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196 Cards in this Set

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Sampling: Purpose
• Gain information from a small group so that findings can be generalized to the larger population
• Sample must represent the larger population
• Must have a clear rationale for sampling techniques to ensure correct selection of subjects
• Population-
– entire set of subjects, objects, events or elements being studied
– Possess specific attributes
• Sample
– Small subset of the population
– Must be carefully selected so that it represents population
• Target population
– Population used for a study
– The entire set of elements about which the researcher would like to make generalizations
• Accessible population
– The portion of the target population that is readily available to the researcher and represents the target population as closely as possible.
• Process of selecting individuals for a study in such a way that individuals represent the larger group from which they were selected.
• Allows researcher to draw inferences & make generalizations about the population without examining every element in the population
• Probability sampling
– Every subject, object or element in population has an equal chance or probability of being chosen
• Nonprobability sampling
– Not selected randomly
• Probability of inclusion and degree to which the sample represents the population are unknown
Probability sampling: Simple random
– Example: sample included patients aged 20- 80 years having a CABG for the first time. Sample of 40 patients who experienced SVT & 40 patients who did not experience SVT was randomly selected from a list obtained from the medical records department using the Classification of Disease code- the list was not in any systematic chronologic or alphabetic order.
Probability sampling: Simple random
• Every subject has an equal & independent chance of being chosen
• Use of Table of Random Numbers
– Can be generated by a computer
– Assign all potential subjects a number
– Close eyes & point to a number on the Table
– This tells which subject has been selected.
• Disadvantages of Simple Random Sampling
– Time consuming
– May not be possible to obtain complete list of target population
Probability Sampling: Stratified
Random Sampling
– Selecting a sample to identify sub-groups of the population that are represented in the
– Reduces possibility that the sample might be unrepresentative of the population
– Achieves a greater degree of representativeness with each subgroup (strata)
Probability Sampling: Cluster
• Successive random sampling of units
• First unit to be sampled is a large grouping or cluster
• Then draw from a smaller cluster
• Example- a sample of nursing students
Probability Sampling: Systematic
Subjects or elements are selected from a list by taking every kth individual
• Is not strictly probability sampling because not all members have an equal chance of being selected
• But is considered random especially if list is randomly ordered
Probability Sampling: Overall Comments
• Every subject has equal chance of being chosen
• Allows researcher to estimate the magnitude of the sampling error
– Difference between the population values and sample values
• Is expensive, time consuming & inconvenient
• Chance plays no role in determining the sample
• Limits the ability to generalize
Nonprobability: Convenience
• Collection of data from subjects or objects readily available or easily accessible to the researcher
• Subjects not selected from a larger population
• Data are collected from whoever is available & meets study criteria
Nonprobability: Convenience
• Advantage: easy, saves time & amp; money
• Disadvantages: sampling bias, the sample used may not represent the population
• Type of Convenience called “snowball”
– First subjects in study are asked to refer researcher to other people who meet the eligibility criteria
– so the sample grows like a “snowball”
Nonprobability: Quota
• Researcher identifies strata of the population & amp; determines the proportions of the elements needed from the various segments of the population
• All segments are represented in the sample in the proportions in which they occur in the population
Nonprobability: Purposive
• Also called judgmental sampling
• Based on belief that are searcher’s knowledge about the population can be used to hand pick the cases to be included in the sample
• Uses:to develop an instrument (pretest)
– When researcher wants experts in the field
• Disadvantages: no external objective method for assessing typicalness of subjects
Nonprobability Sampling
• Acceptable for pilot, exploratory or in- depth qualitative research
• Presents problems for quantitative research
– Not every element of population has a chance of being selected for the sample
– Some segment of the population will be underrepresented
Sample Size (Quantitative Research)
• Standard rule: use the largest sample possible
• Two critical questions for determining adequacy of sample
– How representative is the sample relative to the target population?
– To whom does the researcher wish to generalize the results of the study?
