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102 Cards in this Set

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Phase 1: ____________?

_____ predominates; stimulated by LH. Builds up the endometrium.

Days 1 to _____

Estrogen. 13

PHASE 2: __________________

Sudden _____ surge causes ovulation.


Phase 3: ______________ day _________

CL secretes ____________ (predominates) & __________ to protect endometrial lining and secretion. LH decreases during this phase

- If pregnancy occurs, the ________ keeps the CL functional- secreting estrogen and progesterone KEEPING ________from sloughing.

____ Maintains the CL.

LUTEAL - Day 15-22
Progesterone and estrogen

-blastocyst; endometrium


A) 2ry mound of areola

B) Papilla elevation only

C) Breast buds palpable; areola enlarge

D) Elevation of areola countour

E) Adult breast contour

A) 4

B) 1

C) 2

D) 3

E) 5

A) course and curly

B) Extends to thighs

C) Extends across pubis

D) small amount (long downy hair)

E) None

A) 3

B) 5

C) 4

D) 2

E) 1

1) Absence of period

2) Light flow or spotting

3) Heavy or prolonged bleeding at normal intervals

4) Bleeding b/w cycles

5) Irregular intervals

6) Infrequent

7) Frequent cycle interval

1) Amenorrhea

2) Cryptomenorrhea

3) Menorrhagia

4) Metrorrhagia

5) Menometrorhagia

6) Oligomenorrhiea

7) Polymenorrhagia


90% due to _________.
Tx for

1) Acute severe bleeding

2) Anovulatory

3) Ovulatory

4) Surgery

***diagnosis, intervention, therapeutics

1) High dose estorgen, OCPS, D&C

2) Ocps, Progesterone, GnRh agonists

3) OCPs, progesterone, GnRh agonist

4) Srg if not responsive. Hysterectomy (last resort) and endometrial ablation


1ry vs 2ry

A) Inc prostaglandins

2) Adenomyosis, leiomyomas, endometriosis, PID, adhesions

What is Mc in young age vs older?

TX (3)? if meds fail?

A) Primary

B) Secondary


1) NSAIDS: inhibit prostaglandin

2) OCps: Suppresses ovulation

3) Laparoscopy: if med fails.

Endometriosis MC in young age and Adenomyosis in older.

PMS occurs during ____ phase which is _____ dayhs before onset of menses.
PMS w/ fx impairment is ________.


1) luteal - 7-14d

2) PMDD- ANGER & IRRITABILITY * Best defines difference

-SSRIS (1st LINE)- fluoxetine


-GnRH (if no response to other 2)

-Danazol, Bromocriptine for refractory breast pain

-Spironlactone for bloating and tenderness

Primary amenorrhea is Failure of Onset of menarche by ____(No sexual characteristics) or ____(with characteristics)

1) Amenorrhea w/ Breast present

3) Breast present, uterus absent

-- Secondary amenorrhea is absence of menses for ____ months in a pt w/ previous normal menstruation

- LOW FSH = _________ dysfunction

13- NO characteristics


1) Outflow obs: Transverse vaginal septum, Imperforate hymen

2)Mullerian agenesis and androgen insensitivity )46 XX) and (46 XY)

Secondary- absence for 3 months

Low FSH= hypothalmic dysfunction

2) Amenorrhea with breast absent, uterus present

- If FSH and LH are elevated the causes are __________46 XX and ________________ 45 Xo

-If FSH and LH and LOW, causes are ______ failure and _____Delay

1Premature ovarian failure 46xx

2) Gonadal dysgenesis, turners 45xo

3) hypothalamus-pituitary

4) puberty

Mc cause of 2ry amenorrhea

2) Tx for hypothalamus dysfunction

3) Pituitary adenoma ___ FSH/LH and ____ Prolactin

1) pregnancy

2) Clomiphene- FSH

3) Dec and Inc

Sx you would see with ovarian disorders. HOW TO DIAGNOSE?

Estrogen deficiency (menopause) : hot flashes, mood disturbance, vaginal dryness, dysparenuia, dry skin,

INC FSH and LH. DEC estradiol.

Progesterone challenge test

POS withdrawal bleeding --> OVARIAN

NEG withdrawal bleeding --> Hypoestrogenic

Scarring of the uterine cavity; 2ry to Post partum hemorrhage, s/p D&C or endometrial infection.

How to dx?



when post op/c section patient does not respond to IV abx what do you suspect?

Asherman's syndrome- AMENORRHEA

Dx- Pelvic US: abs. of normal uterine stripe

Mgmt: Estrogen tx



Islands of endometrial tissue within the myometrium





Boggy uterus. TENDER. SYMMETRIC.

Dx: DOE , MRI. Post-TAH

Menorrhagia and Dysmenorrhea

Mgmt: TAH*effective

Conservative Tx

Benign smooth muscle tumor. MC benign gyn. lesion. Growth is related to _____ production. regresses w/menopause.


- Sx?


Dx? Us?

Tx? (2) most effective?***

Definitive Tx?



