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145 Cards in this Set

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Liberal Feminism
Liberal Feminism
Cultural very influential in the psych of women
They said that women have intirstic values that are different from men but they should be given more value in society
We should try to increase the respect and values of these kinds of traits I/e caring and nurturing)
They said that in becoming androgynous women should not lose these qualities and spread them to men
People in favor of males and females being treated equally
Radical Feminist
argued that men and women should be separate from each other, they should have there own institutions because men were just hopeless and impossible.
biological make/female
can be categorized by genes Defined be sex organs
Social categories between male and female based on culture and values of your society, is not biological but psychological. And not physiological
Similarities Perspective
Perspective generally believes that women and men are more similar to men than not in social and intellectual skills
Differences perspective
generally believes that men and women are more different than alike in social and intellectual skills
Gender Typing
As children get older they learn about themselves, who they are, how they are "supposed to act", and what is appropriate gender-specific behavior. Gender typing is when children acquire these masculine and/or feminine roles and identify with these roles. There are different degrees to which children exhibit these roles, but we do exhibit masculine or feminine traits, which is gender-typing
The features we assign to different people and they are likely to have these attributes and are generally related to gender roles
Five characteristics of women
Nurturing, Emotional, ambitious, intelligent, hard working
Five characteristics of men
Rebellious intelligent ambitious straightforward aggressive
lead to sexism: negative attitudes towards masculine or feminine traits… leads to two types of discrimination
Benelovent sexism
believes that women need special treatment because they are pure weak or helpless.
Hostile Sexism
Men women people should hold certain jobs and know their place
Stereotype threat: occurs when you feel like your being negatively judged by your gender
Gender role strain
when there is a conflict between your true inclinations and your knowledge of the stereotypes and what these stereotypes tell you to do
Gender identity
our sense of self in that we are gendered. Knowing how girls are supposed to act and doing it.
Doing gender
expressing ourselves as either a female or male through actions
True womanhood
Piety Purity, domesticity, submissive
First Period of psychology
Wundt 1879 satarted research but didnt include women children or animals

1894 Ellis Sex differences man and women (book) difference theory believed men were smarte than women biologically because of brain size
Teneman Cox miles
founder of IQ testing in US in 1936 Developed Stanford Bennett testing.

Found that Women and Women were equal

Differences in personality rather than intelligence
Period 2
1936 until 1950 devopled test to tell whether someone was high in masculine or feminine traits
Period 3
1960's feminine mystique,

two trends difference perpsectives
& androgeny
Period 4
decrease in fmeinsm and androgeny
nature vs nurture
Roman times
female and male gods with eother masculine or feminine qualiteis
Biblical times
Old Testament:
Eve came from Adamns rib
eve cause downfall and bad times
eve temptress