Sample Size (Quantitative Research)
– Type of sampling procedure used
– Type of sample estimation formula being used
– Degree of precision required
– How many attributes under investigation
– Relative frequency of occurrence of phenomenon of interest in population
– Projected cost of utilizing a particular strategy
Sample Size: Power Analysis
• A statistical method to calculate the exact number of subjects needed
• Based on effect size: concerned with the strength of the relationship(s) among research variables or the impact made by the independent variable.
Sample Size: Homogeneity
• The degree to which objects or subjects are similar
Sample Size: Effect size
• Effect size is concerned with the strength of the relationships among research variables
Sample Size: Attrition
• Loss of subjects over time
• Increases if time lag between data collection points is great, population is mobile, high-risk
Sampling Questions
• A(n) _______ is a subset of the units that comprise the population.
Sampling Questions
• The main criterion for evaluating a sample is its __________________.
Sampling Questions
• A sample would be considered ______ if it systematically overrepresented or underrepresented a segment of the population.
Sampling Questions
• If a population is completely ___________ with respect to key attributes, then any sample is as good as any other.
Sampling Questions
• Quota samples are essentially convenience samples from selected ______ of the population.
Sampling Questions
• The most basic type of probability sampling is referred to as _______________
Simple Random
Sampling Questions
• When disproportionate sampling is used, an adjustment procedure known as ____________ is normally used to estimate population values.
Sampling Questions
• In systematic samples, the distance between selected elements is referred to as the ____________.
Sampling interval
Sampling Questions
• Differences between population values and sample values are referred to as ________________.
Sampling Error
Sampling Questions
• As the size of the sample __________ the probability of drawing a deviant sample diminishes.
Sampling Questions
• If a researcher wanted to draw a systematic sample of 100 from a population of 3000, the sampling interval would be ___.
• Consists of rules for assignment number of objects to represent quantities of attributes OR
• Process of assigning numbers to variables
• Because “whatever exists in some amount can be measured”
Measurement: Rules (1)
• A process must be used to assign numbers
• Rules for measuring variables for research studies must be invented
– Under what conditions
– What method (survey, observation etc)
– Numeric values to be used
Measurement: Rules (2)
• Example: survey for parent’s opinions of sex education in school
• Strongly disagree • Agree • Slightly agree • Undecided
• Slightly disagree • Disagree • Strongly disagree • Would want to quantify the responses–how?
Measurement: Advantages
• Removes the guess work from gathering information
• Objectivity: can be independently verified by others
• Produces precise information
• Language of communication
Errors of Measurement
• If instrument is not accurate then the measures it produces contains a certain degree of error
• Obtained score = true score + error
Errors of Measurement Disadvantage
• Errors of measurement are problematic because they represent an unknown quantity and they are variable
Errors of Measurement
Factors contributing to errors of measurement:
– Situational contaminants- scores can be affected by
the conditions under which they are produced
– Transitory personal factors-scores of an individual
may be influenced by temporary personal states
– Response-set biases- number of relatively enduring characteristics of the respondents that can interfere with accurate measures of the target attribute.
