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72 Cards in this Set

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Prevacid – lansoprazole
"Cat: Heartburn/GERD/Acid Reflux
Action: blocks irreversibly the atp-ase at the exchange pump.
Indication: duodenal ulcers, h-pylori infection (explosive bloody diarrhea), gastric ulcers esp due to NSAID use, GERD, erosive esophagitis, hypersecretory syndrome (Zollinger-Ellison – too much acid leading to digesting yourself)
Contraindication:liver disease, pku (phenoketonuria)
Side Effect: hypochlorydria (b12, calc processing affected)
Interactions: co-Rx w/antibiotics for h-pylori infections, may decrease absorption of oral meds
Pregnancy: Category B
Prevacid – lansoprazole
Cat: Heartburn/GERD/Acid Reflux
Action: blocks irreversibly the atp-ase at the exchange pump.
Indication: duodenal ulcers, h-pylori infection (explosive bloody diarrhea), gastric ulcers esp due to NSAID use, GERD, erosive esophagitis, hypersecretory syndrome (Zollinger-Ellison – too much acid leading to digesting yourself)
Contraindication:liver disease, pku (phenoketonuria)
Side Effect: hypochlorydria (b12, calc processing affected)
Interactions: co-Rx w/antibiotics for h-pylori infections, may decrease absorption of oral meds
Pregnancy: Category B
Prilosec - omeprazole
Action:same as Preacid
Indication: same as Preacid
Contraindication: liver disease
Side Effect: same as preacid
Interactions: co-rx for h pylori, atazanovir
Pregnancy: Category C
H2 Blockers (Histamine Receptor Antagonists)
Gastrin and ACH stimulate ECL stomach cells. ECH produce histamine which affects h2 receptors on parietal cells resulting in ST acid.
Pepcid – famotidine
Action: h2 blocker
Indication: same as prevacid
Contraindication: kd disease
Side Effect: hypochlorhydria
Interactions: zero
Pregnancy: Category B
Zantac – ranitidine hydochloride
Action: h2 blocker
Indication:same as prevacid
Contraindication: renald disease
Side Effect: hypochlorydria
Interactions: 0
Pregnancy: Category B
Reglan - metoclopramide
Action: stimulate upper GI track to increase motility without increasing secretion of ST acid.
Indication: diabetic gastric stasis, co rx with antiemetics (preventing vomiting) for ppl w/ chemo, imaging
Contraindication: GI hemorrhaging, obstructions, perforations, epilepsy
Side Effect: rarely dystonic reaction, tardive dyskinesia
Interactions:narcotics analgesics, anticholinergics
Pregnancy: Category B
Tums – calcium carbonate
Action: neutralizes stomach acid
Indication: heartburn, “sour stomach”, calcium deficient
Contraindication: hypercalcemia
Side Effect:
Pregnancy: Category C
Rolaids – magnesium hydroxide
Action:neutralizes ST acid
Indication: heartburn, sour stomach
Contraindication: hypermagnesemia
Side Effect:0
Interactions: 0
Kaopectate – bismuth subsalicylate
Action: gastric anti-inflam
Indication: indigestion, nausea, abdominal cramping, diarrhea,
Contraindication: viral infection in children
Side Effect: constipation
Interactions: decrease absorption of oral meds, affects insulin
Pregnancy: Category B
Pepto Bismo
Action: gastric anti-inflam
Indication: indigestion, nausea, abdominal cramping, diarrhea,
Contraindication: viral infection in children
Side Effect: constipation
Interactions: decrease absorption of oral meds, affects insulin
Pregnancy: Category B
Ipecac Syrup
Action: emetic
Indication: drug overdoses, certain kinds of poisonings
Contraindication: semi or unconscious, pregnant, lactating, ingested substance was a corrosive or a petroleum distillate (gas).
