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10 Cards in this Set

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Bi – Two

Biped (Bi/ Ped) – N- a two footed animal

2. Ped-Foot or Child

2. Binocular (BinOcul ar)-adj. - physiologically adapted to theuse of both eyes to see depth, or (N) an optical instrument used to see greater distance.

3. Ocul- Eye

3. Monocular (Mono/ Ocul/ ar- Adj.- using only one eye, as witha telescope.

Cent- 100

Monogamous( Mono/ Gamy/ Ous)- Adj.- married to only oneperson at a time.


Monocular (Mono/ Ocul/ ar- Adj.- using only one eye, as witha telescope.


Monogamous( Mono/ Gamy/ Ous)- Adj.- married to only oneperson at a time.


Pentagon (Penta/ Gon) – N.- a five-sided object

Gon- Sided Object

Pentameter (Penta/ meter)- N. - a line of poetry consisting offive metric feet.

Penta- Five

Pentameter (Penta/ meter)- N. - a line of poetry consisting offive metric feet.

10. Ous- full of

Pentameter (Penta/ meter)- N. - a line of poetry consisting offive metric feet.