Errors of Measurement
• Administration variations
alterations in the methods of collecting data from one subject to the next
Errors of Measurement
Instrument clarity
if directions for obtaining measures are vague or poorly understood, then scores may be affected
Errors of Measurement
Item sampling
errors are sometimes introduced as a result of the sampling of items used to measure an attribute
Errors of Measurement
Instrument format
technical characteristics of an instrument can influence the obtained measurement
– Open ended questions may produce different information than closed–ended questions
Instruments used in Measurement
• Devices used to record data obtained from the subject
• Interviews, direct observations, mechanical equipment etc
• The degree of consistency with which an instrument measures the attribute it is supposed to be measuring
• Reliability = stability, consistency, dependability of a measuring tool
• The less variation an instrument produces – the higher its reliability
Reliability: Types
– Stability- extent to which same results are obtained on repeated administrations of the instrument
• Test-retest procedure- administration of the same test to a sample of individuals on two occasions then compare the scores obtained
• Compute a reliability coefficient
Reliability coefficient
– Looks for a relationship between two phenomena
Positive Correlations 1.0
Negative Correlation -1.0
Reliability Advantages
– Test-retest method is easy
– Can be used with self- report, observational & physiologic
– Used with traits that are relatively enduring such as personality, abilities or physical attributes such as height
Reliability Disadvantages
– Many traits do change over time- regardless of the measure eg (behaviors, attitudes etc)
– Second administration may be influenced by memory of first administration
– Subjects may change as a result of taking the test the first time
– Responses could be haphazard if subject is bored or impatient with instrument
Reliability: Internal Consistency
• Addresses the correlation of various items within the instrument – also called homogeneity
• All parts of the scale are measuring the same characteristic
• Most widely used method for reliability
• Requires only one test administration
Reliability: Internal Consistency
• Split-half technique
– The items composing a test are split into two groups and scored independently
– Score on the two half-tests are used to compute a correlation coefficient
Reliability: Internal Consistency
• Split-half technique Advantages
– Easy to use
– Eliminates most of disadvantages of test- retest
Reliability: Internal Consistency
• Split-half technique Disadvantages
– Reliability estimates can be obtained by using different splits (odd/even; first/second half)
Reliability: Internal Consistency
• Chronbach’s alpha or
Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR 20)
• Chronbach’s alpha or Kuder-Richardson 20 (KR 20)
• Produce a reliability coefficient that can be interpreted as the other correlation coefficients
• Yields values of 0 to 1.0
• Better than split-half because it computes all possible splits to estimate homogeneity
Reliability: Internal Consistency
• Equivalence
– Comparing two versions of same instrument or two observers (inter-rater reliability) measuring the same event
– Goal is to determine the consistency or equivalence of the instruments in yielding measurements of the same traits in the same people
Reliability: Internal Consistency
• Interrater reliability
• is estimated by having two or more trained observers watching some event simultaneously & independently recording the relevant variables according to a predetermined plan or coding system
•Results are used to compute an index of equivalence or agreement
•Can use a correlation coefficient to compare results
Reliability: Internal Consistency
• Interpretation of Reliability Coefficients
– Reliability is the proportion of true variability to the total obtained variability
r= VT Vo
• Refers to the degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to be measuring.
• Accuracy of the measure
• If an instrument is designed to measure hopelessness-how can researcher be sure that it is measuring hopelessness? What if the instrument is really measuring depression?
Validity: Methods to Determine
• Face validity
– Whether the instrument looks as though it is measuring the appropriate critical variable (or construct).
– Not the strongest way to determine validity
Validity: Methods to Determine
• Content validity
– How well the instrument represents the characteristic to be assessed
– Used for affective measures (feeling, emotions, psychological traits) & cognitive measures (knowledge)
– Based on judgment of experts
Validity: Content Examples
• To develop an instrument which is to measure affective characteristics, a researcher would
– Have knowledge of the subject
– Do a thorough investigation of the literature
– Conduct some type of investigational study
Validity: Content Examples
• Cognitive scale
– Must ask the question: “how representative are the questions on this test of the universe of all questions that might be asked on this topic?”
– If a researcher were interested in developing a scale that tested people’s knowledge of the seven danger signals of cancer, the instrument would have to include the 7 danger signals identified by the ACS
Validity: Content
Disadvantages, Methods
• Based on judgment
• Not completely objective methods of ensuring the adequate content coverage of an instrument
• May use a panel of experts in the content area to evaluate & document the content validity
– Has a least 3 members
– Ask experts if items are relevant and appropriate
– Whether individual items measure all dimensions of
the construct
• May use a Content Validity Index
Validity: Criterion-Related
• Emphasis is on establishing the relationship between the instrument and some other criterion
• Whatever attribute is being measured, the instrument is said to be valid if its scores correlate highly with some other criterion
• Pick a criterion to compare an instrument to
Validity: Criterion-Related
• instrument to measure birth control use among sexually active teenage girls- criterion to compare it to may be subsequent premarital pregnancy
• Measure professionalism among nurses (attribute to be measured) to number of articles published (criterion)
• Measure effectiveness of nursing care to supervisory ratings of nurse
• Criterion must be clear cut & objective
Validity: Criterion-Related
Predictive validity
• Criterion related validity is a relationship but also is a predictive relationship
• Predictive validity
– Degree to which an instrument can accurately forecast the future
Validity: Concurrent
– Judgment is to the degree to which an instrument can accurately identify a difference in the present
– Use 2 instruments to measure the same concept
Validity: Construct
Types of questions
• What is the instrument really measuring?
