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66 Cards in this Set

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Who made up the Holy Alliance (1815) and what were they defending?
- Russia, Prussia, Austria
- Religion and keeping the status quo
What Russian Revolution was inspired by Western values in 1825?
Decembrist Uprising
What was Russia's economic relationship with Western Europe at the beginning of the 19th century?
Western machinery and luxury goods, Russia remain agricultural with serfs
What advantage did the West have over Russia in the Crimean War?
Industrial advantages
What were some of the different reasons for freeing Russian serfs?
- a desire to meet western humanitarian standards
- periodic peasant uprisings focused on lack of freedom, undue obligations, and lack of land
What year were the serfs freed in Russia?
Besides personal freedom, what other things were serfs granted?
- the serfs got land
- the serfs obtained no new political rights at a national level
- they were still tied to their villages until they could pay for the land they were given. The redemption money went to the aristocrats to help preserve this class
What was the first step Russia took towards industrialization?
trans-Siberian railroad
How much and by whom was Russian industry owned in 1900?
half of the Russian industry was foreign owned and operated with British, German, and French industrialists taking the lead
By 1900, in what areas was Russian industrialization successful?
-4th in world for steel production
-2nd in world for petroleum production and refining
What was already present in Russia that helped aid its industrialization?
natural resources
How did Lenin change the classic Marxist view of revolution?
Lenin argued that because of the spread of international capitalism, a proletariat was developing worldwide in advance of industrialization
Which group of Russia Marxists supported Lenin's approach to revolution?
What was the Duma?
National parliament
How did Tokugawa Shogunate operate politically in the nineteenth century?
continued to combine central bureaucracy with semi-feudal alliances between the regional daimyos and samurai
Which Asian country had the highest literacy rate before Westernization?
Which group advocated interest in Western scientific advances in Japan?
Dutch Studies
Who opened Japan, forcefully, in 1853?
Commodore Matthew Perry
What were the political reforms instituted by the Japanese during the Meiji period?
- abolishing feudalism
- replacing daimyos
- sent samurais abroad
- Meiji ministers abolished samurai class
- army based on national conscription
- created new conservative nobility
- bureaucracy reorganized
What were the similarities between Russian and Japanese industrialization?
scare capital and the unfamiliarity of new technology seemed to compel state direction, as occurred in Russia at the same time
What allowed American popular culture to be spread around the world in the second half of the 20th century?
Hollywood film companies began to set up distribution branches in Australia, Latin America, and Asia
How did the West view their involvement with other peoples before 1914?
Imperialists believed that Western leadership was bringing new enlightenment to the inferior peoples of the rest of the world.
What institutions (ex. Red Cross) were created during the latter part of 19th century?
- Solve situation of aiding wounded soldiers in war
-International science conferences,
International industrial fairs,
Olympics, postal service
What was a weakness in international movement prior to World War I?
Based heavily on Western dominance and control of empires,
Internationalization gained ground at the same time that nationalism was rising in Europe and elsewhere
What court was created at the Hague in 1899?
World Court
What part of Europe produced the most crises prior to WWI?
What two European powers were directly involved in Balkan diplomacy?
Russia and Austria
What events lead to the outbreak of WWI?
- assassination of Archduke
- Austria war on Serbia
- Germany and Austria alliances
- Germany was scared bc Russia was mobilizing
Sea warfare during WWI consisted largely of ____________________________.
How effective was trench warfare? Why?
miles of trench with high causality and little gain
Who were the primary combatants on the Italian front?
Italy and Austria
What areas were included in the warfare on the Eastern front?
Balkans and Western Russia
How was the home front involved in the war effort?
total war
How did Americans profit from WWI?
Americans sell and lent to fighting countries (i think she said combatant or something?)
What nation profited the most by warfare in Asia between 1914 and 1919?
What was the Ottoman Empire's involvement in WWI? What happened to them after WWI?
- Supported the Germans
- Ottoman Empire ended
The British promised support for a Jewish settlement in the Middle East in what document?
Balefor Declaration
How did WWI affect Russian politics?
pressure cause revolution, toppled Czar government, Lenin came to power
When was the treaty of Bret-Litovsk signed?
March 1918
In what year did the Germans on the Western Front sue for peace?
How did German generals change Germany politically immediately before they surrendered?
new civilian government
The series of treaties ending World War I were negotiated at _____.
Versailles Palace
What were some of the aspects of the treaties that ended WWI?
- France got Alsace and Lorraine
- Settlement of all nationalist issues and a new League of Nations
- Conflicting interests and domestic public opinion
Approximately, how many people died as a result of WWI?
10 million
How was the Ottoman Empire “carved up” after WWI?
collapsed; Italy and Greece tried, but divided up by the United Nations
How effective was the League of Nations after WWI? Why?
Little more than a discussion group
The Great Depression began in __.
October 1929
What were the causes of the Great Depression?
over production, war caused inflation, America borrowed a lot of money, economic barriers, low investment, industry fell, low employment and wages
What was the extent of the unemployment?

Of the world powers, which was least affected by the Great Depression?
- Lost 1/3 of blue collar workers
- Russia
How did the depression affect Japan?
No imports, fuel or raw materials
How did Joseph Stalin regard the Great Depression?
The Great Depression was a result of imperialism and capitalism
How had Japan’s government changed after 1937?
expanded military
In 1931, Japan declared ______ an independent state?
Adolph Hitler was the leader of what party?
Nazis/ Nationalist Socialist Party
How did Hitler come to power in Germany?
legally, abolished parliament, made himself leader of a new totalitarian state
Who led fascist Italy?
What nation aided the republican forces during the Spanish Civil War?
Soviet Union and Germany
Prime Minister Chamberlain followed a policy of _______ in Munich (1939).
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in ___?

By the summer of 1940, what was the status of France and who ruled in Vichy?
- December 7, 1941
- Most of France was in the hands of the Germans
When Germany invaded ______, the balance of war in Europe shifted?
Why did Japan eventually surrender?
atomic bomb
Where were conferences held to determine the fate of Europe after WWII?
Tehran, Yalta, Postdam Conference
What were the results of the peace treaties signed after WWII?
- Tehran: Opened up France
- Yalta: Soviets help U.S. vs. Japan, and wanted to destroy German industrial power, but Britain resisted
- Postdam: Soviets took over E. Poland, who over took E. Germany. Germany had to sign peace treaty with Austria, U.S. and Soviets. Japan's treaty was separate
- Korean was divide but split up into North and South
- Asian colonies were returned to "old masters"
- China regained former territories
Which Nations lost their independence after WWII?
Latvia, Lithuania, Istonia
What famous term was coined by Winston Churchill describing the division between free and repressed societies?
Iron Curtain
Where was the focal point of the Cold War in Europe immediately after WWII?
Berlin, Germany