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60 Cards in this Set

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컨 두 씹 2, promoting 이바지하는<to> The chairs in the library are conducive to sleep. If you sit in them to study, you will fall asleep:The foul weather was not conducive to our having a picnic.
칸 플루 언쓰 1, a flowing together, especially of rivers; the place where they begin to flow together 합류점:The confluence of the Missouri and Mississipi river is at St.Louis; that's the place where they join together.:There is a remarkable confluence in our thoughts:we think the same way about almost everything.:A confluence of many factors(no ice, bad food, terrible music) made it inevitable that the party would be a big flop.
컨 쥔 열 2, agreeably suitable;pleasant:The little cabin in the woods was congenial to the writer; he was able to get a lot of writing done there:The new restaurant has a congenial atmosphere. We enjoy just sitting there playing with the ice in our water glasses.
컨 제 너 털 2, describing a trait or condition acquired between conception and birth; innate:A ~ birth defect is one that is present at birth but was not casued by one's genes. The word is also used more loosely to describe any(usually bad)trait or behavior that is so firmly fixed it seems to be a part of a person's nature:A ~ liar is a natural liar, a person who can't help but lie.
컨 젝 츄얼 2, 추측(하다)
칸 줠 1, to summon or bring into being as if by magic:The chef ~ed(or ~ed up) a fabulous gourmet meal using nothing more than the meager ingredients in Lucy's kitchen.:The wizard ~ed(or ~ed up) an evil spirit by mumbling some magic words and throwing a little powdered eye of newt into the fire.
칸 어 썰 3, an expert, particularly in matters of art or taste:The artist's work was very popular, but ~s rejected it as amateurish.:The meal was exquisite enough to impress a ~.:I like sculpture, but I'm no ~; I couldn't tell you why one statue is better than another.
칸 써 크뤠잍 1, 축성하다:The priest ~ed the building by sprinkling holy water on it.
데 써 크뤠잍 1, to treat irreverently:The vandals desecrated the cemetery by knocking down all the tombstones.:Their act of vandalism is a desecration:Doodling in a book desecrates the book, even if the book isn't a Bible.
칸 써 넌트 1, 자음, 일치하는:Our desires were consonant with theirs; we all wanted the same thing.
컨 스트루 2, 해석하다:Mike ~ed his contract as giving him the right to do anything he wanted.
컨 써 밋 2, perfect; complete; supremely skillful:A ~ pianist is an extremely good one. Nothing is lacking in the way he or she plays.
v. 칸 써 메잍 1, to finish or make something complete:Signing a contract would consummate an agreement.
컨 텐 셔쓰 2, 논쟁하길좋아하는:다투길좋아하는
to fight or argue for something:Someone who breaks the law may have to contend with the law.
컨 틱 유 어쓰 2, 인접하는:Two countries that share a border are ~.
컨 틴 전트 2, dependent:Our agreement to buy their house is contingent upon the sellers' finding another house to move into. That is, they won't sell their house to us unless they can find another house to buy.:My happiness is contingent on yours; if you're happy, I'm unhappy.:The Bowdens were prepared for any contingency. Their front hall closet contained a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher, a life raft, a parachute, and a pack of sled dogs.
A contingency is a possibility or something that may happen but is at least as likely not to happen.:Several ~s stand between us and the successful completion of our business; several things could happen to screw it up.
컨 트롸잍 2, 깊이뉘우치는:Mira was ~ about her mistake, so we forgave her.
Saying that you are sorry is an act of contrition.
컨 트롸이브드 2, 부자연스러운:Sam's acting was ~:no one in the audience believed his character or enjoyed his performance. 인위적인:The artist was widely admired for his originality, but his paintings seemed ~ to me.
컨 비 비 얼 2, fond of partying; festive:A convivial gathering is one in which the people present enjoy eating, drinking, and being together. To be ~ is to be an eager but generally well-behaved party animal.:A ~ person is the opposite of an antisocial person.
코우 삐 어쓰 1, 많은:The Champagne at the wedding reception was ~ but not very good:Phil ate ~ly at the banquet and went home feeling quite sick.
코어 럴 러 뤼 1, 필연적결과:Bloodshed and death are corollaries of any declaration of war.:Higher prices were a ~ of the two companies' agreement not to compete.