• If instrument measures pain- how does researcher know scale is not measuring anxiety?
Validity: Construct
Methods and Example
known groups technique
– Groups that are expected to differ
– For example:
• Fear of labor : Use primipara & multipara women
• Limitations in functional ability: use one group of people with emphysema and one group with no emphysema
Validity: Construct
• Factor analysis
– Method for identifying clusters of related variables
– Each cluster is called a factor
• Represents a group of items that identify the same characteristic
– Procedure is used to identify and group together different measures of some underlying attribute
– Is a complex equation
• Validity is never proven, verified
• It is supported by evidence
• An instrument may be useful in one situation but not another
– An anxiety scale may be useful in a group of presurgical patients but not in a group of nursing students getting ready to take an exam
• Each new use requires new supporting data
Reliability & Validity
• Are not totally independent qualities
• A measuring device that is valid must be reliable
• An instrument can be reliable without being valid
Reliability & Validity
Low reliability/low validity
Reliability & Validity
High reliability/ low validity
Reliability & Validity
High reliability, high validity
Levels of Measurement
Variables Types:Continuous
-Values can be represented on a continuum
-infinite number of values between two points
-Example: weight
Levels of Measurement
Variable Types:Discrete
-has a finite number of values between any two points
-representing discrete quantities
-Example: number of children, 1, 2, 3
Levels of Measurement
Variables: Discrete
-have only a few discrete values
-Ex: marital status, blood type
-Dichotomous- have only two values
-married/not married, alive/dead, pregnant/not pregnant
Types of Measurement
-4 levels
- Type of measurement will determine the statistics that can be used
- Each level is classified in relation to certain characteristics
Types of Measurement
- First level of measurement
- Variables that are discrete & noncontinuous
- Categories: gender, marital status,
- Can be dichotomous: has two categories
- is the most primitive method of classifying information
- Is the demographic data
- Only simple statistical tests can be used
Types of Measurement
Nominal Examples
-Marital Status
-Blood Type
-Types of meds
Types of Measurement
- Classifications must be mutually exclusive
- Collectively exhaustive
- Numbers used in nominal measurement cannot be treated mathematically
- cannot calculate the “average” gender
- calculate in percentages
Types of Measurement
Ordinal Level
- Second level
-Variables are assessed incrementally
- pain
- ability to perform ADLs
- Goes beyond categorization
- Variables are ordered according to some criterion
Types of Measurement
Ordinal Level Differences
- Difference between nominal & ordinal measurement
- there is an ordering (relative standing)
-a value assigned show the relationship to the other subjects
- does not reveal anything about how MUCH greater one level of an attribute is than another
- cannot say one person has twice the functional capacity of another
Types of Measurement
Ordinal Level Restrictions
- Types of statistical tests and mathematics are restricted
Ordinal Level
Pain Slight Moderate Intense
Anxiety experienced Frequently Occasionally Rarely
Bonding Absent Minimal Moderate Strong
Interval Level
- Third level
- scale that is quantitative in nature
- there is both rank-ordering of objects on an attribute & distance between numeric values
- Increments on the scale can be measured & are equidistant
are continuous variables
Interval Level
- Examples
-SAT tests: score of 550 is higher than 500
-which is higher than 450
-all are equidistant apart
Interval Level
- Gives more information than first two categories
- Major disadvantage: cannot give absolute magnitude of the attribute
- no real or rational zero
Interval Level
- Thermometer: is interval level
- no “0” in the Fahrenheit scale
- 600 is not twice as hot as 300
Interval Level
- Does expand statistical tests that can be used
- can add subtract data- so there can be an average
Ratio Level
- 4th & highest level of data
- Characterized by variables that are assessed incrementally with equal distances between increments
- A scale that has an absolute (meaningful) zero
Ratio Level
- All arithmetic operations can be used
- All statistical procedures can be used
- Is ideal for researchers but not attainable for many variables
- Example: weight, height
Converting Data to Lower Level
of Measurement
- Data can always be converted to a lower level but not higher
- loss of accuracy & information
- Example: how could you change age from ratio to ordinal level?