-Sx: Menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhea

-PE: large irregular, lumpy bumpy hard mass in abd or pelvis


-Mgmt: observation, Progestins (medroxyprogesterone), Leuprolide (most effective)

Srg: Myomectomy, Hysterectomy (definitive dx)

-Infection of endometrium during pregnancy; PID

-MC bug and etiology/



-GABHS, S.aureus

-PP fever, tachy , chilss, abd pain, UTERINE TENDERNESS

-Tx: C section : Clinda + Gent

Vag: Amp +Gent

Common manifestations include fever (early maternal post-operative fever suggests infection of the womb), fever, a soft, tender uterus, cervical motion tenderness, and foul lochia. High fever and hypotension shortly after delivery are classically reflective of group B streptococci

Fever, abd pain and uterine tenderness esp with C section?


RF: Prolonged rupture of membranes, cesarean delivery, prolonged labor, and multiple cervical examinations


C section: Clinda + Gent

Vag: Amp + Gent

1) Cyclical PMS pelvic pain

2) Dysmenorrhea

3) Dyspareunia ; dyschezia

What is the MC site of ectopic endometrial tissue?

Dx? Definitive Dx?





-Normal +- fixed tender adnexal mass

- Lap. w/ Bx.


1) PMS pain: Ocps + NSAIDS

2) Progesterone ,

3) Leuprolide: FSH/LH suppress

4) Danazol: testerone

5) Srg: Lap w/ablation (fertile)

6) TAH: nonfertile

Endometriosis involving ovaries large enough to be considered a turmor Usually filled w/ chocolate covered cyst

time prior to menopause in which the woman’s ovarian hormone output begins to decline, and often begins in the mid-40's - vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes/flushes and night sweats) ?



- Continuous INC unopposed estrogen. MC in Postmenopausal women.'Anovulatory pattern w/

1) Menorrhagia,
2) Metrorrhagia,

3) Postmenopausal bleeding

Definitive dx?

Endometrial hyperplasia

: 1) TVUS

2) Endometrial BX*** (definitive)

Tx: Endometrial hyperplasia w/o atypia: PROGESTIN.

Chronic anovulation. Pcos.

w/atypia- hysterectomy

MC gyn malignancy in the US

4th MC malignancy in women

More ____ menopausal.
__________ dependent cancer

RF: Inc ____ exposure: nulliparity, chronic anovulation, obesity, ERT, Tamoxifen, HTN, DM

- Abn ______ & Post _________bleeding.
Dx? ________ on TVUS

Tx? for Stage 1 and 2?



-Post menopausal


-Abn vaginal bleeding.
Dx- endometrial biopsy - adeno is mc especially if stripe >4mm
Tx: TAH-BSO (stage 1 )

Stage 2 - TAB-BSO + lymph node excision




- Times pregnant

P- births (viable or nonviable)

A: Abortus (miscarriages, abortions)

MC cause of post menopausal bleeding?
Any postmenopausal bleeding in a woman NOT on HRT should raise suspicion for ______, __________, or leiomyosarcoma.

How to Dx?

Benign: atrophy, polyps, fibroids

-Endometrial CA, hyperplasia

Dx- TVUS--> Endometrial stripe >4m --> BIOPSY --> Hysteroscopy

Menopause: cessation of menses for ______ due to loss of ovarian fxn. Average age?

-Most sensitive Initial test?

____ vaginitis: thin yellow d/c. pH >5.5, pruritus

_____ FSH and LH; ______ Estrogen

- Loss of estrogen's protective effects --> __________ and INC cardio risk


1 yr, 50-52, FSH, Atrophic- USE VAGINAL ESTROGEN

INC FSH and LH, Dec Estrogen


Estrogen + Progestin in F w/o hysterectomy (COMBO IS BEST)

Tx: menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) is the best pharmacological option

Menopause mgmt

1) Vasomotor insuff/hot flashes

2) Vaginal atrophy

3) Osteoporosis, prevention

1) Estrogen, Progesterone, Clonidine, SSRIs, gabapentin.

2) Estrogen

3) Vitamin D and Calcium, bisphosphanates, Calcitonin, Estrogen, SERM (Raloxifene, Tamoxifen)

Estrogen vs. Estrogen+Progesterone

1) most effective tx for menopausal sx?

2) Dec heart and stroke risk, Dec osteoporosis and dementia

3) Inc risk of endometrial cancer and thromboembolism

4) Slightly inc risk of Breast cancer and venous thromboembolism

5) No inc risk of endometrial cancer

6) Often used in pts w/ no uterus (s/p TAH)

7) no Inc risk of breast cancer**

1) Estrogen

2) Est + pro

3) Estrogen

4) Est + Pro

5) Estrogen + pro

6) Estrogen

7) estrogen

1) Pelvic pain + Dysparenia + Dysmenorrhea

2) Vaginal bleeding+ abd pain+ amenorrhea

3) Amenorrhea + hirsutism + Obesity

1) Endometriosis

2) Threatened abortion(MC), ectopic, nonviable


1) Uterine herniation into vagina

2) Posterior bladder herniating into anterior vagina

3) Pouch of douglas into UPPER vagina

4) Distal sigmoid colon into posterior distal vag

Contraindications to pessary

- when fetal monitor recordings show that severe variable decelerations or bradycardia occur after membrane rupture. happens most often at 5-cm cervical dilatation and in nonvertex presentations??

