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386 Cards in this Set

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Cása, -ae
f. House, cottage, hut
caúsa, -ae
f. cause, reason; case, situation; caúsā, abl. with a preceding gen., for the sake of, on account of
fenéstra, -ae
f. window
fínis, finis
m. end, limit, boundary; purpose
gens, gentis
f., clan, race, nation, people
mundus, -i
m., world, universe
navis, navis
f., ship, boat
salus, salutis
f., health, safety; greeting
Troia, -ae
f. Troy
vicinus, -i m. and vicina, -ae f.
vulgus, -i
the common people, mob, rabble
asper, aspera, asperum
rough, harsh
atque or ac
conj., and, and also, and even
adv., again, a second time
contineo, -tinere, -tinui, -tentum
to hold together, contain, keep, enclose, restrain
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum
to bid, order, command
laboro (1)
to labor; be in distress
rapio, rapere, rapui, raptum
to seize, snatch, carry away
relinquo, -linquere, -liqui, -lictum
to leave behind, leave, abandon, desert
scio, scire, scivi, scitum
to know
tango, tangere, tetigi, tactum
to touch
arx, arcis
f. citadel, stronghold
dux, ducis
m. leader, guide; commander, general
equus, -i
m., horse
hasta, -ae
f., spear
insula, -ae
f. island
litus, litoris
n., shore, coast
miles, militis
m., soldier
orator, oratoris
m. orator, speaker
sacerdos, scaerdotis
m., priest
alquis, aliquid
indef. pron., someone, somebody, something
quisquis, quidquid
indef. pron., whoever, whatever
magnanimus, -a, -um
great-hearted, brave, magnanimous
adv., in questions or negative clauses, ever, at any time
educo (1)
to bring up, educate
gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum
to be glad, rejoice
ostendo, ostendere, ostendi, ostentum
to exhibit, show display
peto, petere, petivi, petitum
to seek, aim at, beg, beseech
premo, premere, pressi, pressum
to press; press hard, pursue
opprimo, -primere, -pressi, -pressum
to suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check
verto, vertere, verti, versum
to turn; change
Carthago, carthaginis
f., carthage
fabula, -ae
f., story, tale; play
imperator, imperatoris
m., general, commander-in-chief, emperor
imperium, ii
n. power to command, supreme power, authority, command, control
perfugium, ii
n., refuge, shelter
servus, i
solacium, ii
n. comfort, relief
vulnus, vulneris
n., wound
re- or red-
again, back
conj. + indic., as, just as, when
adv., afterwards
accipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum
to take
excipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum
to take out, except; take, receive, capture
recipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum
to take back, regain; admit, receive
pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsum
to strike, push; drive out, banish
expello, -pellere, -pepuli, -pulsum
to drive out, expel, banish
narro (1)
to tell, report, narrate
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitum
to seek, look for, strive for; ask, inquire, inquire into
rideo, ridere, risi, risum
to laugh, laugh at
linqua, ae
f., tongue; language
ferox, ferocis
fierce, savage
fidelis, fidele
faithful, loyal
geminus, a, um
sapiens, sapientis
wise, judicious

as noun, wise man, philosopher
ultimus, a, um
farthest, extreme; last, final
adv. then, next
adv. here
ait, aiunt
he says, they say, assert,
credo, credere, credidi, creditum
to believe, trust
iaceo, iacere, iacui
to lie; lie prostrate; lie dead
nego (1)
to deny, say that... not
nescio, nescire, nescivi, nescitum
not to know, be ignorant
nuntio (1)
to announce, report, relate
patefacio, -facere, -feci, -factum
to make open, open; disclose, expose
puto (1)
to reckon, suppose, judge, think, imagine
spero (1)
to hope for, hope
suscipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum
to undertake
cena, ae
f. dinner
forum, i
n., marketplace, forum
lex, legis
f., law, statute
limen, liminis
n., threshold
lux, lucis
f., light
mensa, ae
f., table; dining; dish, course
nox, noctis
f. night
somnus, i
m., sleep
quidam, quaedam, quiddam or quoddam
indef. pron. and adj.; as pron., a certain one or thing, someone, something; as adj., a certain, some
pudicus, a, um
modest, chaste
superbus, a, um
arrogant, overbearing, haughty, proud
tristis, triste
sad, sorrowful; joyless, grim, severe
turpis, turpe
ugly; shameful, base, disgraceful
urbanus, a, um
of the city, urban; urbane, elegant
prep. +abl., in front of, before
adv. and conj. after comparatives, than; with superlatives, as
adv., only
invito (1)
to entertain, invite, summon
delectatio, delectationis
