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89 Cards in this Set

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Thomas Hobbes
Englishman with a pessimistic view of human nature, wrote Leviathan(monster within bible)
"The life of a man in the state of nature is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short."
Bishop Bossuet
Court Chaplin to Louis 14, wrote textbooks as the tutor to his stupid son. "Politique" Political Theory according to the bible.
John Locke
Englishman arguing for liberalism. Supported revolution, agreed with Hobbes. Humans have the right to change gov if it goes against their rights.
(1473-43) Heliocentric universe, sun center of universe.
Tycho Brahe
Astronomer. Silver nose. Mix of heliocentric and geocentric.
Joannes Kepler
Heliocentric, elliptical orbits
Telescopic observations, invents telescope!
Francis Baccon
Corrupt politician, first to write an English Essay. Use facts & experiment to determine life.
Rene Descartes
Begins by doubting everything, starts within his own mind.
"Cogito Ergo Sum" I think, therefor I am
Isaac Newton
Physics. Nature's laws.
Pierre Bayle
Examined Christianity and the bible as if it were just another book. Biblical Criticism.
David Hume
Skeptic & Atheist(One of few who were publicly open)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
We are born good, but society makes us bad. Therefore, if you change society, you will change humans. "Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains."
Baron de Montesquieu
Separation of power. Anti-Absolutism.
Adam Smith
Economy exists to satisfy our individual needs: pursuit of self interest. Specialization of labour. Free trade.
Cesare Beccaria
Italian- Prison reform, calls for the end of cruel prison punishment, purpose to change the individual.
Anti-Death Penalty
Edmund Burke
Wrote "Reflections on the Revolution in France." 1790. Not a popular idea.
John Wesley
Methodist, urged people to devote themselves to religion. Desire for Moral Reform. To abolish slavery, as well as all other social vices.
Louis XVI(16)
Not very bright, in order to gain popularity he restores old courts. France in debt. Calls Estates-General to Versailles. Executed by guillotine for treason (1793)
Louis XV(15)
Uses absolutism to abolish venal courts(where nobles buy/sell titles. Appoints new state paid officials & taxes nobles.
Radical political leader of a group dominating the assembly(1792)
Lawyer, true revolutionary, a man of no passion except ruthlessness. Terror is justice.
Georges Danton
Lawyer, passionate, popular with the mob.
Jean-Paul Marat
Violent Newspaper Editor, frequently calling for someone's killing. Hideous skin condition, contracted by "hiding in the sewers of London." Killed in bath tube.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Military leader. Conquers Egypt. Overthrows own government. Establishes 3 counsels, makes himself the head. Needlessly invades Haiti, a big failure(army dies of yellow fever)
Emperor Napoleon I, playing off Roman Empire.
Invades Russia, fails, runs away. Abdicated to Elba(they give him a tiny island to rule) Doesn't get the hint, gathers army, returns to Britain, defeated, and re-abdicated to St. Helena now, poisoned and dies in 1821.
Husband killed by revolution, sleeps her way up the ladder and marries NB
Gracches Babouf
"Conspiracy of Equals" If you abolish human property & distinctions, you can rid the world of unhappiness.
Begins his movement by killing off people with glasses, deemed bad, so killed!
Louis XVIII(18)
Rules France, when it is taken to runs away to Britain. No children.
Duke of Wellington
Beats Napoleon B in an Epic battle at Waterloo for Britain.
Charles X
Brother to Louis. The ultra, unsuccessful attempts at rolling the cloak back to 1788 (Limit franchise, abolish free press) Deposed and replaced by Louis-Philippe
First of the orleanist dynasty
Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
Wrote the Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx
"Scientific Socialism" Writer. Supported by Engels
Rich kid that supported Marx, got his money from his fathers factories. Finished Marx's "Capital" writings.
"Propaganda by deed" Terrorism. Trying to provoke ruling class into being tyrants. was a Russian revolutionary, philosopher, and theorist of collectivist anarchism.
Charles Darwin
Wrote "Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection." Beagle Voyage.
