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20 Cards in this Set

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Ad infinitum(Adverb) “Don't say, "the sky is my limit", say, "I progress ad infinitum.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson
Definition- to infinity, endlessly, without limitSyn- carelessly, foreverAnt- ending, cease

Apportion(Verb) “Blames create no change; winners don't apportion blames; only losers have the potentials to do that!” ― Israelmore Ayivor
Definition- to distribute proportionallySyn- Cut, splitAnt- withhold, unite

Bona Fide(adj) “Don't learn to do, but learn in doing. Let your falls not be on a prepared ground, but let them be bona fide falls in the rough and tumble of the world.” -Samuel Butler
Definition- Made/done/presented in good faithSyn- Authentic, honestAnt- Untrue, unrealistic

Buoyant(Adj) “The delicate and infirm go for sympathy, not to the well and buoyant, but to those who have suffered like themselves.” -Catharine Esther
Definition- tending to float in a fluid or cheerfulSyn- Bouncy, resilientAnt- Depressed, heavy

Clique (Noun) “The worst cliques are those which consist of one man” -George Bernard
Definition- A small, exclusive group of peopleSyn- faction, mobAnt- Individual, soloist

Concede (V) “This is a pretty fable, and I will not deny that it is logically possible, but that is the utmost that I will concede.” -Bernard Russell
Definition- To acknowledge as true, admitSyn- Accept, give inAnt- Defend, refuse

Congenial (Adj) “The secret of happiness is to find a congenial monotony” -Victor Sawdon Pritchett
Definition- Agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or characterSyn- Sympathetic, sociableAnt- Hateful, disagreeable

Lofty (Adj) “The loftier the building, the deeper must the foundation be laid.” -Thomas Kempis
Definition- Extending high in the air, toweringSyn- elevated, soaringAnt- Beneath, humble

Migration (Noun) “We had no revolutions to fear, nor fatigues to undergo; all our adventures were by the fireside, and all our migrations from the blue bed to the brown.” -Oliver Goldsmith
Definition- a migratory moveSyn- Journey, shiftAnt- inaction, remain

Perceive (Verb) “You are only as wise as other's perceive you to be.” -Unknown
Definition- To become aware of, to know, or to identify of the sensesSyn- Observe, identifyAnt- Disbelieve, miss

Perverse (Adj) “Men of perverse opinion do not know the excellence of what is in their hands, till someone dash it from them.” -Sophocles
Definition- Willfully determined to go opposite of what is expected or desiredSyn- Wicked, troublesomeAnt- agreeable, complaint

Prelude (Noun) “Maybe the wildest dreams are but the needful preludes of the truth.” -Alfred
Definition- a preliminary to an action or eventSyn- introduction, prologueAnt- conclusion, epilogue

Rancid (Adj) “I'm a rancid old man!” -Steve Davis
Definition- having an unpleasant odorSyn- musty, souredAnt- fresh, clean

Rustic (Adj) “He who postpones the hour of living is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses.” -Horace
Definition- Relating to country life, ruralSyn- simple, austereAnt- sophisticated, city

Sever (Verb) “Friendship should be more than biting time can sever.” -T. S. Eliot
Definition- to separate from the wholeSyn- detach, separateAnt- combine, attach

Sordid (Adj) “Through life's dark road his sordid way he wends; an incarnation of fat dividends” -Charles Spraque
Definition- morally ignoble or baseSyn- shameful, dirtyAnt- decent, reputable

Untenable (Adj) “At twenty-one, so many things appear solid, permanent, untenable.” -Orson Welles
Definition- not capable of being defendedSyn- bullied, undefendedAnt- supported, cared

Versatile (Adj) “People need to know that you're versatile, otherwise you don't get the opportunities.” -Samantha Morton
Definition- able to adapt to many functions or ideasSyn- adaptable, functionalAnt- dull, incapable

Vindicate (Verb) “In him was vindicated the greatness of real goodness and the goodness of real greatness” -Phillip Brookes
Definition- to clear from suspicionSyn- justify, refuteAnt- blame, deny

Wane (Verb) “My unhealthy affection for my second daughter has waned. Now I despise all my seven children equally.” -Evelyn Waugh
Definition- to decrease strength in, to approach an endSyn- diminish, fadeAnt- Brighten, enlarge