커즈 머 팔 러 턴 3, 국제적인:Marcello's interests were cosmopolitan--he liked Greek wine, German beer, Dutch cheese, Japanese cars, and French fries:New York is a ~ city:you can hear nearly every language in the world spoken there.; internationally sophisticated:A truly ~ traveler never feels like a foreigner anywhere on earth.
카운 터 넌쓰 1, 표정:His father's confident ~ gave Lou the courage to persevere.
v. 묵인하다:Dad ~ed our backyard rock fights even though he didn't really approve of them.
커 버 넌트 1, 계약:We signed a covenant in which we promised never to drive Bradley's father's car without permission again.
커 벌트 1, 코우 벌트 1, <-->overt 오우 벌트 1, 비밀리에행해지는:A covert military activities is on the public knows nothing about.
커 빗 1, 탐내다:To covet thy neighbor's wif is to want thy neighbor's wife for thyself.:Any position at MTV is a highly ~ed job.
크뤠 줄 러쓰 1, 남의말을잘믿는:Judy was so ~ that she simply nodded happily when Kirven told her he could teach her how to fly. Judy's credulity(크뤼 줄 러 티 2) was limitless.
cf)credible:believable:Almost anything, however incredible, is credible to a credulous person.
If you don't believe that story someone just told you, you are incredulous. If something is credible, it may gain credence(크뤼이 던쓰 1):신임:No one could prove Frank's theory, but his standing at the university helped it gain credence.
creditable 칭찬할만한:Our record in raising money was very ~; we raised several thousand dollars every year.
크롸이 티이 뤼 언 2, 척도
pl. criteria
크륍 틱 1, 암호를사용한것같은
컬 머 네잍 1, to climax; to reach full effect:Connie's years of practice ~ed in a great victory at the international juggling championship.:The masquerade ball was the culmination of our fund-raising efforts.
컬 퍼 벌 1, 비난당할만한:The accountant's failure to spot the errors made him ~ in the tax-fraud case.
guilty:we all felt culpable when the homeless old man died in the doorway of our apartment building.
엑 쓰컬 페잍 1, <..의> 혐의를벗기다:Lou's confession didn't Bob, because one of the things that Lou confessed was that Bob had helped him do it.
인 컬 페잍 2, to accuse someone of something
컬 테이얼 2, to shorten:to curtail a tale is to cut it short; The vet curtailed his effort to cut the cat's tail with the lawn mower. That is, he stopped trying.
더언트 위압하다:The steepness of the mountain ~ed the team of amateur climbers, who hadn't realized what they were in for.:The size of the players on the visiting team was ~ing.; the players on the home team began to perspire nervously.
undaunted, dauntless
to be fearless; unintimidated:
기세가꺾이지않은:The rescue was ~ by the flames and ran into the burning house to look for survivors. They were ~ in their effort to save the people.
덜뜨 부족함:There was a dearth of gaiety at the boring Christmas party.
디 빌 러 테잍 2, to weaken; to cripple:The football player's career was ended by a ~ing injury to his knee.: To become ~ed is to suffer a debility, which is the opposite of an ability:A surgeon who becomes ~ed is one who lost the ability to operate on the debilities of other people.
데 커 던트 1, 퇴폐적인:carousing[커 롸우즈:술마시며흥청대다] in local bars instead of going to class is ~.:The noun is decadence.
데 써 메잍 1, to kill or destroy a large part of:To ~ an army is to come to close to wiping it out.:When locust[로우 커스트 1, 메뚜기]s attack a crop, they sometimes decimate it, leaving very little that's fit for human consumption.:You might say in jest[인 줴스트, 장난으로] that your family had decimated its turkey dinner on Thanksgiving, leaving nothing but a few crumbs and a pile of bones.
데 커 뤄쓰 1, proper; in good taste; orderly:Decorous behavior is good, polite, orderly behavior. To be ~ is to be sober and tasteful:The New Year's Eve crowd was relatively ~ until midnight, when they went wild.:To behave ~ly is to behave with decorum(디 코우 뤔, 2)
디 두쓰 2, 추론하다:From the footprints on the ground, Clarice ~ed that the criminal had feet.:Daffy ~ed from the shape of its bill that the duck was really a chicken. That the duck was really a chicken was Daffy's deduction.
