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713 Cards in this Set

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zablokować coś
block sth off
Example: Several roads out of the town had been blocked off by the police.
działać na (czyjąś) niekorzyść
count against sb
Example: Kevin's qualified for the job but his age will count against him.
zagłębiać się w coś
delve into sth
Example: I don't want to delve into details concerning his wife's death.
wypróbować coś, poddawać próbie
try sth out

EXAMPLE: He can't wait to try out his brand new stereo.
trzymać się kupy
hang together
Example: I'm afraid her story doesn't really hang together.
chwiać się, iść chwiejnym krokiem
to totter
Definition: [verb] - to walk in a shaky way that looks as if you are about to fall
Example: She tottered down the hotel's front steps in her high-heeled shoes.
wchodzić w rozmowę, wtrącać się
jump in
Example: She keeps jumping in and finishing my sentences for me.
Definition: [adjective] - angry because of something that is wrong or not fair
Example: She became very indignant when her friend accused her of immoral behaviour.
copy sth out

EXAMPLE: We had to copy out several sentences from a book.
przymilać się do kogoś, podlizywać się komuś
play up to sb
Example: Kim's sister always plays up to her parents when she needs money.
wracać do zdrowia, wyzdrowieć
to recuperate
Definition: [verb] - to become well again after an illness or injury
Example: She spent two weeks in hospital recuperating from the operation.
potknąć się
trip up
Example: He tripped up on a rock and twisted his ankle.
wymknąć się
slip out

EXAMPLE: I didn't want to tell her. It just slipped out.
zasypiać, przysypiać
nod off
Example: After a busy day I nodded off in front of the TV.
tonąć w czymś
drown in sth

EXAMPLE: I'm drowning in unpaid bills and I need to earn some extra money.
wypalić, układać się
pan out
Example: Let's see how things pan out before we make a decision.
przekupić kogoś, zapłacić komuś (np. za milczenie)
pay sb off
Example: The key witnesses were paid off to keep quiet.
zmieniać kierunek
to divert
Definition: [verb] - to cause something or somebody to change direction
Example: Police are trying to divert traffic away from the accident.
ostatecznie zwyciężyć, odnieść sukces mimo przeszkód
win through
Example: It was a struggle but the workers won through in the end.
dodać coś, dokładać, dołączać
tack sth on
Example: At the end of his speech, Kevin tacked on a few jokes.
ścigać kogoś, ruszać w pogoń za kimś
go after sb
Example: The police went after the thief but he got away.
obijać się, unikać pracy
goof off
Example: She spent the day goofing off instead of working.
zamarzać, pokryć się lodem
ice up
Example: Our plane was badly delayed because the engine had iced up.
lead off
Example: He led off the conference with questions from the audience.
naprawiać, załatać
to mend
Definition: [verb] - to repair something that is broken or damaged
Example: When are you going to mend that hole in my shirt?
ogarniać kogoś
creep over sb
Example: A sudden tiredness crept over her as she drove home.
przymilać się do kogoś, schlebiać
to endear
to stir
Definition: [verb] - to mix a liquid or other substance by moving an object such as a spoon in a circular pattern
Example: Let the chocolate begin to melt and then stir it gently with a spoon.
kończyć (się)
wind (sth) down
Example: Unfortunately, the party was winding down as I finally got there.
przepuszczać coś (np. pieniądze)
toss sth away
Example: £30 000 annually is not a sum of money to be tossed away lightly.
zrywać coś, zakończyć(związek, znajomość)
break sth off

EXAMPLE: I heard that Liz broke off her engagement to Chris.
niezaprzeczalny, bezsporny
Definition: [adjective] - impossible to doubt because of being obviously true
Example: CCTV footage can provide the courts with incontrovertible evidence for a conviction.
sprawdzać kogoś
check up on sb
Example: Kevin's mum checks up on him all the time to see that he's done his homework.
pozbywać się kogoś/czegoś
dispose of sb/sth
Example: If you want to dispose of an old computer, your options include recycling, reselling and donating.
send sth back

EXAMPLE: I had to send the dress back because it didn't fit me.
liczyć na kogoś, polegać na kimś
lean on sb
Example: She's always had her two brothers to lean on.
odbębnić coś, szybko coś skończyć
rattle through sth
Example: I'm going to rattle through my work today so that I can leave early.
posypać się
rain down
Example: After last night's statements, the insults rained down on him.
sknocić coś, zmarnować, pokrzyżować coś
foul (sth) up
Example: He admitted that he had fouled things up this time.
pomniejszać, zaniżać
to understate

DEFINITION: [verb] - to state or describe something in a way that makes it seem less important, serious etc. than it really is
EXAMPLE: Official statistics tend to understate the extent of water and sanitation problems in West Africa.
opóźniać, zwalniać
to retard
Definition: [verb] - to make something slower
Example: Stress may retard brain development in children.
zamykać coś
shut sth down
Example: The company is planning to shut down two factories next year.
przyznać się
own up
Example: Nobody has owned up to stealing the money so far.
w milczeniu, bez słowa

DEFINITION: [adverb] - without speaking
EXAMPLE: I was talking to her but she was staring dumbly into space.
wykonywać, przeprowadzać coś
carry sth out

EXAMPLE: Don't blame David, he's only carrying out his duties.
przekonywujący, nie do odparcia
Definition: [adjective] - that makes you believe it or accept it because it is so strong
Example: The court was presented with compelling evidence that he'd murdered his father-in-law.
ukrywać coś
cover sth up
Example: It was a scandal but the company tried to cover the whole thing up.
przyciskać kogoś, ponaglać
chase sb up
Example: Why don't you chase your
flatmate up about those unpaid bills?
ślizgać się
to slide
Definition: [verb] - to (cause to) move easily and without interruption over a surface
Example: We slid down the hill on a sledge.
przerażenie, strach
Definition: [noun] - the feeling of fear, especially if felt suddenly
Example: You gave her such a fright appearing out of nowhere.
pasmo, passa
Definition: [noun] - a short period of good or bad luck
Example: We all hope that his lucky streak continues until the world championships.
zakończyć coś, finalizować
to clinch
Definition: [verb] - INFORMAL- to finally get or win something
Example: They are about to clinch the deal after months of negotiation.

DEFINITION: [adjective] - honest and telling the truth, especially about something difficult
EXAMPLE: The boss was very candid with him about the standard of his work.
śmiały, zuchwały
Definition: [adjective] - showing confidence and willingness to take risks or offend people
Example: Nasa is planning an audacious mission to catch an asteroid in a giant bag and drag it back to Earth.
brzęczeć, stukać
to clatter
Definition: [verb] - to make continuous loud noises by hitting hard objects against each other or to cause objects to do this
Example: Don't clatter the plates - you'll wake everyone up.
przespać coś
sleep through sth
Example: I was so tired that I slept through the second half of the movie.
lekceważyć, odrzucać coś
wave sth aside
Example: She waved aside all his objections and carried on.
odliczać (pieniądze)
count sth out
Example: He counted out £100 in £5 notes.
rozdzierający uszy, ogłuszający

DEFINITION: [adjective] - (of a sound) so loud or high that it hurts your ears
EXAMPLE: The girl's ear-splitting scream was heard downstairs by her neighbours.
przemykać obok
brush past
Example: David brushed past us in the doorway.
kiwnąć, skinąć na kogoś
to beckon
Definition: [verb] - to move your hand or head in a way that tells somebody to come nearer
Example: She beckoned the waiter to ask for another bottle of white wine.
poradzić sobie z czymś, odnieść sukces
carry sth off
Example: She was very nervous about giving a lecture but she carried it off very well.
zmyć się (np. z pracy)
slope off
Example: I saw Mike sloping off early yesterday!
ujawnienie, odkrycie, ukazanie
Definition: [noun] - when something is made known that was secret or a fact that is made known
Example: He divorced his wife after the revelation that she was having an affair.
głupia pomyłka, błąd
Definition: [noun] - a silly mistake
Example: I admit that I made a goof in that last calculation.
rozwodzić się (nad czymś)
hold forth
Example: He held forth all evening on the subject of politics.
darować komuś, puścić kogoś wolno
let sb off
Example: They were let off with a fine instead of going to prison.
rzucać się na coś, zgarnąć coś
snap sth up
Example: The cheapest tickets for the concert were snapped up within five hours of going on sale.
ściskać, zaciskać
to clamp

DEFINITION: [verb] - to put or hold something firmly in position
EXAMPLE: When she started shouting, the man clamped his hand over her mouth.
niechlujny, niedbały zapuszczony

DEFINITION: [adjective] - untidy and dirty
EXAMPLE: The man's slovenly appearance, especially his dirty coat, was a surprise to me.
wydłużać coś, przeciągać
draw sth out

EXAMPLE: The headmaster drew our meeting out for another hour.
spustoszyć, zdewastować, zniszczyć coś
rip through sth
Example: Tornadoes and violent storms ripped through seven states, killing at least 200 people.
zawstydzać kogoś, wprawiać w zakłopotanie
show sb up

EXAMPLE: He showed Amy up by shouting at her in front of her parents.
to avert
Definition: [verb] - to prevent something bad from happening
Example: They say that the violent attack could have been averted by the police.
atakować, nadać, bić
hit out

EXAMPLE: Two teenagers who hit out at the policeman were arrested last night.
odłożyć coś na miejsce, uporządkować
tidy sth away
Example: The children were told to tidy away their toys before going to bed.
oddalać się od siebie
drift apart
Example: Over the years my school friends and I have drifted apart.
odrzucić, wzgardzić
to spurn
Definition: [verb] - to refuse to accept something or somebody because you feel that they are not worth having
Example: The woman spurned all offers of financial help.
prosto, wprost
Definition: [adverb] - directly and firmly
Example: He hit the other man squarely on the nose.
trudny do przełknięcia, przykry
Definition: [adjective] - (of a fact or idea) that is unpleasant or shocking and therefore difficult to accept
Example: The unpalatable truth is that the team isn't going to get any better.
pomiijać coś
leave sth aside
Example: Leaving aside the cost, taking local transport will allow you to see much more of the country.
zadbać, zatroszczyć się o coś
lay sth on

EXAMPLE: I'm glad that they laid on a buffet after the conference yesterday.
zanikać, słabnąć
fade away
Example: Their footsteps faded away down the staircase.
zawracać, wracać się
double back
Example: As soon as we realized that we had taken the wrong road, we doubled back.
ciągnąć się, trwać
run on
Example: The meeting ran on for more than three hours.
Definition: [noun] - food, money or services that provide help for people in need
Example: Several aid agencies and international organizations provide relief support at the disaster site.
ospały, senny
Definition: [adjective] -INFORMAL- tired and wanting to sleep
Example: I had a beer after work which made me feel a bit dozy.
bardzo bogaty, obfity, luksusowy
Definition: [adjective] - expensive and luxurious
Example: He lived an opulent lifestyle that included buying expensive luxury goods.
sprężysty, elastyczny, prężny
Definition: [adjective] - able to quickly return to a previous good condition
Example: The ball that bounces is made out of natural rubber that is highly resilient and elastic.
mylić kogoś/coś
mix sb/sth up
Example: People often mix the two girls up because they look so similar.
irytować kogoś
hack sb off
Example: His desk is always messy and it really hacks me off.
Definition: [adjective] - frightened or nervous because you are not confident in a situation
Example: Some men are intimidated by confident and attractive women.
wycofać się z czegoś
cry off
Example: We were going to go to Mexico together but at the last moment Paul cried off.
niepewny, pozbawiony wiary w siebie
Definition: [adjective] - not confident about yourself and uncertain about your own abilities
Example: My daughter felt very insecure when she went to a new school.