f., delight, pleasure, enjoyment
nepos, nepotis
m.., grandson, descendant
sol, soli
m., sun
diligens, diligentis
diligent, careful
dissimiis, dissimile
dislike, different
gracilis, gracile
slender, thin
humilis, humile
lowly, humble
maior, maius
comp, adj., greater; older
primus, a, um
first, foremost, chief, principal
indecl. adj., howmany, as many as
similis, simile
+ gen. or dat., similar (to), like, resembling
superus, a, um
above, upper
utilis, utile
useful, advantageous
pono, ponere, posui, positum
to put, place, set
probo (1)
to approve, recommend; test
arma, orum
n. pl., arms, weapons
cursus, us
m. running, race; course
luna, ae
f., moon
occasio, occasionis,
f., occasion, opportunity
parens, parentis
m./f., parent
stella, ae
f., star, planet
vesper, vesperis or vesperi
m., evening; evening star
mortuus, a, um
princeps, principis
chief, foremost; m./f. noun, leader, emperor
conj. + subj., in order that, so that, that, in order to, so as to, to; + indic., as when
adv. and conj. with subjunctives or command and purpose, not; in order that... not, that... not, in order not to
cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum
to go, withdraw; yield to, grant, submit
dedico (1)
to dedicate
egeo, egere, egui
+abl. or gen., to need, lack, want
expleo, -plere, -plevi, -pletum
to fill, fill up, complete
praesto, -stare, -stiti, -stitum
to excel; exhibit, show, offer, supply, furnish
taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitum
to be silent, leave unmentioned
fatum, i
n., fate; death
ingenium, ii
n., nature, innate talent
moenia, moenium
n. pl., walls of a city
nata, ae
f., daughter
osculum, i
n., kiss
sidus, sideris,
n., constellation, star
dignus, a, um
+abl., worthy, worthy of
durus, a, um
hard, harsh, rough, stern, funfeeling, hardy, difficult
tantus, a, um
so large, so great, of such a size
adv., at last, finally, lastly
adv. used with adjs., vbs., and advs., so, thus
postpositive adv., indeed, certainly, at least, even
adv. most commonly with verbs,- so, thus
adv. with adjs. and advs., so, to such a degree
adv, in truth, indeed, to be sure, however
condo, -dere, -didi, -ditum
to put together or into, store; found establish
contendo, -tendere, -tendi, -tentum
to strive, struggle, contend; hasten
mollio, mollire, mollivi, mollitum
to soften; make calm or less hostile
pugno (1)
to fight
respondeo, -spondere, -spondi, -sponsum
to answer
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectum
to get up, arise
honor, honoris
m. honor; esteem; public office
ceteri, ae, a
pl., the remaining, the rest, the other, all the others
quantus, a, um
how large, how great, how much
ridiculus, a, um
laughable, ridiculous
vivus, a, um
alive, living
adv., stealthily, secretly
adv., soon
adv., at first, at the beginning
adv., suddenly
adv., whence, from what or which place, from which, from whom
conj., whether...or
bibo, bibere, bibi
to drink
cognosco, -noscere, -novi, -nitum
to become acquainted with, learn, recognize
comprehendo, -hendere, -hendi, -hensum
to grasp, seize, arrest; comprehend, understand
consumo, -sumere, -sumpsi, -sumptum
to consume, use up
dubito (1)
to doubt, hesitate
expono, -ponere, -posui, -positum
to set forth, explain, expose
minuo, minuere, minui, minutum
to lessen, diminish
rogo (1)
to ask
as, assis
m., an as
auxilium, ii
n., aid, help
digitus, i
m., finger, toe
elephantus, i
m. and f., elephant
exsilium, ii
n., exile, banishment
ividia, ae
f., envy, jealousy, hatred
rumor, rumoris
m., rumor; gossip
vinum, i
n., wine
mediocris, mediocre
ordinary, moderate, mediocre
conj + subj., when, since although; conj. +indic., when
prep. + acc., among, in the presence of, at the house of
adv., a single time, once, once and for all, simultaneously
adv., all the way, up (to), even (to), continuously, always
doleo, dolere, dolui, doliturum
to grieve, suffer; hurt, give pain
dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormitum
to sleep
fero, ferre, tuli, latum
to bear; carry, bring; suffer, endure, tolerate; say, report
adfero, adferre, attuli, allatum
to bring to
confero, conferre, contuli, collatum
to bring together, compare; confer, bestow
offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatum
to offer
refero, referre, rettuli, relatum
to carry back, bring back; repeat, answer, report
invideo, -videre, -vidi, -visum
to be envious
occido, -cidere, -cidi, -casum
to fall down; die; set
custodia, ae
f., protection, custody; pl., guards
exercitus, us
m., army
paupertas, paupertatis
f., poverty, humble circumstances
dives, divitis or ditis
par, paris + dat.