New Testament:
Female are pious
supporting and caring
Victorian period industrial revolution
males went of to work
produced idea of men and women that are still present
True man hood
No Sissy stuff- a boy that is too feminine
Big wheel men should have quest for power
sturdy oak- reliable, dependable
Give em hell: men are trouble makers
Male characteristics cluster around self confidence, aggressive, take charge, competive
Female traits are linked to concern for others.
Sterotypes to components
descriptive and prescritpive
represent the set of features that go with a certain group Ie how a girl should look
What sterotypes tell what people should do
the actions of our bias
BEM sexual role inventory (explicit)
Sandra BEM Had the IDEa that there are masculine and female traits and you can be high or low on either characteristics
Implicit (Spiel)
designed to set you at a subconscious, more automatic level, as opposed to conscious level
File drawer response
Somethings aren't published
box score
you count the number of studies vs another
meta anylis
large mathematical approach
Cognitive domain
thinking skills, school related skill, verbal skill,
Binet Piaget
interested in studying the brain and developing standardized measures to study intellignece, with a goal to develop a way to place children in school
spatial abilites, understanding shapes and figures
Spatial perception
abiltiy to see horizontal lines
mental rotation
ability realize objects of they are rotated
spatial visulaization
finding hidden images or imagin the effects of folding twisting
who is better in spatial relation?
Achievement motivation
desire to accomplish or achieve
women and men approach achievement
women have fear of success compared
Heins delmia
Precoventional level
Conventional Level
postconvential level
proconvential level
kids focused on consuqences
conventional level
kids concerned with law & order
children argue their pwn thoughst beliefs and ideals
Karen Gilligan
disagreed with kohlberg, posed women learned form different perspective, men learned from justice perspective and women learned from care perspective
actions or behavoirs taken intended to hurt someone
Hostile agression
acting on somebody
hurt perosn through socail means
using agression to to get something to accomplish goal to hurt someone
ways to study agression
crime rate, child play
when you look at men and women brains there is a difference in the structure, believes ther are more differences than similarites in the brain
Brain latarization
certain functions are assinged to the right hemisphere and other to the left
Freud Stages
1st oral (0-2)
2nd Anal (2-4)... these two show no differences in male and female
3rd Phallic Stage (4-5) changes in mlae and female
4th stage :latency stage (6-puberty)
5th stage:( genital satge) Puberty onwards
Males and females are different due to past and human development, the gender divide was advantageous
cognitiv nueorscience approach
encoded in our DNA that ther are particular genes that are responsible for certain behavoirs
3 components of love
1. Passion- Strong attraction between people. When we are falling in love passion is high and may go down as time passes or it can be merged with other components.
2. Intimacy: emotional closeness.
3. Commitment: the sense that the person is important and you want to be with this person you want to be in a relationship with
PAssion love/ obsession love
strong physical attraction to someone in a sense that you want to possess that person and want them to "be yours" High on attraction, but not necessarily high on intimacy or high on commitment
Passion love is considered too physical and too obsessive
Romantic love is the...
More ideal version of passion love
Romantic love is high on...
Passion and initmacy but may not last long
Fatuous love
superficial and not deep relationship
Companionate love
intimacy comes before passion
i. High in companionate high in intimacy than later in compassion
ii. Women want commitment love but men tend to want fatuous
iii. Our culture believe that romantic love is ideal, but not all cultures are this way
1) Other cultures value commitment then passion and intiamcy
2) It is fairly recent that romantic live script became popular
3) The man is who initiaites romantic love
Who is more likey to experience love at first sight?
Who is more likely to fall faster an harder in love?
Females stress occupation as opposed to men who...
men Stress physical attrativenss while...
Traditional marriage
i. Man is the head of the household
ii. Man makes all the important decisions
iii. Roles are clearly declincaed by axes
iv. Man works and brings in the money, and the woman stays home and takes care of the household and children
1) These marriages have power high to the person bringing in the money
2) The subordinate will end up in a position that will support to help the one in power obtain their goals and ambitions
v. Males are more satisfied with this relationship
Modern marriage
i. More power sharing in relationship, one person is the near the power of the other
ii. Both spouses work
1) However one's work is inferior to the other
a) Money
b) Work hours
i) The other person has to pick up the slack
iii. Males are more satisfied with this relationship because still males have more power of the other

Feminist call it the second shift because women have to juggle family and work
Egalitarian marriage
Egalitarian- equal partnership
Couples tries to divide and shape roles in the home and try to trade off responsibilities and making decisions
Not reall a gender declination, but whatever makes sense to the family
Both parnters may have to sacrifcie and they both contribute to the fmaily equally
Females tend to be more satisfied with this realtionship