- Use categories: 10-15 15-20;20-25etc
- What is lost by doing this?
Levels of Measurement
- What are adolescents’ views and practices relating to tattooing?
- Data collected on:
- if the subject had a tattoo
- grades in school
- purpose of tattooing (scale)
- age at first tattoo
Give the highest possible level of measurement that a researcher could obtain for each of the following:
-Attitudes towards the mentally handicapped
-Birth order
-Length of labor
-White blood cell count
-Blood type
-Tidal volume
-Unit assignment for nursing staff -Motivation for achievement -Amount of sputum
- Pulse Rate
Descriptive Statistics:
Frequency Distributions
-A systematic arrangement of numeric values from lowest to highest
-With a count of the number of times each value was obtained
Descriptive Statistics:
Frequency Distributions
2 Parts
Two parts:
-Observed values or measurement
-Frequency or count of the observations falling into each class
-Classes of observation must be mutually exclusive & collectively exhaustive
Descriptive Statistics:
Frequency Distributions
Descriptive Statistics:
Frequency Distributions
- Can take raw data & organize into a Histogram
Descriptive Statistics:
Frequency Distributions
- Histogram of scores
Descriptive Statistics:
Shape of Distributions
-Set of numbers can have an infinite number of shapes
- Symmetrical: two halves that are mirror images of each other
Descriptive Statistics:
Frequency Distributions
Bar Graph
Descriptive Statistics:
Frequency Distributions
- Asymmetrical distribution
- Usually described as skewed
- One tail is longer than the other
- When longer tail is pointing toward right
-the distribution is positively skewed
Descriptive Statistics:
Frequency Distributions
Positive Skew
Positive Skew
Descriptive Statistics:
Frequency Distributions
Negative Skew
Descriptive Statistics:
Frequency Distributions
- Frequent shape is called normal distribution or bell-shaped curve
- Is unimodal
- Symmetrical
- Not too peaked
Descriptive Statistics:
Frequency Distributions
Bell Curve
Bell Curve
Descriptive Statistics: Central Tendency
- Yields more important information -Are indexes of typicalness
- more representative if values come from center
- “average” is term used to designate central tendency
Descriptive Statistics:
Central Tendency
- numeric value in a distribution that occurs most frequently
- 50 51 51 5253535353545556
Descriptive Statistics:
Central Tendency
What is mode?