equal, like
pauper, pauperis
of small means, poor
conj. + subj., provided that. so long as
malo, malle, malui
to want (something) more, instead; prefer
nolo, nolle, nolui
to not... wish, be unwilling
pateo, patere, patui
to be open, lie open; be accessible; be evident
praebeo, -bere, -bui, -bitum
to offer, provide
promitto, -mittere, -misi, -missum
to send forth; promise
volo, velle, volui
to wish, want, be willing, will
initium, ii
n., beginning, commencement
ops, opis
f., help, aid
philosophus, i, m., and philosopha, ae, f.,
plebs, plebis,
f., the common people, populace, plebeians
sal, salis
m., salt; wit
speculum, i
n., mirror
quis, quid after si, nisi, ne, num
indef. pron., anyone anything, someone, something
candidus, a, um
shining, bright, white; beautiful
merus, a, um
pure, undiluted
suavis, suave
conj. suffixed to a word = aut before the word, or
interj., ah!, alas!
adv., suddenly
recuso (1)
to refuse
trado, -dere, -didi, -ditum
to give over, surrender; hand down, transmit, teach
anima, ae
f. soul, spirit
remissio, remissionis
f., letting go, release; relaxation
vox, vocis
f., voice, word
adversus, a, um
opposite, adverse
talis, tale
such, of such a sort
interj., often + dat., alas, woe to
arbitror, arbitrari, arbitratus sum
to judge, think
conor, conari, conatus sum
to try, attempt
cresco, crescere, crevi, cretum
to increase
egredior, egredi, egressus sum
to go out
fateor, fateri, fassus sum
to confess, admit
hortor, hortari, hortatus sum
to encourage, urge
loquor, loqui, locutus sum
to say, speak, tell
molior, moliri, molitus sum
to work at, build, undertake, plan
morior, mori, mortuus sum
to die
nascor, nasci, natus sum
to be born; spring forth, arise
patior, pati, passus sum
to suffer, endure; permit
proficiscor, -ficisci, -fectus sum
to set out, start
rusticor, rusticari, rusticatus sum
to live in the country
sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessum
to sit
sequor, sequi, secutus sum
to follow
specto (1)
to look at, see
utor, uti, usus sum
+ abl., to use; enjoy, experience
aestas. aestatis
f., summer
ianua, ae
f., door
pectus, pectoris
n., breast, heart
praemium, ii
n., reward, prize
proficiscor, -ficisci, -fectus sum
to set out, start
rusticor, rusticari, rusticatus sum
to live in the country
sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessum
to sit
sequor, sequi, secutus sum
to follow
specto (1)
to look at, see
utor, uti, usus sum
+ abl., to use; enjoy, experience
aestas. aestatis
f., summer
ianua, ae
f., door
pectus, pectoris
n., breast, heart
praemium, ii
n., reward, prize
iratus, a, um
antepono, -ponere, -posui, -positum
to put before, prefer
foveo, fovere, fovi, fotum
to comfort, nurture, cherish
ignosco, -noscere, -novi, -notum
+ dat., to grant pardon to, forgive
impero (1)
+ dat., to give orders to, command
miror, mirari, miratus sum
to marvel at, admire, wonder
noceo, nocere, nocui, nocitum
+ dat., to do harm to, harm, injure
nubo, nubere, nupsi, nuptum
to cover, veil; + dat., to be married to, marry
parco, parcere, peperci, parsurum
+ dat., to be lenient to, spare
pareo, parere, parui
+ dat., to be obedient to, obey
persuadeo, -suadere, -suasi, -suasum
+ dat., to succeed in urgin, persuade, convince
placeo, placere, placui, placitum
+ dat., to be pleasing to, please
sapio, sapere, sapivi
to have good taste; have good sense, be wise
servio, servir, servivi, servitum
+ dat., to be a slave to, serve
studeo, studere, studi
dat., to direct one's zeal to, be eager for, study
subrideo, -ridere, -risi, -risum
to smile (down) upon
cupido, cupidinis
f., desire, passion
lector, lectoris m., and lectrix, lectricis f.
