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8 Cards in this Set

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Georges Cuvier
developed paleontology. Recognized prevalence of extinction. Advocated catastrophism
scala natura- each life form has a niche (rung) on the ladder and all niches are taken; species are permanent and perfect and do not evolve.
Carolus Linnaeus
specialized in taxonomy, developing the binomial system and grouped similar species into increasingly general hierarchies. Implied no evolution but later Darwin would use his system as an argument for evolution.
James Hutton
Gradualism- fundamental change is the cumulative product of slow but continuous processes (he was talking about geology; his theory contradicted Cuvier's)
Charles Lyell
incorporated gradualism into uniformitarianism (geologic processes have not changed throughout earth's history; forces that build and erode mountains and rates at which this happens is the same today as in the past)
jean Baptiste Lamarck
-published his theory of evolution before darwin- comparing current species with fossils, deduced lines of descent

-Use and disuse
-Inheritance of acquired characteristics (erroneous)
-visionary in emphasising adaption to an environment.
Charles Darwin
You know.

Main ideas:
-unequal ability to survive and reproduce
-Natural selection occus through interaction between the environment and variability among individuals in a population
-the prodcut of natural selection is the adaption of populations to their environment
Thomas Malthus
overreproduction casues strife; only a small fraction of young born complete development and leave offspring