디 페임 2, ..의명예를훼손하다:The local businessman accused the newspaper of ~ing him by publishing an article that said his company was poorly managed.
defamation[데 퍼 메이 션, 3] 명예훼손:The businessman who believed he had been ~ed by the newspaper sued the paper's publisher for ~.
디 줴 너 뤠잍 2, 변질되다:The discussion quickly ~ed into an argument:
델 러 티 뤼 어쓰 3, 해로운:Smoking cigarettes is ~ to your health.
딜 리 니 에잍 2, describe accurately;After Jack had delineated his plan, we had no doubt about what he intended to do.; to draw in outline:The portrait artist ~ed Sarah's features, then filled in the shading.
다일 루드 2, 착각하게하다:The con man ~ed us into thinking that he would make us rich. Instead, he tricked us into giving hiim several hundred dollars.; to be ~ed is to suffer from a delusion(망상):Todd, the well-known jerk, suffered from the ~ that he was a very great man.
델 류쥐 1, 범람:The 1 million dollar reward for the lost poodle brought in a ~ of hot leads(문제해결의 실마리).; 쇄도하다:The distraught owner was ~ed by phone calls all week.
데 머 거그 1, a leader of the people, but more a rabble rouser:A ~ is a leader, but not in a good sense of the word. He manipulates the public to support his aims, ut he is little different from a dictator. A ~ is often a despot(데스 펏, 독재자). This word can also be spelled demagog. The methods a ~ uses are demagoguery(데 머 가 거 뤼 1) or demagogy(데 머 가 쥐, 1)
데 니 전 1, 거류자:To be a ~ of a country is to live there. A citizen of a country is usually also a ~. To be a ~ of a restaurant is to go there often--so often that people begin to wonder whether you live there.:Fish are sometimes referred to as "~s of the deep."Don't refer to them this way yourself. the expression is a cliche.
데 프러 케잍 1, 비난하다:To ~ a colleague's work is to riks making yourself unwelcome in your colleague's office.:"This stinks" is a ~ing remark.:The critic's ~ing comments about my new novel put me in a bad mood for an entire month.:A very similar word is depreciate(디 프뤼 시 에잍 2)To ~ a colleague's work would be to represent it as being of little value.
디 롸 거 터 뤼 2, disapproving; degrading:~ remarks are negative remarks expressing disapproval. They are nastier than merely critical remarks. Stephen could never seem to think of anything nice to say about anyone; virtually all of his comments were ~.
데 써 케잍 1, 건조시키다:The hot wind ~ed the few grapes remaining on the vine; after a day or two, they looked like raisins.:After a week without water, the ~ed plant fell over and died.:Plums become prunes through a process of ~.
디 스판 던트 2, 낙담한:After the death of his wife, the man was ~ for many months.
데스 퍼엍 1, 독재자:To act like a ~ is to be despotic(디 스파 틱 2):There was cheering in the street when the country's ~ government was overthrown.
데스 터 투트 1, 빈곤한:Destitute people are people without money or possessions, or with very little money and very few possessions. To be left ~ is to be left without money or property. The word can also be used figuratively. ~가 없는 of:A teacher might accuse her students of being ~ of brains, or 결핍한: intellectually ~.
데 절 터어 뤼 1, without a plan or purpose:Phil made a few ~ attempts to start a garden, but nothing came of them.; In his ~ address[어드 뤠쓰 2 cf:주소 애 드뤠쓰 1], Jake skipped from one topic to another and never came to the point.; disconnected:The discussion at our meeting was ~; no one's comments seemed to bear any relation to anyone else`s.
다이 어 렉 티 껄 3, relating to discussions; relating to the rules and methods of reasoning; approaching truth in the middle of opposing extremes.:The game of Twenty Questions is ~, in that the participants attempt to narrow down a chosen object by asking a series of ever more specific questions.
딕 떰 1, 언명:an authoritative saying; an adage; a maxim; a proverb:"No pain, no gain" is a hackneyed ~ of sadistic coaches everywhere.
디 피 던트 1, 자신없는:The ~ students never made a single comment in class:Sebastian's stammer made him ~ in conversation and shy in groups of strangers.