nao pude me acalmar/relaxar. Eu fui expulsa da facu

Brenda, you must do everything with coolness. Look, eat the bread, hail (hel ) the uber, talk to the people, introduce yourself, or arguing maintaining your coolness

Brenda, vc deve ter mais calma / postura / elegancia em tudo. Olha, coma pao, chame um uber, fale com as pessoas, se apresente ou discuta com classe

I done my first trip in 2017, ever since, I spend every vacations away. The summer in Italia, NY for New Year Eve, and Australia at CHRISTMAS

Eu fiz minha primeira viagem em 2017, desde entao...


Due to many embarrassing moments, I don't leave my home without my emergency kit, no even my toothbrush.

It has, toothpast, underwears, last but no least my deodorant

Due to * devido à * c. causal

Not even* tampouco * c. alternativa

...Last but not the least * por ultimo porem nao menos importante...

Como perguntar a respeito da alguem e su novo apartamento


-Hey, Roger. This is Brenda.

- Hey, Brenda. How have u been ? How's your new apartment working out ?(= esta tudo certo com seu apartmento ?)

Como pedir ajuda para encontrar um novo apartmento

... that's what I'm calling about. I decided looking for a new place.

- oh, what's the problem with your place, I thought u liked.

- I do, but (fiil he in the problem ) it's little far to campus, and commute (trajeto para casa-trabalho-facu ) is killing me. Do you know think you could help ?

I thought you might know more about housing situation near to campus...

Como descrever seu orcamento para aluguel e como gostaria que fosse o apartmento

- what's your budget like ?

- Somewhere under $200 a month, including utilities if I could. Oh, I'd prefer to rent a furniture apartment.

- there's an apartment complex around the corner, that seems to have vacancies. I'll drop by there on my way to class

Phrasal Verbs of day

"I spent over 2 hours filling in an aply form"

"Did someone fill you in about our new project / the news..."

" the company must fill you in for you have vacations "

Fill in (for ) - Prencher, Informar, Substituir

Phrasal Verbs of day

Honey, I cooked your favorite food to make up for my late on our dinner at last night, sorry

You know I gave him a blow job to make up him for his delicious oral sex.

Make up for - Compensar

Phrasal Verbs of day

So, what job do you figure on doing when you graduate ?

I figure on living in USA and working there as interpreting

Figure on - Esperar (expectativa )

Phrasal Verbs of day

I figure on see my study schedule working out after my vacations

Work out - dar certo, ir bem