Side Effect: cardiac disturbances, dehydration
Interactions:milk, carbonated bev, activated charcoal
Pregnancy: Category C
Diabetes Mellitus
Normal insulin response
Eat food -> pancreas stimulated -> beta cells release insulin -> sugar break down -> glucose moves to liver -> stored as glycogen
Insulin dependent and noninsulin dependent
Type 1 Diab
• Usually genetic
• Can be triggered by exposure to toxin or autoimmune response
o Immune system attacking beta cells
• Initial Sx: hyperglycemia, increased thirst or hunger, increase urination, weight loss, fatigue, eventual ketoacidosis
• All due to insufficient insulin
• Tx: insulin injection, diet and exercise
Type 2 Diab
• Developed, not genetic
• Initially insulin resistant; too much sugar in system over time, sugar start to ignore insulin
• Cannot use the insulin they create
• Feedback loop is down regulated leading to decreased insulin production and becomes like type 1 diabetes
• Initial sx: hypoglycemia (all stored in liver), fatigue, blurred vision, delayed healing, numbness and tingling in feet and hand, recurring yeast infection
• Eventually to blindness, renal failure, and liver failure
Exubera (Humilin)
• Act: decreases blood glucose by increasing perip uptake, inhibit liver glucose prod, fast acting, aerosol; should be on maint med as well
• Ind: type 1, uncontrolled type 2
• Contra: hypoglycemia, smokes
• Side: hypoglycemia
• Type 2 diab
• Action: decrease blood glucose production, dec basal and postprandial glucose level, inc absorp of glucose, inc insulin sensitivity,
• Ind: type 2 diab, wont cause too much insulin, hypoglycemia
• Contra: renal disease, metabolic acidosis, ketoacidosis
• Side: rae: renal dis, lactic acidosis
• Inter: alcohol, diuretics, corticosteroid, estrogens, ca chann blockers
• Preg B
Test for tsh, t3, t4
Hyperthyroid – autoimmune against tsh receptors on thyroid gland, goiter, growth on neck
Hypothyroidism – autoimmune against thyroid (hashimoto), surgical remove og thyroid gland
Tx: supplement with thy hormone
Action: inc metabolic rate
Ind: hypothyroidism or tsh suppression
Contra: acute ml, addision, hyroditoxicosis
Side: palp, angina, headache, nervous, diarr, wt loss, mens irr, sweating, fever, decrease bone density
Int: inc anticoag effect, iron supp
Action: inc metabolic rate
Ind: hypothyroidism
Contra: preg, breast feeding
Sideinhib myeopoisus
Int: inc anticoag effect, iron supp
A: inc met rate
Ind: hypothy, tsh supp
Contra: uncontrolled adrenal insuff
Side: in female, incr bone loss
Inter: cant take with anacid, glucocort, soybean flour, cotton seed meal, walnuts
Preg A
Act: anti-thyr med leads to dec thyr h prod
Ind: hyperhty
Contra: nursing/preg casuing congenital cretinism (myxedema)
Side: agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, hepatic necrosis, encephalopathy, death, thrombocytopenia
Inter: inc anticoag effects
Preg D
A: recomb tsh -> stim inc t2, t4 prod
Ind: diag tool combine w/radioactive iodine imaging, mri or ct-> ablation surgery
Contra: zero
Side: nausea, HA
Inter: 0 w/other thyroid h
Preg c
Ortho tricycle
Fools body into thinking it’s pregnant
A: inhib ovulation
Ind: prevent of preg
Contra: deep vien thrombosis, cad, migraine, breast cancer, herpese, preg
Side: dec free testosresrone, dec acne, inc weight gain, dec pms symp, inc moodiness, inc breast size
Int: smoking
Premarin: estrogen replacement (estradiol)
Ind: menopausal sx
Contra: cardiovasc disease caution for stroke
Side: inc risk of cv events, endometrial ca
Inter: grapefruit juice
Preg X
A: inhib osteoclast active
Ind: osteoporosis due to aging or med use, paget’s disease (thicken soft part of bones)
CI: esophagitis, hypocalcemia, renal insuff
side: esophagitis, severe bone or muscle pain, osteonecrosis of jaw, must stay upright at least 30 min after admin
inter: calcium effecting drugs, calc chan blockers, antacids, safe with hormone replacement therapy (maybe lower dose of fosamax), NSAIDs and aspirins increase esophagitis
preg C
A: inhib osteoclast active
Ind: osteoporosis in post menopausal and male due to aging, Paget’s, CI: upper GI irreg, hypocalcemia, renal insuff, osteopnecrosis of jaw, muscle pain, renal
inter: calcium effecting drugs, calc chan blockers, antacids, safe with hormone replacement therapy (maybe lower dose of fosamax), NSAIDs and aspirins increase esophagitis
preg C
A: Vit D2 action
Ind: vit D deficiency
ci: hypercalcemia, vit d toxicity (rare)
side: drowsiness, aches, stiffness
inter: multivitamins
prec C
Normal immune function
1. Nonspecific immune response: exposure to unknown antigen – macrophages (WBC) swallow + killer antigen, large scale attack ensues