1) uterine prolapse- kegel, pessary, vaginal hysteroctomy

2) Cystocele- weight loss

3) Enterocele

4) Rectocele

CI to Pessary= vaginitis and PID


Fullness, heaviness, falling out sensation

LBP, vaginal bleeding, purulent d/c, urinary freq, urgency, stress incontinence

PE: Bulging mass w/Intrabd pressure.


Pelvic organ prolapse

1) Kegel, weight control

2) Pessaries, estrogen

3) Hysterectomy

Failure to conceive for 1 yr





Male- abnormal spermatogenesis

Female- Anovulatory cycles or ovarian dysfxn

Dx: Hysterosalpingography- checks for scarring of fallopian tubes

Mgmt: Clomiphene: induces ovulation

Intrauterine insemination

Invitro fertilization

if hysterosalpingography abn --> Laparoscopy

1) Intrabdominal pressure from sneezing, coughing, leakage

2) Urgency frequency, small volume voids, nocturia

3) Small volume voids, frequency, dribbling, INC PVR

1) Stress

2) Urge

3) Overflow

Tx options for stress incontinence (Laxity of pelvic florr muscles)

1) Pelvic floor exercises

2) Alpha agonists: Midodrine, pseudoephedrine (INC urethral sphincter tone)

3) Surgery

Urge incontinence Tx?

1st line meds?

1) Bladder training

2) Anticholinergics- 1st line: Tolterdine, Prophantheline, Oxybutynin,

3) TCAs: Imipramine



Overflow Incontinence Tx?

1st line?

Meds for BPH?

Bladder atony

- 1st line Tx: intermittent or indwelling catheter

- Cholinergics: Bethanacol (INC detrusor activity)

- BPH: Alpha blockers; Tamsulosin (Smooth muscle relaxation of prostate and bladder neck)

RLQ or LLQ pain, Menstrual changes , dyspareunia. Abdominal distention. Unilateral pelvic pain/tenderness. Mobile palpable cystic adnexal MASS



MC tumor that can lead to ovarian torsion?

MC ovarian mass in pregnancy,

Septations, internal papillations, loculations, solid lesions or cystic lesions with solid components are typical characteristics of a possible_________________

MC type: ___________

MC in preggo: __________


Ovarian cysts- CYSTIC ECHO, R/o pregnancy


1) supportive (most resolve on own) REST NSAIDS, US every 6 wks.


Complications: Ovarian torsion (R side MC, LEUKOCYTOSIS, LAPAROSCOPY) and bleeding

Follicular- MC type

Corpus luteum- MC in pregnancy


MC tumor that can lead to ovarian torsion? CYSTIC TERATOMAS

2nd MC gyn cancer with HIGHEST MORTALITY of all GYN cancers

-RFs? 3

- protective?





METS to umbilical lymph nodes?

MC site of metastasis for ovarian tumor?

Ocps ______________*

Ovarian cancer

1) Nulliparity 2) Inc ovulation 3) BRCA1 and 2

Sx:Abd fullness, distention, back/abd pain, Urinary freq.

PE:abd mass, ascites, sister mary- METS to umbilical lymph nodes, constipation

Dx: Transvaginal (Seen in Post menopausal- epithelial)- echogenicity, fluid seen


1) Early: TAHBSO + Lymphadenoctomy

2) Surgery: Serum CA 125

3) Chemo: Taxol + Cisplatin

Ocps protective *

MC site of metastasis - OMENTUM

Bilateral enlarged smooth mobile ovaries OR string of pearls. Amenorrhea. Abn ovarian fxn?



___ testosterone

___ LH:FSH ratio

Rise in serum _______________

PCOS, Insulin resistance.




Tx for PCOS

1) Mainstay?

2_ Hirsutism?

3) Infertility

4) Lifestyle

5) Srg


1) Mainstay- Ocps to normalize bleeding

2) Anti androgenic agents for hirsutism- Spirinolactone

3) Infertility- Clomiphene and Metformin (abn ratio)

4) Srg- wedge resection

Complications: infertility risk, INC risk for endometrial cancer

Normal Pap smear

-every ___ years starting 21 until _____

-every 3 yrs if >= ________

-_________if HIV, in utero DES exposure, RF

D/c at age _____ if last 3 PAPS were normal

What allows for visualization of lesions with application of acetic acid?

2, 21-29

3, 30





if >25

1) Do ______. If neg_____________, If pos _________

2) Repeat PAP _________

3) 21-24. Repeat PAP in ___ yr

ASC-H: Higher chance of ____. Dx: ______

LSIL: transient ____ infection.
25-29: ___________

HPV neg - Repeat cytology in __ yr

HPV pos- _________________


if >25

1) Do HPV testing. If neg rpt PAP and HPV in 3 y, If pos Colposcopy w/biopsy
_2) Repeat PAP 1 yr

3) 21-24. Repeat PAP in 1 yr

ASC-H: Higher chance of cancer. Dx: Colposcopy w/bx

LSIL: transient HPV infection.