DEFINITION: [adjective] - becoming weaker
EXAMPLE: She has a vivid imagination and never flagging enthusiasm for her job.
skorzystać chętnie z czegoś, rzucać się na okazję
leap at sth
Example: When Mark offered her the job, she leapt at it.
złośliwy (ale nie cecha charakteru)
Definition: [adjective] - (of a disease or a growth) likely to get uncontrollably worse and lead to death
Example: Malignant cancer is any form of cancer or growth which can spread to other parts of the body.
przeczepić się, (iść z kimś) na przyczepkę
tag along

EXAMPLE: The boy tagged along with the older children when they went to the playground.
wpadać (do kogoś)
drop in
Example: I dropped in on Julie on my way home from work.
podpuszczać kogoś, namawiać do czegoś
egg sb on
Example: Kevin didn't want to jump but his friends kept egging him on.
męczyć, obciążać, przytłaczać kogoś
weigh sb down
Example: He felt weighed down by his new responsibilities.

DEFINITION: [adjective] - covered with plants that are growing thickly and in an uncontrolled way
EXAMPLE: I'm afraid that the garden is neglected and overgrown.
krytykowac kogoś
do sb down
Example: There's no need to keep doing her down in front of the boss.
zawalić coś
muck sth up
Example: I was studying hard for the exam because I didn't want to muck it up.
porozumienie, dobre stosunki
Definition: [noun] - a good understanding of somebody and an ability to communicate well with them
Example: She quickly developed a good rapport with her colleagues.
żyć w zgodzie
rub along

EXAMPLE: Jack and his flatmate rub along okay together.
zdenerwować, poruszyć

1. To deprive of fortitude, strength, or firmness of purpose.
2. To make nervous or upset.
pojawiać się, przychodzić
come along

EXAMPLE: She decided to work hard and take every opportunity that comes along.
studiować pod kierunkiem kogoś
study under sb
Example: As a young painter, he studied under Claude Monet.
brać się za coś, ukrócić coś
clamp down on sth
Example: The police are clamping down on drunk-driving these days.
wrócić do rozmowy z kimś
get back to sb
Example: I'll find out the prices and get back to you later.
wyróżniać coś kogoś
set sb/sth apart

EXAMPLE: What set him apart from the other candidates for the job was that he was very creative.
wyruszyć w drogę, wychodzić
head off

EXAMPLE: I can't stay any longer. I'm heading off now.
dostosowanie, zgodność, przystosowanie

DEFINITION: [noun] - behaviour that follows the usual standards which are expected by a group or society
EXAMPLE: Conformity to social norms means that people adopt the set of behaviours associated with a particular group or society.
poprawiać coś, łagodzić
smooth sth over
Example: My brother is trying to smooth things over between me and our parents.
powstrzymać, zahamować
hold sb/sth back

EXAMPLE: The police tried to hold back the crowd of journalists and onlookers.
upichcić coś, przygotować coś szybko
whip sth up
Example: I've just got enough time to whip up something to eat.
to swell

DEFINITION: [verb] - to become larger and rounder than usual
EXAMPLE: I knew I had broken my ankle because it immediately started to swell.
wstąpić gdzieś
stop in
Example: I stopped in at work on the way home to get some documents.
powściągliwy, małomówny
Definition: [adjective] -FORMAL- unwilling to speak about one's thoughts or feelings
Example: Her father had always been very reticent about his past.
wpatrywać się w coś
eye sth up
Example: I saw you eyeing up those chocolate cakes.
chwytać się czegoś
clutch at sth
Example: He felt himself slipping and clutched at a branch.
połączyć się(przez telefon)
get through

EXAMPLE: I tried to phone him several times but couldn't get through.
bardzo, wielce
Definition: [adverb] - FORMAL- extremely; very much
Example: He was a great guy who will be sorely missed by all his friends and colleagues.
otrząsnąć się (z czegoś)
snap out of sth
Example: He just can't snap out of the depression that he's had for two years.
zastraszać, przestraszać
zbesztać kogoś, skrytykować
tick sb off
Example: The teacher ticked Mark off for being late again.
Definition: [noun] - INFORMAL- a warning that something is going to happen, usually so that you can prepare for it
Example: I just wanted to give you a heads-up that Susan might come tomorrow.
klepnąć, trzepnąć
to slap
Definition: [verb] - to hit somebody with the flat part of the hand or other flat object
Example: She slapped her sister really hard across the face.
zamieszany (w coś)
Definition: [adjective] - involved in or knowing about a crime or some activity that is wrong
Example: He was accused of being complicit in his brother's death.
zwrócić, oddać coś
take sth back
Example: If you don't like these gloves, I can take them back.
słabnąć, zamierać, wygasnąć
die down
Example: The wind was very strong but it died down during the night.
kręcić się, wyczekiwać
to hover
Definition: [verb] - to stand somewhere, often near another person, eagerly or nervously waiting for their attention
Example: The waiter was hovering by the table, ready to take our order.
podwijać coś
turn sth up
Example: You can turn the sleeves up if you're hot.
wielgachny, ogromny
Definition: [adjective] - INFORMAL- extremely large
Example: She cut me the most ginormous piece of cake I'd ever seen.
wyrzucać kogoś/coś
fling sb/sth out
Example: If the old printer doesn't work, just fling it out.
rywalizować o coś
garbić się, snuć się, iść ociężale
to slouch
Definition: [verb] - to stand, sit or walk with the shoulders hanging forward and the head bent slightly over so that you look tired and bored
Example: Straighten your back and try not to slouch.
zapał, żarliwość
DEFINITION: [noun] - great enthusiasm
EXAMPLE: He carries out all his tasks with real ardour.

wymuszać, wyłudzić
to extort
Definition: [verb] - to get something by force or threats or with difficulty
Example: The two men have been extorting money from local businessmen.
wycierać się, zużywać
wear sth away

EXAMPLE: The letters on the floor of the cathedral had worn away over the years.
wykluczyć kogoś, wyłączyć
freeze sb out
Example: He was frozen out of official life for several months.
znosić coś, porywać coś, podmywać coś
wash sth away

EXAMPLE: If the rain is heavy, it will wash away the grass seeds.
pomocny, wspierający

DEFINITION: [adjective] - that gives help and encouragement
EXAMPLE: I expected my boss to be more supportive when I was ill.
promować, forsować
push ahead
Example: The organizers are pushing ahead with plans to hold the 2022 World Cup in the summer.
najważniejszy, najistotniejszy
Definition: [adjective] - most important, because of including or affecting all other areas
Example: The overarching goal of the conference was to enhance the quality of teaching in class.
potępiać, krzywo patrzeć na coś
frown on/upon sth

EXAMPLE: Smoking is either illegal or frowned upon in most bars and restaurants these days.
dławić coś, dusić
choke sth back

EXAMPLE: The girl ran to the door, choking back the tears.
zaprzysięgać kogoś
swear sb in

EXAMPLE: Francois Hollande will be sworn in as the President of France on May 15.
step in
Example: Chicago police stepped in to keep the peace in the city.
zwijać się, zbierać (np. z pracy)
sign off
Example: It's Friday so I'll sign off early today.
budować coś, wznosić
put sth up

EXAMPLE: We're planning to put up a new fence around our garden.
to commend

DEFINITION: [verb] - to formally praise somebody or something
EXAMPLE: He was commended for his professional attitude and excellent work.
wyrzucać kogoś, wyeksmitować
turn sb out
Example: He was turned out of his flat because he didn't pay the rent.
brzęczeć, pobrzękiwać
to clink
Definition: [verb] - to make a short ringing sound like pieces of glass or metal knocking lightly together
Example: The ice cubes clinked as he dropped them into the glass.
rzucić, porzucić
to ditch

DEFINITION: [verb] - to get rid of somebody or something that you do not need or want now
EXAMPLE: She ditched her best friend when she became famous.
Definition: [adjective] - liking or disliking particular things, especially food, for no good reason
Example: Tom was a terribly faddy eater when he was a child.
zabierać się za coś energicznie/z entuzjazmem
sail in/into sth
Example: The children sailed into the cakes and after a while the cakes were gone.
określić coś, ustalić
pin sth down
Example: They can't pin down the cause of widespread power cuts.
rozdawać, rozdzielać
dish sth out
Example: Could you dish the gifts out for me, please?
nie kłaść się spać, siedzieć do późna
sit up

EXAMPLE: The book was very interesting and I sat up all night reading it.
umacniać, wzmacniać
to consolidate
Definition: [verb] - to become or cause something to become stronger and more certain
Example: The company consolidated its position at the top of the market.
zanotować, zapisać coś
jot sth down

EXAMPLE: I jotted down some notes during her speech yesterday.
przestać działać, nawalić
pack up
Example: Oh no! The photocopier has packed up again.
robić na złość
Definition: [verb] - to intentionally annoy, upset, or hurt somebody
Example: She decided to marry him just to spite her parents.
zeswatać kogoś, skojarzyć kogoś w parę
pair sb off
Example: We managed to pair our best friend Claire off with Mike.
skreślić, wykreślić coś
cross sth off

EXAMPLE: Please cross my name off the guest list - I can't come.
uczepić się czegoś, obstawać przy czymś
cling (on) to sth
Example: He desperately clung on to power for another three years.
rozbić się, roztrzaskać się
to smash
Definition: [verb] - to break noisily into a lot of small pieces
Example: She dropped her favourite mug and watched it smash to pieces.
w zastoju, martwy
Definition: [adjective] - not growing or developing
Example: Ukraine's economy remains stagnant with few signs of bright prospects in the near future.
przekłuć, przebić
to pierce
Definition: [verb] - to go into or through something, making a hole in it using a sharp point
Example: She can't wear these earrings because her ears aren't pierced.
donosić na kogoś
inform on sb
Example: The woman denied that she had informed on her neighbours.
podwinąć coś, podciągnąć
hike sth up
Example: She hiked her skirt up to climb the tree.
iść zamaszyście, maszerować, kroczyć
to stride
Definition: [verb] - to walk somewhere quickly with long steps
Example: He strode confidently across the office and demanded to speak to the manager.
Definition: [adjective] - difficult to please because you are very exact about what you like
Example: Jerry's very choosy about what he orders when he eats out.
zabezpieczać się przed czymś
provide against sth
Example: Health insurance provides you against loss of income if you become ill.
Definition: [adjective] - healthy and active after a period spent relaxing
Example: We came back from our trip to Venice feeling rested and happy.
powaga, podniosłość
Definition: [noun] - the quality of being serious
Example: The man's deep voice conveyed the solemnity of the passage.
przepisać coś na czysto, spisać coś
write sth up
Example: He has to write up that report before the meeting.
trzymać się czegoś
keep to sth

