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15 Cards in this Set

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What happened in the terrible 3rd century?

military monarchy, had 22 emperors, very violent time with a lot of death.

How did the Romans recover from the terrible 3rd century?

Emperor Diocletian restored order and divided the empire into 4.

But a civil war happened after his death.

When and who made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire?

380 CE: Theodosius

What was the Importance of Christianity and the Church?

By the end of the 4th century CE Christianity had become the predominant religion in the roman world.

Christianity played a more important role in society.

Bishops start to handle things that would normally be handled by authorities.

Spread of Christianity


began as a desire to withdraw from the corruption of the world.

began in 3rd century CE in Egypt

Monasticism: 4th to 6th century

Monasticism spread. Monastic movement played a big role in spread of Christianity.

Saint Benedict of Nursia

Day passed in public prayer, private prayer, manual labour and study.

Monastic Life

Regularity, discipline and moderation.

Balance between asceticism and activity.

Benedictine Monastery at Obarra

monasteries provided schools, copied manuscripts and wrote books, studied herbalism and medicine.

Government used monks as administrators.

Tools that converted Pagans to christianity

3 of them. 1. Preaching: explain the basic teaching of Christianity and lifestyle.

2.Assimilation: stressed similarities between pagan lifestyle and christian beliefs.

3. Penitentials: manuals that listed sins and appropriate penance. Offered forgiveness.

Germanic Invasions

4th Century CE: the Huns come from the east. pressure the Germanic tribes who then pushed on Rome.

Start of 5th century CE: Britain fell to the Celts.

410 and 455 CE: Rome sacked.

476 CE: Romulus Augustulus deposed. Fall of the western half of roman empire. Tax base shrank, roads,bridges, aqueducts fell into disrepair.

Church survives.

Germanic transition to Christianity

The Germanic Pagans converted to Christianity

c. 500 CE: Clovis the king, converted

Roman and Germanic cultures blended

marriage between Germanics and Romans.

When and what was the Anglo-Saxon period?

500-1066 CE: named after Angles and Saxon. Germanic tribes destroyed Roman culture.

Christianity disappeared.

Tribal Law replaced Roman Law

England divided into numerous Kingdoms.

Pressure of viking invasions caused the Celts, Angles and Saxons to unify.

Justinian r.527-565 CE

briefly restored Roman empire, but western portions were soon lot after death.

Main Characteristics of the Byzantine Empire

A Greek state

a Christian Orthodox State

a Military state: 25 provinces of the empire were ruled by military commanders.

Absolute monarchy: an autocracy, believed emperor was chosen by god.

No real division between church and state

emperor appointed the Patriarch

common goal to preserve Orthodoxy