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32 Cards in this Set

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The Na+/K+ pump moves ___ out and ___ in
Moves 3 Na+ out and 2 K+ in
Calcium is controlled by these two pumps
Ca2+, Mg2+ ATPase and Na+Ca+ exchanger
DSM-IV Axis I describes
Acute (state) disorder
DSM Axis II describes
Personality Disorders
DSM Axis III describes
general medical conditions
DSM Axis IV describes
Psychosocial and Environmental Stress
DSM Axis V describes
Assessment of Functioning
DSM Personality Disorder name association
Cluster A
Cluster B
Cluster C
Cluster A- Odd or Eccentric (schizoid)
Cluster B- Dramatic (Borderline)
Cluster C- Anxious or Fearful (OCD)
Social Phobia Axis I is associated with what Axis II
Schizophrenia of Axis I is associated with what in Axis II
Cluster A schizoid
Somatoform disorders are associated with what Axis II
Histronic from cluster B
Bipolar disorder is associated with what Axis II
Borderline of cluster B
Compare N2 and N1 nicotinic receptors
N2 are in skeletal muscle
N3 are in neurons
Muscarinic receptors are G protein or Ion coupled?
G protein coupled
Cells of the heart have what muscarinc receptor?
Which Muscarinic receptors are typically inhibitory? Which excitatory?
M2,4 inhibitory
M1 3 5 excitatory
Name two enzymes that degrade catecholamines- which is intracellular, extracellular?
Monoamine oxidase is intracellular
Catechol o methytransferase is extracellular
These adrenergic receptors are GPCR, stimulated by norepinephrine and epinephrine, found in vascular smooth muscle, iris, GI and urinary sphincters, and are excitatory
Alpha 1
Which adrenergic receptor is for vasodilation in coronary arteries and vascular supply to skeletal muscle
Beta 2
These adrenergic receptors respond to NE and Epi, are GPRC, primarily inhibitory, and located on presynaptic nerve terminals
Alpha 2
Beta 1 receptor is typically excitatory or inhibitory
excitatory, it stimulates Adenylyl cyclase activity
Are Beta 2 excitatory or inhibitory
mostly inhibitory, they are on most tissues and lead to relaxation of smooth muscle
What are the two major projection systems in the CNS of Ach
Reticular activating- cell bodies in the pedunculopontine tegmental region

Basal forebrain in the nucleus basalis

Also cholinergic interneurons in striatum
Noradrenergic neurons are located in the
locus coeruleus part of the reticular activating system
Dopamine cell bodies are present in the midbrain including (3)
substantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, retrorubral field
between MAO a and b which has a higher affinity for dopamine
Does the thalamic reticular nucleus use glutamate?
no. it is exclusively GABA
Is glycine excitatory or inhibitory?
What is reversal potential?
The equilibrium potential for a single ion
What is the DBS target for dystonia
Thalamus VIM
What is the target of DBS for an essential tremor?
What is stimulated for OCD in DBS?