EXAMPLE: I don't want to make any changes and I'm going to keep to my original plan.
doładować coś (np. telefon komórkowy, kartę)
top sth up
Example: You can top up your prepaid account by credit card or with a voucher.
skłaniać (się) do czegoś
to incline
Definition: [verb] - FORMAL- to (make somebody) feel something or want to do something
Example: He is believed to be inclining towards our proposal.
lekkomyślny, niepoważny

DEFINITION: [adjective] - behaving in a silly and thoughtless way when you should be serious or sensible
EXAMPLE: The politician's frivolous behaviour was criticised and his popularity decreased.
błyszczeć, świecić się
to glitter
Definition: [verb] - to produce a lot of small bright flashes of reflected light
Example: The actress's diamond earrings glittered brilliantly under the spotlights.
kłaść się na plecach
lie back
Example: The nurse asked me to lie back on the couch.
przychodzić z pomocą
come forward
Example: The police are asking witnesses to the accident to come forward.
roić się od czegoś, być czymś przepełnionym
swarm with sth
Example: We went there during the summer and the museum was swarming with tourists.
uwolnić kogoś od czegoś
free sb from/of sth
Example: He wants to free himself of direct responsibility for his staff.
zakończyć, zlikwidować
wind sth up
Example: A company may be wound up by the court or voluntarily.
odeprzeć, obalać
to disprove
Definition: [verb] - to prove that something is not true
Example: It took over four months to disprove the allegations.
tłoczyć się wokół kogoś/czegoś
crowd around sb/sth
Example: As soon as the singer appeared, reporters crowded around her.
przytrzymywać kogoś/coś
hold sb/sth down

EXAMPLE: It took three police officers to hold the arrested man down.
cynk, poufna informacja, ostrzeżenie
Definition: [noun] - a secret warning or piece of secret information
Example: The police arrested the drug dealer after an anonymous tip-off.
wycofać się, odpaść
drop out
Example: He dropped out of the race after the first lap.
zostawać w tyle
drop behind
Example: He missed several classes and dropped behind in his schoolwork.
wodzić kogoś za nos
lead sb on
Example: She was leading him on but in fact she was only interested in his money.
wyglądający podejrzanie, nie budzący zaufania
Definition: [adjective] - looking or seeming dishonest
Example: You're looking a bit shifty. What have you been doing?
gwałtowny, zacięty, żarliwy
Definition: [adjective] - expressing strong feelings or shown by strong feelings or great energy or force
Example: Despite vehement opposition from her husband, she quit her job to become a writer.
obgadywać kogoś
slag sb off
Example: I hate the way Emma slags people off behind their backs.
przepisać coś(np. pracę domową)
copy sth down

EXAMPLE: Copying down homework from the board is a daily problem for dyslexic children in school.
Definition: [adjective] - having strong control over your emotions and actions
Example: He always seemed very self-controlled so I didn't expect him to be that angry.
wykończyć kogoś
tire sb out

EXAMPLE: The kids were running around in the garden all morning and it tired them out.
wyszukać, odszukać kogoś/coś
search sb/sth out
Example: He finally searched out a perfect job for himself.
nadrabiać zaległości
catch up on sth

EXAMPLE: Let's go for a cup of coffee - I need to catch up on all the gossip.
troskliwy, uprzejmy, miły
Definition: [adjective] - kind and helpful
Example: It wasn't very considerate of you to eat all the cake.
polubić kogoś, poczuć sympatię do kogoś
warm to sb
Example: I wasn't sure about Mark at first but I warmed to him after we'd been out together.
wodnisty, rozwodniony
Definition: [adjective] - containing too much water and therefore weak in taste
Example: I didn't like the coffee. It was weak and watery.
ściągnąć coś, zsunąć
slip sth off
Example: He slipped off his T-shirt and left it on the chair.
wybuchać gniewiem
blow up

EXAMPLE: Janet's husband blew up at her when he saw the phone bill.
utrzymywać (kogoś)
provide for sb
Example: He must find another job as he has a wife and three children to provide for.
huknąć, fuknąć, psioczyć
to huff
Definition: [verb] - to say something in an annoyed or offended way
Example: 'I haven't got time for that now,' huffed Ann irritably.
Definition: [adjective] - not level, equal, flat, or continuous
Example: She walked carefully as the paving stones on the path were rather uneven.
opierać się na czymś
build on sth
Example: Our relationship is built on a solid foundation of trust.
Definition: [noun] - a short journey usually made for pleasure, often by a group of people
Example: We went on an excursion to the Pyramids of Giza.
unosić się (na wodzie), dryfować
to float
Definition: [verb] - to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink
Example: We were curious to know if the raft would float.
popędzać kogoś
hurry sb up
Example: Hurry the kids up or their dinner will get cold.
wtrącać się (przeszkadzać)
horn in
Example: Karen's always horning in on our conversations.
zastraszać (kogoś), wymuszać coś
to browbeat
Definition: [verb] - to try to force somebody to do something by threatening them or persuading them forcefully
Example: She didn't let him browbeat her into agreeing to go.
przycisnąć kogoś
pin sb down

EXAMPLE: He didn't tell us much. We have to pin him down to details.
potrącić kogoś, przejechać
knock sb down
Example: A young girl is critically ill after being knocked down on her way to school.
zawracać głowę, przeszkadzać
to hassle
Definition: [verb] - to annoy somebody, especially by repeatedly asking them something
Example: I really have to work now- just stop hassling me!
zwymyślać komuś, nawrzeszczeć na kogoś
bawl sb out
Example: My boss is always bawling out people in meetings.
przekłuć, przedziurawić, przebijać
to puncture

DEFINITION: [verb] - to make a small hole in something or to get a small hole in something
EXAMPLE: He was lying on the ground after one of the bullets punctured his lung.
Definition: [noun] - the state or fact of being related to a particular person or group of people that lived in the past
Example: It is estimated that over 80 million people worldwide are of Irish descent.
liczyć na kogoś/coś
bank on sb/sth
Example: He banked on the pay rise but he didn't get it.
wisieć w powietrzu
to brew
Definition: [verb] - if an unpleasant situation or a storm is brewing, you feel that it is about to happen
Example: The atmosphere was tense - I felt that trouble was brewing.
odwracać się
wheel round

EXAMPLE: She wheeled round to see if the man was following her.
pobić kogoś
beat sb up

EXAMPLE: A teenager was badly beaten up outside the pub last night.
wygłupiać się
mess around
Example: We spent the evening with friends, just messing around.
działać, skutkować
kick in
Example: It takes half an hour for these pills to kick in.
umacniać coś, wzmacniać
firm sth up
Example: Swimming can help you firm up your thighs.
zszyć coś
stitch sth up
Example: I've ripped my bagpack - can you stitch it up for me?
zapełniony, zapchany
Definition: [adjective] - very full of people or things
Example: The streets are crammed with people during the festival.
to counsel
Definition: [verb] - to give advice, especially on social or personal problems
Example: She's spent about three years counselling domestic violence victims.
rz. pogrom
cz. rozgromić
odzyskać coś
get sth back
Example: Don't lend her any money, you'll never get it back.
zaczynać (związek), nawiązać (rozmowę)
strike up (sth)
Example: Mark gets jealous if his girlfriend strikes up a conversation with another man.
radujący serce, podnoszący na duchu
Definition: [adjective] - that makes you feel happy, usually because other people are being kind
Example: It's really heartwarming to see how they offer help and support to each other.
zgromadzenie, zebranie
Definition: [noun] - a party or a meeting when many people come together as a group
Example: Christmas is one of the best times for a family gathering.
uspokoić się
cool off
Example: Leave Mark to cool off and then talk to him.
uzbierać, oszczędzić
save sth up
Example: It took her ages to save up enough money to go to Paris.
poprawiać coś
touch sth up
Example: She touched up her lipstick in the mirror and brushed her hair.
wkradać się
creep in/into sth
Example: A few typing mistakes crept into the report.
migotać, iskrzyć, błyszczeć
to twinkle
Definition: [verb] - to shine repeatedly strongly then weakly, as if flashing on and off quickly
Example: When stars and planets are lower on the horizon, they tend to twinkle more.
poprawić się (o wyglądzie), odświeżyć się
smarten up
Example: You'd better smarten up a bit before the interview.
przetrwać, przeżyć
come through
Example: Ann's had some hard times but she's come through.
rozpinać, odwiązać, rozluźnić
to unfasten
Definition: [verb] - to release or open something that is fixed or closed
Example: Mark unfastened his tie before he took it off.
napakować, upychać, tłoczyć się
to cram
Definition: [verb] - to force a lot of people or things into a small space
Example: Ten people were crammed into the back of the van.
wydać kogoś (w czyjeś ręce), przekazać kogoś
hand sb over
Example: The hijacker has been handed over to the German police.
popierać coś
stand for sth

EXAMPLE: This party stands for individual freedom and human rights laws.
dopasowywać coś
match sth up
Example: We were asked to match up the songs with the bands who sang them.
wycieńczyć się, wypalić się
burn yourself out
Example: Stop working so hard or you'll burn yourself out.
wytrzymać, znieść, przetrwać
last out
Example: They won't be able to last out much longer without fresh water.
rozwlekły, przegadany
Definition: [adjective] - that contains too many words
Example: He gave a reply that was wordy and didn't answer the question.
wymazać coś
rub sth out
Example: It's in pencil so you can rub it out if you make a mistake.
wyrastać na kogoś/coś
grow into sb/sth
Example: He's grown into a clever and responsible young man.
zasypiać, zapadać w sen
drift off
Example: I was just drifting off when the doorbell rang.
wstawiać się za czymś/kimś, stać w obronie
stand up for sth/sb
Example: I think it's time you stood up for your rights around here.
powstrzymać się, wstrzymać
hold back
Example: She held back, terrified of going into the dark cellar.
zmieszać z błotem, zjechać kogoś
to trash