2. Acquired immune response: exposure to known antigen -> activated t cells notify macrophages -> kill antigen with moderated attack
Auto Immune Disease
immune system recognizes self as antigen
Hypersensitivity reaction
immune system over reacts or reacts to non-antigen stimuli w/an immune response
Over-rx of antibiotics
Antibiotics don’t kill bacteria
Gram Staining
Gram pos and neg
ind: bact infection of ear, nose, throat, genital/urinary, skin, lower RespTrackInfections, uncomplicated gonorrhea, h.pylori infection
ci: hypersensitivity to peni, cephalosporin, imipenem, severe pneumonia, empyema, bacteremia, pericarditis, meningitis, acute purulent/septic arthristis
side: false pos on certain lab tests, HA, gi complaints, urticaria, vulvovag infection, hematologic changes, hepatic stress, cdad (claustric diff assoc diarrhea)
inter: co rx w/clarithromycin or lansoprazole (prevacid), decrease effective of oral contracept, sulfonamides, decrease effect of tetracyc
preg B
Cephalosporin – keflex
ind: bact inf of resp track, ear, skin, bone, GU
ci: hypersensitivity not indicated for enterococci, enterobacter, morganella morgani, proteus vulgaris, pseudomonas, acinebacter
side: poss sensi to peni, cdad, false pos in lab, prothrombin time decreases
inter: metformin, probenacid
preg B
Bacitracin – ophthalmologic
ind: superficial eye infection
ci: systemic infection
inter: none known
side: fungal overgrowth in eye
oral or surgical deposited
Ind: cdi, staph, enterocolitis, severe bact, sens to peni
ci: hypersens, ototoxic meds
side: ototoxicity (kills hair in ear), nephrotocicity, hypotension, urticaria, nausea
inter: increase effect of muscle relax meds, incompat with IV alkaline therapy
preg C
ind: acne, resp track infection, gi, gu when peni contraind
ci: renal disease
side: photosensi (easy to burn), fungi growth, decrease prothrombin act, gi upset, teeth discoloration, skin reactions, renal toxicity, liver toxicity, intracranial hypertension, hem changes
inter: peni, antacids, oral contra
preg D
Azithromycin (z-packs)
ind: Chlamydia, mycobacterial infections in HIV pts (gentler)
ci: liver diseas, not indi for syphilis, or gonorrhea
side: hypersens, gi upset, CV sx, skin rx, thrombocytopenia
inter: antacids
preg B
inhib bact DNA transcription
ind: anthrax infection, ITI, cystitis, prostatis, lower rti, sinustitis, bone joint inf, intra abdominal, e coli, typhoid fever, other uncompl diarrhea
ci: coadmin of tizanadine (muscle relax) and not ind for syphilis
side: inhib caffeine clearance, tendon effects (weakened tendon causing it to rip from bony insertion), cns sx, renal impairments, photosens, prothrombin time decrease
inter: antacids, grapefruit juice, nsaids (with high doses cause convulsion)
Preg C
Levofloxacin – Levaquin
ind: nosocomial/community acquired pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis, skin infections, prstatitis, UTI’s, anthrax infections
ci: hyper sensitivity
side: hepatotox, tendon effects, cns sx, cdad, neuropathy, cv effects, photosens, change in glucose levels, changes in lab test values
int: antacids, multivitamins, antidiabetic meds, nsaids in high doses (convulsions)
prec C
Septra-bactrim – trimethoprin/sulfamethoxazole
ind: uti’s
ci: folate deficiency, co-admin of septra or bactrim
side: cdad, blood disorders, skin rashes, gi upset, cns symptoms, renal impairment
ind: tb
ci: hypersens
side: change in lab test vals, cv sx, cns sx, skin reactions, vision, gi upset, renal failure, hematologic, red/orange tinge to bodily fluids (incl tears)
int: oral contrac, antifungal, beta blockers, corticosterioids, cyclosporine (increase tear production), anticoag
preg C
ind: tb
ci: hypersensl, liver disease
side: hepatotox, cns sx, gi upset, hematologic changes
ind: food, acetaminophen
preg C
Fluconazole – diflucan
ind: vaginal candidiasis, oropharyngeal/esopha candidias, cryptococcal meningitis, prophylaxis prior to transplant
ci: co prescprip of terfenidine, cisapride (prolonged QT interval)
side: hepatotox, anaphylaxis, skin infections
int: oral contra, rifampin, warfarin, cyclosporine, hypoglycemic, terfenadine, cisnpride
preg C
Terbinafine – Lamisil
ind: onychomycosis or nails with tinea (fungus) unguinium
ci: chronic liver disease, renal impairment, systemic lupus erhty. (sle)
side: liver failure, sever skin rash, neutropenia
int: caffeine, warfarin, rifampin, cyclosporine
preg B
Miconazole – monistat
ind: vulvovag candiasis
ci:concurrent latex use (it can break latex), 1st trimester of pregnancy
side: minor HA, cramping, burning, itching at site of admin