-Is quick and easy
-Rather unstable
- tend to fluctuate widely within a population
-Can be used to give the most typical subject.... Such as....”the typical subjects was an unmarried white female living in an urban area with no prior history of STDs”
Descriptive Statistics:
Central Tendency
-Point at which & below which 50% of cases fall
-2 2 33 334 5 6 789 (12scores)
Descriptive Statistics:
Central Tendency
-Point on the score that is equal to the sum of the scores divided by the number of scores
-The mean is affected by the value of every score
-Most widely used measure of central tendency (interval & ratio level data)
Descriptive Statistics: Variability
- How spread out of dispersed the data are
-Two distributions of scores can be totally different but means can be identical
Descriptive Statistics: Variability
-Highest score minus the lowest score in a distribution
-Easy to compute
-Highly unstable index- only based on 2 scores
-Ignores the variations in scores between the two extremes
-Used as a gross descriptive index
Descriptive Statistics: Variability
Semi-quartile Range
- A point below which any percentage of the scores fall
- Calculated on that basis of quartiles within a distribution
-Half the range of scores within which the middle 50% of scores lie
-Upper quartile Q3= point below which 75% of the cases fall
Q1= point below which 25% of the scores lie
Descriptive Statistics: Variability
Standard Deviation
- Most widely used measure of variability
- SD summarizes the average amount of deviation of values from the mean
- Based on deviation scores:
- Calculate mean
-Subtract mean from each individual score
- Squaring each deviation score & then adding them together
-Divide by number of cases
-Take square root
Descriptive Statistics: Variability: SD Calculation
Descriptive Statistics: Variability: SD
- SD is an index of the variability of scores in a data set
- Tells us how much the scores deviate from that mean
- So scores deviate 1.76 from mean
- That is: scores are more clustered around mean
Descriptive Statistics: Variability: SD
- Can be used to describe an important characteristic of a distribution
- Used to interpret the score of performance of an individual in relation to other in the sample
- Is a stable estimate of a population parameter (ratio or interval data)
Descriptive Statistics: Variability: SD
• Beliefs that are held to be true but have not necessarily been proven
• OR
• A principle that is accepted as being true based on logic or reason, without proof
• Type 1
1) universal: beliefs assumed to be true by a large percentage of society
- all humans need love
• Type 2
2) Derived from a theory of previous
-stress causes disease
• Type 3
3) specific to a certain research study
- evidence of a fit between what the researcher believes can happen & the data produced... assumptions that prediction is possible, facts can be verified, testing of theoretical relationships
-In other studies (qualitative: assume patient is an active participant in some social environment )
• Assumptions ARE NOT THE research question or hypothesis
• Def. Uncontrolled variables that may affect study results and limit the generalizability of the findings
•Limitations mentioned could include:
– Sample deficiencies
– Design flaws
– Weaknesses in data collection
• Most common method of describing a relationship between two measures
• Correlational research examines relationships among variables interest without any intervention on the part of the investigator
• Variables are interval or ratio
Pearson’s r
• Calculated when data are interval/ratio
• -1to+1
Inferential Statistics
• To estimate the probability that statistic found in the sample accurately reflects the population parameter
• To test hypotheses about a population
• Defined: likelihood that something will occur
• Researchers analyze data to determine the likelihood that differences in study groups are the result of chance as opposed to the manipulation of variables
• Errors can always occur in a study
• Always a chance that the differences occurring in the study due to chance rather than the treatment
• SO.....Research results cannot claim to prove anything but that there is a low probability that the results are due to chance
Always a sampling error
– Discrepancy between the characteristics of the sample & the population
• Researcher must decide if sample being used is good estimate of population parameters
Probability Levels
• Calculating statistics provide probability that result is caused by sampling fluctuations
• Usually set no higher than .05
• p<.05 means there is less than 5% chance that results are due to chance
Null Hypothesis
• Statement that there is no actual relationship between variables & that any such observed relationship is only a function of chance or sampling fluctuations
• Statistical hypothesis testing is a process of rejection
Type I & Type II Errors
• Errors in decisions about rejecting or accepting the Null
Type I
• Rejecting the null when it is true
• EG if a researcher concludes that experimental treatment was more effective than the control in alleviating anxiety, when the study outcomes were actually a result of sample differences in anxiety scores
• The lower the p level, the less likely for a Type I error
Type II
• Not rejecting null when there was a significant difference between groups
• Researcher concludes that differences in group anxiety levels were result of chance – when the experimental treatment did have an effect on anxiety
Type II-Significance
• Level of significance set at .05 because if there is more than 1 chance in 20 that the outcome of interest has occurred by chance rather than manipulation, the results are not considered to be of value
Type II: ways to decrease chance of Type II errors
• Larger sample size
• Decrease sources of wide variation (control)
• Increase level of significance
Test for genetic defect- if defect exists & is diagnosed early- it can be successfully treated
•If not diagnosed, & treated, child will become severely debilitated.
•If child is diagnosed as having defect & treated, no damage occurs
•Null hypothesis: The test for the genetic defect will reveal no difference between control & experimental groups.
•Type I error: diagnosing defect when it does not exist- child not harmed because treatment won’t hurt him
•Type II error: declaring child normal when child is not so child is severely damaged.