DEFINITION: [verb] - INFORMAL- to criticize something or somebody severely
EXAMPLE: The teacher completely trashed her speech, in front of everyone.
pogodzić się z czymś
face up to sth
Example: She's going to have to face up to the fact that her husband left her.
nieobliczalny, nieoceniony
Definition: [adjective] - extremely large and therefore unable to be measured
Example: Mary's contribution to our work is incalculable.
ograniczać kogoś
tie sb down
Example: She'd like to travel more but having two small children ties her down.
kręcony, kędzierzawy
Definition: [adjective] - (of hair) very curly and not smooth
Example: My long, thick hair is always frizzy and difficult to manage.
obraza, zniewaga
Definition: [noun] - an offensive remark or action
Example: She made several insults about my friend's appearance.
bezcenny, nieoceniony
Definition: [adjective] - extremely useful
Example: His experience and help proved to be invaluable to us.
zaokrąglać w dół
round sth down
Example: The total came to £10.05 but he rounded it down to £10.
obniżać status, obniżać poziom
drag down
Example: Don't let yourself be dragged down to her level.
wspaniały, znakomity, doskonały (np. pomysł)
w dobrym nastroju, optymistyczny
Definition: [adjective] - full of happiness, hope and good feelings
Example: Everyone at the party was in a joking, upbeat mood.
przesadzić coś
plant sth out
Example: I'm going to plant out these hyacinth bulbs in early spring.
wyruszać, rozpoczynać podróż
set out

EXAMPLE: We have to set out for the bus station early in the morning.
cut through sth
Example: We decided to cut through the forest and then go straight home.
wygrzebać coś
dig sth out
Example: David dug out some old family photos to show me.
odciąć coś, przeciąć
cut sth off

EXAMPLE: If you don't pay this bill within a week, your gas supply will be cut off.
prowokować, pobudzać, doprowadzać kogoś do czegoś
to goad
Definition: [verb] - to make a person or an animal react or do something by continuously annoying or upsetting them
Example: Don't let him goad you into losing your temper.
stracić spokój, zdenerwować się
to lose one's cool
świadomy czegoś, pamiętający o czymś

DEFINITION: [adjective] - FORMAL- careful not to forget about something
EXAMPLE: Mindful of the danger of tropical storms, we decided to stay home.
odgrodzić coś
fence sth off
Example: They fenced off the planting area from the main garden.
wzbraniać się przed czymś, uchylać się przed czymś
shrink from
Example: I'm afraid that they will not shrink from using force.
nieokiełznany, niepohamowany
Definition: [adjective] - not controlled or limited
Example: All students expressed unbridled enthusiasm for the project.
rozrabiać, wygłupiać się, dokazywać
horse around
Example: The kids were horsing around in the kitchen and they broke two plates.
rezultat, wynik, następstwo
the upshot
Definition: [noun] - something that happens as a result of other actions, events or decisions
Example: The upshot was that he was fired from his job.
rzadki, trudny do zdobycia
Definition: [adjective] - not easy to find or get
Example: Clean water and medicines were scarce in the disaster area.
nieciekawy, zaniedbany, bez gustu
Definition: [adjective] - (especially of clothes or the person wearing them) not attractive or fashionable
Example: She looked dowdy and plain in that old dress.
urok, wdzięk
Definition: [noun] - a quality which makes you like or feel attracted to somebody or something
Example: My grandmother was a woman of great personal charm.
czynić aluzję do czegoś/kogoś, nawiązywać
allude to sth/sb
Example: He kept alluding to his sister but he never mentioned her name.
uniknąć (czegoś), wymigać się
get away with sth
Example: He cheated on the test and thought he could get away with it.
oceniać coś, rozważać
weigh sth up
Example: I'm still weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of the two options.
rozdrapywać (stare) rany, rozgrzebywać (wspomnienia)
rake over sth
Example: She kept on raking over her divorce instead of getting on with her life.
sedno, istota
Definition: [noun] - the most important or basic part of something
Example: I'm afraid the real nub of the problem is money.
wtrącać coś
get sth in
Example: He couldn't get a word in because Amy was talking so much.
poniewierać się, być porozrzucanym
lie around
Example: Never leave money or other valuables just lying around here.
osłabiać kogoś, wycieńczać
wear sb down

EXAMPLE: All the stress and constant travelling is beginning to wear her down.
ckliwy, rzewny
Definition: [adjective] - expressing feelings of love in a way that is silly or embarrassing
Example: He often sent her long and slightly sloppy letters.
zgasić (np. świecę)
snuff sth out
Example: I snuffed out the candles before I went to bed.
dręczący, przysparzający cierpień
Definition: [adjective] - very bad and very painful
Example: Taking a cough syrup is a good way to relieve a racking cough.
tracić panowanie nad sobą
to snap
Definition: [verb] - to suddenly become unable to control a strong feeling, especially anger
Example: When she asked me to lend her some money again, I just snapped.
gromadzić (się), piętrzyć
pile sth up
Example: Newspapers and magazines were piled up on the carpet.
roztkliwiać się nad kimś/czymś
fuss over sb/sth
Example: She's always fussing over her younger daughter as if she were a little girl.
słabnąć, ustępować
to abate
Definition: [verb] - FORMAL- to become less strong
Example: After three hours, the wind finally started to abate.
kwitnać, rozwijać się
to flourish
Definition: [verb] - to grow or develop successfully
Example: Jazz music began to flourish and dancing became a popular activity in the 1930s.
Definition: [adjective] - not able to fly
Example: Kiwis are three species of small, flightless birds that live only in New Zealand.
znaleźć dla kogoś czas
fit sb in
Example: Dr Smith is very busy but she'll try to fit you in tomorrow.
zwierzać się, powierzać komuś sekret
to confide
Definition: [verb] - to tell something secret or personal to somebody who you trust not to tell anybody else
Example: Remember that you can always confide in me.
wyskoczyć na spadochronie
bail out
Example: The pilot managed to bail out before the plane hit the trees.
omylny, zawodny
Definition: [adjective] - able or likely to make mistakes
Example: We know that doctors are fallible but we still place our trust in them.
wylegiwać się, poleżeć sobie w łóżku
lie in
Example: It was Sunday so we could lie in till almost lunch time.
zaufanie, poleganie na czymś/kimś
Definition: [noun] - when you depend on or trust in something or somebody
Example: The modern world has placed too much reliance on technology.
nocować u kogoś
sleep over
wykrzykiwać, drzeć się
to holler
Definition: [verb] - INFORMAL - to shout loudly
Example: I heard him hollering my name to help him.
kibicować komuś
root for sb
Example: Good luck! The whole family will be rooting for you.
wygasnąć, wypalić się
fizzle out
Example: She dated him for a while but their romance fizzled out rather quickly.
znajdować się w pobliżu
float around
Example: There must be a pen floating around here somewhere.
oznajmiać, oświadczać, ogłosić
to pronounce
Definition: [verb] - FORMAL - to state something officially or certainly
Example: The man was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
myśleć nad (czymś)
mull sth over
Example: I need a couple of days to mull things over before I make a decision.
pełzać, czołgać się, raczkować
to crawl
Definition: [verb] - to move slowly or with difficulty, especially with the body stretched out along the ground or on hands and knees
Example: The baby crawled across the floor towards his mother.
rozprawiać się kimś
brać się ostro za coś (za coś złego by poprawić)
crack down on sth/sb
odprężać się, relaksować się
Definition: [verb] - to relax and allow your mind to be free from worry after you have been working hard or feeling nervous
Example: A glass of wine will help you to unwind after work.
niedogotowany (np. o mięsie), niedopieczony
Definition: [adjective] - (about food) that is cooked for only a short time or for less time than is necessary
Example: The meat is underdone - I'll put it back in the oven.
wysprzątać coś, wyczyścić coś
clean sth out
Example: I found his photo while I was cleaning out my drawers.
to convict
Definition: [verb] - to decide officially in a court of law that somebody is guilty of a crime
Example: The man was convicted of the murder of his father-in-law.
układać się do snu, przespać się gdzieś
bed down
Example: Lara can bed down on the sofa in the living room.
katastrofa, klęska, nieszczęście
rozwiązać (problem)
iron sth out
Example: They have to iron out a few problems first.
zamknąć kogoś, wsadzić do paki
bang sb up
Example: He spent two years banged up in a prison cell.
opanowanie, spokój
Definition: [noun] - calmness and control

[noun] -
Example: He repeatedly lost his composure in front of his boss.
bagatelizować, lekceważyć
shrug sth off
Example: They can't just shrug these objections and the criticism off.
wymagający, rygorystyczny
Definition: [adjective] - that demands a lot of effort, care or attention
Example: He failed to live up to his father's exacting standards.
dokończyć coś
finish sth off

EXAMPLE: You'd better finish off this essay before you go to bed.
zastanawiać się, głowić się nad czymś
puzzle over sth
Example: Scientists have been puzzling over the results of the research on the drug.
rzucać coś, wyrzec się czegoś
swear off sth
Example: After two years of addiction, he swore off drugs completely.
iść na skróty, przecinać
cut across sth
Example: If we cut across the field, we won't be late.
trzymać się czegoś, pozostawać wiernym
stick to sth
Example: You'll never learn to play the violin if you're not prepared to stick to it.
chichotać (nerwowo)
to titter
Definition: [verb] - to laugh nervously, often at something that you should not be laughing at
Example: The students tittered and whispered all through the lecture.
stukanie, stukot

DEFINITION: [noun] - a short sharp noise made by two hard objects being hit together
EXAMPLE: I could hear the clack of high heels walking up the stairs.
Definition: [adjective] - breathing with difficulty because you have been doing physical exercise
Example: I can't play any further - I'm puffed!
wybijać się, wyróżniać
shine out
Example: The play has a very strong cast but one actress in particular shines out.
zaskoczony, oniemiały, osłupiały

DEFINITION: [adjective] - so shocked that you cannot speak
EXAMPLE: The children were dumbfounded when the magician made the rabbit disappear.
niedelikatny, nietaktowny
Definition: [adjective] - (of words or actions) that are not suitable for a situation and likely to be offensive
Example: "I refuse to answer such an indelicate question" said the actress.
nieporęczny, ciężki do obsługi
Definition: [adjective] - (of an object) difficult to move or handle because it is heavy, large or a strange shape
Example: The piano was unwieldy and hard to get down the stairs.
zająć, zamieszkać, zaprzątać
to occupy
Definition: [verb] - to fill, exist in or use a place or period of time
Example: He was occupied with writing a report all evening.
przemądrzały, zarozumiały
Definition: [adjective] - thinking that you are more important or more clever than you really are
Example: Kate thinks she's very clever. She's so big-headed!
zebrać kogoś/coś, zgromadzić
round sb/sth up
Example: I'll just go and round everyone up for the meeting.
wyżerka, wielki posiłek
Definition: [noun] -INFORMAL- a big enjoyable meal
Example: We went out and had a good nosh-up yesterday.
wyśledzić, tropić kogoś/coś
track sb/sth down
Example: The police tracked the man down on the social network Facebook.
obciążający, krytyczny
Definition: [adjective] - that includes a lot of criticism or shows clearly that someone is wrong, guilty or has behaved very badly
Example: The two journalists were convicted on some extremely damning evidence.
pobierać nauki u kogoś
sit under sb
Example: She sat under the most influential teacher in her field for five years.
zajmujący drugą pozycję w grupie
warkot, moc silnika, przyspieszenie
robić postęp