25-29: Colposcopy w/bx

>30 HPV neg - Repeat cytology in 1 yr

HPV pos- Colposcopy w/bx

3rd MC gyn cancer (1st- Endometrial, 2nd- _____)

HPV associated _. _,_,_

RF: List 4

Which type is most common?


Tx for

1) Stage 0

2) Stage Ia1

3) Stage 2B-IvA

4) Stage IVb

Cervical, 2nd- Ovarian

16, 18, 31, 33

1) early onset partner 2) Smoking 3) CIN 4) DES 5) immunosupp, 6) STI

1) Excision, ablation

2) Surgery

3) XRT and chemo

4) Palliative XRT and chemotx

CCancer screening


Every ____ 21-29

Greater than 30): every ___ yr

D/c if age ____ .

Gardasil for HPV ____, ____, ___., ____

Recommended age: ___


Post coital bleeding, Metrorhagia,

- 2yrs


60-65, 3 consec negs, 10 yr



C/I: pregnancy, immunosupp or lactating

2nd TRIMESTER bleeding. PAINLESS dilation and effacement of cervix. premature cervical dilation in 2nd trimester



incompetent cervix,

Mgmt: Bed rest, weekly injection of 17 alpha hydroxyprogesterone, Cerclage

1) 1% of gyn malignancies .Squamous mc Tx?

2) Pruritus MC presentation w/itching and irritation. Red white, ulcerative crusted lesions. 90% squamous (HPV ___, ___ , ____) *****

Which one is seen in more older population?


intense pruritus of the vulva, along with lesions that resemble eczema. Pathology also characteristically shows large eosinophilic Paget's cells

1) Vaginal CA. Asymptomatic. Radiation

2) Vulvar, 16,18,31

Tx: Sr, XRT, cryo, laser chemotx

Older population- Vaginal vs. Vulvar in younger

- Paget's disease

Txfor vulvovaginal atrophy

- Bartholin gland cyst tx?

1) Estrogens (cream, ring, troches)

2) Ospemifene: SERM

3) Moisturizers

Both Bartholin cysts and abscesses can be painful. Initial conservative treatment consists of warm compresses to encourage drainage. If this is unsuccessful, incision and drainage is necessary.

1) Thin, homogenous, watery, grey white

few wbcs

MC cause of vaginitis

Smell w/ KOH prep

pH >______


Flagyl X7d



vs. Candida is <4.5

ComplicationsL PROM, preterm labor, chorioamnniotis

Pear shaped flagellated protoza,

Vulvar priritus, dyspareunia

Frothy yellow green discharge


Mobile protozoa


-Metro oral 2g dose OR 500mg X7d

-Avoid spermicidal agents.


Thick curd like cottage cheese. Hyphae yeast on KOH prep

Candida overgrowth


Intravag. antifungals: clotrimazole, nystatin, butoconazole, miconazole

Overgrowth of lactobacilli


nonodorous d/c

Large # of epi cells

cytolytic vaginitis

d/c tampon

Sodium bicarb: sitz baths

MC cause of cervicits- which med is safe in pregnancy?

PAINLESS genital ulcer

Abd pain, PID, pc bleeding, ASYMPTOMATIC

LCR test most sensitive


Azithromycin*preggo 1g PO or

Doxy 100mg BID X10d

2nd line: erythromycin, levofloxacin

Treat for gonnorhea (co infection )

Avoid intercourse 7d after tx

May be asymptomatic, d/c, cervicitis, ferquency, dysuria,

Gonorrhea- culture, DNA

Ceftriaxone 250mg IM


Treat chlamydia coinfection

GNB, PAINFUL genital ulcer, foul d/c PAINFUL INGUINAL LAD


Chancroid- H. ducreyi; uncommon

Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone IM, Erythromycin, Cipro

16, 18, 31, 33, 35
Warts is ___, ___

FLAT PAPULAR pedunculared or flesh colored cauliflower growwth.

*****Clinical intervention

6, 11 for WARTS

whitening w/ 4% acetic acid application

Tx: trichloroacetic acid, poodophylin, cryotherapy, srg

Outpt- podofilox, Imiquimod

Lower Abd tenderness, fever, w/ POS _______sign.

1) Abd tenderness

2) Adnexal tenderness

3) Cervical motion tenderness


PLUS 1 of the following



Pelvic abn
Inc ESR or CRP


What is number one cause of mortality in patients with PID?


Dx: Pelvic US. Laparoscopy

1) Outpt: Doxy 100mg BID X10d + Ceftriaxone

Doxy + 2nd gen cephalosporin

Comp: fitz hugh, Hepatic scarring or peritoneal involvement, RUQ pain/perihepatitis


Tuboovarian abscess- rupture

High fever, Sudden onset, Tachycardia, N/V/D, pharyngitis. Diffuse erythematous Macular rash, desquamation,

Dx: CBC, culture

Mgmt: Hospital admission, Anti-staph abx (Clinda +Oxa or Nafc)

If MRSA( Clinda + Vanc)

Mgmt of Cystitis in Pregnancy

MC gyn condition in prepubertal children

Amoxcillin 7-14d, augmentin, cephalexin, Macrobid,

Sulfisoxazole (safe except in last days) INC KERNICTURUS. No sulfa if G6Pd.


