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71 Cards in this Set

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Hemiballismus shows what clinical features and which side in relation to lesion
wild flinging movements of extremities contralateral to lesion in the basal ganglia
This motor system runs throughout the entire cord
lateral corticospinal tract
Main branches of internal carotid include
Posterior Communication
Anterior choroidal
Anterior Cerebral
Middle Cerebral
The cortex on the medial surface from the frontal to anterior parietal lobes including the medial sensorimotor cortex is supplied by what artery?
Anterior Cerebral Artery
The cortex on the lateral frontal lobe is typically supplied by (does most of the dorsolateral part of the brain)
The Middle Cerebral Artery
The inferior medial temporal lobes and occipital cortex is supplied by what artery?
The posterior cerebral
In the saggital fissure and around the cingulate gyrus the blood supply is from?
A2 a branch of the Anterior Cerebral Artery
Deep nuclei in the brain are supplied by which artery
The caudate and putamen are supplied by what arteries?
The head of the caudate and anterior part of the putamen- ACA
the body of the caudate and putamen- MCA
the tail of the caudate- Anterior Choroidal
The basal ganglia and internal capsule get blood supply in general from this branch
lenticulostriate from the MCA
Territory of the Anterior Choroidal artery includes
globus pallidus, putamen, thalamus, and posterior limb of internal capsule
A lacunar infarct in either the lenticulostriate or anterior choroidal causes
contralateral hemiparesis
The anterior head of caudate and the nucleus accumbens is supplied with blood from
Recurent Artery of Hubner
The posterior limb of the internal capsule is supplied by
Anterior Choroidal Artery
The Anterior Choroidal Artery is a branch of
direct branch of the ICA
Structures in the diencephalon like the thalamus and hypothalamus are supplied by this artery
Posterior Cerebral
The calcarine fissure or primary visual cortex gets blood supply from
Axons of the optic nerve from both eyes synapse _laterally on pretectal neurons in the ____
bilaterally on pretectal neurons in the superior colliculus of midbrain
CN III exits the ventral brainstem in the ___ by which two arteries?
Interpeduncular fossa
Oculumotor palsy and damage to motor of consensual light reflex could be from an aneurysm to which arteries
A Marcus-Gunn pupil describes
An afferent pupillary defect where the eye will fail to constrict when light stimulus is applied but will react consensual with light in good eye
A pupillary constriction response that is markedly less to light stimulation than accomodation is called
A light-near dissociation or an Argyl Robertson pupil
3 classic signs of Horner's Syndrome
ptosis, miosis, and anhidrosis
Ansicoria means
pupillary asymmetry
Does an UMN or LMN lesion spare the forehead?
UMN lesions that affect the face present as
contralateral weakness below forehead
A lesion of one of these 2 pathways would caused decreased corneal reflex
trigeminal sensory, facial nerve on ipsilateral eye
Right face, arm, and leg weakness with hyperrflexia and Babinski sign most likely represents damage to
the Left Corticobulbar and Corticospinal tract of the internal capsule
Major ouput nuclei of the basal ganglia circuitry (2)
Globus Pallidus Internal and Substantia Nigra pars Raticulata
Stimulating GPi will result in
a decrease of motor activity
Prominent portion of the striatum for planning and revising motor plans
What projects dopamine to the striatum
substantia nigra
Neurotransmitter used by GPi
In the Direct pathway dopamine works on (D1 or D2 receptors) on spiny neurons in putamen that use (substance P or enkephalin) along with GABA
Direct Pathway is D1 receptors and Substance P with GABA
Why does loss of SNc neurons cause Parkinson's clinical features?
Snc uses dopamine, without dopamine the direct pathway cannot be stimulated to make movement
Indirect pathway uses substance P or enkephalin with GABA
enkephalin with GABA
Stimulation of STN on the GPi is normally restrained by
How is the indirect pathway inhibited in normal conditions
Dopamine from SNc binds D2 receptors and inhibit their firing
At the onset of Parkinson's is dementia evident?
No. it may come about later but not always
Why is carbidopa given with levodopa?
Carbidopa is a decarboxylase inhibitor that cannot cross blood/brain barrier, it ensures that dopamine only goes to CNS and not periphery
This drug works by inhibiting the breakdown of dopamine
Patient with involuntary wild flinging movement in the right arm and leg likely has what clinical syndrome and where is the lesion
likely hemiballismus
Problem with the indirect pathway, clinical localization- left STN or straitum
What region of the brain are the nuclei for CN III IV and VI
CN III and IV are in the midbrain
CN VI is in the caudal pons
When the eye is ADDucted what pulls the eye up and down
Superior and Inferior Oblique
When the eye is ABDucted what pulls the eye up and down
Superior and Inferior Rectus
Findings in occulomotor palsy
Eye position
Eye is down and out
Eyelid droops because lavetor palpebrae is denervated
Pupil is Dilated and unresponsive
Occulomotor palsy may result from aneurysm in which artery?
A painful occulomotor palsy that involves the pupil is a classic sign of
Verticle diplopia that worsens when the eye is Adducted is a sign of
Trochlear Nerve Palsy
In right trochlear nerve palsy the head is usually tilted
down and to the left
Horizontal diplopia is a sign of
Abducens palsy
Pontine infarcts can cause ipsi or contra lateral problems with the abducens
Cortical injury can impair eye movement in ___ direction resulting in gaze preference ___ the side of injury
impair movement in contralateral direction, gaze is toward the side of injury and away from the side of paralysis
Right way eyes describe
eyes move away from paralyzed side toward the cortical injury
A lesion of the pons hits the gaze center ipsilateral or contralateral and the lateral cortical spinal tract before or after decussation
ipsilateral, before decussation
Describe wrong way eyes
eyes move toward the paralyzed side away from the brainstem injury
Fast phase saccades are distrubed by lesions in th
frontal cortex
CN III exits ___
Ventral midbrain
CN V exits
Ventral Pons
Pontine/Medullary junction
ventral medulla
In the ventricles the anterior horn extends into the
Frontal Lobes
The posterior horn of the ventricles extends into the
occipital lobe
The inferior horn of the lateral ventricle extends into the
temporal lobe
A weigert stain stains ___ black
stains myelin fibers black so gray matter is left a lighter shade of gray
Spinal trigeminal nucleus is located and conveys what information
Located in medulla and caudal pons
relays pain
The Cheif Trigeminal is located __ and conveys what information
located in the middle of the pons, relays vibration
The trigeminal motor nucleus is medial or latreal to the principal
Where is the mesencephalic nucleus located and what does it relay
located in midbrain
not a relay nucleus these synapse to convey proprioception
Axons of retinal cells involved in pupillary light reflex enter what part of the brainstem and where do they terminate
Superior Colliculus
terminate at pretectal nucleus
Are seizures a problem with cortex subcortex brainstem or cerebellum