1. To make steady progress; prosper.
2. To grow vigorously;
odkładać, przesuwać (na późniejszy termin)
bring sth forward
Example: The local government elections were brought forward by five weeks.
to hammer
Definition: [verb] - INFORMAL- to criticize somebody or something
Example: Her latest novel has been hammered by the critics.
natknąć się na coś/kogoś, napotkać
stumble across sth/sb
Example: I was surprised when I stumbled across Mark in the library yesterday.
zabezpieczać/chronić się przed czymś
guard against sth
Example: It’s never too early to guard against heart disease.
odprężyć się
to unbend
Definition: [verb] - to relax and become less formal and serious in your manner
Example: After a glass of wine she unbended a little.
to absorb
Definition: [verb] - to take something in, especially gradually
Example: It takes 30 to 45 minutes for caffeine to get absorbed by the body.
jechać dalej
push on

EXAMPLE: It was getting dark but we decided to push on.
pędzić, lecieć, poruszać się szybko
to whizz
Definition: [verb] - to move or do something very fast
Example: Two police cars whizzed by, on their way to the accident.
rozgoryczony, rozżalony
Definition: [adjective] - very angry about unfair things that have happened to you
Example: When Kate's long-term relationship ended, she became very embittered.
nadawać, ględzić, trajkotać
to yap

DEFINITION: [verb] -INFORMAL- to talk continuously
EXAMPLE: That woman has been yapping on a mobile phone for fifty minutes!
odchudzające (środki)
slimming (aids)
szturchać, dźgać
to prod
Definition: [verb] - to push something or somebody with your finger or with a pointed object
Example: He prodded her in the back to get her attention.
podnieść coś/kogoś
scoop sth/sb up
Example: She scooped her daughter up and ran with her to safety.
take sth away
Example: If you take 8 away from 12 you get 4.
uporządkować coś, doprowadzić do porządku
straighten sth up
Example: We managed to straighten up the house before our parents got home.
Definition: [adjective] - able to be dissolved to form a solution
Example: I prefer soluble tablets as they seem to act faster in relieving headaches.
Definition: [adjective] - that does not receive medical treatment
Example: Untreated ear infections can lead to more serious complications, including hearing loss.
wyrzucać kogoś
chuck sb out

EXAMPLE: They were chucked out of the library for making too much noise.
kontynuować bycie pełnym sukcesów

continuing to be successful
trujący, szkodliwy
Definition: [adjective] - poisonous or very harmful
Example: Noxious chemical fumes caused the death of a Chicago police officer.
spalić (się)
burn (sth) down

EXAMPLE: That building was burnt down in a fire two years ago.
skrupulatny, dokładny, sumienny

DEFINITION: [adjective] - very careful to be honest or doing everything correctly and exactly as it should be done
EXAMPLE: A scrupulous investigation into the accident has been conducted within a month's time.
wyrzucić kogoś(wylać) z pracy
to sack

DEFINITION: [verb] - to remove somebody from a job, usually because they have done something wrong or badly
EXAMPLE: Helen's boss has threatened to sack her if she's late again.
szklanka/filiżanka czegoś
Definition: [noun] - the amount held by a cup
Example: Beat two eggs with half a cupful of powdered sugar.
rozpocząć, wywołać, uruchomić
trigger off
Example: The racial killings have triggered off a wave of protests.
Definition: [noun] - a close connection joining two or more people
Example: There has been a close bond between David and his father.
chodliwy, znajdujący zbyt, atrakcyjny
Definition: [adjective] - (about products or skills) easy to sell because a lot of people want them
Example: There are many things that you can do to make your product more marketable.
sięgać pamięcią wstecz, powrócić myślami do czegoś
think back
Example: When I think back to my school days, I wish I had studied harder.
opierać (się) o coś
lean (sth) against sth
Example: She leaned her head against his shoulder and started to cry.
sprzedać za dużą ilość (np. biletów na samolot), przyjąć za dużo rezerwacji
to overbook
Definition: [verb] - to sell more tickets or places for an aircraft, holiday, etc. than are available
Example: They phoned us today to say that the hotel was overbooked and offered us another hotel in Minorca.
przebierać się, ubrać wyjściowe ubranie
dress up
Example: You don't have to dress up to go to a pub.
zatuszować coś
hush sth up

EXAMPLE: The police tried to hush up the whole affair.
zachęcać kogoś, dopingować kogoś
urge sb on
Example: A couple of friends were cheering and urging her on from the side of the court.
uwzględniać, brać pod uwagę
allow for sth
Example: They should allow for the train being delayed.
odkładać coś na miejsce
pack sth away

EXAMPLE: Come on, Suzie, it's time to pack away your toys.
pull off
Example: When the lights turned green, the car pulled off.
zaginać kogoś
catch sb out

EXAMPLE: You can ask me anything you like – you won't catch me out.
kroczyć dumnie
to strut
Definition: [verb] - to walk in a proud way trying to look important
Example: He strutted around the court and smiled at the people in the audience.
rzutować na coś, mieć na coś wpływ
bear on sth

EXAMPLE: I'm not sure whether that information bears on this case.
pominąć kogoś
pass sb over
Example: They passed Julia over for promotion because she was pregnant.
wyeliminować kogoś (np. z zawodów sportowych)
knock sb out
Example: The player was unexpectedly knocked out in the first round.
modny, elegancki, najwyższej jakości
Definition: [adjective] - INFORMAL- (of places and things) expensive and of high quality
Example: They used to eat in some really posh restaurants in London.
to overhear
Definition: [verb] - to hear what other people are saying without intending to and without their knowledge
Example: I overheard a funny conversation on the train this morning.
wciągać na czarną listę
to blacklist
Definition: [verb] - to put someone's name on a blacklist
Example: They were blacklisted for having left-wing sympathies.
sponiewierany, nadszarpnięty
przemyśleć coś
think sth over

EXAMPLE: I'll think it over and give you an answer on Friday.

DEFINITION: [adjective] - in a bad mood, unfriendly and not polite
EXAMPLE: Unfortunately, we were served by a very surly waiter.
zeszczupleć, schudnąć
slim down
Example: Suzie's really slimmed down over the last few months.
wstrętny, odrażający, obrzydliwy
Definition: [adjective] - extremely unpleasant
Example: That loathsome man was sentenced to life in prison for his crimes.
Definition: [adjective] - for the present time but likely to be changed; temporary
Example: Before you are able to drive on public roads in the UK, you must have a provisional driving licence.
doprowadzić coś do szczęśliwego końca
nail sth down
Example: After a two-hour meeting, they finally nailed down a deal.
w porę, w odpowiedniej chwili
Definition: [adjective] - happening at a suitable moment
Example: The house was saved thanks to the timely intervention of the fire brigade.
zabierać się za coś
start on sth

EXAMPLE: Let's have some breakfast before we start on the painting.
bezinteresowny, pozbawiony egoizmu
Definition: [adjective] - that only thinks of other people's advantage
Example: She's the most giving and selfless person I know.
watch out!
Example: Watch out – you're going to crash into the tree!
to march
Definition: [verb] - to walk with regular steps keeping the body stiff, usually in a formal group of people that are all walking in the same way
Example: British soldiers have marched in Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the 1945 defeat of Nazi Germany.
przygarbiony, zgarbiony
Definition: [adjective] - having shoulders that curve down and forward
Example: He became round-shouldered from years of working in front of a computer.
wstrętny, odrażający, obrzydliwy
Definition: [adjective] - extremely unpleasant
Example: That loathsome man was sentenced to life in prison for his crimes.
parować, wyparować, spowodować parowanie
to vaporize
Definition: [verb] - to turn or cause something to turn, from a solid or liquid state into gas
Example: The intense heat vaporizes most meteors, creating shooting stars.
przypinać pasami
strap sb in
Example: Make sure your child is strapped in correctly for every journey.
zdrada (stanu)
Definition: [noun] - (the crime of) showing no loyalty to your country, especially by helping its enemies or trying to defeat its government
Example: Ukraine's parliament has accused former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko of committing high treason.
ślęczeć (nad czymś)
pore over sth
Example: She spends most of her evenings poring over textbooks.
odpowiadać przed kimś
answer to sb
Example: The best thing about working for yourself is that you don't have to answer to anybody.
zatapiać, zalać
to deluge
Definition: [verb] - to cover something with a lot of water
Example: The town was deluged when the river burst its banks.
Definition: [adjective] - (of a place) that has a lot of buildings in it
Example: In built-up areas the speed limit is 30 mph for all classes of vehicle.
opłukać, przepłukać
rinse sth out
Example: Just rinse these wine glasses out and leave them to dry.
dry out
Example: If you don't keep bread covered, it dries out.
Definition: [adjective] - not able to be achieved
Example: Don't set goals for yourself that are unattainable and out of reach.
zużywać, wyczerpywać
use sth up
Example: Don't use up all the butter, we need some for breakfast.
to graze
Definition: [verb] -INFORMAL- to eat small amounts of food many times during the day instead of eating meals at particular times
Example: No supper for me, thank you - I've been grazing all day.
pokryć się lodem, zamarznąć
ice over
Example: The school was closed when the roads iced over.
zawiły, pogmatwany

DEFINITION: [noun] - too long and confused
EXAMPLE: He began his presentation with a prayer and then proceeded to deliver a rambling speech about philosophy and religion.
uciążliwy, żmudny, mozolny

DEFINITION: [adjective] - that needs a large amount of effort
EXAMPLE: It was an uphill struggle to persuade Republicans to back the President's plan.
masowo coś produkować
churn sth out
Example: The new factory will churn out more than 10 000 cars a year.
skrobnąć, szybko coś napisać
dash sth off
Example: She sat down and dashed the letter off in five minutes.
zapalić (papierosa)
light up
Example: David was lighting up when he noticed a 'no smoking' sign.
zgłębiać coś, dociekać
follow sth up

EXAMPLE: The idea seemed interesting and we decided to follow it up.
relaksować się, byczyć się
veg out
Example: I'm really tired - I'll just go home and veg out in front of the TV tonight.
go back

EXAMPLE: That restaurant was lovely - I'm going back there again.
niemodny, przestarzały
Definition: [adjective] - old-fashioned; no longer modern, useful or necessary
Example: Outmoded farming methods are the reason why African agriculture is so unproductive.
czynnik zniechęcający

