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60 Cards in this Set

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익 주드 2, v. to ooze out, give forth as if oozing; radiate 스며나오다; 발산하다ex)The salesman exuded a friendliness that caused many people to buy his products.
패 덤 1, v. to understand; to get the point 간파하다:ex)The professor's speech was so garbled and full of gaps in logic that I was unable to fathom what she was trying to tell the class; n. a unit of length that equals six feet and is used by sailors to measure the depth of water 길 ((길이의 단위; 6피트; 1.83m; 略 f., fm., fath.))
퍼언 v. to try to please someone by excessive flattery; to seek favor by showing attention ~에게 아첨하다:ex)The courtiers ~ed over the king. 신하들은 왕에게 아첨했다 ; to seek favor by showing attention
팩스, 팩스로 보내다
피 리스 이 티 2, n. joy and great happiness
펜드 v. to hold off, especially an attack or to attempt to manage 방어하다:ex)By placing a wall of sandbags around the house, the Thompsons were able to fend off the rising flood wathers for one more day.; 꾸려가다:ex)~ for oneself <<구어>>혼자 힘으로 꾸려나가다
픽 션 1, n. a piece of writing that is made up from the writer's imagination and is not factual; the category of writing that includes novels and short stories but not plays, poems, or factual works; a lie 소설(류); 지어낸 이야기
픽 요얼 헫 1, n. someone who is the head of a group by title, but who actually has no real power 꼭두각시; a carved figure, usually of a woman, on the front part(the prow) of a ship
피스 컬 1, adj. concerning money or finances 재정상의; concerning the government's treasury or finances 국가 재정상의
피쉬 얼 1, n. a long, thin split in a rock; any long, thin split 틈:ex)As the days grew warmer, fissures and cracks began to appear in the layer of ice covering the lake.
플렙 얼 개스트 1, v. to amaze, astonish, bewilder 어리둥절하게 하다:ex)When the penguin at the zoo asked me for a cigarette, I was too flabbergasted to tell it I didn't smoke.
v. to lose strength; to weaken <기력이> 떨어지다:ex)As the malaria ran its course, the patient's health flagged dangerously; As they reached the twenty mile point in the marathon, the pace of the runners started to flag.
프램 보이 언트 2, adj. very flashy(겉만 번지르르한), over-the-top(so exaggerated as to appear ridiculous), exaggerated:ex)Although I didn't mind the diamond-studded suit and pants that Robert wore, I did think his eight-foot neon crown was a little flamboyant.
플랭크 v. to move around and attack the side of something 적의 측면을 공격하다:ex)flank their opponents; to be placed at the side of another object ..의 옆에 있다:ex)We decided that the two smaller stuffed bears should flank the larger Papa bear who was in the middle of the bed; n. the side of a body, just above the hip 옆구리
플랱 어 뤼 1, n. excessive or insincere compliments 아첨
프레즈 링 1, n. a baby bird that has just learned how to fly [겨우 날 수 있게 된] 새 새끼; adj. new and inexperienced 풋내기인
플리스 n. a sheep's coat of wool 한 마리에서 한 번 깎은 양털:ex)Fleece makes an excellent jacket liner, but only after you wash the smell of sheep out of it.
플뢋 썸 1, n. floating wreckage and debris from a wrecked ship and its cargo 표류하는 화물과 배의 잔해
플라웉 v. to scorn and show contempt for; to treat with contempt 모욕하다
플렄 추 에잍 1, v. to shift back and forth; to change irregularly 왔다갔다 하다:ex)Fall weather in hill country fluctuates between eighty degrees and sunny one day to forty degrees and cloudy the next; 불규칙하게 변동하다:
플루 언트 1, adj. able to express yourself smoothly; graceful 유창한
플러스 털 1, v. to shake up and make nervous or excited 정신을 못차리게 하다:ex)The 3:00am surprise visit from the King flustered the farmerm and his wife.
플렄스 n. continuous change; flow 끊임없는 변화:ex)Chrissie's career plans are always in flux:last week she wanted to be a mail carrier, yesterday she decided to become a ballerina, and dtoday she announced that she intends to play golf for a living.
포일 v. to prevent from being successful, to ruin 좌절시키다:ex)The villain's plan to kill the heroine was foiled when Pokey Slim arrived just in time to untie her from the railroad track and carry her to safety.
포우 리 이쥐 1, n. a group of plant leaves (한 그루 초목의) 잎(전부); 군엽(群葉:ex)We stood next to the trunk of a tree so its dense foliage would shelter us from the rainstorm.
팔 리 1, n. lack of good judgment; stupidity and foolishness 어리석은 생각[행동, 짓], 바보짓
풀 하알 디 1, adj. reckless and rash; bold without thinking 소견머리(<소견(所見)>의 낮은말:어떤 사물을 보고 살피어 가지는 의견이나 생각)없는
포어 리쥐 1, v. to hunt or search for something 뒤지다:ex)The raccoons that hang around our apartment complex love to forage for food in the dumpster.
