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62 Cards in this Set

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Most common cervical radiculopathy
What are clinical signs of a C7 radiculopathy
triceps weakness
triceps tendon hyporeflexi
third finger sensory abnormality
Name the two major divisions of the prosencephalon
prosencephalon=forebrain divided into telencephalon and diencephalon
The Telencephalon contains
Cerebral Hemispheres including cerebral cortex and basal ganglia
The Diencephalon includes
Thalamus and Hypothalamus
The mesencephalon refers to the __ and includes
refers to the midbrain includes
Rhombencephalon refers to the __ and includes these divisions
Hindbrain, includes
Myelencephalon refers to
the Medulla
Metencephalon refers to the
Pons and Cerebellum
The ventral surface of the midbrain contains ____ while the dorsal surface contains___
Ventral- Cerebral Peduncles
Dorsal- Superior/Inferior Colliculus
The dorsal column contains fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus that synapse in what region of the brain? Name the nuclei and functions
medulla within the nucleus gracilis (legs) and nucleus cuneatus (arms)
In the vibration pathway the second order neurons cross to form the ____
Medial Lemniscus
The Medial Lemniscus synpases in the ___ of the thalamus
Ventral Posterior Lateral
Which is more medial the nucleus gracilis or cuneatus?
Motor Fibers mostly cross in the
medulla in the pyramids
The retina and optic nerve are CNS telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, or myelencephalon structures?
The aqueduct of sylvius is surrounded dorsally by ___ and ventrally by ___
dorsal- midbrain tectum
ventratl the midbrain tegmentum
The 4th ventricle is surrounded dorsally by the ___ and ventrally by the___
dorslaly- cerebellum
Ventrally- Pons and Medulla
The precentral gyrus belongs in which lobe?
The postcentral gyrus belongs in which lobe?
Where is the primary auditory cortex
in the superior temporal gyrus within the sylvian fissure
where is the primary visual cortex?
Striate cortex in the calcarine fissure of the occipital lobe
Where does the primary auditory cortex get blood supply?
Middle Cerebral Artery
Where does the primary visual cortex get blood supply?
Posterior Cerebral Artery
What is agnosia
objects lose meaning, vision can recognize objects like a char or a hat but they are not known as shapes
Turn the normal directions clockwise or counterclockwise to get the right forebrain designations?
Turn Left Handed Counterclockwise
The internal capsule is telencephalic or diencephalic?
Which sensory information has direct cortical connections?
Smell, the Olfactory tract
Sensory information from the body goes to the VPL, VPM, LGN, or MGN in the thalamus
Sensory information from the face goes to the VPL, VPM, LGN, or MGN
What kind of information goes to the lateral geniculate nucleus in the thalamus
visual information
what kind of information goes to the medial geniculate nucleus in the thalamus?
Basal ganglia project to what region on the thalamus
VA and VL
Cerebellum projects to which region of the thalamus
The limbic structures project to which part of the thalamus
medial and anterior groups
The Amygdala is located in the ___ of the ___ gyrus
what role does it play
uncus of the parahippocampal gyrus
role in emotions and drives
What forms the nucleus accumbens
the ventral striatum
Lateral to thalamus and under the thalamus is the
Subthalamic nuclei
Which nucleus serves as a relay for cerebellar input to motor regions of the cortex
Ventral Lateral Thalamus
Foramen of Monro drains to the
Third Ventricle
Foramina of Lushka are
2 lateral foramina that the CSF uses to escape 4th ventricle
Nucleus Solitarius is a sensory nucleus for ___ of CN ______
Nucleus Ambiguus is a motor nucleus for __ of CN __
skeletal muscle in pharnx CN IX X
Trigeminal Spinal Nucleus is a relay for __ in CN
pain all cranial nerves especially V VII IX X
PICA is a branch of
vertebral artery
AICA is a branch of
Basilar artery
AICA has a relationship with CN
Blood supply of dorsal and lateral midbrain is mostly
superior cerebellar and posterior cerebral
Preganglionic sympathetics are found at spinal cord level
An UMN lesion on the left side results in what features on the face
Weakness contralateral below the eye
LMN lesion results in Bell's palsy with what features on the face
ipsilateral weakness throughout the whole face
What are the functions of the hypothalamus?
Acronym HEAL
The major source of descending output from the hypothalamus regulating ANS is
Paraventricular nucleus
Output from the hypothalamus travels in the
dorsolateral brainstem
What center does the medullary reticular formation contain?
Cardiac Center
Solitary Nucleus is a relay in the medulla for
local reflexes
Thalamus to cortex
Where is the repiratory center?
in the medulla
under reflexive control of the solitary nucleus
This region is associated most with memory
Limbic functions occur in these regions of the brain
cingulate gyrus, orbital frontal gyri, para-hippocampal gyrus
Within the para hippocampus gyrus are these two subcortical nuclei
Amygdala and hippocampus
The hypothalmus is located between the __ and ___
anterior commissure and optic chiasm
The Loop of Papez is used to
Consolidate memory