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28 Cards in this Set

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T/F a wind turbine has a large physical footprint relative to the amount of electricity it can produce
where are many wind projects located?
farm, grazing, and forest land
What are two benefits of wind energy?
cost competitive
What are some drawbacks to wind energy?
Visual impacts
Materials intensive
Which continent has really developed win energy?
What are the sources of the wind?
(1) Non-uniform heating of the Earth surface by the sun
(2) Rotation of the Earth
Define: Wind Turbine
devices that convert the kinetic energy of wind into the mechanical energy of rotating blades
What is the power train of wind energy?
wind+wind turbine+generator=electricity
What are more efficient, multi or single blade rotors?
The Power delivered by a wind turbine, is proportional to…
Air density
Swept Diameter Blade, i.e. square of the blade diameter
Cube of Wind Velocity
The Power delivered by a wind turbine, is proportional to…
Air density
Swept Diameter Blade, i.e. square of the blade diameter
Cube of Wind Velocity
The relationship between power rating and rotor diameter is direct/inverse
Windmills traditionally used for pumping water have small, solid rotors with many blades. What is the main advantage of these designs?
The many blades assure operation at very slow wind speeds, allowing continuous operation all year.
These windmills are, however, very inefficient at high speeds and must be shut down to prevent damage.
What are some safety and control concerns for wind turbines?
High wind speed Shut-off control mechanism
Noise (Mechanical + Aerodynamic)
Air or Water cooling system
Pitch and Yaw(Tilt) controller
Stall Regulation
What are some current solar energy applications?
heating swimming pools
heating water for domestic use
space heating of buildings
The amount and intensity of solar energy available vary depending on
Geographical location,
Position of the sun in the sky,
Weather conditions, and
Orientation of the collector and surrounding objects.
What does the sun mostly consist of
hydrogen and helium
define altitude in terms of solar position
angle between the sun and the horizon.
Zero at sunrise and sunset
Maximum at noon
define zemith angle
the complement of solar altitude angle, or the angle of the sun from a vertical line directly overhead.
defineL azimuth
angle between a north-south line on the Earth’s surface and the horizontal projection of the sun’s rays;
negative before noon, and
positive after noon.
define: solar insolation
Solar Insolation  the amount of radiation arriving from the sun that collides with a flat surface.
sun rises higher in the sky in the winter/summer
Where are the most favorable places of solar radiation
covering land masses of many developing countries of Northern Africa and Southern Asia. They receive, on average, 3,000 hours of mostly direct sunshine and limited cloud coverage.
Fill in the blanks
1m2 of collecter area receives _________ of sunshine and procudes ____ of electricity
100 w
Today , only ___ of global electricity is solar-powered
What is passive solar heating
Collection of solar energy without the use of electrical or mechanical power.
What are two methods of active solar heating?
flat-plate collectors
evacuated tube collectors
What are some methods of passive cooling
reduce the losses by keeping heat out
insulate the walls, making walls thicker
reduce surface area of south-facing windows
plugging all the leaks