Young people want this relationship type most
Social exchange theory
shows that it works fine if the male makes more money but it is not the same when the woman makes more money
what percentage of people who want to get married marry?
Average age for US woman to marry?
WOmen with higher socioeconomic class and more education tend to:
who marry's later?
What happens to women's body perception?
Woman loses her perception as body etiqutee changes. People walk up and touch you body due to pregnancy
In Europe how much time do women pregnacy leave pay?
A year
Motherhood mystique
motherhood is a nutral and necessary experience for women
Characteristics of motherhood mystique
They are made to be mother
They are made to want to be mothers
If you do not want to be a mother something is wrong with you
If you cannot have a child, it is a great tragedy
Women are just better at motherhood than men
Women should be a good at motherhood
Because we are "good" at it and it is part of us, women should give up careers because they are meant to be mothers
If they have children, they should do it full time
mother mandate
women should have chidlren because it is important to society
talks about society putting pressure on women on having children as a detterence for women's opportunites
Harlow study
study of monkeys
He took monkey babies and he separated the babies from its mothers so that they would not have physical contact with another monkey
He then reintroduced the grown monkeys into the monkey population
Finding, the absence of mothering led to monkey with no social skills that prevented them from integrating themselves into the monkey population, they were not able to mate.

Even the minimal comfort from an inanimate cloth monkey was what they wanted
Finding: these monkey did better then the first gtoup of monkey. They had mared mated and they had babies, but they were not good mothers. They had poor mothering skills.
Harlows's studies show that mothering is not just an innate quality, but othering is a learing process
Babies need a caring someone at a ealry age and even if they got minimal socail contact, it still helps them
Motherhood doesn’t mean that the care has to be from a biological mother but it can be anyone who cares for you
Postpartum "blues"
a mild depression of a mild feeling of negative emotion short lasting that usually occurs right after birth
Postpartum "depression"
when women don't start to fell better after the blues
Some get over the blues and the depression comes later, approx 6 months later
Up to 10-15%
Hormones are not an explanation to this because the hormone fluctuations are over
Considered a serious psychological disturbance
It can last for months
May need medication and treatment because it doesn't resolve on it its won
Women who have depression are more prone to get it
It is not that these women are sad mothers or that they didn’t want the baby
It is a critcal situation for 2 reasons
Why is it critical PPD
depression cause self harm and may cause depression in the child
2 myths about women in work
The world is not equal; women who are ambitious and do everything right are going to be just as succeddful as men
Not true- 76 cents of a dollar compared to men
Due to social discrimination

2. Women's work is not important to women, the that they would always choose family over work
1) Not true just like men, women, will not do a job a bad job at their work because they do not think their jpb is important

