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38 Cards in this Set

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Determined by the fetus's presenting part:

-Denotes the portion of the fetus felt through the cervix on vaginal exam

-Denotes that portion of the fetus that overlies the pelvic inlet

3 types:

-Cephalic, Breech, Shoulder
Alignment of fetal spine to maternal spine
"Lie" can be subdivided into two categories: What are they

Vertex or breech presentations have what kind of "Lie"
Longitudinal Lie
Shoulder presentations have what kind of "Lie"
Transverse Lie
Denotes the relationship of a specific fetal bony part to the mothers pelvis
Vertex presentations will have what kind of position
Face presentations will have what kind of "Position"
Breech presentations will have what kind of "Position"
Shoulder Presentations will have what kind of "Position"
What are the factors associated with the Breech position?
Uterine distention or relaxation

Uterine abnormalities

Fetal abnormalities

OB conditions
List "Breech associated factors" that involve "uterine distention or relaxation"
-Multiple Gestation
List "Breech associated factors" that involve "Uterine abnormalities"
-Pelvic tumors
-Uterine anomalies
-Pelvic contracture
List "Breech associated factors" that involve "Fetal abnormalities"
Hydrocephalus and Anencephalus
List "Breech associated factors" that involve "OB conditions"
-previous breech
-preterm gestation
-Cornual-fundal placenta
-Placenta previa
Type of "Breech" position where the lower extremities are flexed at the hips, extended at the knees with the feet in the face
Frank Breech
What is the most common type of breech presentation
Frank Breech
Type of "Breech" presentation where flexed at both hips and the buttocks and feet sit on the cervix
Complete Breech
Type of "Breech" presentation where one or both hips are not flexed - and the feet sit below the the buttocks
Incomplete breech
This type of Breech presentation is common in 50% of Preterm infants
Incomplete breech
Cord prolapse is most common in which type of Breech presentation
incomplete breech
T or F

The occurrence of Cord prolapse is dependent on the infants gestational age

it is dependent on type of Breech presentation
The following definition describes what?

-Converts breech presentation to vertex
External cephalic version
What factors increase the success of External cephalic version
-presenting part not in pelvis

-Normal amniotic fluid volume

-Fetal back is not positioned posteriorly

-Pt not obese

-Pt is parous

-Frank breech or transverse

-Rarely successful if ruptured or dilated
List 3 anesthetic emergencies for breech presentation
-Uterine hypertonus (tight)

-Fetal Head Entrapment (<32wks)

-Need for cervical and uterine relaxation
You have a pt presenting in the "Breech position" who needs emergent delivery. In order to provide cervical and uterine relaxation you would do?
-RSI with 2-3 MAC halogenated agent (relaxes in 2-3 mins, but may increase uterine bleeding)

-NTG 50-100 mcg
What are the Hazards of "Breech vaginal delivery" that increase maternal morbidity?
-Cervical lacerations

-Perineal injuries


-Retained placenta

What are the Hazards to the infant when a "Breech vaginal delivery" is done?
-Increased Infant trauma:
- asphyxia (cord compression)
- Head trauma
- Intracranial hemorrhage
Describe the maternal physiology with multiple gestation?

Blood volume?
C.O. ?
Resp ?
Blood volume increases by 500ml

C.O. is 20% greater


Edema and anemia

faster weight gain

List "fetal" problems associated with multiple gestations
-preterm delivery

-congenital anomalies


-cord entanglement

-cord prolapse


-Malpresentation (30-50% in vertex presentations)

-Twin-to-twin transfusion

-4-6 times greater mortality
The following statement defines?

Monochorionic, monoamniotic placenta with vascular anastamosis
Twin-to-twin transfusion
In twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome:

the "Recipient" has?

the "Donor" has?
Recipient: has polycythemia & cardiomegaly

Donor: has decreased blood volume - which causes IUGR
What are the advantages of Epidural anesthesia in labor?
-provides effective pain relief

-Inhibits early pushing

-Provides relaxed pelvic floor

-Easily extended for emergency C/S
How can you achieve Rapid uterine/cervical relaxation?
- NTG 50-100 mgs

-RSI-GETA (high concentrations volatile agents

A higher incidence of breech presentation occurs among pt's with?
preterm labor

What two things are associated with an increased incidence of perinatal morbidity and mortality, regardless of the method of delivery
breech presentation and multiple gestation

What effect does multiple gestation have on the "physiologic and anatomic changes of pregnancy"
"exaggerates the effects"

What is the analgesic technique of choice during labor in the pt with multiple gestation
Epidural analgesia