DEFINITION: [noun] - something that makes people not want to do something or not work hard
EXAMPLE: High interest rates are a disincentive to expanding a business.
to squeak
Definition: [verb] - to make a short very high cry or sound
Example: You're more likely to hear mice squeaking at night, when the house is quiet.
to retrieve
Definition: [verb] - to find and bring back something
Example: Once information has been encoded and stored in memory, it must be retrieved in order to be used.
oczekiwać, wyczekiwać
to await
Definition: [verb] - to wait for, or be waiting for something
Example: We are all anxiously awaiting the exam results.
nieludzki, okrutny
Definition: [adjective] - extremely cruel or not human in an unusual or frightening way
Example: The prisoners were subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment.
zjechać autem na pobocze
pull over

EXAMPLE: Just pull over here and I'll get out.
podszlifować, odświeżyć coś
brush sth up
Example: I took a class to brush up my French before the trip.
sporządzać coś, sformułować coś
draw sth up

EXAMPLE: Our lawyer has already drawn up the contract and we can sign it tomorrow.
rozdzierający serce

DEFINITION: [adjective] - that causes great sympathy or sadness
EXAMPLE: The sight of the starving children in Africa is heartrending.
spoglądać, patrzeć w przyszłość
look ahead

EXAMPLE: We have to look ahead and estimate our needs for the next two years.
denerwować kogoś, wkurzać kogoś
wind sb up
Example: It really winds me up when she starts complaining.
przelotny, krótki, krótkotrwały

DEFINITION: [adjective] - short or quick
EXAMPLE: We went to London but it was just a fleeting visit.
zastępować kogoś w pracy
stand in

EXAMPLE: Susan stood in for me when I was sick.
stać po czyjejś stronie, trzymać z kimś
side with sb
Example: My sister has always sided with my father against me.
rozbieżność, niezgodność
Definition: [noun] - (a) difference between two things that should be the same
Example: There was some discrepancy between the two accounts.
radzić sobie, być niezależnym
fend for yourself
Example: After her mother died, she had to learn to fend for herself.
jęczeć, skomleć, łkać
to whine
Definition: [verb] - to make a long, high, sad sound
Example: We could hear a dog whining behind the door.

DEFINITION: [adjective] - attractive or interesting
EXAMPLE: The idea of swimming in the sea sounds very appealing!
zacierać, wymazywać
to efface

DEFINITION: [verb] -FORMAL- to remove something intentionally
EXAMPLE: He was trying hard to efface the horrific memories from the war.
speszony, zażenowany

DEFINITION: [adjective] - embarrassed
EXAMPLE: When he realized his mistake, he looked abashed.
pełny energii
lively and full of energy
mieć farta, mieć szczęście
luck out
Example: We really lucked out and found the last parking spot in the lot.
rażąco, wielce

DEFINITION: [adverb] - extremely
EXAMPLE: Death sentences in Saudi Arabia are often imposed after largely secret and grossly unfair trials.
przybity, przygnębiony, zawiedziony
Definition: [adjective] - disappointed and sad because of having failed unexpectedly in something
Example: She looked crestfallen when she realized she had no money in her purse.
chwila ciszy, przerwa, okres spokoju
Definition: [noun] - a short period of calm in which little happens
Example: A lull in the fighting is expected to begin tomorrow.
Definition: [noun] - a short performance that an actor, musician etc. gives to show their ability and suitability for a particular film, play, show, etc.
Example: Her audition went well and she got the part.
wtrącać się
chip in
Example: Mark kept chipping in with his comments while I was talking to Jane.
nabierać kogoś
string sb along
Example: She had no intention of giving him a divorce. She was just stringing him along.
sprawdzić coś, weryfikować
check sth out

EXAMPLE: I'm going to make a phone call to check out his address.
Definition: [adjective] - that lasts for a very short time
Example: There was a momentary silence and then he spoke again.
pakować się
pack sth up
Example: I'm about to pack up all my things and go home.
przyłączać, podłączać
hook up
Example: He hooked up a microphone directly to a home stereo system.
thin down
Example: Kate's thinned down a lot since I last saw her.
pękać ze śmiechu, wybuchać śmiechem
crack up

EXAMPLE: We took one look at Mark's hat and cracked up.
oczerniać kogoś, zszargać retputację
to smear

DEFINITION: [verb] - to publicly accuse somebody of something unpleasant or unlikely to be true in order to harm their reputation
EXAMPLE: His reputation was smeared through weeks of damaging testimony.
wisieć nad kimś/czymś
hang over sb/sth
Example: The threat of jail sentence was still hanging over him.
wygotować się
boil away
Example: Check every 15 minutes to make sure that the water has not boiled away.
ognisko, centrum (np. zainteresowania)
Definition: [noun] - the main or central point of something, especially of attention or interest
Example: Everyone can see that David likes to be the focus of attention.
wywęszyć coś, wyniuchać
nose sth out
Example: They soon nosed out the details of the accident.
zrzędzić, narzekać
bang on
Example: My grandparents are always banging on about how much better life was 30 years ago.
pochlipywać, biadolić
to snivel

DEFINITION: [verb] - to cry slightly in a way that is weak and annoying for other people
EXAMPLE: He's sitting in his bedroom snivelling because his dad asked him to do all his homework.
przesadzony, napuszony

DEFINITION: [adjective] - bigger or more important than it should be
EXAMPLE: An American politician said that fears about Iran's nuclear weapons program were overblown.
chomikować, odkładać
squirrel sth away
Example: My uncle had a large fortune squirrelled away.
ograniczyć, zmniejszyć
cut down on sth

EXAMPLE: I've been trying to cut down on salt to keep healthy for the last two years.
budzić, wzbudzać
to arouse

DEFINITION: [verb] - to cause somebody to have a particular feeling
EXAMPLE: It's a controversial subject that has aroused a lot of interest.
ścierać kurz, odkurzać
dust sth off
Example: I've already dusted off the decorations and put my Christmas tree up.
tryskać (szczęściem, radością, entuzjazmem)
bubble over
Example: When I met Karen, she was bubbling over with excitement.
fit in

EXAMPLE: It's no surprise he's leaving our school - he's never really fitted in.
wręczyć coś
hand sth in
Example: Please finish writing and hand in the essays.
dowcipna uwaga, żart

DEFINITION: [noun] -INFORMAL- a remark that is intended as a clever joke, especially one that criticizes somebody
EXAMPLE: He made some wisecrack about her lack of cleaning skills.
zaplątać się, uwikłać
to entangle

DEFINITION: [verb] - to cause something to become caught in something such as a net or wire
EXAMPLE: The whale shark became entangled in the fishing nets.
skasować samochów
write sth off

EXAMPLE: Unfortunately, her car was completely written off in the accident.
przyjechać po kogoś, przyjść po kogoś
call for sb

EXAMPLE: I'll call for you at seven and drive you to the airport.
taśma do mierzenia, "metrówka"
tape measure
odeprzeć, przepędzić, zwalczyć kogoś
fight off
Example: The woman managed to fight off her attackers.
pociąć coś piłą
saw sth up
Example: He sawed the logs up into smaller pieces.
rozwodzić się nad czymś, mówić ciągle o czymś
harp on sth
Example: He's always harping on about his lack of money.
wyluzować, odprężyć się
lighten up
Example: Oh, lighten up! I was only joking.
odgrywać się na kimś
get back at sb
Example: I need to find a way of getting back at him!
perfumowany, pachnący
Definition: [adjective] - that has a pleasant strong smell
Example: Scented candles are a great addition to your home for any number of occasions.
wzniecać, wzbudzać coś
stir sth up

EXAMPLE: The article stirred up a lot of anger among young people.
odstraszać kogoś
scare sb away
Example: If they charge as much as that, they'll scare customers away.
skreślać kogoś, nie brać pod uwagę
count sb out

EXAMPLE: If you're going diving, you can count me out!
sprać się, zmywać
wash out

EXAMPLE: I'm afraid that these greasy marks won't wash out.
złośliwy, uszczypliwy, pogardliwy

DEFINITION: [adjective] - that contains unpleasant criticism which is not clearly stated
EXAMPLE: She made a snide remark about Kelly's relationship with the boss.
to extemporize
Definition: [verb] - to speak or perform without any preparation or thought
Example: She lost her notes and had to extemporize.
Definition: [adjective] - INFORMAL- not surprised or worried
Example: His father's criticism left him quite unfazed.
rzucić, ciskać
to chuck

DEFINITION: [verb] -INFORMAL- to throw something carelessly
EXAMPLE: He chucked all the papers that he had collected for his master thesis into the bin.
spędzać czas (z kimś)
hang out
Example: Most teenagers like to get together and hang out with their friends over the weekend.
szarpnąć się (na coś), zaszaleć
splash out
Example: He's just splashed out £30000 on a brand new car.
smaczny, smakowity
Definition: [adjective] - FORMAL- (used about food or drink) that has a pleasant taste
Example: This is a unique and very palatable wine with a bright ruby red colour.
powietrzny, lotniczy
Definition: [adjective] - in or from the air, especially from an aircraft
Example: The United Nations Mission in South Sudan has condemned the aerial bombardment carried out on Monday.
zapiąć (ubranie)
button up
Example: Button up Vicky, will you? It's cold today.
sell out
Example: They sold out of the new dresses in the first couple of days.
namawiać, nawoływać
to exhort
DEFINITION: [verb] - FORMAL- to strongly encourage or try to persuade somebody to do something
EXAMPLE: The police exhorted the crowd to remain calm and protest peacefully.
wyjaśniać coś szczegółowo, przedstawiać coś
spell sth out
Example: The government has finally spelled out its policies.
burzyć, niszczyć
to demolish

DEFINITION: [verb] - to completely destroy a building, often in order to use the land for something else
EXAMPLE: A couple of old buildings were demolished so that the shopping centre could be built.
Definition: [noun] - a person who does not work hard enough
Example: That slacker has gone home early again.
wyłowić, wyłuskać
to fish sth out
zdmuchnąć, zerwać
blow off

EXAMPLE: Suddenly a gust of wind blew a hat off her head.
wspierać kogoś, popierać
back sb up

EXAMPLE: He expected his family to back him up throughout the court case.
odpędzać coś, trzymać coś z dala (od kogoś/czegoś)
keep sth off

EXAMPLE: I put a cloth over the food to keep the flies off.
zdrowie psychiczne
Definition: [noun] - the state of having a healthy mind and not being mentally ill
Example: His behaviour was so strange that they began to question his sanity.
chwiać się (np. o krześle), chybotać się
to wobble
Definition: [verb] - to (cause something to) shake or move from side to side in a way that shows poor balance
Example: Can you put something under the leg of the table? It's wobbling.
włóczyć się
knock around

EXAMPLE: We spent the weekend just knocking around the house.
infantylny, dziecinny
Definition: [adjective] - behaving in a silly way, not like an adult
Example: I find his sense of humour and his jokes rather puerile.
Definition: [adjective] - unpleasantly proud and expecting obedience
Example: He dismissed my opinion with an imperious gesture.
zostawać poddanym
come under sth