Sigmund Freud
Proposed that much of the human mind laid beneath the common level. His theory divided the mind into three sections, ID, EGO, & SUPER EGO
Wrote "In Praise of Folly" a funny book about church.
Vulgate translation in Latin.
Wondering Dutch scholar, writes Satire.
John Colet
Historical Interpretation, had a desire to get back to original meaning.
Bible was read in four ways:
Now a Mexican city. The sun god needed steady supply of human blood so they gathered their prisoners and tossed em over.
Ottoman Empire
Asia. Creates an army of kidnapped boys: Janossaries.
Zheng He/Cheng Ho
Ming Dynasty, China. Muslim unit, not Chinese.
Discovers Brazil, claims for Portugal.
St. Francis Xaviar & Matteo Ricci
Missionarys. Introduced and converted a small amount of Catholic Christianity to Asia. (China/India) Success at Chinese imperial court.
Sailed the ocean blue! For Spanish.
Was rebuffed by Portuguese, as he was wrong about the length of the Earth.
Alexander VI
Treaty of Tordesillas(Newly discovered lands outside of Europe, divides world through the Atlantic)
Hernan Cortes
Pizarro Brothers
Conqure Inca empire in Peru. Had a massive effect, turned the Americas upside down.
Martin Luther
Religious crisis sees god as always judging, wanted to be a laywer. Was spiritual tormented, however turned out to be a German monk, priest, professor of theology and seminal figure of the Protestant Reformation. He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money.
"One man with truth outweighs everything else."
95 theses and nailed them to the door of a church in Germany.
Johann Tetzel
German monk, salesman of indulgences. Sang a catchy jingle.
Frederick the Wise
One of the most powerful early defenders of Martin Luther, Lutheranism, and the Protestant Reformation.
Charles V Habsburg
Holy Roman Emperor and Archduke of Austria. From that point forward, his empire spanned nearly four million square kilometers across Europe, the Far East, and the Americas.
First king of Spain
Andreas von Karlstadt
Theolgen, noble birth. More radical than Luther
151 Theses in 1517
Thomas Muntzer
Prominent reform rebel leader(Peasants' War), spiritualist, believed the end of the world was near.
Prince Arthur Tudor married to Katherine of Aragon
He dies soon after the Anglican Reform(1490's).
Married her while they were both quite young.
Henry VIII
Brother to Prince Arthur Tudor. Falls in love with Katherine of Aragon, in order to marry her they require a DISPENSATION. They marry. She has miscarriages. He sought an annulment of his marriage to Catherine, making him free to marry again. Which he continued to do.
Six wives.
Katherine of Aragon
Widowed, than dumped by her second husband(Henry VIII) for his mistress.
Anne Boleyn
Henry VIII wanted her as his mistress, she would not. It was marry or nothing. So marry her he did. Had a daughter, Elizabeth. And two miscarriages.
She was found guilty of adultery(but really it was b/c she didn't have a boy), with little proof, and beheaded in 1536 at Tower Green.
Thomas Cranmer
Archbishop of Canterbury, Anne became a crowned and anointed Queen in a ceremony led by him. Convinces king to get rid of her after no son.
Burnt at stake by orders of Bloody Mary
Jane Seymour
Within 24 hours of Anne Boleyn's execution, Jane and Henry VIII were formally betrothed. Never had a coronation. Had a son named Edward. Died two weeks later.
Anne of Cleves
Henry VII had sent painters to capture images of potential wives, wrote up the contract, but open seeing her he was unhappy. She was not suited for life in his court, he had been trying to make foregin friends at the royal level. Their married was annulled six months later, quite peacefully.
Awared titled of "king's sister"
Kathryn Howard
Married Henry VII 16 days after annulment with Anne, she cheered him up, however two years later she was found guilty of adultery and executed on the Tower Green.
Catherine Parr
A protestant widow, whom Edward (Son of Henry VII) grows up with. Died giving birth to a daughter, Marry.(By Thomas Seymour whom she secretly married after Henrys death)
Edward VI
Son of Jane Seymour & Henry VIII. He was a sick child, with tuberculosis. Was a young king, died six years after becoming king.
Book of Common Prayer
Marries clergy
England turns to Protestantism.