Prevents _________by inhibiting mid cycle LH surge, thickens cervical mucosa, thins _______

- PROS Improves dysmenorrhea, protection vs .osteoporosis. Improves acne

- CONS Gallstones, _____fluid retention and thromboembolism. Caution in pts w/______dz, DM and hyperlipidemia.

Smokers should STOP ocps at age _______


Combination Ocps

ovulation, endometrium

Inc, Biliary dz



"mini pill";safe during lactation. Can be used in women ______. _____ risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer

Less risk of ______

- slightly __ effective vs combo ocps

slightly _____ risk of ectopic preg. vs. combo

estrogen-free contraceptive options?

>35, DEC




estrogen-free contraceptive options for this patient could include progesterone-only pills, all 3 types of IUD, and the depot-medroxyprogesterone acetate injections

Implanon- lasts ___ yrs. Same benefits as progestins (if hx of clots- give this!)
- Depo provera (bone loss) : lasts ____. Same as progestin

- Ortho evra is a ____ patch with ____ wk of withdrawal bleeding. Less effective if pt is _____.

- Flexible plastic ring w/_____. Withdrawal bleedigng.

- Levonorgesterl 2 tabs 12 hours apart. Only beneficial if taken __ hr of unprotected SI. Seek medical attn if no menses initiated at 21 d p tx

- Mirena has? How many yrs. Inc risk of ___.

- Paraguard is good for ___ yrs.

- Tubal ligation has an inc risk of ______.

- ____: chem or coils to scar fallopian tube

3 yrs;
3 months

transdermal; one; underweight


- Plan B; 72.

- Levonorgestrel; 5 yrs. PID

- Copper, 10 yrs.

- ectopic pregnancy

- Essure

Implantation of fertilized ovum OUTSIDE of uterine cavity. MC- fallopian tube. commonly seen with ________

1) Unilateral abd pain

2) Vaginal bleeding

3) amenorrhea

PE- cervical motion tenderness, adnexal MASS


Mgmt? Stable vs. Ruptured?

Stable or unstable?

Ectopic pregnancy- PID

1) Serial B hcg - lower than usual (should double 24-48 hr) levels > 2,000

2) Transvaginal US- Absence of gestational sac or FETAL POLe

3) culdocentesis: nonclotted blood present.


1) Stable = give Methotrexate

2) Ruptured= Lap. salpingostomy: 1st choice!

Abnormal labor progression

1) Power= uterine contraction

2) Passenger= Presentation size or position of fetus

3) Passage = uterus or soft tissue abn

Mgmt. of shoulder dystocia

1) Nonmanipulative (1st line)

2) Manipulative?

Nonmanipulative: 1st line- McRoberts - inc pelvic opening w/hyperflexion of hips

2) Manipulative: corkscrew woods maneuver: 180 shoulder rotation: c section

1) Neoplasm due to abn placental development w/trophoblastic tissue prolif. rising from gestational tissue. NONVIABLE pregnancy.

_____karyotype, absence of an _____, swelling of all _______. Which vitamin def?

2) Egg with NO DNA fertilized by 1 or 2 sperm. 46____. Higher risk of malignant potential of choriocarcinoma.

3) Egg fertilized by 2 sperm. may be development of fetus but is always malformed but never viable. Extremes of age, Asian. triploid 6_______

- Persistently high HCG after mole removal is indicative of __________________

Trophoblastic pregnancy

1) Hydatidiform mole- Diploid karyotype, absence of an embryo, swelling of all villi

2) Complete molar pregnancy- 46xx

3) Partial molar pregnancy- 69xxy

Molar pregnancy- Retinol or Vitamin A def

- Choriocarcinoma

1) Painless vaginal bleeding

2) Uterine size/date discrepancies: preelampsia

3) Hyperemesis gravidarum

4) Choriocarcinoma


What happens to hcg and afp?


Dx: Markedly elevated Bhcg. Low Afp.

US-snowstorm/grape clusters

Dx: B Hcg & US to r/o molar pregnancy

Tx: Uterine suction curettage, METS (chemotherapy- MTX)

Fetal monitoring Mgmt

1) Non stress test: >2 accelerations in 20 mins w/ INC fetal heart rate.

2) Non stress test: No fetal HR accelerations

3) Neg CST: No late decelerations in the presence of 3 contractions in 10 mins

4) Postive CST: Repetitive late decelerations in the presence of 3 contractions in 10 mins

1) Rpt weekly or biweekly

2) Vib. stimulation or CST

3) Repeat CST as needed

4) Prompt delivery

GDM- screening is ______ wks gestation.

- caused by placental release of _____ which antagonizes insulin.

Dx? Gold standard?

Delivery at?


24-28; HPL

Dx- Screening: 50g OGCT (nonfasting) at 24-28 wks gestation. If >140--> PERFORM 3h OGTT

-Gold standard- 3h GTT.