EXAMPLE: The Suez Canal came under British control in 1882, thirteen years after its construction was completed.
podskakiwać, pójść w górę
shoot up
Example: Gas prices shot up by 5 0x0,0000000000005p-1022st year.
wycenić zbyt wysoko, przeceniać
to overvalue
Definition: [verb] - to put too high a value on something
Example: By many measures, the euro remains overvalued against the dollar and other currencies.
wprawiający w konsternację, zdumiewający
Definition: [adjective] - confusing and difficult to understand
Example: She gave me directions to her office but I found them bewildering.
bulić za coś
fork out
Example: We had to fork out seven pounds for the tickets.
wybierać kogoś/coś, wyróżniać
single sb/sth out

EXAMPLE: Katie was really happy when the teacher singled out her essay and asked her to read it out.
nie widzieć świata poza kimś, szaleć za kimś
dote on sb

EXAMPLE: Katie absolutely dotes on her youngest daughter.
układ, porozumienie

DEFINITION: [noun] - FORMAL- a formal agreement between two or more people, countries or organizations
EXAMPLE: A final compact was negotiated between the company and the union.
przepuszczać (okazję)
pass sth up

EXAMPLE: I can't believe he passed up the chance to study in Paris.
szorstki, oschły

DEFINITION: [adjective] - using very few words in a way that seems rude
EXAMPLE: Ann's boss apologized for being so curt with her.
podchodzić, zbliżać się
walk up

EXAMPLE: He walked up to her and asked her if she wanted to go out with him.
obfity, bogaty

DEFINITION: [adjective] - in large amounts
EXAMPLE: It was really hot and we drank copious amounts of water.
zapisywać coś, zanotować
take sth down

EXAMPLE: He took down my phone number and said he'd phone back.
chować/trzymać coś pod kluczem
lock sth away
Example: If you keep any valuables in your house, lock them away somewhere safe.
wywrócić coś
tip sth over
Example: Be careful not to tip my cup of tea over.
Definition: [noun] - a place where three or more roads join and traffic must go around a circular area in the middle
Example: Go straight ahead and then turn left at the first roundabout.
nosić się z czymś, rozważać coś
toy with sth
Example: We're toying with the idea of going to Mexico next year.
machać komuś na pożegnanie
wave sb off
Example: We all went to the station to wave Jackie off.
wzywać kogoś
call on sb

EXAMPLE: The international community has called on both sides to end hostilities.
wyrzut sumienia, skrucha
Definition: [noun] - FORMAL- when you feel very guilty and sad about something you have done
Example: He was filled with remorse for what he had done.
ubierać sie luźno (wygodnie)
dress down
Example: I usually dress down when working at home.
wyciągnięty, rozpostarty
Definition: [adjective] - reaching out as far as possible
Example: He came towards me with his arms outstretched.
uformować jeszcze raz
próba przykrycia przestępstwa
attempt to stop people discovering a crime
to yawn
Definition: [verb] - to open your mouth wide and take a lot of air into the lungs and slowly send it out, usually when you are tired or bored
Example: She can't stop yawning - she must be very tired.
pękać, wybuchać
to burst
Definition: [verb] - to break open or apart suddenly or to make something do this
Example: The reason why water pipes burst is because water expands as it freezes.
Definition: [adjective] - unable to be heard
Example: The noise of the wind made her words inaudible.
odpuścić komuś, traktować kogoś mniej srogo
ease off
Example: I hope his supervisor will ease off on him soon.
wtrącać się
butt in
Example: He kept on butting in with some silly comments.
sporządzić szkic, napisać roboczą wersję czegoś
to draft
Definition: [verb] - to write down a document for the first time, including the main points but not all the details
Example: I'll draft a proposal for the project and we'll discuss it at the meeting.
składać, np. podanie
put sth in

EXAMPLE: I haven't put in an application to the college yet.
przegrzewać (się)
Definition: [verb] - to (cause to) become hotter than necessary or wanted
Example: Stop the car in a safe place as soon as overheating is detected.
początek, nadejście

DEFINITION: [noun] - the moment at which something, especially unpleasant, begins
EXAMPLE: Bacterial pneumonia has a rapid onset, with sudden fever and painful breathing noted during the first hours.
pozbierać się, wracać do formy
bounce back

EXAMPLE: Children sometimes bounce back from illness more quickly than adults do.
wyszukać, odszukać kogoś/coś
seek sb/sth out
Example: The duty of the journalist is to seek out the truth and present it to his readers.
chwilka, moment

DEFINITION: [noun] - INFORMAL- a very short time
EXAMPLE: I have to go now but I'll be with you in a jiffy.
bring sth back

EXAMPLE: None of these politicians are in favour of bringing back the death penalty.
zwędzić, zwinąć coś(ukraść)
walk off with sth

EXAMPLE: The thieves walked off with the most expensive ring in a jewellery shop.
podtekst, zabarwienie

DEFINITION: [noun] - a particular feeling, quality or meaning that is not expressed in a direct way
EXAMPLE: We thought that his speech had slightly racist undertones.
stłumiony, przytłumiony

DEFINITION: [adjective] - (of a sound) quiet or not clear
EXAMPLE: We could hear some muffled voices from the room but we couldn't make out any words.
robić pranie mózgu
to brainwash
Definition: [verb] - to make somebody believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them
Example: These people have been brainwashed into believing that war is necessary.
mourner - żałobnik
mournful - żałobny
mounring - żałoba
to mourn - opłakiwać
dostrzegalny, zauważalny

DEFINITION: [adjective] - that can be seen, heard or noticed
EXAMPLE: There was a small but perceptible change in the audience's mood.
dzielący, rozdzielający (społeczenstwo)
wyolbrzymiać, przesadzać
to overstate

DEFINITION: [verb] - to describe or explain something in a way that makes it seem more serious or important than it really is
EXAMPLE: It turned out that he overstated his skills in the interview.

DEFINITION: [adjective] - rude and not considering other people's feelings
EXAMPLE: I found Clare's new boyfriend rather boorish and unfriendly.
przyznać się (do czegoś)
fess up

EXAMPLE: He eventually fessed up to taking his brother's car.
hurtowania, magazyn
pociągać za sobą
to entail

DEFINITION: [verb] -FORMAL- to make something necessary or to involve something
EXAMPLE: I'm afraid that all investments entail some sort of risk.
chwalić, wychwalać
to extol

DEFINITION: [verb] - FORMAL- to praise something or somebody very much
EXAMPLE: He wrote an article extolling the virtues of the Internet.
atrakcyjny, uroczy, ujmujący

DEFINITION: [adjective] - (used about a person or their clothes) attractive
EXAMPLE: She looked very fetching in her beige silk blouse and a green skirt.
kłócić się, sprzeczać
to bicker

DEFINITION: [verb] - to argue about things that are not important
EXAMPLE: Kate and Tom are always bickering with each other about some personal problems.
zatłoczenie, zator, przeciążenie

DEFINITION: [adjective] - (of a piece of work)difficult or unpleasant and for which people do not thank you
EXAMPLE: Many housewives will tell you that running a household is often a thankless job.
martwy (np. sezon), słaby

DEFINITION: [adjective] - that shows little activity; not busy
EXAMPLE: The travel business is usually slack here in the winter.
czerwona porzeczka
w kropki, nakrapiany

DEFINITION: [adjective] - covered in small, usually round areas of colour
EXAMPLE: She was wearing jeans and a black and white spotted blouse.
zamykać sie w sobie, uciszyć się, zamilknąć
clam up

EXAMPLE: She just clams up whenever you ask her about her marriage.
ręczyć za kogoś, odpowiadać
answer for sb/sth

EXAMPLE: Tom asked me if I could answer for my friend's honesty.
economic downturn

periods of time where trade and industry are performing less well
przypominający, przywołujący

reminding people of
kompletny, całkowity

DEFINITION: [adjective] - (used about something bad or unpleasant) complete
EXAMPLE: The holiday in England with my parents-in-law was a downright disaster.
rumienić się, czerwienić
to flush

DEFINITION: [verb] - to become red in the face, especially as a result of strong emotions or heat
EXAMPLE: She flushed when he paid her a compliment.
rezygnować z czegoś
opt out of(sth)
żal, smutek, zmartwienie, zgryzota
zgrzytać, skrzypieć
to creak

DEFINITION: [verb] - to make a long low sound when a door, floorboard etc. moves or is moved
EXAMPLE: The floorboards creaked when we walked across the living room.
utrzymywać coś na niskim poziomie
keep sth down

EXAMPLE: We really have to try and keep costs down.
wyprosić coś od kogoś, wyżebrać
to scrounge

DEFINITION: [verb] -INFORMAL- to get things, often money or food, by asking other people for them instead of buying them
EXAMPLE: I can't stand the way Jack scrounges things off his friends.
wygrać wybory z olbrzymią przewagą
swept to power
won with an overwhelming majority
fatum, śmierć, nieszczęście

DEFINITION: [noun] - death, destruction or any very bad situation that you cannot avoid
EXAMPLE: I woke up that Friday morning and felt an impending sense of doom.
wycofywać się, wykręcać się
back out

EXAMPLE: You promised to help me. You just can't back out of it now!
możliwy do ustalenia, możliwy do odczytania

DEFINITION: [adjective] - possible to trace; able to be found or followed
EXAMPLE: All cell phones are traceable and it can be helpful sometimes.
walić, łomotać, tłuc
to pound

DEFINITION: [verb] - to beat or hit repeatedly with a lot of force or to crush something by hitting it repeatedly
EXAMPLE: He pounded on the door with his fists demanding to be let in.
przekazywać, wyrażać
to convey

DEFINITION: [verb] - to express feelings, thoughts, ideas so that they are understood by other people
EXAMPLE: Please convey my sympathy to Susan at this sad time.
niestosowny, nieodpowiedni

DEFINITION: [adjective] - FORMAL- happening or done at a time that is not suitable or convenient
EXAMPLE: I can't talk to you now. You've called at an inopportune moment.
ktoś kto mówi prosto z mostu, szczerze
a straight talker

a person who speaks honestly and simply
chłonąć coś
soak sth up

EXAMPLE: Small children soak up foreign languages very quickly.

