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32 Cards in this Set

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What types of technological improvement occurred during the 15th century in Western Europe and what was the effect?
Europeans developed a lot of naval technology
1. Better ships capable of carrying heavy armaments
2. Compass for navigation (copied from Arabs who learned it from Chinese
3. Mapmaking improved
4. Knowledge of explosives, which was adapted into gunnery

Military advantage over other civilizations, capability to sail farther.
Who was Henry the Navigator?
Henry the Navigator was a Portuguese prince who organized a series of expeditions along the African coast and outward islands.

Expeditions brought back slaves, spices, and gold
Cape of Good Hope
Portuguese sailors ventured around it in an attempt to find India to give them a more direct access to spices and luxury cloths.
Why did the Portuguese redouble its exploration efforts?
They redoubled after hearing of Columbus' discovery of America for Spain hoping to stave off new Spanish competition.
Why did the Portuguese face Muslim hostility?
Muslims long dominated the trade in this part of the world
What did the Portuguese trade?
- Crude goods like iron pots
- Gold
- returned with small load of spices
Vasco de Gama
- First European explorer to reach India by sea
- Success set in motion an annual series of Portuguese voyages to Indian Ocean
Whose rule was Spain freed from in 1492?
Ferdinand Magellan
- First trip around world
- Basis of first trip that Spain claimed Philippines
To which countries was the lead in exploration passed and why?
- Spain and Portugal too busy digesting gains
- France, England, new monarchies
- Britain and Holland strove to rival Catholic gains
- Northern Europeans, particularly the Dutch and British, improved design of ships
Where did the northern European expeditions aim?
- Mainly northward, as not to challenge Spain and Portugal
- Only in sugar-rich West Indies did northern Europeans claim land initially Spain's
Dutch East India Company, British East India Company
-Companies given government monopolies of trade in regions designated, not rigorously supervised
- Right to raise armies and coin money on their own
- Long acted like almost independent governments

- Effectively ruled Taiwan
- Effectively ruled parts of India
What did the Columbian Exchange bring and what was its effect?
Disease that affected:
- millions of Native Americans, who were not previously exposed to Afro-Eurasian diseases. Over half N and S Native Populations dies
- Polynesians and Pacific Coast peoples

- Crops and new agricultural technology that triggered population increases
- Animal husbandry
Core nations
Supplemented their growing economic prowess by self-serving political policies
Urged that a nation-state not import goods from outside empire but sell exports as widely as possible on own ships
How did sub-Saharan Africa mainly enter the slave trade?
- Mainly as supplier of slaves
- Europeans in return traded manufactured items, including guns
How were Latin America and Africa involved in the international economy?
- Many peasants not involved in market economy at all, rather produced for local subsistence with traditional motives and methods
- Most landlords' wealth there did not stimulate much local manufacturing or general economic advance
What type of labor did dependent economies rely on and why?
- Coercive labor spread because they relied on cheap production
- Because of population loss, they began to import slaves from Africa
What was China's role in the world economy and how did they benefit or not?
- Avoided involvement in international trade
- Copied some firearm manufacturing from Europeans
- Extensive government regulation
- Chinese manufacturing led to strong export position
What were Japan and Korea's involvement in the world economy?
- Initially attracted, then pulled back
- Fascinated in advances in gunnery and shipping
- Cut off most trade after developing own manufacturing, entered a period of almost complete isolation

- Pulled back as well
Mughal Empire
- Interested in Western traders, encouraged establishment of small port colonies
- Western traders advanced into India as they fell apart
How did Britain protect its own cotton industry?
- Passed tariff on cloth imports from India
How was Eastern Europe brought into the world economy?
- Growth of cities in West created growing demand for imported grains that was bet by eastern Europe
- Grains produced by serfs
Vasco de Balboa
- Established first colony in mainland Panama
Francisco Pizarro
- Expanded with use of violent means
- Gained Spanish king's support and attacked divided Incan empire to create new capital called Lima
Louis XIV
- Launched first substantial European settlements in Canada under French government
- One of the best absolute monarchists
Why did Calvinists and other religious settlers develop colonies in Americas?
To escape religious tensions in Europe
Seven Years' War
- Worldwide colonial struggle between France and Britain
- Settled under Treaty of Paris, in which France regained land while Britain took control of Canada and Mississippi basin

-Created strained relations between British officials and French Canadian community in Canada
Where were the Dutch, British, and French more attached to in their conquests and why?
- Dutch more attached to Asian conquests
- British and French valued West Indian holdings more than North American colonies because the value of N.A. products were not nearly as great as those of Caribbean or Latin America
- Resulted in some merchant and manufacturing activities among new Americans themselves
How did the European colonists interact with the Native Americans in North America?
Although they learned and interacted with the Native Americans, they feared and mistreated them.
What types of family patterns did Europeans have in the Americas?
- Nuclear family unit
- American colonists married slightly earlier, had larger families, unusual concern for children
Cape Colony
- Europeans usually deterred from creating colonies in Africa due to disease, climate, and nonnavigatable rivers
- Cape Colony planted by Dutch