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20 Cards in this Set

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Oculi nostri non valebant; quare agros bellos videre non poteramus.
Our eyes were not strong; by which reason we were not able to see the pretty fields.
Sine multa pecunia et multis donis tyrannus satiare populum Romanum non poterit.
Without much money and many gifts, the tyrant will not be able to satisfy the Roman people.
Non poterant, igitur, te de poena amicorum tuorum heri monere.
Therefore, they could not warn you about your friends' punishment yesterday.
Parvus numerus Graecorum cras ibi remanere poterit.
A small number of the Greeks will be able to stay there tomorrow.
Magister pueros malos sine mora vocabit.
The teacher will call the bad children without delay.
Filiae vestrae de libris magni poetae saepe cogitabant.
Your daughters use to think often about the great poet's books.
Quando satis sapientia habebimus?
When shall we have enough wisdom?
Multi libri antiqui propter sapientiam consiliumque erant magni.
Many ancient books were great because of wisdom and advice.
Gloria bonorum librorum semper manebit.
The glory of good books will always remain.
Possuntne pecunia otiumque curas vitae humanae superare?
Can money and leisure overcome the concerns of human life?
Dionysius tum erat tyrannus Syracusanorum.
Dionysius was, at that time, the tyrant of the Syracusans.
Optasne meam vitam fortunamque gustare?
Do you wish to taste my life and fortune?
[opto, optare, optavi, optatus
choose, select; wish, wish for, desire]
Possumusne, O di, in malis insidiis et magno exitio esse salvi?
Can we be safe, O gods, in wicked treachery and great destruction?
Propter curam meam in perpetuo periculo non eritis.
Because of my attention, you will not be in continuous danger.
Propter vitia tua multi te culpant et nihil te in patria tua delectare nunc potest.
Because of your vices, many blame you and nothing can delight you now in your country.
Fortuna Punici belli secundi varia erat.
The fortune of the second Punic war was varied.
Patria Romanorum erat plena Graecorum librorum statuarumque pulchrarum.
The fatherland of the Romans was full of Greek books and fine statues.
Sine dis et deabus in caelo animus non potest sanus esse.
Without the gods and goddesses in the sky, the spirit cannot be sound.
Si animus infirmus est, non poterit bonam fortunam tolerare.
If the spirit is weak, it will not be able to tolerate good fortune.
Ubi leges valent, ibi populus liber potest valere.
Where the laws are strong, the free people there can be strong.