Type I & Type II errors
• Would like to eliminate them
• Can’t without using entire population
Statistical Significance
Statistical vs Clinical Significance
• Statistical significance- the differences observed are probably true differences & not result of chance fluctuations in sampling
• Clinical significance- findings must have meaning for patient care
– Nurses must determine if results have meaning to patient care & practice
Two tailed tests
– Most often used
– Both ends (or tails) of sampling distribution are used to determine the range of improbable values
Two tailed tests
There is a difference between males & females in their approval of physical conflict
One Tailed
Females are less approving of physical conflict than males
Hypothesis Testing Procedure
• Determine the test statistic to be used
• Establish the level of significance
• Two classes of statistical tests
• Each have own characteristics
Parametric Tests
• Involve the estimation of at least one parameter
• Require measurement(s) on at least the interval scale
• Assume the variables are normally distributed in the population
• Powerful tests and offer flexibility
• Preferred for data analysis
T-test (Student’s T)
• Test for differences between groups
• Use mean scores between groups and test for differences
• A t-value is generated
• Probable values are computed
• p level is determined
• Null rejected/accepted
• Used for independent groups
Paired T-test
• Two measures from the same subjects over time
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)- one-way
• Tests for differences between means for 3 or more groups
• One independent variable
• ANOVA yields an F-ratio statistic
Multifactor ANOVA
• Two or more independent variables on a dependent variable
Non parametric tests
• Tests for nominal or ordinal level data
• Shape of distribution is not a concern
• Sample size can be small
Chi-square X2
• Used with categories of data
• Hypotheses concerning the proportions of cases that fall into the various categories
• Chi-square is computed from contingency tables
• Differences are calculated based on what occurs from a study compared to what the expected frequencies are
• Must have at least 5 in each group
Chi-square X2
• Ability of a study to identify relationship or detect real differences among variables
Power Analysis
• Method for reducing risk of Type II errors (Not rejecting null when there was a significant difference between groups)
• Estimating occurrence of Type II error
Power Analysis
• Used to estimate the sample size needed to obtain a significant result and allow the researcher to conclude that the research hypothesis is supported
Power Analysis
Four elements
– Significance level or alpha
– Sample size
– Effect size
– power
Power Analysis
• probability of making a type I error
• Usually set at .05
Power Analysis
• Beta
– Probability of making a type II error
– Should be no more than 4 times the value of alpha
– .20 (based on alpha of .05)
Power Analysis
–1-beta =1-.2=.8
– Conventional standard accepted for power is .80
Power Analysis
• Effect size
– Strength of the relationship among study variables
– Measures how false the null hypothesis is
– that is how strong the effect of the independent variable is on the dependent variable
– When relationships are strong- large samples are not needed
Power Analysis
• Effect size determined from
– Researchers’ own pilot data
– Estimates based on clinical experience
Power Analysis
• With all four of these pieces of information, a sample size can be determined using the Power Analysis formula
Qualitative Traditions: General Characteristics
• “Multi-method focus that involves an interpretive, naturalistic approach t its subject matter
• A holistic approach to questions that recognize that human realities are complex
• Research question is very broad
•Individual’s perspective is very important
Qualitative Traditions: General Characteristics
• Concerned with in‐depth description of people or events
• Data collected through interviews or observations
• Uses an inductive approach
• An emergent design
Qualitative Traditions: General Characteristics
• Flexible‐ capable of adjusting to what is being learned during the course of data collection
• Merges together various methodologies
• Holistic‐ strives for understanding of the whole
Qualitative Traditions: General Characteristics
• Focused on understanding a phenomenon or social setting‐ not on making predictions about the setting or phenomenon
Qualitative Traditions: General Characteristics
• Requires that the researcher become intensely involved for lengthy periods of time
• Requires that the researcher becomes the
research instrument
• Ongoing analysis of the data in order to formulate subsequent strategies &amp; to determine when field work is done