2. Women's work should be devalued and women's work is not important
1) The idea that men's work is what drives the world and women's work is secondary to that
a) True- Women have to work
1. These days men are losing their jobs more than women
One. Shows that women's work is economically important
How many % OF MANY AND WOMEN are in the workforce in their lives
60% women &0 % of men
Perspective of women at work
Pre industrial era- in the past, families lived on farms
Most women worked really hard just like men
Industrial era= families moved to the citues to work in factories
Most women worked at factories in dangerous jobs
Most women with children had to take children with them
Victorian era- the idea of men and women having different roles
Women had to have a family role in which they stayed home and they took care of the household
Women had to be the "good" wife and this meant they had to be good at doing work around the house
Women who weren't rich, they had to have domestic jobs
Access discrimination
discrimination that prevents you from getting the job because of one's sexEx a women cannit get a firgifhgrer job because she is not seen as brave because she is a woman
Resume research shows that this exist in reality
Resumes are the same, one is a woman one is a male
Findings employers rate the man's resume higher than women's
treatment discrimination
discrimination after one is hired
It effects starting salary promotions, etc in women and men
Glass ceiling
invisible barrier that stops people from getting above a certain level in an institution; it is an institutional barrier
stick floor
women get stuck in an organization
Class escaltor
the tendency of men to get promoted more quickly
Particulary true for men in professions in which women are the majority of workers
Gender vanguards
he first wave of women (or men) to enter a professional that it traditonally male - dominated
Published an influential book called the second shift: working parents and the revolution at home
She was interested in studying work/family balnce in women
Resource accolation- idea that as a women take on new jobs and explore other opputunites, women will have limited time to fullfill their role on family
She found that most working women were working full time jobs, then retuning home for the "second shift" refers to all the jobs that are related to family that was traditonally the women's work
She found that women were still doing the bulk of the second shift and they were working as hard as they were before even thought they had a large demand of their time outside their work
She siad that because women are doing a second shift there was a leisure gap that women were suffereing compared to the free time that was avaiable to their husbands
Qimbalance of leisure
She argued there were two consequences
The lack of leisure left women feeling fustrated, overwhelmed or angry because they were stilll doing so
Expansion model
our resources for things are not limited, we can take on more roles in our lif and many times having more roles can be viewed as a good thing
Mulitple roles for men and women are good because
They provide enhanced opportunities for self esteem you from another stressful and identity
Stress buffereing- you can use only one role to protect you from another stressful role
Ex. If your husband decides to leave you for another woman and your child has been diagnosed with ADIID you can forget anout these things and feel good at work
There is an independent source of income and this can increase power and sense of contribution
when you live on you own, support yourself and have your own family unit
Somewhere between 30- X there is a transition between early adulthood to middle adulthood
Biological clock
optimal time, biologically, to have children will be in your early 20's and late 20s than for your 30's and 40s
Most women in the US enter menopause around their late 40s and early 50s
Erikson and Levison
believed we could measure transtion points
Erickson & men
identity -intimacy -generativity -legacy
concern for the greater human kind
what the man feel he will leave behind to encourade the greater good of the world after he is gone
Erickson& women
Identity suspension- intimacy-identity-generativity.
Midlife review
years to live that you wnat to have control over empty nest around this time and menopuase about age 40
Midlife review
years to live that you wnat to have control over empty nest around this time and menopuase about age 40
tend to be more focused on women than men. Women tend to outlive men
Double standard
two doffrent standards of aginf depndind on gneder
Gender crossover
women in middle age becoming more masculine, more confident, more pursuing of goals
young old
age range 65-47
old old
age range 75-84
oldest old or truly old
age range 85+
growning: passage of time in your lifespan
physical declines due to the passage of time
decline in cognition
functional age
how capable of engaging in roles of your life; how independent, how well you can perfrom in your physical and social life
Re enrty women
absent from the workforce for a long period of time, taking care of children, sick parents, etc and coming back into the workforce when a lot of people are thinking about retirement
culmination of a working career; end of working
Ego integrity
the need to achieve acceptance of your life and your self so that you pull the threads of your life and come to some acceptance of what has happened to you so that you can accept death
acceptance and review
until you reach ego integrity, one may feel angry and scared of death
the average life expenctancy; how long people live, how likely someone is going to die
prescence of diease
acute ilness
flues colds allergy attacks
chronic no fatal
arthrits muliple scleoors
distribution of disease
it has all the infomration for clincians to diagnose a mental disorder in a person. there are 128 disorders
Anxiety is how much more frequent in women than in men?
2-3 x
Depression is how much more frequent in women than men
Somatoform disorders is how much more frequent in women than men
10x more
multi axial.
firts 3 axis help you come up with a diagnosis
making normal biology into a medical problem
pre menstrual dysphoirc sndrome+ negative mood
Who has more mental health issues
gender neutraul they a equally predisposed to mental health isssues, but there certain disorders that are more prevalnet to a certain gender.
retired husbands syndrome
affects middle aged women whose husbands have recently been retired
pre exisiting things that increase the liklihood of mental disorders
social diathesis stress model
the socialization patterns that differs from boys and girls
Inclusive Pscychology of women theory
beloief that it is time to sample more gropous, different groups of owmen, childrne and tell their story too and in the process you can impact their life in a posotve way
gave questionnaire about passive acceptance to encourage poeple not to be that wya
Micheal Kimmel
beleived that rigid hyper masculine qualities have harmful effects in development of males
Conservaitve religous ale pyscohology
the men tha take the argument that things have gotten too far and women have gained too much control and we need to retunr back to women and men are again the breadwinners and have th power
promise keepers movement
religious movement that women shoulnt work evolution pyscogolgy
mytho poetic
equiv to cultural feminism men need to go back in touch with masulintiy