포어얼 보우 딩 2, n. a feeling that something bad is about to happen 불길함:ex)A foreboding fell over the football crowd as they watched the mean-looking aliens descend from the sky and beat up the school band.
폴쥐 v. to form(usually metal) by heating then shaping 벼려서 만들다[단조하다]<into>:ex) Back in the old days, when peace returned to a country, blacksmiths would gather up the soldier's swords and forge them into farm tools such as plowshares; to shape or mold carefully <합의친교 등을> 맺다:ex)~ a treaty 조약을 맺다; v. to head forward against resistance:ex)The candidate was determined to forge ahead with his campaign, despite opinion polls that showed he was trailing far behind his opponent.
포얼 미 더 벌 1, adj. difficult to defeat; frightening or alarming; awe-inspiring 만만치 않은; 무서운
포얼쓰 롸잍 1, adj. honest and open; straightforward and direct 솔직한;
파 썰 1, n. the bones or remains of an ancient lifeform 화석
프뤠일 adj. weak and easily broken 연약한; 깨지기 쉬운
adj. open and direct; sincere 숨김없는
프뤤 지 1, n. a condition of wild excitement and agitation 광란상태:ex)Jonas, a huge Tampa Bay fan since birth, went into a frenzy after the Buccaneers' last second win against the Chicago Bears; 격분상태
프륀쥐 n. the outer portion or margin or the edge 주변:ex)on the ~ of the art world 예술계 주변에서; a decorative edge with dangling or hanging threads:술 장식
프롹 n. a large, loose outer garment, like a priest's robe; a woman's dress 드레스; 성직자복
펀 다 멘 털 3, adj. having to do with the basic level; primary or elemental 기본적인;
펄 티브 1, adj. done in a quiet, secretive way 남몰래 하는:ex)While her mother's back was turned, Sandy took a furtive peek inside the closet where she knew thte Christmas presents were hidden.
게일 n. an extremely strong wind or a loud outburst 강풍:ex)a ~ of wind 일진(一陣) 광풍; (감정웃음 등의) 폭발
break into ~s of laughter 갑자기 웃음을 터뜨리다
갤 리 언 1, n. a large ship with sails, used especially by the Spanish in the 1400s, 1500s, and 1600s 갤리온선(船) ((옛날 스페인의 3[4]층 갑판의 대범선))
갈 벌 1, v. to mix up or distort 오전(誤傳)하다; 왜곡하다:ex)The poem is beautiful in the original Spanish, but this bad translation garbles its meaning.
갈 런트 1, n. a string of flowers, leaves, or other materials woven together to for a crown or some other ornament 화환
개얼 뤼 썬 1, n. a military fort 요새; a group of soldiers stationed at a fort 주둔군
거언트 adj. bony and thin; undernourished or bleak and stark 수척한; 으스스한
쥐이인 n. a particular section of DNA that determines a particular hereditary characteristic that is passed down from one generation to the next 유전자
주앙 러허 1, n. a specific type of literature or music, like science fiction or heavy metal 장르
쥡 얼 뤼쉬 1, n. speech or writing thath makes no sense; crazy talk 횡설수설
기 디 1, adj. dizzy; feeling unsteady, whirling sensation 현기증 나는; excited and light-headed 들뜬
글레헤얼 v. to stare angrily 노려보다; to shine very brightly 눈부시게 빛나다; a long, angry stare ; a bright, blinding light 섬광
글리인 v. to gather or find something out piece by piece 조금씩 모으다, 조금씩 알아가다:ex)After collecting and sorting through all the numerous fingerprints, the detectives began to glean the identity of the burglar.
글리 썬 1, v. to shine with a sparkling light; to sparkle 반짝반짝 빛나다
내쉬 v. to grind or strike teeth together 이를 갈다:ex)The weightlifter gnashed his teeth as he tried to bench press 600 pounds.
고우드 v. to urge or prod <가축 등을> 막대기로 찌르다[몰다]-->자극하다:ex)The bully tried to goad Casey into fighting by spitting on him and then making chicken noises.
가블 릿 1, n. a drinking cup with a stem and a base and no handle 손잡이 없고 굽달린 술잔
겁 얼 니스 1, n. a woman whose job is to teach the children of a specific household 여자 가정교사
그랜 주어 1, n. the state of being magnificent or grand 웅장함
그뤤 디이 오우스 1, adj. having a huge scope or intent:ex)Kevin's teacher explained that his plan to write a report called "The Entire History of the World from Day One Until Now" might be a bit grandiose; being pompous:ex)When Steve struck oil and got rich, he built a grandiose mansion with solid gold toilets, diamond doorknobs, and wall-to-wall zebra skin carpet in every room.; having a pretended grandeur
그뤠 펄 v. to struggle to hold onto:ex)When she jumped into the cold water of the lake, Gina learned that grappling with an eel should be avoided whenever possible.; to struggle to understand:ex)After grappling with the idea that maybe he wasn't the most attractive man in the world, Brady understood why Sheila had rejected him.