Lady Jane Gray
Queen for nine days, coup/brought down by Mary, the true heir to the throne by the will of her father, Henry VIII
"Bloody" Marry I
Despite the coo of Jane Gray being a short queen, she is eventually awarded the crown.
Returns England to Catholicism(Big fight, takes a few years)
Marries Philip of Spain (much younger(son of Charles V) who is given Spain, Netherlands, Americas & Phillippines by his dad.
Burnt 300 protestants at the stake.
Burnt Cranmer at the stake(he was responsible for her mother's divorce)
Elizabeth I
Daughter of Anne Boleyn & Henry VIII
"Virgin Queen"
Restores protestantism
Cermonial bishops
Opposed by Putitans(want reform of church)
Supports European protestants
Gave men & money to religious wars.
Ignatius Loyola
Founded the Society of Jesus
Charles V
Raged war.
Retires and splits Empire, giving some to his brother and son.
Brother of Charles V
Given Holy Roman Empire
Czar Nicolas II
Absolute ruler of the Russians during the revolution(1905)
Frightened into reform, puts democracy in place.
Deposed in 1917
Alexander Kerensky
Provisional democracy under him. Made two big mistakes
-Continues war
- Release political prisoners.
Leon Trotsky
Leading organizer of soviets
Came back from the west
according to Lenin, brilliant but too flashy.
Comes from Serbia
Went to wrong seminary, became a sketchy man. Reads Marx. Expelled, moves on to being a low level thug in communist parties.
Editor of newspaper.
Came back form Switzerland)– deliberately transported across Europe by Germans, trying to harm Russia with communism)
Wins Civil war?
Russian Marxist, Bolshevik revolutionary, and Soviet politician.
Smartest, but lack of initiative, according to Lenin to take over for him.
Stalin(man of steel)
Josef Vissarionvich Dgugashuilli
from a town in the mountains named "Georgia"
Too rude, lack of socialist skills according to Lenin.
All other prospects supported Stalin when Lenin died.
Soleman the Magnificent
Emperor who takes part in polygamy, having many sons, making them fight until the death for the throne. However, his maid wife convinces him to make their son Selene the next emperor.
Prime Minister of France alongside King Henry III
Duc De Guise
(Henry I French)
After the French throne
Murdered by Henry III
King Henry of Navarre
IV of France
Married to Margerite Valois
Part of 3 Henrys War.
The only one left after both are murdered.
Wars continue until he converts in 93.
Edict of Nante(Toleration by exhaustion, brings toleration of Protestant in France)
assassinated in 1610 by François Ravaillac, a fanatical Catholic.
Henry III of France
Murders Guise(On Chirstmas 1588)
Murdered 1589
Louis XI
Son of King Henry of Navarre(IV)
Continues toleration.
Homosexual, ignored wife.
King during the 3 musketeers
Marie de' Medici
Wife to Henry IV, mother of Louis XI who she was exiled by for mismanagement of the throne while she was overseeing his youth on the crown.
Prime Minister Cardinal Richelieu
Prime minister of France during the reign of Louis XI
Governed much of the kingdom of France under duty of the king.
Weakened protestantism & nobility, war against Protestant military
Increased tax power of king
Banned dueling, only nobles were allowed to.
Louis XIV "God Given" (FRANCE)
Sun God
Nickname b/c his mother, Anne of Austria had had 4 stillbirths before him.
He and his mother were close
When his father died he was put in power, young, so his mother acted on a council as his regent.
converted a hunting lodge built by Louis XIII into the spectacular Palace of Versailles
Bankrupts country
Wanted to be king of Spain
King Carlos of Spain
'Enchanted' = Mentally ill
last of Haspbury rulers
James VI Scotland
James I England
King of scotland, cousin to Elizabeth of England.
He takes over upon her death, becoming king of both Scotland & England
First male king of england since 1509
Wanted to be absolute, however england had a strong parliament, which he did not like.
New bible "King James Bible"
Unpopular King
Sells titles, invents "baront"(new nobility/inherited knighthood)
Homo~ Boyfriend gets to close to the throne.
Charles I
Son of James I of England/VI of Scotland