Qualitative Traditions: General Characteristics
• Forces researcher to define their role &amp; identify their own biases
Designs & Planning
• Plans for data collection setting
– Gaining entry
– Obtaining consent
– Identifying the site’s “major players”
– Determining maximum amount of time available for the study
– Equipment needs: tape recorder, lap‐top etc • Training of assistants
Designs &amp; Planning
• Data collection format
– Plans for “unforeseen” events
– Setting for interviews
• Researcher &amp; team must analyze their own biases &amp; ideology
• Orientation &amp;overview
– Must decide what they don’t know and how to handle the phenomenon
• Focused exploration
– Focused scrutiny and in‐depth exploration of those aspects of the phenomenon that are judged to be salient
•Confirmation &amp;amp; closure
– Try to establish that their findings are trustworthy
Design Features
• No IV or DV identified before data collection begins
– May look back to find antecedent factors leading up to the occurrence of that phenomenon
• Flexible
• No manipulation o rcontrol
• Group comparisons not planned but may occur
• Can be cross‐sectional or longitudinal
• Setting‐real‐world
Qualitative Research –Types: Ethnographic
– Social scientific descriptor of a people &amp; the cultural basis of their identify
– Study of cultures/behaviors
– Only focus is to describe.... Is a theoretical
• data about cultural groups
• Is oldest qualitative approach
– Cultural behavior‐ what members of the culture do
– Cultural artifacts: what members of the culture make &amp;amp; use
– Cultural Speech‐ what people say
Qualitative Research –Types: Critical Social Theory
– Also called feminism
– Goal is to raise consciousness, politicize or activism
– Research focus is on oppressed groups
Qualitative Research –Types: Content Analysis
– Used to describe the basic content of data
• Speeches
• Books
• Interviews
• Media (films, photography)
– Counts the number of times something occurs‐ eg the number of times the same words are used
Qualitative Research –Types: Content Analysis
• Data are coded to identify recurrent themes
• Used to describe attitudes, expectations &amp; perceptions
• Can be used alone or in conjunction with other methods
Qualitative Research Types
Narrative Analysis
• Method applied to stories of meaningful account of events over time
• Structure of a story includes what form it takes such as the history of a disease or an account of personal experiences &amp; how events are related to each other
Qualitative Research –Types: Grounded theory
• Data are collected &amp; analyzed
• Study of social processes &amp; structures
• Uses open‐ended interviewing, sensitization to
• Main focus: theory is developed that is grounded in the data
Qualitative Research –Types: Historical
– Identification, location &amp; evaluation &amp; synthesis of data from past
– Purpose is to answer questions concerning causes, effects or trends relating to past events that may
shed light on present behaviors or practices.
Qualitative Research –Types:
Case studies
– In‐depth investigations of a single entry or a small series of entities
• May be an individual but also can be families, groups, etc.
• Focuses on why the individual thinks, behaves or develops in a certain way rather than on what the status, actions or thoughts are.
Qualitative Research ‐Analysis
• Perform a content analysis
•Analyzes the narrative data to determine themes or patterns
• Very tedious‐no systematic rules for analyzing &amp; presenting qualitative data
• Must interpret data‐can be subjective so must develop a method to classify &amp; index materials
• Coding of data‐once categories have been established
‐ then data is re‐reviewed for coding
Evaluation of Qualitative Research
• Must be rigorous
• Credibility: the “truth” of the findings from the subjects
that is: “is this what you were saying?”
• Transferability‐ study’s ability to preserve meanings, interpretations &amp; inferences when applied to another similar context
Evaluation of Qualitative Research
obtaining direct &amp; repeated affirmation of what the research has heard, seen or experienced
When is Qualitative Research a Good Choice?
• When a topic has not been studied
• When quantitative approach does not or would not give a full picture
Qualitative Research
-Grounded Theory- what is the social process underlying a nurses' experience with implementing developmental care in a neonatal ICU?
-What are the critical health-related, social &amp; economic issues of the Afgan refugee community?
Application to Practice
-How do the results of this study help me care for patients?
-How does this study help me understand my relationship with my patients &amp; their families"