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76 Cards in this Set

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Why do so many states have mottoes in Latin?

The 18th-century creators of the early state mottoes chose Latin because their education had been heavily loaded with Greek and Latin -- and because they believed that the study of ancient authors would teach virtue and help them create a lasting union. For the founders, Latin was the language of culture. I think they also expected Rome to be a model for creating a lasting world power. Latin also had -- still has -- a prestige value. Good ideas sound even weightier when expressed in Latin.

What is the meaning behind California's motto, Eureka?

"I found it!" Refers to gold discovey.

What is the humor behind "Videri quam esse" from the Colbert Report?

It is a play off of "Esse quam videri", which means "To be, rather than to seem to be" which is North Carolina's state motto and also is in Cicero's work "On Friendship". These mixed up words - Videri non esse - instead mean, "To seem to be rather than to be", mocking Colber'ts right-wing personality.

{Strat(i)/Strat(o)} =


{Graph} =

Write, Draw, Map

Cambrian Period

Named for "Cambria", which is the Latin name for Wales because this is where Sedgewick found rocks that attested to an earlier age of the Earth.






Fixed Date


Way Around, One Trip Around, One Stage Of Larger Whole


Stopping Point


Before the Cambrian Period

{Archaeo} =

Old, Original

{Proter(o)} =

Earlier, Prior, Firster (Firster of two)

{Zo} =

Life: The earlier life age: The phase of earlier life

{Prot(o)} =



Eon of evident life

{Phanero} =

Evident, Visible, Apparent

{Zo} =

Animal, Life

{Cen(o)} =


{Mes(o)} =


{Pale(o)} =



It means rejected... As in official scientific bodies have rejected the term. It originally meant to ward something off by prayer.

Order of Geological Ages from Largest to Smallest

Supereon, Eon, Era, Period, Epoch

Who was Adam Sedgwick?

19th Century Geologist who carefully examined the rock formations of England. His study led him to believe the Earth's formation had gone through several stages. Responsible for term Cambrian.

What is the meaning & origin of the word "Classic"?

From Latin word Classicus, which means group or military group. Pretty early on it came to apply to classes of Romans. Pretty soon after that the adjective came to mean 1st class, the most high class, the most prestigious grouping. In our field we refer to studying the old classic languages, literatures, and cultures.. and for many people that means Greece & Rome, primarily. Some people will include Hebrew or Egypt though. It means venerable, the best, 1st class.

What is the difference between Tradition & Reception?

About ten years ago people started expressing reservation about Classical Tradition,.. because it was thought we were privliging the high class. We called it Classical Reception – as in the way that we “receive” tradition.. How do we receive, change and alter and comment on classical material we receive? More common term now is classical reception.


Traditio is handing over, a Traditor is a person who hands something over. Went through French. Some people who did not want to be martyred handed over their sacred documents,. During the persecution. Christians who handed over scriptures were traitors of the religion. Now it's not used in a religious sense.


Captain C. C. Boycott was on the other side of the question of land reform from his neighbors in Ireland in 1880. They refused to have any dealings with him.


Raw sliced beef, very red. Came from a Venetian Painter that liked to paint red.


A philosopher & scholar, John Duns Scotus, started a school, and there were many followers. Enemies of this school called the followers dunces, so it became a derisive term.


Neo (new) + Log (word)


High points of a word


Protest over blacks killed at the hands of police

{On} =

Thing. As in "Protozoan" - "Old Animal Thing"

{Meta} =

Transformed, More Highly Developed. We are all Metazoans. Now Metazoan means the same thing as an animal

{Mit(o)} =


{Chondr(o)} =


{Ion} =

Little thing

{Meio/Mio} =


{-Sis} =


{Cene} =


{Hol(o)} =


Ordovician Period

From Ordovices, an ancient Celtic tribe of Wales

Silurian Period

From Latin Silures, an ancient people of southwest Wales, where these rocks were first ID'ed

Devonian Period

After Devon, a county of SW England

Carboniferous Period

From Latin Carbon of Carbo (Charcoal) + Ferous (Carrying). Means Coal Producing - Great coal deposits of Europe were formed at this time.

Permian Period

From Perm, Russia, area in which rocks from tha period are.

Triassic Period

Went through Latin from Greek trias, meaning triad (3). Triassic rocks consist of three strata


From Jura Mountains, where rocks characterizing period were found. -Ssic suffix from Triassic

Cretaceous Period

Means chalky or made of chalk. During this time extensive chalk deposits were formed.

What does -aceous mean?

Resembling, having nature of or made of

Know morphemes from Unit Seven

Do it!


Blind teacher invented system of printing for the blind


Invented temperture scale where 0 is freezing point and 100 boiling point


Notorious for unreasoning support of lost cause of Napoleon


Invented scale for measuring heat where 0 is freezing point of snow and salt equally mixed by weight and 100 is normal temperature of human body. Freezing point of water is 32, boiling point 212.


Medical student in novel by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, wife of the poet. Student created monster that eventually killed him


Physician who experimented with hypnotism


Glamorous mistress of French king Louis XV, known for elaborate hair styles

Earl of Sandwich

So keen a gambler that he would not leave gambling table to eat but had special fast food item brought to him


Clergyman known for unintentional transposing of sounds, such as "our queer old Dean" in place of "our dear old Queen".

Levi Strauss

Made pants of heavy denim reinforced with copper rivets


To Fit/To choose


As in deeply studying or reading something, and the typical pour we know


{Cept} = Take. Take to yourself/Take out of the rest

Ipse Dixit

He himself said; An unsupported assertion usually made by someone in power

Ipso Facto

By the fact itself; By that very action

Bona Fide

Good faith; Genuine

Ad hominem

Toward the man; Attacking a person's character or motivations rather than a position or argument - appealing to the emotions rather than logic or reason

Ad Rem

To matter; Pertinent, to the point






Sun Stop


Equal Night


Turning Circle