1h- >180. 2h>155. 3h>140.

- Glucosuria


1) Insulin- tx of choice. Goal - FBS <95

2) Glyburide- Doesn't cross placenta (eclampsia risk)

3) Early del. at 38 wks.

Blues vs. Depression

1) 2-4 days PP

2) Resolves in 3-14 months

3) 2wks - 2 months PP

4) May have thoughts of harming baby

5) Mild insomnia, anhedonia, fatigue,depressed mood

1) Blues

2) Depression- may need antidep.

3) Depression

4) Depression

5) Blues

RFs of Rupture of chorioamniotic membrane before labor onset



Mc complication of PROM

1) Rfs: STDs, smoking, prior preterm delivery, multiple gestations

- Nitrazine test: amniotic fluid pH >7.1

- Fern test: crystallization of estrogen and amniotic fluid

-Sterile spec. exam


1) Await for spontaneous labor/induction - with oxytocin and prostaglandin gel

2) Monitor infxn

Regular uterine contractions w/ progressive cervical changes before____ wks gest.

-Cramps, uterine contractions, back pain, pelvic pressure, vag. discharge.

-PTL is likely ______cm or ______% effacement.

- fetal fibronectin at -------

-Ls ratio is ______


What suppresses contractions?

37, 3cm, 80%

Ff at 20-34wks

Ls < 2:1 for FLM

1) Tocolytics: suppress contractions

2) Beta 2 agnoists: terbutaline (Pulm edema), Ritodrine

3) Mg sulfate: admit (calcium antag) or CCB

4) Indomethacin

- ANTENATAL CS to enhance FLM

- Abx: GBS prophylaxis

1) N/V upto 16 wks

2) excessive severe form of morning sickness (1st or 2nd trimester)



1) Morning sickness

2) HEG


1) Fluids, electrolyte repletion.High protein foods,

2) Antiemetics: Pydridoxine (B6) doxylamine

promethazine, dimenhydrinate

400 micrograms folic acid (NEURAL TUBE DEFECTS) .400 IU of vitamin D.200 to 300 milligrams (mg) of calcium.70 mg of vitamin C.3 mg of thiamine.2 mg of riboflavin.20 mg of niacin.6 mcg of vitamin B12.10 mg of vitamin E.15 mg of zinc.17 mg of iron.150 micrograms of iodine

1) MC cause of 1st trimester bleeding. Pregnancy may be viable/abortion

2) ____ POC expelled from uterus

3) Cervical OS is ___________

4) Sx?

5) Mgmt?

1) Threatened

2) NO

3) Closed

4) Blood d/c, plus or minus uterine contractions

5) Mgmt: supportive, Serial BhcG

bout 75% of abortions occur before the 16th week of gestation. In a threatened abortion, bleeding and cramping occur, but the cervix is not dilated. The pregnancy continues.

1) Pregnancy not salvageable

2) ______ POC expelled

3) Progressive Cervical dilation ____ cm; effaced

4) Mod bleeding for ___ days

4) Uterus side is comparative to _____

5) Tx?






2nd trimester- Dilation and Evacuation

1st- suction curettage

1) Dilated cervical os *only one*

2) ____ POC expelled

3) ____ tissue; ____ uterus

4) Pregnancy _____ salvagable


Some POC

retained ; boggy


Tx: D&C- 1st, D&E-after

, Pitocin, RhIg

Pain, cramps, bleeding

ALL poc Expelled

Cervical OS is usually ______________


Tx: RhIg if indicated

__________ NOT viable but retained in uterus

______ POC expelled

Cervical os - ____________

When Retained POC becomes infected?


embryo, NO


D&C - 1st trimester

infected would be septic

Elective induced abortion

_____________ + ________________ (9 wks)

_____________+ ________________ (7 wks)

Mifeprostone (anti ___________) on Day 1 OR


Misopristol on day ___ if abortion doesn't occur

Surgical : Upto _______ wks after LMP

D&C ____________ wks gestation

D&E ____________ wks gestation

Mifeprostone + Misoprostol

MTX + Misoprostol





after 13

3rd trimester- SUDDEN onset of PAINLESS bleeding

SOFT nontender uterus

NO Fetal distress

Rate of congenital abn is ___ X

Placenta previa (transabd US) - NO DIGITAL VAGINAL EXAM!

FHR- normal


1) Hospitalization- CBC, T&S

2) Stabilize fetus

a) tocolytics- Mg sulf

b) amniocentesis : steroids for FLM

3) Delivery stable : vaginal if partial, C section if complete when mature

Rate of congenital abnormality DOUBLES

3rd trimester- SUDDEN onset of PAINFUL bleeding - DARK red

Fetal Bradycardia

-Tender and rigid uterus


placenta attaches to the myometrium?

Placenta abruptio

-Mgmt: Hospitalization & Immediate C SECTION delivery OXYTOCIN INDUCED (10% chance of DIC-hypofibrogen)

-Maternal HTN. Smoking, EtoH, cocaine, folate def, high parity, inc age.

-Placenta Acreta

HTN no proteinuria at 20 wks gestation. Resolves 12 wks PP.