vinculum, i
n., bond, chain, fetter
adv., daily, every day
adv., perhaps
accedo, -cedere, -cessi, -cessum
to come (to), approach
carpo, carpere, carpisi, carptum
to harvest, pluck; seize
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum
(cum + ago), to drive or bring together, force, compel
contemno, -temnere, -tempsi, -temptum
to despise, scorn
contundo, -tundere, - tudi, -tusum
to beat, crush, bruise, destroy
curo (1)
to care for, attend to; heal, cure; take care
decerno, -cernere, -crevi, -cretum
to decide, settle, decree
exigo, -igere, -egi, -actum
to drive out, force out, exact; drive through, complete, perfect
fio, fieri, factus sum
to occur, happen; become; be made, be done
oblecto (1)
to please, amuse, delight; pass time pleasantly
oro (1)
to speak, plead; beg, beseech, entreat, pray
recreo (1)
to restore, revive; refresh, cheer
requiro, -quirere, -quisivi, -quisitum
to seek, ask for; miss, need, require
sereno (1)
to make clear, brighten; cheer up, soothe
athenea, -arum
f. pl., athens
domus, us
f., house, home
humus, i
f., ground, earth; soil
iter, itineris
n., journey; route, road
rus, ruris
n., the country, countryside
syracusae, -arum
f. pl., Syracuse
absens, absentis
absent, away
gratus, a, um
pleasing, agreeable; grateful
idoneus, a, um
suitable, fit, appropriate
immotus, a, um
unmoved; unchanged; unrelenting
adv., out of doors, outside
eo, ire, ii, itum
to go
abeo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to go away, depart, leave
adeo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to go to, approach
exeo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to go out, exit
syracusae, -arum
f. pl., Syracuse
absens, absentis
absent, away
gratus, a, um
pleasing, agreeable; grateful
idoneus, a, um
suitable, fit, appropriate
immotus, a, um
unmoved; unchanged; unrelenting
adv., out of doors, outside
eo, ire, ii, itum
to go
abeo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to go away, depart, leave
adeo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to go to, approach
exeo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to go out, exit
ineo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to go in, enter
obeo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to go up against, meet; die
pereo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to pass away, be destroyed, perish
redeo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to go back, return
interficio, -ficere, -feci, -fectum
to kill, murder
licet, licere, licuit
it is permitted, one may
peregrinor, peregrinari, peregrinatus sum
to travel abroad, wander
requiesco, -quiescere, -quievi, -quietum
to rest
soleo, solere, solitus sum
to be accustomed
arbor, arboris
f., tree
dignitas, dignitatis
f., merit, prestige, dignity
dolor, doloris
m., pain, grief
odium, ii
n., hartred
opus, operis
n., a work, task; deed, accomplishment
oratio, orationis
f., speech
pes, pedis
m., lower leg, foot
sator, satoris
m., sower, planter; begetter, father; founder
firmus, a, um
firm, strong; reliable
infirmus, a, um
not strong, weak, feeble
mirabilis, mirabile
amazing, wondrous, remarkable
pristinus, a, um
ancient; former, previous
sublimis, sublime
elevated, lofty; heroic, noble
conj. with ind. or subj. according to rules for si, even if, although
prep. + acc., toward
adv., with pleasure, gladly
impedio, -pedire, -pedivi, -peditum
to impede, hinder, prevent
metuo, metuere, metui
to fear, dread; be afraid for + dat.
queror, queri, questus sum
to complain, lament
recognosco, -noscere, -novi, -nitum
to recognize, recollect
suspendo, -pendere, -pendi, -pensum
to hang up, suspend; interrupt
vendo, vendere, vendidi, venditum
to sell
aedificium, ii
n., building, structure
iniuria, ae
f., injustice, injury, wrong
mulier, mulieris
f., woman
transitus, us
m., passing over, transit; transition
ventus, i
m., wind
cupidus, a, um
desirous, eager, fond; + gen., desirous of, eager for
liberalis, liberale
of, relating to a free person; worthy of a free man, decent, liberal; generous
indecl. adj. used as nom. or acc., necessary, inevitable
vetus, veteris
adv. or conj., as if, as it were
ambulo (1)
to walk
experior, -periri, -pertus sum
to try, test; experience
libo (1)
to pour a libation of, on; pour ritually; sip; touch gently
oportet, oportere, oportuit
impers., it is proper, right, necessary
oppugno (1)
to fight against, attack, assault, assail
orno (1)
to equip, furnish, adorn
pernocto (1)
to spend or occupy the night
transeo, -ire, -ii, -itum
to go across, cross; pass over, ignore
aes, aeris
n., bronze
dominus, i
m., master, lord
lacrima, ae
f., tear
meta, ae
f., turning point, goal; limit, boundary
monumentum, i
n., monument
nasus, i
m., nose
saxum, i
n., rock, stone
vultus, us
m., countenance, face
iustus, a, um
just, right
indecl. adj., so many
prep. + acc., besides, except; beyond, past
interrog. adv. introducing the answer "yes"
interrog. adv. introduces answer no
adv., wholly, entirely, altogether
adv., after all, finally; for the last time
adv., indeed, in fact
explico (1)
unfold; explain; spread out, deploy
fatigo (1)
to weary, tire out
for, fari, fatus sum
to speak
opinor, opinari, opinatus sum
to suppose
reperio, reperire, repperi, repertum
to find, discover, learn; get
vereor, vereri, veritus sum
to show reverence for, respect; be afraid of, fear