DEFINITION: [noun] - the quality of treating people equally or according to the law, rules, etc.
EXAMPLE: Scientists claim that babies can develop a sense of fairness from the age of 15 months.
wstrząs, przewrót, rewolucja

big change that can cause a lot of confusion and effort
godło, symbol

DEFINITION: [noun] - a picture of an object that represents a particular person, group or idea
EXAMPLE: A white eagle with a head turned to its right is the national emblem of Poland.
cichnąć, słabnąć, zanikać
die away

EXAMPLE: She waited until the sound of his footsteps had died away.
grupka, gromadka

DEFINITION: [noun] - a small group of people or things that are close together
EXAMPLE: A couple of students stood in a huddle at the bus stop.
wymyślny; sztuczny
uwłaczać, oczerniać, pomniejszać
to denigrate

DEFINITION: [verb] - to say that somebody or something is not good or important
EXAMPLE: Arrogant people tend to denigrate others and belittle their opinions.
lepki, wilgotny

DEFINITION: [adjective] - sticky and slightly wet in an unpleasant way
EXAMPLE: My feet and the palms of my hands are always clammy.
górować nad czymś, nad kimś
tower above sb/sth

EXAMPLE: Although my son is only 10, he's very tall and towers above his classmates.
szyty na miarę

made specially for the needs of the customer
pospać sobie (dłużej niż zwykle), późno wstać
sleep in

EXAMPLE: I get up at 6 o'clock during the week but I usually sleep in on Saturday mornings.
zakładać podsłuch
to bug

DEFINITION: [verb] - to hide a listening device inside something
EXAMPLE: He suspected that his phone had been bugged.
zwiększać stopniowo, podnosić, wzmagać
step sth up

EXAMPLE: People think that the police should step up their efforts to fight crime.
pomagać komuś (z czymś)
help sb out

EXAMPLE: Jason has promised to help me out with maths.
zapraszać kogoś do siebie
invite sb over

EXAMPLE: Let's invite some people over and have a small party.
częstować wszystkich
hand round

EXAMPLE: Liz handed round mugs of coffee and biscuits.
założyć (np. firmę)
start sth up

EXAMPLE: The course will help you learn how to start up a successful company.
ubijać (śmietana np.)
to whip

DEFINITION: [verb] - to beat food, especially cream with a special utensil to make it firm and thick
EXAMPLE: Put a clean bowl and beaters in the freezer for 15 minutes before whipping the cream.
spływać, spadać
buzz off

EXAMPLE: I have to get up early tomorrow so I'm going to buzz off now.
stęchły, duszny

DEFINITION: [adjective] - that is not fresh and smells unpleasant especially because of being left slightly wet
EXAMPLE: This room smells a bit fusty - I'll open the window.
odbijać, kopiować
run sth off

EXAMPLE: Could you run me off four copies of this, please?
bez entuzjazmu; wymuszony
radosny, promienny

DEFINITION: [adjective] - (of a smile) very wide and happy
EXAMPLE: "I passed my exam!," said Kate with a beaming smile.
konrety; sprawy zasadnicze
the nitty-gritty

DEFINITION: [adjective] - (used about a person or their skin) dark
EXAMPLE: Her blue eyes and light hair contrasted with the swarthy complexion.
nasza produkcja wegla
carbon footprint
istotna część

essential part
dziwaczny, ekscentryczny

DEFINITION: [adjective] - unusual, especially in an attractive and interesting way
EXAMPLE: Phil is a friendly person with a quirky sense of humour.
przerzucać kartki, przekartkowywać coś
thumb through sth

EXAMPLE: I thumbed through the report quickly on the bus.

DEFINITION: [verb] - when you sneeze, air and often small drops of liquid suddenly come from your nose and mouth in a way you cannot control
EXAMPLE: When people have allergies, they sneeze when they are exposed to certain things, such as dust or pet's fur.
zszywka; zszywać
zatrzymać się na noc
stay over

EXAMPLE: I have a spare bed if you want to stay over.
obgadywać kogoś, krytykować, obmawiać
to badmouth

DEFINITION: [verb] - INFORMAL- to criticize somebody in a very unpleasant manner
EXAMPLE: He's a nice guy so stop badmouthing him all the time!
kulić się, zwijać w kłębek
curl up

EXAMPLE: She curled up on the sofa to watch her favourite TV programme.
przerywać komuś (rozmowę)
cut in

EXAMPLE: Mark told his brother not to cut in on our conversation.
obszerny, szeroki, rozległy

DEFINITION: [adjective] - that covers a large area
EXAMPLE: Argentina possesses some of the world's highest mountains, expansive deserts and impressive waterfalls.
rozlew krwi
bloodshed - the shedding of blood resulting in murder
głupoty, brednie

DEFINITION: [noun] - speech or writing that is silly or not true; nonsense
EXAMPLE: We all thought that his speech was utter twaddle.
podzielony na dwie części

separated into two extremes
ośrodek zajmujący się badaniami i analizami
think tank

research organisation which makes recommendations to the government
mylnie poinformować, wprowadzać w błąd
to misinform

DEFINITION: [verb] - to tell somebody information that is not correct
EXAMPLE: I was told that he wouldn't be at the meeting but I was simply misinformed.
wysypywać się
spill out

EXAMPLE: Jack helped me collect the things that spilled out of my bag.
nieufny, czujny

mylnie skierować, niewłaściwie pokierować
to misdirect

DEFINITION: [verb] - to send somebody or something to the wrong place
EXAMPLE: Unfortunately, my luggage was misdirected to a different airport.
odnieść odwrotny skutek
to backfire
trząść się, chwiać się
to wobble
wprawiać w osłupienie
to flabbergast

DEFINITION: [verb] -INFORMAL- to shock somebody, usually by telling them something they were not expecting
EXAMPLE: She was flabbergasted when we told her how expensive the car was.
niewinne kłamstwo
white lie
bardzo nudny, otępiający

DEFINITION: [adjective] - extremely boring
EXAMPLE: She quit that job as the tasks were repetitive and mind-numbing.
naskoczyć na kogoś
jump on sb

EXAMPLE: He jumps on his sons if they're disobedient.
roztrzaskać, obalać
przyglądać się, analizować, badać
to survey

DEFINITION: [verb] - to look at or examine something, especially carefully
EXAMPLE: She's reading a book that surveys the history of feminism.
rozejrzeć się, zwiedzać
look round

EXAMPLE: When I went to Berlin, I had only three hours to look round.
atak zimy
winter snaps
proponować, wysuwać, przedstawić
put sth forward

EXAMPLE: The proposals that he put forward at the meeting deserve serious consideration.
1000 dolarów lub 1000 funtów
odnowić, odrestaurować
narażać, zaciągnąć(dług)
Past: incurred
zakrzykiwać kogoś
talk sb down

EXAMPLE: He tried to explain but she just talked him down.
okaz najnowszej technologii
wykorzystać, zaprząc
wyrywać, chwytać
to snatch

DEFINITION: [verb] - to take hold of something suddenly and roughly
EXAMPLE: She snatched the letter from my hands and ran towards her room.
pocić się (nad czymś)
sweat over

EXAMPLE: I've been sweating over that essay all evening.
związać kogoś, przywiązać
tie sb up

EXAMPLE: Someone tied a small dog up to a fence in the park last night.
zszywać coś
sew sth up

EXAMPLE: The surgeon will come and sew up the wound as soon as possible.
pochodzić z jakiegoś okresu
date back

EXAMPLE: The photographs which we have found in my grandma's house date back to the Second World War.
przechowywać, magazynować
store up

EXAMPLE: Some people are storing up food because prices keep going up and up.
włączyć coś, puścić coś(np. muzykę)
put sth on

EXAMPLE: I hope you don't mind if I put the television on.
wpychać się bez kolejki
push in

EXAMPLE: We were waiting in the bus queue when a man pushed in in front of us.
uprzedzić, ubiegać
to pre-empt

DEFINITION: [verb] - to do or say something before somebody so that you make their words or actions unnecessary or ineffective
EXAMPLE: The minister released a statement in order to pre-empt criticism in the newspapers.
stawka, ryzyko
puff up

EXAMPLE: Her hand puffed up when she was stung by a wasp.
organizować, aranżować
to orchestrate
nadzienie, farsz

DEFINITION: [noun] - a mixture of food which you put inside something that is going to be eaten, such as a chicken or a vegetable, before you cook it
EXAMPLE: Although it was the first time I tried to make a turkey stuffing, it turned out to be fantastic.

DEFINITION: [noun] - the act of offering prices for something, especially at an auction
EXAMPLE: The bidding was higher than expected and it reached $10000.
obudź się, zdaj sobie sprawę z czegoś
wake up and smell the coffee
przeskoczyć, (np wyżej na szczeblu, wyżej w rankingu)
to leapfrog
chwyt reklamowy

something done in order to advertise
być sławnym z powodów negatywnych
famous for something bad
to sidestep

DEFINITION: [verb] - to avoid talking about a subject, especially a difficult or unpleasant one
EXAMPLE: Politicians are very good at sidestepping controversial issues.
sztuka wojenna, wojna, działania wojenne
zamożny, bogaty

DEFINITION: [adjective] - rich
EXAMPLE: His father is a wealthy man who owns two luxury flats in New York.
pozbawiony celu, bezcelowy

DEFINITION: [adjective] - without any clear intentions or purpose
EXAMPLE: She said that her life seemed aimless after her husband left her.
zaangażować się, nawet w mało interesujące części zadania
get your hands dirty
sprzedać się, pójść za jakąś sumę
go for sth

EXAMPLE: The painting is expected to go for at least a thousand dollars.
ktoś szczęśliwy
happy bunny
zapewnianie dobrego traktowania zwierząt
animal welfare
brawurowy; lekkomyślny
zasługa; zaleta

DEFINITION: [adjective] - INFORMAL- risky
EXAMPLE: You'd better save some money and avoid getting involved in chancy investments.
miłować (np. o dziecku); dbać o kogoś
wybierać poprzez loterię
choose by lot
nastawiać radio/telewizor na daną stację/kanał
tune in

EXAMPLE: She asked me to tune in to the latest news.
poseł w Wielkiej Brytanii
MP (Member of Parliament)
podrzeć coś na kawałki
tear sth up

EXAMPLE: She tore the photograph up and threw it away.
oddzwonić do kogoś
ring sb back

EXAMPLE: I'm busy at the moment - can I ring you back later?

DEFINITION: [adjective] - that can be cured
EXAMPLE: Malaria is a curable disease if diagnosed promptly and adequately treated.
spokojny, wyluzowany, beztroski

DEFINITION: [adjective] - relaxed and not easily worried or upset
EXAMPLE: Jack's parents are very easy-going and they let him do what he wants.
dziać się
go on

EXAMPLE: He thinks that the public should get more information about what goes on in the Parliament.
wahać się
to hesitate

DEFINITION: [verb] - to pause before you do or say something, usually because you are nervous, embarrased or uncertain about it
EXAMPLE: She hesitated before answering the police officer's question.
wspominać o czymś, poruszać (temat)
touch on/upon sth

EXAMPLE: Since we were running out of time, the topic was only briefly touched upon.
cierpiący na brak personelu, mający za mało personelu

DEFINITION: [adjective] - that does not have the usual or necessary number of workers
EXAMPLE: The hospital is so short-staffed that nurses and doctors have to work twenty-hour shifts.