int: none known
preg C
Foscavir (iv admin)
ind: retinititis in AIDS patients, HSV (herpes simplex) if patient is a cyclovir-resistent
ci: none; side: renal tox, hypocalcemia, phospatemia, hypomanganesemia, hypokalemia, seizures, genital ulceration, anemia; int: medi that affects calcium and meds that cause renal tox
preg C
ind: hiv patients, pregnant women to prevent fetal transmission
ci: co rx other hiv meds (trizivir, combivir)
side: bone marrow suppression, anemia, neutropenia, skin rashes, myopathy, lactic acidosis, hepatomegaly, fat redistrib – cushingoid
int: interferon alpha, stavodine, doxorubicin, ganciclovir; preg C
ind: herpes simplex (hsv) genital, chicken pox, herpes zoster (shingles)
ci: renal imp
side: renal failure, hemat changes
inter: probenacid
preg B
worms from fecal-oral root or undercooked meat
Cestodes and trimatodes
are tapeworms and flukes – fecal oral under cooked meat
amoebas, from infected water (also giardia, malaria, schistosomiasis (snails)
trypanosmiasis – tse tse fly
destroy cancer cells
– epithelial cells
connectivie tissues origin
– hema origin
cells that are actively in cell cycle, affects nontarget, hair, bone marrow, intestinal epithelium (high cellular turnover),
Logarithmic doses
more and more with each dose. Cumulative effects on whole body, including immune system
growth of blood vessels which accompanies tumor growth, treat outermost tumor cells
Glucocorticoids and their role
• adrenal glands produce it
• inhibits wbc & mediator of secretion (histamines, eicosanoids, leukotrienes, cytokines)
Leukotrienes and their role:
• Airway smooth muscle contraction
• Increase edema
• Increase inflammatory response
inflammation in the airways
• Airway smooth muscle contraction
• Inflammation of airways
• Beta antagonist, short-acting, long-acting
Flovent (fluticasone)
Not emergency, take everyday, inhalation
Action: inhalation, oral corticosteroid -> decrease inflamm; not bronchial dilator
Indications: maintenance tx of asthma; does not take effect for 24hr after admin
Contraindications: acute asthma attack because it’s too slow
Side Effects: adrenal insuff, immune supp, bone loss, pharyngitis, HA, nasal congest, resp track infection because supp immune system in lungs
Interactions: other cortosteroids
Preg: Cat C
Action: tablet or inhalation, leukotriene receptor antagonist
Indications: maint tx of asthma, allergic rhinitis, exercise induced asthma
Contraindications: acute asthma, hep insuff
Side Effects: eosinophilic conditions, allergic reaction, more red
Interactions:none known
Preg: cat B
Action: inhalation aerosol -> decrease smooth muscle contraction and decrease inflam
Indications:maint tx asthma and copd
Contraindications: acute asthma attacks and deteriorating asthma (maint meds not working as well as before)
Side Effects: paradoxical bronchospasm, upper airway irritation, strider, immune supp, cardiovascular effects, adrenal supp, increase risk glaucoma, boneloss
Interactions: other long-acting bronchialdilators, maois + tricylclic antidep, beta blockers, loop + thiazide diuretics
Ventolin (albuterol)
rescue AND preventativeAction: aerosol inhaled, short-acting brondilaIndications: acute bronchospasm, maint tx for asthma over 4 yr old, exercise induced asthma preventionContraindications: sensitivitySide Effects: paradoxical bronchospasm, cardiovas effects, hypokalemia, aggra of diabetesInteractions:betablocker, maois, diureticsPreg: cat c
Sudaphed - pseudoephedrine
Action: vaso-constrict leading to less inflamm in nasal passage
Indications:nasal and Eustachian tube congestion due to seasonal allergies and mild upper resp track infection
Contraindications: hypertension, coronary art disease, co-prescription of maoi, breast feeding
Side Effects: increase BP, fatigue
Interactions:bp meds, maois, sodium bicarbonate
Preg: C
Prevacid – lansoprazole
Cat: Heartburn/GERD/Acid Reflux
Action: blocks irreversibly the atp-ase at the exchange pump.
Indication: duodenal ulcers, h-pylori infection (explosive bloody diarrhea), gastric ulcers esp due to NSAID use, GERD, erosive esophagitis, hypersecretory syndrome (Zollinger-Ellison – too much acid leading to digesting yourself)
Contraindication:liver disease, pku (phenoketonuria)
Side Effect: hypochlorydria (b12, calc processing affected)
Interactions: co-Rx w/antibiotics for h-pylori infections, may decrease absorption of oral meds
Pregnancy: Category B
Benadryl (diphenhydamine)
Action: antihistamine
Indications: sneezing, itchy eyes, itchy skin, runny eyes
Contraindications: none
Side Effects: fatigue/drowsy
Interactions: none
Preg: B