Transitional HTN

may withold meds.

Plus or minus hydralazine or labetalol

HTN + Proteinuria + Edema at 20 wks gestation

- HTN, HA, visual sx. DEC oncotic pressure.

Mild: __________________
Severe: ______________ (proteinuria, Oliguria, Thrombocytopenia, HELLP syndrome-Hemolytic anemia- schistocytes, BURR CELLS, Elevated liver, low ptls)

1st line- _____________

ORDER ___ urine for dx


Mild- delivery ONLY cure @34-36 wks; steroids. ortive- BP and dipstick weekly, bed rest >140/90

Severe- > 160/110 delivery ONLY cure @34-36 wks. Hospitalization, Low salt, Mg Sulfate.

1st line methyldopa

- 24 hour urine

Seizure/coma; life threatening. Abrubt tonic clonic seizures. HA, visual change, CP arrest.

What underlying process should be suspected if preeclampsia develops in the first trimester of pregnancy



- mg Sulf for seizures, Lorazepam 2nd line

- Fetus delivery once stable

-Hydralazine, Labetalol

Molar pregnancy

HTN before 20wks gestation. Persists >6wk PP. HA, visual sx. BP >140/90 (2 sep occ. 6 h apart)

Chronic HTN

Mild- Monitory delivery at 39-40wks

- SEVERE >150/100- METHYLDOPA, labetalol, Nifedipine, Avoid AceI and diuretics

- Serum Hcg ____ d after conception

-Urine Hcg: ____d after conception

-1) Uterine softening 6 wks

2) Uterine isthmus softening 6-8wks gest

3) Palpable lateral bulge or softening 7-8 wks gest

4) Cervix softening 4-5 wks gestation

5) Cervix and vulva bluish 8-12 wks

6) FHT: 10-12 wks. Normal : _________

7) Pelvic US: fetus at ____ wks

8) Fetal movement: ________ weeks (QUICKENING)

the widest portion of the fetal head has successfully passed through the pelvic inlet


14 days

1) Ladins

2) Hegars

3) Piscacek

4) Goodell

5) Chadwick

6) 120-160

7) 5-6

8) 16-20

the widest portion of the fetal head has successfully passed through the pelvic inlet - Fetal head is ENGAGED

EDD Formula

Example: LMP 1/12/02

1st day of LMP + 7d -3m + 1 yr

LMP: 1/12/02

+1 wk: 1/19/02

-3m: 10/19/01

+1yr 10/19/02

Triple screening: _____ wks

1) Afp 2) Bhcg 3) Estradiol

A) HIGH Hcg, Low AFP and estradiol
B) LOW hcg, AFP and estradiol

_________ wks:

1_ BP 2) Edema 3) Urine gluc and protein 4) Fundal height 5) Glucose tolerance


Group B strep

15-20 wks

A) Down syndrome- flat face, simian hand creasing, protruding tongue, almond eyes, cardiac and GI defects

B) ONTD (spina bifida/ multiple gest)
C) Trisomy 18: Stillborn/die in 1st yr

24-28 wks

32-37 wks


1) spontaneous uterine contractions late in pregnancy; assoc w/cervical dilation

2) Fetal head descends into pelvis; sensation that baby is lighter

3) sudden gush of liquid

4) Passage of blood-tinged mucus late in preg. Cervix begins THINNING

5) Contractions felt of fundus with radiation to LB and abdomen

1) Braxton hicks

2) lightening

3) Ruptured membrane

4) Bloody show

5) True labor

Labor stages

1) period 2 hours after delivery

2) PP until placenta delivery

3) Onset of labor to full dilation (10 cm)

4) Cervical dilation until delivery of neonate

1) Stage 4

2) Stage 3

3) Stage 1

4( Stage 2


1) When does uterus size return to normal?

2) When does the pinkish brown bleeding esp after PP 4-10d resolve?

3) PP milk days ______

6 weeks PP

2) Lochia serosa- 3 wks

3) 3-5 d

MCC of maternal dath w/i 24 hrs delivery

Bleeding ________ vaginal

_______________ ml C section

MC cause of hemorrhage


PP hemorrhage



Uterine atony (UTERUS unable to contract to stop the bleeding)

RF- rapid labor, overdistended uterus, C section

Tx: 1) Oxytocin, Misoprostol

2) Bimanual UTERINE massage

UNILATERAL Breast pain, tenderness, wartmth, d/c,
Could be bilateral if congestive

Which medication can be considered to halt lactation in women with poorly controlled infection, severe symptoms, instability or wide spread nipple excoriation?


Infectious: Breast pump, warm compress + abx (Dicloxacillin, nafcillin, cephalosporin) Constinue to Nurse or use breast pump

Congestive: ice packs, tight bra, analgestics if NOT breast feeding. If breast feeding, empty manually

Abscess: I & D; stop BF


MC breast d/o

Multiple mobile well demaracated areas (often tender)
Inc /Dec with menstrual hormone changes

Menstrual changes

****management and H&P

Fibrocystic breast d/o

Dx: US- Bx shows straw colored fluid (no blood)

Mgmt: FNA If warranted (fluid)

2nde MC benign breast d/o (collagen arranged in a swirl)


SMOOTH, well circumscribed, mobile RUBBERY lump no axillary/nipple d/c . DOES NOT wax or wane with menstruation

Fibroadenoma- common in teens

Mgmt: resorb w/time

BRCA 1 and 2 associated with ____ & ____


- MC type of BC?

- PAINLESS, HARD, NON MOBILE LUMP, MC in _______ quadrant

-______lateral nipple d/c.

-__________ redness, dimpling. Peau de orange due to _____________ obstruction. POOR prognosis

-Oozing, chronic eczematous, scaly rash on nipples and areola: ___________dz


- Microcalcifications/spiculated mass for malignancy

- Rec. Initial modality

- FNA w/biopsy

1_ Ovarian and breast

Rfs: Lifteime, 1st degree relative, Age >65, INC number of menstrual cycles, early menarche, late menopause, never breastfed, Inc estrogren exp.

-Right upper





-Mammogram for microcalcifications

- US

-MOST COMMON: Ductal carcinoma

Self exam: monthly ____ years of age immeiately after menstruation.

-Clinical breast exam q____ yrs in 20-39; annually at _____yrs
-Mammogram: If Rf every ____ yrs at age 45 If NO rf, START AT ________

UNDER 30 and mass, always do ____ FIRST

Prevention in High Risk?




10y prior to age 1st degree relative was dx

ULTRASOUND 1st if <30

prevention- Tamoxifen/Raloxifene

Fever, purulent drainage

Intra-amniotic infection with PROM

Risk factors: preterm labor (<37 wks, premature rupture of membranes, prolonged rupture of membranes

GBS infection ↑ at 18 hrs


Rx: ampicillin + gentamicin + INDUCE + corticosteroids

CHORIOAMNIOTIS- complication of preterm rupture of membranes

1 hr _____g glucose at ______ wks gestation

If 1 hr is > _________, then a ___ hr ______g should be performed within a wk to CONFIRM.

___- fasting

___- 1 hr

___- 2hr


- 3hr

50g at 24-28 weeks gestation

130g, 3hour-100g

95- fasting

180- 1 hr

155- 2hr

140- 3hr

yolk sac (YS) within a gestational sac (GS), intrauterine fetal pole, or intrauterine fetal heart activity

seen on transvaginal ultrasound > 38 days after LMP or ß-hCG > 1500

seen on abdominal ultrasound > 45 days after LMP or ß-hCG > 4000

: Present at 5 to 6 weeks with b-hCG > 2000; first definitive sign of IUP

Double decidual sign distinguishes between IUP and a pseudogestational sac

Intrauterine pregnancy

12 weeks: ____________

20 weeks: _______

20-32 weeks: height (cm) above symphysis = ______


12 weeks: pubic symphysis

20 weeks: umbilicus

20-32 weeks: height (cm) above symphysis = gestational age (weeks


Common vaccines SAFE in pregnancy


1) Hep B

2) Tdap

3) Flu


1) MMR

2) Hep A

3) Varicella

4) IPV

A) consists of small testes, azoospermia, gynecomastia, sparse body hair, high pitch voice, above-average height, eunuchoid body proportions, long legs and arms, and low testosterone levels and high levels of FSH and LH.

B) second most common trisomy, and presents more commonly in female patients. intellectual disabilities, ventricular septal defects, patent ductus. duodenal atresia, imperforated anus, diaphragmatic hernia, polydactyly, microcephaly and microphtalmia, and rocker bottom feet. Most of them die in the 1st year of life.

C) primary amenorrhea, unexplained growth failure, pubertal delay, webbed neck, preductal coarctation of the aorta, bicuspid aortic valve or hypoplastic left heart, low hairline, low-set ears, edema of the hands or feet, and elevated levels of FSH

D) Deletion of the short arm of chromosome 5 first described in 1963 by Lejeune et al., translates to "cry of the cat". A high-pitched cry is heard in affected neonates. Patients have multiple nonspecific characteristics, such as low birth weight, poor muscle tone, microcephaly, language difficulties, and profound retardation. Facial characteristics are round face, hypertelorism, low-set ears, micrognathia, a prominent nasal bridge, epicanthal folds, and facial hypotonia.

E) Features include hypotonia, brachycephalic head, epicanthic folds, flat nasal bridge, upward slanting, low implantation ears, single transverse palmar crease, and variable degrees of intellectual disability. There may also be defects of the endocardial cushion, Hirschsprung disease, and duodenal atresia.

A) 47XXY (Klinefelter Syndrome),

B)Trisomy 18 (Edward Syndrome

C) 45X0 (Turner Syndrome)

D) (Cri du chat syndrome),

E) Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)- BEST TEST = Free fetal DNA screening

A) buttocks are pointing downward with the legs folded at the knees and feet near the buttocks

.B) buttocks are aimed at the birth canal with its legs sticking straight up in front of his or her body and the feet near the head.

C): In this position, one or both of the baby’s feet point downward and will deliver before the rest of the body.

Complete breech:

Frank breech:

Footling breech: